I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1112 Martial Arts Codex

The second day.

Hearing Starfire's request, Harley looked strange and said, Are you sure you want to join the Teen Titans?

Xinghuo nodded and said expectantly: If possible, I would also like to become your teacher and learn the Martial Arts Codex from you.

Seeing that the alien girl completely missed the point of her words, Harley simply asked: Starfire, how old are you this year?

Sixteen years old, about the same age as Dick. Starfire said with a natural expression.

Harley reminded: It has been almost four years since Crisis on Infinite Earths ended. At that time, you were an adult and married, and Dick was only 12 years old and still just a child.

——We’ve known each other for a long time, don’t even think about talking about it in front of me.

Starfire grinned, You've been to Tamaran, haven't you noticed that Tamalan's orbital period is three times that of Earth?

Although I have lived longer, I am indeed only 16 years old.

I am a Tamaranian, so of course I have to calculate my age according to Tamaranian years and months, right?

Harley almost gave her a thumbs up and said, You're awesome!

How long do you Tamarans generally live?

Xinghuo thought for a while and said: If there is no genetic adjustment, it will be about one hundred and twenty years old. If there is adjustment, it will generally be two hundred and fifty years old.

If changed to earth time, wouldn’t it be nearly a thousand years?

Whether you join the Teen Titans or not is not up to me, because that's not the team of heroes I formed.

If you want to join them in training, I won't object.

But I won’t focus on you. How much you can learn depends on your own ability.

I'm very diligent. Well, I will also keep secrets, respect my teachers, and won't leak your secret book to outsiders. Starfire smiled happily.

The key to the Secret Code of Martial Arts is the word 'diligence'. As for keeping it secret, you can do whatever you want. Even if most people know the contents of the Secret Code, it will be difficult for them to succeed in cultivation. Harley said with a smile.

In the evening of that day, the Quinn Martial Arts Rocket Class had a long-legged sister who was 1.93 meters tall. Although she had been married many times, she was only 16 years old according to her hometown age.

Rachel, Barbara, Cassandra, Dick, Jason, Bruce, and Bruce's daughter, little Helena, stood in a row.

This combination looks a bit strange.

However, except for Starfire who looked around with a curious look on her face, the others were already used to it and were not surprised.

Well, there is a new classmate today, Corrie from Tamaran. Almost all of you know her. She can be called Corrie or Starfire.

Master Harley was wearing black training clothes, with his hands behind his back, walking back and forth in front of several apprentices. As he walked, he said: Because of her joining, I will repeat the core teachings of the 'Martial Arts Code'.

Starfire was shocked and looked at Harley attentively.

“Some people say that martial arts is a killing technique, some say that martial arts is to develop one’s own potential, and some people use martial arts to hone their will and strengthen their spirit.

They are both right.

In my case, it's all wrong.

I can use mysterious and mysterious words such as Martial arts is about understanding nature, understanding the world, and opening up the channel between the body and the universe to add a sense of mystery and ritual to my martial arts theory.

But I will admit to you frankly that martial arts practice is just a process of finding ‘new energy’ in one’s own body.

No matter how well you practice your killing skills, how deeply you develop your potential, and how determined your will is, can you still be able to block Superman's punch?

Technology is limited by physical strength, and mortal skills are of no use to superhumans.

It’s not that skills are useless, it’s that Superman needs ‘advanced skills’ to match his own strength.

Potential is very unreliable. To learn my Martial Arts Code, you must first believe in yourself - I have no potential, but I have unlimited potential.

Starfire was confused, Isn't this contradictory?

Mortals have no potential. This is a fact. I am a mortal, Barbara is a mortal, Cassandra, Jason, Dick, Bruce, well, and little Helena are all mortals.

In theory, our achievements are extremely limited, and there is almost no potential in front of you and Rachel.

It takes ten years to increase the strength from 100 kilograms to 150 kilograms. What is the significance in front of extraordinary people?

We must recognize this and don’t practice alone.

But now I rely on my physical strength to punch a tank with one punch. In the future, my strength will continue to improve, and it may not be impossible to surpass Tearman.

Why? Starfire asked curiously.

Potential is very unreliable. Mortals have no potential. If you are superstitious and you can gain something by enduring hardship, and you can break your limit by enduring hardship, the facts will swell your face.

But with the right approach, the potential is endless.

The key lies in the method.

As for the tenacious spirit and firm will, they are like the feet of a long-distance running champion. They are necessary and there is nothing to talk about.

Xinghuo seemed to have some realization, but also seemed not to hear any useful information.

So, what are you trying to say? Looking for energy? How to find it?

Harley glared at her and said, Aren't I explaining the potential to you?

Oh, the key to potential development is method. If the method is right, the potential is unlimited. If the method is wrong, it will be the same as no potential. Xinghuo said.

Harley was noncommittal and continued: The Martial Arts Code actually has two key points, the correct training method, and practice without risking your life.

Bah bang bang! She clapped her hands, Disband and go to the gravity room for the current stage of exercise.

The team members dispersed in silence, leaving Starfire standing there blankly.

Is this the end?

It's not over, but I don't think it's necessary to go on. You are not a practitioner and have not been stereotyped. You can believe whatever I say and just practice. Harley said.

But I have too many questions in my mind.

