Heavenly Father actually did not launch a psychic attack on Green Lantern or use any other attack method.

He only reveals part of his true form in the material world.

Limbo is a five-dimensional world. The people, gods, and demons in Limbo are basically high-dimensional beings. Their life frequencies are much higher than those in the four-dimensional material world.

This high-frequency life state has many abilities that are magical in the eyes of ordinary people but ordinary in the eyes of five-dimensional people, such as rapid recovery of injuries and blurring of vital points - like game characters with health bars.

This is actually not surprising.

It can be easily understood by reducing the perspective to two and three dimensions.

Two-dimensional people live in a paper world and have no height. Ordinary earth people simply look into the distance, which is a miracle and unimaginable in the eyes of two-dimensional people.

In the eyes of a two-dimensional person, a three-dimensional person's jumping action over a hurdle is like opening a space gate and teleporting: there is no detour to avoid the fence, but directly passing through the non-existent top, which is amazing.

When ordinary three-dimensional people in the material world enter the two-dimensional paper world, they will lose their ability to see and hurdle.

This is frequency reduction.

When the beings in Limbo come to the material world, their frequencies will be reduced to adapt to the current cosmic environment.

Supreme beings are different from ordinary high-dimensional beings in that they can force upgrading.

It's not that they adapt to the environment, but that the environment adapts to them.

If you don't adapt, you will be destroyed.

The size of any supreme being is larger than a physical universe.

When the Supreme reveals part of its body, the frequency increases by a level, just like opening a small box with a side of two meters in a cubic box with a side of one meter.

When the Supreme Being fully reveals its true form and the frequency rises to the highest level, it is like placing a lead ball on the flat, soft sand. The lead ball collapses downwards, creating a hole. The surrounding sand clatters closer to the lead ball - the entire universe collapses towards the Supreme Being. .

Of course, there are differences between people, and there are differences between universes.

During the multiverse, Earth 0 was the main universe, and the rules and origins were stronger. Although it was still a box with a side of 1 meter, the box was made of wooden boards, and a plastic box with a side of 2 meters would be difficult to break.

After Crisis on Infinite Earths, the multiverse disappeared, and the origin was condensed into one place to form a large universe, which is more solid than the main universe during the multiverse period.

Directly changing from wooden boards to iron boards, it will be more difficult for the plastic box to break it.

The creation star dominates the Heavenly Father. It is a plastic box made of composite materials, which is relatively hard.

He did not directly harm the Green Lantern who attacked him, but only released the frequency seal of his body, allowing the Oa star under his feet and the nearby starry sky to collapse towards him - before the collapse, the laws and rules of the universe collapsed first, the environment changed, and Green Lantern The nature of existence cannot adapt, which is equivalent to being unable to survive in the new environment.

So one by one it was like having food poisoning, their eyes turned white, their faces were swollen and blue, they were foaming at the mouth, and fell unconscious.

Isaya, what are you doing?!

Ganser shouted angrily. This time he no longer addressed him as Heavenly Father, but directly called out the names of his Essence Club teammates.

Not only was he unaffected, but the little blue people around him only wiped away tears in fear and did not faint.

During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, the Anti-Monitor King also came to the material world. He had no worries and directly raised the frequency to the highest point.

Firstly, Earth 0 is the main universe, and secondly, the tuning fork of the universe is protecting the universe. At that time, the material world only collapsed, not collapsed directly. The heroes of the Earth at that time were still able to besiege the Anti-Monitor King.

Not dizzy.

Because they adapt to high-frequency environments.

As long as the soul is stronger or has stayed in the Limbo dimension for a period of time, it can adapt to the environmental changes caused by the Heavenly Father to a certain extent.

Most of the Green Lanterns on site are rookies who have just joined the job.

It’s hard to say that just a few hours ago, some people were just dishwashers in an alien restaurant!

They attacked me because they offended me. Heavenly Father said solemnly.

Attack damage is nothing since Green Lantern does zero real damage to him.

But this idea and behavior of attacking the Supreme angered him.

If Gunther hadn't been one of the Essence Club teammates, Heavenly Father wouldn't even bother to talk to him.

If you hadn't forced your way into Oa and hijacked Kyle Reina in public, how could they attack you? Ganser said solemnly.

Heavenly Father looked down at Kyle, who was not dizzy and still struggling, but frowned slightly.

——He didn’t even break away from his casual grasp. What kind of rubbish strength is this? Moreover, his body was completely empty, and there was no strange energy left.

If you hadn't been hiding the secret of the life equation from me, why should I-- He said, then let go of his hand and threw Kyle to the ground. Gunther, you understand what I want, and you understand why I am so urgent. .

Unexpectedly, he broke the unspoken rules between supreme beings and descended directly into the material world in his true body.

The Green Lantern Corps doesn't have what you want, Gunther said.

There is anger rising in the eyes of the Father.

Then what are they? He pointed at the little blue men around him who were cowering and looking at him in fear, and shouted angrily, Darkseid has obtained the Anti-Life Equation!

If he hadn't been unlucky, he would have fallen into the trap of Witch Harley.

