I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1135 The Incarnation of Life

Ganser invited: On this special day, you happen to come to Oua, and both of you are multiverse moral experts.

I caught a glimpse of the conspicuous arrogance and pride on Harley's face, and the high moral and respectable Caganther felt in her throat, and she really couldn't spit it out.

If Hallie knew what he was thinking, she would definitely cry out that he was wronged. She just smiled normally, how could she be so complacent?

Both of them are famous and influential figures in the multiverse. They can help us be witnesses to the agreement between the Green Lantern Corps and the Guardians.

Didn't you make an agreement with Kyle? Harley asked strangely.

She rode Yebi to Oa early, and hid aside to witness the entire process of Kyle's change of government and system.

Ganser explained: Kyle is the bearer of the torch, and what I gave him is the promise of the guardian.

The Torchbearer does not have the authority to make green light laws.

Just like you in the United States, even if you save the world as a 'five-ring general', you can only make suggestions on a certain bill, and the legislative power belongs to Congress.

In the Green Lantern Corps, the formal agreement is between the Corps Commander and the Guardians.

The legion commander represents the legion and tells the guardians the summary of practical experience, and the guardians perfect it into law.

This is a tradition that the Green Lantern Corps has adhered to for billions of years, and more than half of the Ten Commandments of the Green Lantern are derived from this.

Harley was skeptical of his words.

The only Green Lantern Corps leaders she had ever met, Hal and Sinestro, were not good children.

If they could put forward their opinions and be accepted by the guardian, they would most likely have revised the second article of the Ten Commandments.

I'm very busy and don't have time to watch your speeches, canvassing, and elections here. She frowned.

There is no need to vote. The Legion Commander is appointed by the Guardians. I have already planned to choose Hal Jordan as the new Legion Commander this term! Ganser said solemnly.

Harley was shocked at first, but when she thought about it carefully, now that the Green Lantern Corps has just been formed, the Lanterns are either new recruits or crooked melons.

Hal, who has rich experience, experienced strong winds and waves, and has a more mature character and belief, is really the most suitable for the position of army commander.

It's more appropriate than him falling into a time demon.

The question is, will the most suitable one be placed in the most correct position?

Harley also felt that she was most suitable to be the leader of Silver City.

Where's Kyle? she asked.

Kyle is actually a green light newcomer, but his resume is too perfect and he has too much credit.

He will join the honor guard and become a 'Green Lantern of Glory', just like the face of the Green Lantern Corps. Ganser said.

It was the first time Harley heard that the Green Lantern Corps had an honor guard.

Isn't this guard of honor specially set up by you for Kyle?

Gunther said seriously: Not every great Green Lantern has management talent. You have made countless contributions to the earth, why didn't you become the president of the United States?

Because the president of the United States also has to listen to me. Harley said calmly.

Gunther choked, Only a Green Lantern like Kyle who has made great achievements but lacks leadership talent is qualified to enter the honor guard and enjoy the authority and glory that the Green Lantern Corps has earned in the universe over billions of years.

I think Kyle has a leadership style. Harley said.

Before Ganser could say anything, Kyle jumped up like a frightened rabbit and waved his hands repeatedly: No, no, no, I don't have leadership talent. I am very satisfied to be the honorary green light of the honor guard.

Harry was dumbfounded, this is something that cannot be put on the table!

Heavenly Father was really tired of listening to their chattering for a long time, and said loudly: Harley, you are not the Green Lantern, no matter who they choose to be the leader of the Corps. Hurry up and complete the ceremony, let's talk openly and honestly.

Hal rejected Gunther.

He is willing to accept a Lantern Ring and continue to serve the Green Lantern Corps, but he is unwilling to serve as the leader of the Corps.

I don't deserve it, and I don't want to take on too much responsibility. His answer was very simple and firm.

Moreover, he currently has no plans to return to the Legion.

Because Kyle resurrected his relatives, he had to settle them down and spend some quality time with them.

Although Kyle deliberately deleted their experiences as undead in heaven and hell when resurrecting them, American society still remembers them.

Will treat them differently.

It is impossible to say that there will be ostracism and exclusion, and Hal will have to deal with these.

In the end, the newly resurrected Kilowog took a big advantage and became the acting army commander.

Harley did not attend the Big Guys Tea Party that followed.

Only Ganser and Heavenly Father don't know what to say openly and honestly.

However, after the meeting with Ganser, Heavenly Father also found Harley alone and said that he would keep an eye on Kyle Rayner in the future.

Why are you staring at him? Could it be that the life force he used to resurrect the little blue man was really the life equation? Harley asked doubtfully.

Although the white light vitality in Hal's body is very strange, she has the emotional element of love, and she also extracted a ray of real life equation from the origin wall. She has been in direct contact with all three energies, and there is no similarity between the former and the latter two. place, otherwise she would have begun to doubt which turn she would get the Heavenly Father.

How do you think I found Oua Star? Heavenly Father asked.

When Kyle resurrected the little blue man, did you detect the breath of the life equation? Well, you said that yourself.

I lied, I didn't feel the breath of life. Heavenly Father said.

Harley suddenly remembered the last time she was at the Origin Wall. As soon as she extracted a ray of energy from the life equation, Heavenly Father and Metron came to find her. At that time, it was an anomaly discovered by Metron, and Heavenly Father did not feel it.