I will help you answer your questions with practical actions. Now you only use fighting skills to attack me. Harley said calmly.

I'm going to hit you like this? Starfire jumped up and down and made a few boxer moves.

Use the most comfortable and commonly used moves.

My fist is very heavy, why don't you block it?

When your hit hurts me, I will naturally block it.

This is so exciting.

——Even if you are the Witch Harley, can I still hurt you?

Starfire's anger rose and she punched Harley on the forehead.

Buzz~~ A flexible golden light film appeared on Harley's forehead. Starfire held her wrist and screamed.

Harley frowned slightly, Use seven points of strength and leave three points. You don't understand this?

I understand, I was careless.

Starfire gritted her teeth, no longer impatient or holding back, and surrounded Harley for a while, saying, Hey, hey, hey.

The more she hit Xinghuo, the more frightened she became. Her strength was enough to lift a thousand-ton battleship, but she could hit the opponent without even breaking the outermost golden film.

Harley looked very relaxed and even closed her eyes.

After half an hour of punching and kicking, Starfire was panting from exhaustion, and Harley finally shouted stop.

Come, let me teach you the Martial Arts Code: Star Fire Fist.

In front of Xinghuo, she took out the 12.9-inch Paradise Mountain tablet and used a stylus to draw villain boxing pictures on it.

Although the little figure only has a few strokes and is very simple, Harley's painting skills are unexpectedly good. It can be clearly seen that they are the sparks of the trumpet, and the emphasis of each move is also very prominent.

This is the Martial Arts Code? Xinghuo gritted his teeth, and several well characters appeared on his forehead.

Am I a Martial God? What is the martial arts secret book compiled by the Martial God if it is not the Martial Arts Codex?

Harley continued to sketch quickly without raising her head.

Starfire was speechless.

In only about ten minutes, Xinghuo Fist was completed.

There are pictures and text, seven or forty-nine action pictures, and more than two thousand words of key points analysis.

Harley didn't just throw the tablet to Starfire. It took her a full hour, pointing her hands and punching her seven or eight times until she had every move precise and in line with her requirements.

How do you feel? Starfire asked while punching and Harley observed.

It's a little awkward, Starfire said honestly.

Are you tired? Harley asked.

Kind of.

“Which area feels sore first?”


Soon another hour passed, and all 49 pictures were slightly adjusted again.

Then Harley asked Starfire to enter the gravity chamber and turn on 10 times gravity.

In just a quarter of an hour, Xinghuo was sweating profusely and collapsed on the ground from exhaustion.

How does it feel? Harley asked again.

It's strange. I can fight for days and nights on weekdays, but why did I lose my strength so quickly today? My whole body is sore.

Starfire was lying on the ground, her clothes soaked with sweat, and every part of her body was cramping like an electric shock, sore and numb.

Countless times in her life, her legs and feet had cramped when she was extremely tired, but this was the first time in her life that her whole body was tired and all her muscles were cramping together.

Harley kicked her and handed her a bottle of sticky raw beef juice.

Drink it and carry on.

I'm out of energy. I can't stand up. Starfire said with difficulty.

Harley simply put the mouth of the bottle into her mouth, squeezed the bottle hard, and poured the dark red paste into her belly.

Starfire wanted to scream, This is not healthy. My stomach can't digest it.

But something strange happened. As soon as the meat juice slipped into the stomach, it turned into real juice and flowed into the limbs and bones. Every cell was moaning comfortable and powerful!

My whole body is full of strength, what did you feed me? Starfire asked confused.

Punch quickly. Harley kicked her meaty buttocks.

Starfire can only continue to fight Starfire Boxing.

Only then did Harley explain: Every person's body, talent, and personality are different, and what suits him may not be suitable for you.

Therefore, I created a new set of boxing techniques based on your situation.

The secret book that suits you best is the best.

Because your fighting skills are terrible and your body is extremely stiff, Starfire Fist Version 1.0 mainly makes you flexible and flexible.

Sir, Sir, you just let me box for a while and then you created a set of secrets for me? Starfire asked in shock.

Why else would I be the God of War?

Harley's expression was calm, but she was very satisfied with the alien's shocked expression.

If you feel tired, it's the outline of the Martial Arts Code - to gain energy from yourself.

Remember what I said before?

The essence of cultivation is to obtain energy.

Regardless of magic or martial arts, the foundation is energy.

However, this world is too cruel to cultivators, and almost all powers have masters.

The magician is better, at least he has magic power to borrow.

There is no special 'vital energy' in the world that helps warriors become extraordinary.

At the end of the martial arts road, it seems that only spiritual sublimation is left.

Or absorb the power of miracles, give up pure martial arts, and transform into a magic warrior.

Of course, there are gains and losses, and the power of miracles has its price. Although a warrior has a bleak future, at least he can die peacefully.

Master Harley, I have no strength again.

Starfire was mesmerized this time and didn't wake up until she was drenched in sweat, tired and sore again.

Harley handed her the bottle of raw meat juice and said meaningfully: But there is no dead end. The energy you are taking in now has no owner, or in other words, the owner is yourself.

Starfire was stunned, Get energy from food?

Food only nourishes your body, and the new energy bursting out from your cells is the core strength of a warrior.

The so-called new energy is not new. It is the coolie that makes your body stronger when you exercise.

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