I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1131 New Era, New Legion, New Rules

Ganser sighed: Now that Hal Jordan is alive, the debt to heaven is still there, and I don't know who will pay it back in the future.

Hal Jordan's fate is already very tragic. It is too much to pay Hecate's debt while alive and God's debt after death. The little blue woman shook her head repeatedly.

There is something different about little blue women and little blue men.

Before observing the hand of creation and causing the universe to split into multiverses, there was no difference between them.

But after the birth of the multiverse, men and women had different ideas about future development.

They have achieved family immortality and do not need to combine men and women to continue the race. Once men and women form opposition, they can immediately separate like a divorce.

The little blue men feel that they are responsible for the splitting of the universe into the multiverse, and they should bear the responsibility of maintaining the order of the universe.

So they formed a cosmic police force to maintain what they considered cosmic peace.

In order to better control the energy of the Green Lantern and manage the Green Lantern Corps, the group of guardians who are extremely good at spiritual power also practiced the Unfeeling Love Technique.

Emotions and desires all castrate themselves.

If you can't cut yourself off, your companions can help you and use psychic surgery to cut off the frontal lobe of the soul.

Little Blue Woman doesn’t have such a big sense of “responsibility”.

After the Hand of Creation Observation Incident, they believed that although the splitting of the universe into multiple dimensions was the fault of their own people, the parties involved had been punished and they could just live their own lives.

If civilization is destined to die, let it die naturally - because observing the hand of creation has caused the universe to be divided and diverse, the sinful Martus civilization (the predecessor of the Little Blue Man) has fallen into a period of decline in which development has stagnated and the population has shrunk. .

In the end, they chose a different path from their male compatriots and lived in seclusion on the planet Zamaron, still retaining their normal human emotions.

Of course, after living for billions of years, even if the little blue woman was originally normal, she is no longer so normal compared to real normal people.

But in any case, he is more normal than the little blue man.

At least Syd could feel compassion for Hal's plight.

“The fate of Hal Jordan is not in our control and we have no control over it.

That is the choice of the will-emotion spectrum!

He qualifies as a time demon because he is the human incarnation of will and emotion.

Willpower is equivalent to the sum of all life, and it is not a talent possessed by ordinary people.

A talent represents a kind of destiny, and destiny is the destiny arranged by God.

We can only observe, and then obey the destiny, and cannot disobey. Gunther said indifferently.

After a pause, he continued: Witch Harley seems to be an exception. The destiny prophecy in the Book of Oa has been significantly modified. Not only did she not pay the price for it, she also seemed to have received a lot of benefits.

What's the benefit? Said asked curiously.

I suspect she has a secret deal with Hal Jordan. Kyle Rayner's time power is very weak, far worse than the time demon——

Before Ganse finished speaking, his body suddenly glowed with green light, a space door opened automatically in front of him, and he flew in involuntarily.

Stars above, Gunther, what's wrong with you? Said was shocked.

Don't worry, it's Kyle Rayner calling me.

Gunther teleported directly to Oa from the planet Zamaron where the little blue woman was.

After coming out of the space-time gate, he landed directly in the middle of a group of Green Lanterns with different expressions and moods.

Surrounded by thousands of cosmic macho men and women.

Well, most of the 3600 green lights have returned to their places, and they have all arrived on Oua.

Gunther looked around. The central battery was on the ground. Kyle was floating above the lamp furnace. He was opposite him, surrounded by a circle of Green Lanterns.

Now everyone is staring at themselves.

But such a big scene couldn't trouble him.

There was no strange look on his face, he just asked calmly: Kyle Rayner, what do you want from me?

As you can see, I am the 'Torch Bearer' of the Green Lantern Corps, and today is the day when I fulfill my mission! Kyle said.

Very good. Gunther's voice was dry.

This scene was different from what he expected.

Kyle Rayner is a failed painter with zero political IQ and a romantic and lazy nature.

After building the lamp furnace and resurrecting the guardian, he should have gone away happily, leaving the trivial matters to him to deal with the aftermath.

But now this painter has the initiative firmly in his own hands, and he seems to have a big move in store. He has a vague aura of another failed painter on Earth.

“As a torchbearer, what I pass on is not just the lamp under my feet.

The most important thing about the Green Lantern Corps is not our strength, but our spiritual core.

What I want to pass on is the spirit, belief and history of Green Lantern.

Now, let me tell you about the tortuous process of the Green Lantern Corps from its establishment to its destruction, then its reconstruction, and then its destruction.

Kyle is a newbie. He got a ring, but he didn't get the formal Lantern training.

Before today, old green lanterns like Tomatu who had lost their lamp rings actually looked down on him deep down.

They had reason to look down on him. He had never been to Oa, never bathed in the emerald light, never witnessed the spectacular scene when the Legion gathered together, had no training, and no one told him about the Green Lantern spirit.

——He is just a lucky guy from Earth who got a light ring. Maybe his talent is a little special, but that’s it.

Now, when they heard him recount the history of the Green Lantern Corps, they were first surprised by his knowledge. There were many secrets that even they didn't know.

For example, Mechanical Hunter, Slaughtered Sector.

First they were surprised by the content of his words, and when they thought about it a little more deeply, they began to be shocked by his attitude.

He directly defined the devastating blow suffered by the Crisis Corps on Infinite Earths as destruction and annihilation.

Hal Jordan's Green Lantern Corps of Earth is a complete rebirth, the Second Green Lantern Corps Empire.