Is it Metron?

Heavenly Father shook his head in denial again, This is my true body, which came from the Creation Star, and my clone and Metron are still at the Origin Wall.

I was able to detect the abnormality on Oa because since I discovered that the equation of life is related to the emotional spectrum, I started looking for the Seven Lantern Corps, and Oa was a key monitoring target.

I was alarmed when the central energy lamp furnace was recast.

Not only me, but many great beings in the Divine Realm have set their sights on this.

Harley has no doubt about this. The two recent major events that shocked the DC universe, Zero Hour and the Sun-Eating Beast, are both related to Green Lantern. It would be strange for the Supreme Being not to pay attention to the changes in the Green Lantern Corps.

She is sure that after Kyle resurrects the little blue man this time, more people will pay attention to the Green Lantern Corps.

When Kyle Rayner recast the lamp furnace, I paid attention to him. Later, he spent a lot of time resurrecting the Guardian clan, but I did not come to Oa immediately. When he resurrected the dead Green Lantern, I still did not move.

When everything was over, I suddenly couldn't help but take action. Why?

Harry was also surprised before, the timing of Heavenly Father's action was very strange.

He didn't take action early or late, but waited until Kyle exhausted the white light life force in his body before he appeared.

Heavenly Father said with a complicated expression: I only noticed something strange after getting close to Oua.

When Kyle Reiner completes his mission, I plan to go to Oa in person to congratulate Ganser, congratulate him on the rebirth of his tribe and the rebuilding of his legion. I will also ask him about the Life Equation.

Before the Green Lantern Corps was destroyed, Oa was deserted, and I never found him.

When I got close to Oa, the source of the life equation in my body suddenly started to stir. It wanted to leave me and go to Kyle Reina.

It was only then that I suddenly realized that Kyle Rayner's energy to resurrect the Guardians must be related to the Life Equation, and he himself was probably the carrier of the Life Equation.

Gunther must know this.

I see.

Even though she had made some guesses before, Harley was still a little shocked when she got the exact answer from her Heavenly Father.

Not only was Kyle's talent shocking, but he was even more amazed by the little blue man's methods.

They bet on Hal, the incarnation of will, and Kyle, the incarnation of life, in succession. They were so accurate. How did they do it?

Just the Book of Oa that she despised so much?

After careful calculation, although the Green Lantern Corps has repeatedly encountered the crisis of annihilation in recent years, the final outcome is that the Corps pays off its magic debt ahead of schedule, and all the Little Blue Men are reborn - more like deleting accounts and retraining.

No burden, avoid minefields and mistakes, start from scratch.

Even if thousands and thousands of Green Lanterns die, there is no shortage of people in the universe. Someone can quickly fill up the Legion without affecting Oua's combat effectiveness at all.

With the demographic dividend of the entire DC universe, the Green Lantern Corps is least afraid of annihilation.

Heavenly Father looked at Harley, whose expression changed a lot, and said meaningfully: I am telling you this because I hope you understand what Kyle Rayner means to me.

Now, Kyle Rayner is mine, are you okay with that?

Harley asked calmly: What are you going to do? Capture Kyle and take him to the Genesis Star for dissection and research?

I will watch his every move and wait for the critical moment to come.

Heavenly Father paused and stared sharply at Harley.

Harley understood that he was waiting for her to realize her feelings and take the initiative to make a commitment.

I understand. When the time comes, I will close my eyes and not be able to see him. Harley sold Kyle very simply, and patted her heavenly father on the arm with a smile, What's the relationship between us, just Kyle Rayner? , not even my friend!

Heavenly Father smiled gently.

Brothers, friends and sisters are respectful, and the atmosphere is very harmonious.

Hal, Heavenly Father wants to mess with you, so I will sell you.

The next afternoon, Harley wore a Gaia ring, turned on 10,000 times the gravity, and was sweating in the yard. Kyle came over unexpectedly, and then she simply sold her Heavenly Father to her brother. .

What? Kyle was stunned and didn't react.

Heavenly Father came yesterday because you were able to react to the source of the equation of life.

Hallie repeated the conversation she had with Heavenly Father, and said with a smile: You have to be careful in the future. He is targeting you. He even warned me in advance and told me not to interfere at that time. I agreed.

Kyle paused for a while before saying: I was just about to tell you that when Heavenly Father handed that ray of white light to me yesterday, I could feel myself echoing it.

It seemed that it wanted to enter my body.

Oh, I was wrong. Harley stopped the weight-bearing training, took a towel, and wiped the sweat while sighing: I thought that after this wave, you would be like Hal, drained of your essence and destiny, and become useless. Value people 'scum'.

Unexpectedly, your destiny has just begun, and there will be a lot of disasters waiting for you to overcome in the future.

Kyle didn't like listening to her words or the tone of speaking to her, but although her words didn't sound good and they didn't necessarily make sense, they often came true one by one.

He felt even more uncomfortable. He was already so miserable, and she still said sarcastic words, which made his heart ache.

Moreover, she sold him to Heavenly Father. Oh, no, Heavenly Father was sold to her again.

Kyle's mind was in a mess, What disasters will there be in the future? Now that Heavenly Father is targeting me, what should I do?

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