Harry, Princess Tamaran went to the Resettlement Bureau, and she also had to apply for political qualifications. Was it you who introduced her there?

Starfire went to the Gotham Remnants Bureau in the afternoon, and Harley received a call from Mr. President in the afternoon.

Abao seemed to be trembling, and his voice was trembling.

Is there a problem? With her conditions, she should be eligible for asylum, right? She has to marry eight husbands, or she is forced to marry. It is too unfree and unequal. Harley said.

But the problem is, Tamaran is a high civilization! Mr. President shouted excitedly.

So? Harley remained calm.

Higher civilizations have big ships and huge cannons that can shatter stars with one shot. We should do our best to flatter ourselves. How can we find fault with others?

But they did something wrong by forcing Princess Keli to marry eight husbands. Harley said.

Whether it has done something wrong depends not on what it has done, but on how strong that country is and whether it is our enemy. Mr. President explained earnestly: Some countries, even if they do everything right, are more equal than us. Democracy and freedom are not in our interests, then it is wrong, unequal, unfree, and undemocratic, and we will allocate a large number of asylum quotas to that country.

Some countries, even if they are outrageously wrong, are our allies, and if their existence can stably deliver benefits to us, then they are right.

Even if its people submit an asylum application to us, we will turn around and sell the list to its rulers.

There are also some countries that are too powerful and we cannot afford to offend them. If they do not provide shelter to the traitors in our country, we should be extremely grateful. How dare we take the initiative to provoke them?

How can we call them traitors? They are all great awakeners and forerunners. Harley said seriously.

Oh, don't be like this, Harry, I don't believe you don't understand. A bunch of bastards who even slandered and slandered their own country just for scraps. Calling them traitors is just to flatter them. Abao disdained. road.

Okay. After a pause, Harley said again: Do you think I will be afraid of the Tamarans?

Mr. President's tone paused and he murmured: You are not afraid, I am!

What are you afraid of? How dare they blow up the White House with powerful ships and powerful artillery.

Mr. President said seriously: It doesn't have to be so direct. The aliens can arrange for a 'Tamaran CIA' to disguise themselves as an alien tourist from another civilization. When visiting the White House, they can casually throw a melon nuclear bomb. The White House and I Just disappeared together.

Or, Tamaran scientists invent a biological virus, hide it in the bodies of alien tourists, and cause a terrifying plague when they visit the metropolis.

Or maybe the Tamarans gave me a gift, but the gift contained radioactive material that we couldn't detect, killing me, or causing me to get sick, lose my hair, lose my majestic and handsome appearance, and thus make the entire United States in the interstellar world. Disgraced in civilization.

Or, Tamaran spies secretly bribe American lawmakers and public officials to do no good things but never do bad things. In the process of rapid interstellarization of our country, they interfere with and undermine the normal political and economic construction of our country and provoke public opposition.

Mr. President talked endlessly and spoke very fluently.

Harley prepared to interrupt him several times, but never found the opportunity to interrupt.

After a long time, when Mr. President was breathing heavily, she said, You think too much. Are you too busy with extraterrestrial affairs recently and don't get enough rest, so you have an anxiety disorder?

Harry, I swear, I'm serious. Mr. President was extremely serious.

Even if you are serious, it doesn't mean what you said makes sense. I just think you think too much. Harley said.

No, what I said is not only reasonable, but also almost 100% accurate. All doubts are based on facts. Mr. President affirmed.

Harley was a little impatient, Nothing has happened. You are completely relying on guesswork. How can it be 100% accurate? It's based on reality.

Mr. President said solemnly: Because in reality, we are doing this, and the past, present, and future will not change!

What? Harley didn't react for a moment.

Mr. President said: “The dirty ways that powerful civilizations use to deal with inferior civilizations that I mentioned above are exactly what happens every day on the earth.

We the United States versus other countries.

Why do I know?

Because I sign documents similar to plans every now and then.

Even the chosen nation, the United States, is doing this. Why shouldn’t we be certain that “non-believers in God” are also doing the same thing?

Harley was speechless.

Okay, you can refuse Princess Keli.

You don't have to refuse. Abao hesitated again, It is the first time in the history of earth civilization that a princess from a high civilization has sought asylum from us. It is a symbol of justice, freedom, democracy, equality, prosperity and strength in the United States.

It’s a great opportunity to showcase yourself on the interstellar stage.

If I refuse, I will be remembered in history.

——If I agree, I will be remembered by history and praised by future generations. If you take the blame and risk retaliation from the Tamarans, and I take the reputation, that's perfect.

It's a pity that he only dared to think so in his heart and didn't dare to say it out loud.

“The United States currently does not have a bill to provide asylum for aliens. You can apply to Congress to set up a ‘special asylum bill’ for Princess Corrie.

Her safety and freedom are guaranteed by you or the Justice League, and the White House is not directly involved.

It's too much trouble. Let's go find the Justice League. Harley said.

No trouble, just ask the secretary to prepare a proposal. Everyone is understanding. It's just a process.

Speaking of this, President Abao couldn't help complaining: Harry, it's really time for you to come to Metropolis, there are many alien envoys who want to visit you.

