I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1132 Reversing Life and Death

Revise the second rule of the Green Lantern Commandment? All the Green Lanterns were in an uproar.

Looking at the torch bearer who made such a rebellious request directly to the guardian, Old Green Lantern felt mixed emotions.

There was shock, there was anger.

There is also some expectation for the new legion and respect for Hal Jordan.

The new Green Lantern murmurs about the legitimacy of the Second Commandment.

As long as you don't have a clever mind, or you are not an ancient person who just came from feudal civilization, you will feel a sense of resistance when you hear unconditional observance.

However, in the past, lanterns were recruited one by one. New lanterns could only blend into the environment, and were unable or afraid to change the environment.

Even if they are contradictory in their hearts, there are 3,600 lanterns and everyone else is honest. You are the only newcomer who is resistant. Why do you?

And then you think: If other Lanterns can accept it, maybe this makes sense in the Green Lantern Corps?

How do you want to modify it? Gunther asked.

Kyle said loudly: With restrictions, Green Lantern must unconditionally obey the Guardian's orders only in emergencies.

And the guardian who issued the order afterward must give a reasonable explanation.

For the mission assigned by the Guardian, the Lantern risked his life.

We have the right to understand what we are doing and why.

Even if you want us to sacrifice, you have to let us die clearly.

Well said! Guy Gardner exclaimed excitedly.

The other lanterns didn't shout, but looked at Kyle with excitement and admiration.

Prestige doesn’t happen in a vacuum.

It was built step by step.

Both Hal and Kyle were too simple-minded in the early stages and regarded the Green Lantern Corps as a heroic organization with pure ideas and simple organizational structure, so they did not think about establishing their own prestige.

As a result, at the critical moment, they really didn't have much prestige left.

Now Kyle has inadvertently established a great image of Torchbearer in the heart of Green Lantern.

Kyle ignored the Lantern's discussion and continued: Whether the reasons given by the Guardian are reasonable, refer to the other nine Green Lantern commandments.

If the Lantern does not agree with the Guardian's reasons, he can invite a third-party force that has made outstanding contributions to the peace of the universe and can represent justice in the world to be the referee.

If it is ultimately proven that the Guardian's orders violate the Green Lantern Code, the Guardian will be punished the same as the offending Lantern.

Guy Gardner wanted to applaud and shout OK again, but was stopped by the black lantern next to him who also came from the earth.

The alien lanterns can cheer for Kyle, but as fellow earthlings, they feel they are dissatisfied if they can join the Legion. If they cheer for Kyle again, what will others think?

Ganser took a deep look at Kyle and said: The reason why there is a second commandment is because the guardian strictly follows the will of the Book of Oa, but this is difficult to explain and cannot be explained.

Kyle immediately said: The Book of Oa may be able to predict a big crisis on the multiverse level.

But the Green Lantern Corps is just a heroic team of passionate mortals.

We have no need or ability to set excessively high requirements for ourselves.

He who does not plan for the eternity is not enough to plan for the moment - this sounds good, but there is a premise: he is the master of a country, or the master of the universe.

The plans of the leader of a country, whether right or wrong, can actually affect the future of the country.

But if he is just a mayor, no matter how sophisticated his plan is, the people who will affect the future of the country are those with higher positions than him.

We are not the masters of the universe.

We are not as good as the Supreme Being, let alone God.

Even if the Book of Oa really predicts the future correctly and the Supreme Being refuses to obey, what can you do?

Therefore, the new Green Lantern Corps does not need to make those vain prophecies, but only needs to focus on the present and reality.

We are just cosmic police, and we should not position ourselves higher than this limit.

Do the police need to plan for eternity?

Only people with mental problems would think this way.

We only focus on the present.

Even if the current 'justice' may threaten the interests of the future universe, the current justice is still justice, and violating it is unjust.

The average lifespan of a Green Lantern is not even more than four years, and he can't even care about it now.

Even if there is a big crisis in the future, leave it to the future Lanterns. If they can't handle it, they will look for someone who can handle the crisis.

If the sky falls, there will be a tall man to support it.

From Crisis on Infinite Earths to the present, many major events have proven that the Green Lantern Corps is by no means the tallest.

Of course, you Guardians are great immortals who can be ambitious and think long-term, but when you decide to secretly plot and hide the Green Lantern, please don't take the Lantern into your plan.

If there is an unspeakable prophecy obtained from the Book of Oa, carry it out yourselves.

You are not ordinary people who are powerless.

In fact, often the most powerful Lantern is not as powerful as an ordinary Guardian.

Kyle talked a lot, speaking very quickly, and his tone gradually became excited, and he was still breathing slightly after he finished speaking.

There was silence.

All the Green Lanterns stared at him blankly.

Although Kyle only emphasized the point of Don't position yourself too high as a Green Lantern in a long speech, the amount of information contained in it was too great.

Anyone who can be chosen as Green Lantern is not a fool.

Torchbearer is almost making it clear: the Guardians are toying with the fate of Green Lantern, using Green Lantern as a pawn. They are more powerful, but they hide behind the scenes.

Gunther noticed the complicated expressions on the Lanterns' faces, and even more noticed that although Kyle's voice was rapid, there were many interesting and repetitive sentences in his words, and his arguments were not fluent.

But the logic is very clear, and the views are extremely clear.

This is by no means a last-minute thought.

——Kyle has an expert behind him.

It's probably the nosy witch Harley.

Gunther felt terrible when he thought about the Witch Harley.