If I hadn't tried my best to dissuade Harley from negotiating with Darkseid, at least try to delay it as long as possible.

At this moment, Apokolips and Chuangshixing were already fighting.

The entire material universe was devastated and plunged into darkness along with all living beings.

The only thing that can deal with the Dark Lord is the Life Equation!

I asked Hallie to delay the negotiations to buy time to find the equation of life.

You clearly know where the equation is and how to get it out of the Origin Wall, but you selfishly monopolize it, only want your people to enjoy its great power, and refuse to let me use it to save the multiverse.

Ganse's expression was indifferent, but there were several thoughts in his heart.

He wanted to say to his Heavenly Father: Believe me, brother, neither the anti-life equation nor the life equation is a good thing. They are a curse and a poison, especially to the supreme being.

But he also understood that if he said this, it would be equivalent to admitting that he knew the equation of life very well.

With Heavenly Father's current obsession with the equation of life, he will definitely not listen to persuasion and will intensify his persecution against him and the Green Lantern Corps.

So, you can only lie.

I really don't know where the equation of life is. The resurrection of the Guardians is a prophecy in the Book of Oa, and it is also because Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner made huge sacrifices one after another.

They sacrificed the huge life energy in their bodies in exchange for the new life of the dead.

The material universe is not limited to today's resurrection event. Why am I only alarmed by you? Heavenly Father sneered.

I'm also curious as to why you keep staring at the Green Lantern Corps and always believe that I know the secret of the equation of life. Gunther said.

It was you who attracted me here. Heavenly Father's eyes flashed and he pointed at Kyle and said, Just now, when he resurrected your people in the central battery, I sensed the breath of the life equation.

He is lying.

When Kyle resurrected the little blue man, Darkseid sensed it, but Heavenly Father did not sense the breath of the equation of life.

He was able to find him for another reason.

But I don't know the equation of life! Kyle shouted excitedly: That's the life energy that Hal Jordan left me, it's his life force!

Heavenly Father said lightly: It is not pure, it only has the breath of a part of the life equation. Or, what do you think it is?

Kyle shook his head and said: I have heard the Justice League mention the Life Equation many times, but I have never understood it in detail. Even if it is placed in front of me, I don't recognize it.

If you say that the power of resurrecting the Guardian has the breath of the Life Equation, I can only express surprise and cannot give a reason.

Many people have seen the process by which I obtained that power. That is Hal’s legacy to the Green Lantern Corps!

Look what this is!

Heavenly Father stretched his arms forward and opened his palms. A wisp of white light as thin as a hair floated and swayed above his palms.

This is- Kyle immediately noticed something unusual.

He vaguely felt that he could control it, and he was extremely eager. No, it was not a desire in his heart, but he felt its will, and it was longing for him?

Kyle was stunned.

Heavenly Father looked at him deeply, then turned to Ganser, What do you say now?

What's this?

Ganse's heart was also filled with turmoil, but there was a look of doubt on his face.

——This is pure life equation energy, the power of white light! Where did Heavenly Father find it? It should have been hidden in the deepest part of the Origin Wall, and could never appear in the material world.

Heavenly Father carefully studied Ganse's expression and mental fluctuations, and found nothing unusual. Ganse was really only surprised and confused.

Well, the little blue man's racial talent is the power of the mind.

Not to mention concealing emotions, they can even cut off the instinct to generate emotions if they get ruthless.

Harley Quinn gave it to me.

Heavenly Father told Harley about how she discarded the mechanical Superman head and accidentally discovered strange energy in the crack of the Origin Wall.

He also emphasized that Harley's yellow light energy had miraculous effects on white light.

It probably has nothing to do with the green light, at least I don't know. Gunther shook his head.

Stop talking about yellow lights, green lights, and red lights. It makes no difference to you, the Guardian clan. You just chose the green light from the seven-color lights. It's not that you can only control the energy of the green light. Heavenly Father said.

You know the history of the Guardians. Have we ever obtained the Life Equation even for a moment? Or are we directly related to it?

After a pause, Gunther said sarcastically: Since Harley Quinn can pick up the Life Equation on the road, why can't Kyle's life force contain part of the Life Equation?

Hey, old boy, are you thinking about me? A loud shout came from the sky, and then a majestic fire unicorn was seen galloping towards me on the flames.

It was Harley riding Yebby.

Harry, you... Kyle was a little surprised, and then he suddenly realized, Have you been hiding on the edge before?

I didn't hide. I was watching the show openly.

Brother Isaya, old man Ganser, I have enough troubles of my own. Please don't involve me in the equation of life.

After saying that, Harley looked at Kyle again, By the way, there is also my friend. He also knows nothing. Now his potential has been drained and he has been reduced to a mediocre 'scum'. Don't embarrass him anymore.

Heavenly Father only glanced at her, then turned to Ganser and said, Let's talk alone.

Ganser sighed inwardly and nodded slightly, Okay, but Heavenly Father, please wait a moment.

Today is a special day for Legion Rebirth, and we want to announce to the universe that Green Light is back.

In addition, the legion must also elect a new legion commander and establish a new management framework.

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