There is also the matter of establishing diplomatic relations with extraterrestrial civilizations, which also needs your final say.

I am only a congressman, not a diplomat. The work of receiving alien envoys is not my responsibility at all.

But they want to see you by name. Mr. President said.

When they see me, they want to thank me and please me, right? Harley asked.

Roughly the same.

If I waste my time entertaining them, I will be unhappy and uncomfortable. This seriously violates their original intention to please me and appreciate me.

They don't bother me, but are grateful and flattering to me. Harley said.

The president felt that what she said was wrong, but he could not find any logical loopholes.

What about the bill to establish diplomatic relations with extraterrestrial civilizations? There are now more than 240 civilizations intending to establish formal diplomatic relations with us, and hundreds of civilizations have expressed friendship and are watching our reaction.

This is a major event related to the future of the United States and Earth's civilization. Whether as a congressman or a galactic general, you cannot ignore it.

Do those alien envoys want to establish diplomatic relations with the Earth, or do they only want to establish diplomatic relations with the United States? Harley asked.

Of course it's the earth, in terms of the United States. Mr. President hesitated for a moment and said: I think the United States can represent the earth at this time, but if I announce it like this, other countries will scold me to death.

I'm not afraid of being scolded,

But if a war of words breaks out on Earth, wouldn’t it mean that we will be embarrassed in front of hundreds of envoys from civilized countries?

So, there is no need to discuss this issue at all. We haven't even established the Earth Federation, so let's forget about diplomacy and let the alien envoys go back wherever they came from.

The earth is willing to maintain a friendly and mutually supportive relationship with them, but that's all. Harry said calmly.

Mr. President became anxious, Harry, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Once successful, the road to interstellarization for Earth's civilization will be ten or a hundred times smoother.

I don’t know how many civilizations are envious of us, how can we give up so easily?

Even other speakers at the United Nations only oppose the United States representing the earth.

They also maintain a very enthusiastic attitude towards establishing diplomatic relations with aliens.

Harley said: Let me ask you, how much does the most common super-light spacecraft cost? What is the average cost of a 100 light-year space voyage?

Converted into U.S. dollars, the cost of building the spaceship and the cost of flight are astronomical, starting with a trillion U.S. dollars. Mr. President said sternly.

Two hundred alien ambassadors fly hundreds of thousands or tens of millions of light years. Which country can afford this? Harley asked again.

The Justice League can build spaceships, and you have captured a lot of trophies for us over the years. Mr. President said.

Harley said slowly: Zhenglian doesn't build spaceships. They just DIY based on existing equipment. They can build it, but they can't produce it.

We actually don’t lack technology now, nor do we lack funds for development.

The Kryptonian spacecraft, Brainiac spacecraft, and Mongo's war fortress captured over the years are all the technological crystallization of super civilizations. It will take only a few hundred years to fully understand them.

If we can fully understand their technology, we ourselves will be the overlords of the galaxy.

Since we don’t have to beg those aliens, why waste time and energy on diplomacy?

President Abao thought calmly and said, Harry, you convinced me, and I believe your insights can also convince others.

But you have to come to the metropolis and express your views in public in Congress, so that members of Congress, reporters, alien friends, the people of the United States, and people all over the world know.

Only you can put the final word on this matter, otherwise everyone will continue to make noise.

Harley thought for a while and sighed: In a week, I will go to the Metropolis.

The President really takes the first alien asylum seeker seriously.

The day after the phone call with Harley ended, he sent Starfire a green card.

But he held a special press conference to announce that the United States currently has no laws to protect alien refugees. This is a backdoor specially opened by Congress for Princess Spark out of respect for the Galaxy Admiral.

Well, Mr. President bluntly said that this is a back door.

However, American reporters and people not only did not complain, but praised the galactic admiral for being responsible and humane, and felt proud that the earth could shelter a noble and beautiful alien princess.

This is the first time in the history of Earth's civilization that we have protected an alien friend who yearns for freedom and democracy.

This is a symbol of justice, freedom, confidence and strength of the United States.

In this diplomatic incident, we demonstrated our persistence and belief to the people of the universe. WGBS TV station, Lois Lane said passionately.

The people on earth fell into trouble, but Xinghuo, the person involved, had some regrets.

She thought this matter would be carried out quietly, and when the Tamarans came to find her, the US government would protect her on the grounds of political asylum.

Well, what will the people of the universe think of my homeland now? Will they think that Tamaran is barbaric and crude, and that they are primitive people? She confided to Barbara.

I think this is also a good thing for Tamaran. Being noticed by people all over the universe will put tremendous pressure on your government. In the future, there should be far fewer cases of Tamaran girls being forced into marriage.

This is equivalent to saying that you have saved the marital happiness of countless compatriots. Barbara comforted.

Well, that makes sense.

Starfire felt relieved.

Can I join your team? She began to look forward to a new life.

Barbara asked: Should you join the Teen Titans' hero team or the martial arts training team?

Then she explained: We decided to imitate the Teen Watch and the earlier Infinite Heroes to form a hero team mainly composed of teenagers, which is the Teen Titans.

Alien Aunt didn't seem to understand that mainly teenagers, and said excitedly: If possible, I would like to join.

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