This time the Third Reich?

——What does this green light bearer want to do?

Even Ganser, who never showed his emotions in front of others, now frowned in public.

Kyle Rayner, what are you talking about? the chicken-headed man Tomatu asked directly and loudly.

Why are you asking me that? Kyle asked calmly.

I Tomato was a little embarrassed and a little embarrassed, Today is a great moment to rebuild the Green Lantern Corps. I think you shouldn't say too many irrelevant things.

You think the history of the Green Lantern Corps is irrelevant? Kyle Rayner looked around and asked slowly.

How can the Lantern not know the history of the Legion? A red-haired man shouted first.

His name is Guy Gardner, an American from Earth.

When Hal ruled the Green Lantern Corps on Earth, Gardner joined the Green Lantern Corps as an alternate. However, due to Hal's loss of power, he served as a Green Lantern trainee without a Lantern ring for nearly two and a half years.

Kyle didn't open the back door for him this time either.

Kyle didn't even recognize him.

Gardner was chosen by the lamp rings scattered across the universe based on his ability.

This Lantern, who are you? Why did you interrupt the speech of the great 'Torchbearer'? Many new Green Lanterns directly asked Tomato in doubt.

They are all newbies, and they don't even know the little blue man, let alone a mere former green light recruit coach.

“If you don’t understand the history of Green Lantern, how can you count it as a complete inheritance?”

Other new green lights, if not openly questioned, were whispering below.

Tomato's skin turned red and his face turned red, but he couldn't say a strong word.

There were more than 3,000 green lights on site, and the old green lights only had more than 100 people.

Most of them were very grateful to Kyle for rebuilding the lamp furnace and didn't think there was anything wrong with his speech.

——What’s the problem with torch bearers passing on the Green Lantern spirit and culture to future generations?

Kyle frowned and glanced at Tomatu, beginning to understand that Harley spoke with disdain every time she mentioned him.

Understanding history and what the Green Lantern Corps is can we look to the future and avoid the mistakes of the past.

He didn't hold on to this little thing. He just explained it casually and continued to tell the story of Hal Jordan's self-salvation and his own mental journey, including Della's story.

I am actually a newcomer, and it is my first time to set foot on Oa today. I am not qualified to redefine the Green Lantern spirit. I just pass on to you the insights I gained from my predecessors, Green Lanterns.

Now that the central battery has been recast and the corps members are almost fully staffed, the mission of being the 'Torch Bearer' is only the last step left.

Gunther, you are the only remaining Guardian. I hope to have a frank talk with you, right here, in front of everyone, to complete the agreement between Green Lantern and the Guardians.

Say it. Ganse said calmly.

Kyle looked at the central energy battery below and said quietly: The fragments you left behind in the alleys of Los Angeles are very extraordinary.

Gunther said nothing.

Kyle continued: It wasn't until today that I discovered that I was able to use it to forge a lamp furnace because it contains more than half of the guardian's life essence. Even someone as cunning as Harley would not have thought of this.

Each little blue man possesses the power of a sword (the Green Lantern Energy Sword) to split the planet apart.

Even without the use of willpower and emotion, only powerful spiritual power can physically cross the stars and shake the stars with thoughts.

They also have immortal lifespan.

Almost indistinguishable from gods.

Let's still use the Demon Duke as a measurement standard. The Demon Duke is equal to the spiritual wizard, with a power of 1, and the Demon Lord is 10. Then the total of the little blue man's mind and life force is probably between 1 and 10.

Therefore, when Hal seized the energy of the central battery that day, he still wanted to do it without stopping and drain the energy of the little blue man. Later, he brought this habit to the mother river of time and did the same to the time trappers. thing.

It's just that the little blue man was superior and handed most of the essence of immortal life to Ganser, and Ganser escaped by pretending to be dead.

In other words, Gunther should have had a huge little blue man origin.

Yes, I injected all the immortal essence of the guardian into that fragment. The guardian's final destination is the emotional spectrum energy pool. Gunther admitted.

Kyle has now taken out the central battery, and knows everything that should be known and what should not be known. There is no point in denying and concealing it.

Kyle said: In the process of casting the central battery, the immortal essence of the guardian played a great role, and it also gave the guardian the highest control over the central battery except me at this time.

Ganser raised his eyebrows, feeling a little confused.

In his previous predictions, Kyle wouldn't notice this, or even care if he did.

Only those who care about control of the central energy battery will care about the loss of control.

Kyle should have had no desires and desires, otherwise he would not have been chosen as the bearer of the torch by the Book of Oa.

Torchbearers only pass the torch, not reformers, not new guardians.

The Guardian's psychic powers are connected to the emotional energy pool and are necessary to reforge the battery, he said.

Kyle Rayner stared at him and said solemnly: I don't care about the control of the battery, and I will give up it completely in the future.

The Torchbearers are not the Guardians, and the Green Lantern Corps needs Guardians.

The other Green Lanterns had been listening in a daze since the two started talking about the Guardians. Gunther immediately understood Kyle's decision when he heard the words, and couldn't help but feel a little hot in his heart.

“As the torchbearer, I have only one agreement with the guardian: to earnestly fulfill the ‘Green Lantern Commandments’ and always remember the Green Lantern Oath.

But the second of the Green Lantern Ten Commandments - unconditionally obey the orders of the Guardian of the Universe - needs to be revised! Kyle said forcefully.

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