That guy is so good at jumping and offending people, why hasn't he been beaten to death yet?

You are the torch bearer. If everyone agrees with your suggestion to change the law, then let's change it. Ganser said calmly.

This is not a suggestion, this is an agreement between Green Lantern and the Guardians. Kyle looked around the Lanterns and said in a loud voice: I will not ask you for suggestions. This agreement is the power I fight for you.

Since it is power, one can freely choose to accept or reject it.

The reason why I don't ask for your suggestions is because you are not qualified to represent all Green Lanterns.

As soon as this was said, the whole place was in an uproar.

Many lanterns who had begun to admire him looked at him in confusion. This was because he was cutting himself off from the people!

Kyle said slowly: We are just the Lanterns of this generation. There will be countless legions of 3,600 Lanterns in the future. We cannot represent them or everyone.

I say this because many Lanterns disagree with my point of view.

They unconditionally support the second commandment and are willing to obey the Guardians 100%.

Is there really such a person?

Is that man a fool? A new lantern asked suspiciously.

Tomatoji's face turned red again, I believe in the Guardian and the Book of Oa.

It's because of the Guardians and the Book of Oa that the Green Lantern Corps has been able to survive for billions of years.

The more you see in the universe, the more you understand how difficult it is for the Green Lantern Corps to achieve this level.

Kyle glanced at the chicken head and the old green light beside him, and he admired Harley's foresight even more.

The agreement between me and the Guardians is to give Green Lantern benefits and power. You can choose to claim this power, or you can continue to obey the Guardians' orders unconditionally and without reason, he said.

He didn't understand it at first, and like the new Green Lantern, he was shocked by the statement that all the current Lanterns cannot represent the Lanterns.

Harley was very mean and said coolly: Some people are born to be slaves and get happiness from it, but what is more terrifying than slaves is the slave of faith. Guardians are to some Lanterns what God is to devout Christians.

Okay, I make this agreement with you on behalf of the Guardian. It will become the supplementary clause of the second article of the Green Lantern Commandment. Gunther said simply.

The Torch Bearer obviously came prepared, and it was Witch Harley who made preparations for him.

If he refuses, he will probably make the Guardian's situation in the Legion even worse.

Kyle fell to the central lamp and held the handle of the lamp with his palm. The bright emerald light flashed and lines of text appeared on the surface of the lamp.

It is a complete and brand new Ten Commandments of Green Light.

Each lantern has its own small lamp furnace, because their lantern ring needs to be charged every 24 hours. When the energy of the small lamp furnace is exhausted, they need to find a central energy battery to recharge.

So, this new Ten Commandments will be visible to every Lantern, every charge.

After recording the Ten Commandments, Kyle was not finished.

The bearer takes the torch from the heroes of the past and passes it on to the new heroes of today. Who does my torch come from?

Some old green lights looked at Gunther. Kyle's light ring came from Gunther.

Kyle raised his light ring and said, Its last owner was Hal Jordan.

Everyone was stunned. This was not wrong, but Hal Jordan

Kyle stretched his hand forward and shot out a beam of green light, and a 100-meter-tall emerald statue gradually took shape from bottom to top.

He looked clearly like Hal Jordan.

Hal, the Green Lantern, is looking forward while holding the lantern.

Under the surprised and uncertain gazes of all the Lanterns, Kyle slowly said: The Green Lantern inheritance is not only the transfer of power, but also the transmission of spirit and belief.

I didn’t have a Lantern teacher, and the Green Lantern that influenced me the most was Hal Jordan.

My lamp ring is inherited from him, the power I use to reforge the central battery also comes from him, and my personal understanding of the spirit of the green lantern still comes from him.

A new Green Lantern Corps can be created thanks to his legacy.

In fact, his contribution to the Green Lantern Corps far exceeds this.

He finally carved a line of words on the base below the statue of Hal: The greatest Lantern, the light will never die.

Gunther, do you agree with what I say? Even if Hal Jordan once committed heinous crimes on this planet, he is still the creditor of all Green Lanterns, and we all owe him.

These words made all the Green Lanterns more and more suspicious.

Ganser, who was looked at with doubts by them, did not even refute.

Hal Jordan deserves this statue, Ganser sighed.

Besides devoting his strength and life to the Sun-Eating Beast crisis, what else has he done? Boudica, the amputated woman, asked loudly.

She had been Hal's friend, but on the day of the massacre of Oa, she went to stop Hal, but he cut off her hand.

The severed hand was thrown into outer space by Hal like garbage. The right elbow is still bare, but now there is a palm with green light energy.

He's paying off our debt.

Kyle briefly talked about the Star Heart.

Finally, he slowly floated off the ground and rushed into the central furnace.

Boom! Through the lamp mouth, the lanterns seemed to see a green sun boiling on the surface.

The green sun radiated light like a real storm, and even Ganser was caught off guard and turned over three or four times.

No matter how hard the other lanterns tried to control their bodies, they were still like leaves in the strong wind, being blown around by the breath transmitted by the lamp furnace.

What happened? the Lanterns exclaimed.

Rumble! The core of Oua seemed to have started a powerful engine, roaring and vibrating.

Boo! The green light from the lamp broke through, and a naked, chubby blue-skinned child jumped out.

Hehe, haha! Then one after another, the little blue men ran out of the lamp mouth.

Like a flock of chickens breaking through a fence.

They are all little blue men, all three or four-year-old children, laughing and jumping.

Not just men, but women too.

Hundreds and thousands.

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