I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1101 Weighing the pros and cons

In Zero Time Crisis, Hal obtained a total of two kinds of energy, one is the power to control time obtained by devouring the Time Trap, and the other is the power to restart the river of time by devouring the Mother River of Time through the rift of entropy.

The latter has been all used up, except for Harry who took the opportunity to upgrade the Mother River Defense Specialty from early level eight to level nine, and the rest was used to restart the River of Time.

Therefore, even if the Zero Hour Crisis is over and Hal turns around, he will still be a time demon.

He hasn't lost any of the power that the Time Demon has.

The Time Demon can stand at the end of the river of time and see a person's past, present and future at will.

Moreover, because of the incident with the Sun-Eating Beast, Hal has been keeping an eye on the Earth.

He is the last line of defense arranged by Harley to protect the earth.

Even if Gunther secretly sneaked into the earth with a projection, he was vaguely aware of it. Then he looked through the lives of Gunther and Kyle Rayner and learned about Gunther's prophecy of using Hal's sacrifice to exchange for true peace in the universe.

What you saw in the Book of Oa, I also saw. Hal looked at Kyle who looked uneasy and said, Maybe Gunther is right, at the moment we accepted the green light ring , our destiny is firmly bound to emotional energy.

The Book of Oa, as a reflection of will and emotion, can really guide us in the direction of the future.

Facing Hal's deep gaze, Kyle felt a little embarrassed, We are in a good situation now. The Sun-Eating Beast has left. There is no need to do anything else, and there is no need to sacrifice anyone. Right, Harley.

That's right. Harley nodded, We have at least two choices next, either stay on Earth and just wait for others to ask for help. If anyone sends a message to us, we will save their star.

I guess that within a few months the Sun-Eating Beast and the Crisis of the Night will naturally disappear from the physical universe.

Or, we actively prepare for war, running around non-stop with Dusk in hand, to defend against the Sun-Eating Beast in advance.

During this period, we spent time and energy, but Hecate continued to lose blood. For the sake of the civilization of the universe, I am willing to spend ten years fighting her. Anyway, I am getting stronger with more wear and tear, and she cannot resist me.

Dachao thought for a while and said: It's too passive to wait for others to ask for help, and the sun-eating beast has an insatiable appetite. It has already devoured thousands of stars. Who knows how many civilizations it will destroy and how many people will be killed in the future?

Let's set off now and take Dusk with us to find it.

It doesn't matter even if it takes ten years. Every day we spend, we save billions more people. It's so worth it.

Bateman frowned and looked at Harley, You didn't choose to hide the truth about the Sun-Eating Beast and take Twilight away directly. Instead, you told us the secrets of Hecate and the cost magic. Is this 'mutual consumption' plan flawed?

Harley glanced at him and nodded: There are two very big problems in the mutual consumption plan of using our energy and time to exchange Hecate's life.

First, Bo Mu is emotionally unstable.

When she was beaten by a metropolitan mob, she cursed, You deserve to die in the winter night, you don't deserve hope.

Dachao immediately defended Bo Mu: She was just in a rage. Who wouldn't say anything unscrupulously?

Harry shook his head and said, I didn't criticize her or say she was bad or wrong. If it were me, the scene would have been covered with blood. What's the point of cursing?

——If it were you, those mobs wouldn’t dare to riot at all.

On that day, they were dissatisfied with your request to sentence alien criminals to death, and they did not dare to oppose you openly. They could only run to the door of the White House and fight against the President.

Many heroes complained in their hearts.

While complaining, I also felt very uncomfortable.

There are so many weird people in the United States. Even the bill that allows opponents to demonstrate and demonstrate has opponents demonstrating and demonstrating.

Even if they become city representatives and city guardians, superheroes still have a lot of negative fans.

Not the superhero fandom kind of super criminal.

They are ordinary people, holding high signs and marching in the city holding up signs opposing the heroes.

Only Harley didn't.

It's not that she doesn't have anti-fans, even God has anti-fans.

There are also ordinary people who dislike her, but the story of her using black magic to sacrifice opponents and troublemakers to the demons of hell has spread from Gotham to the world.

They are afraid.

She even openly admitted that she knew black magic. Louise's Quinn Biography recorded the process of her practicing black magic.

The unruly people are afraid of power but not virtuous.

Harley continued: “The mob is a minority after all, and when she was beaten by a mere mob, she began to curse people all over the earth.

Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, what will she do if she sees more evil in human nature?

Do something even more damning?

Isn't this just getting closer to Dark Hecate?

According to the progress of Bo Mu's 'fall', we may be able to outsmart Hecate in terms of energy, but we won't be able to let Bo Mu persist until then.

Bateman said: We keep an eye on Huo Mu and prevent her from contacting the outside world.

Also, starting today, we will not use her name when warning alien civilizations, but yours.

Create a character of ‘Galactic Admiral, omnipotent’.

You warned, you fought fiercely with the sun-eating beast, you drove it away, and you summoned angels to repair the stars. Their attitude towards you must be completely different from that towards Dusk.

People will be angry at a prophet who can only predict crises but cannot save them, but they will worship people who predict crises and solve them as gods.

It makes sense, you can try it. More than half of the heroic giants' eyes lit up and they nodded in agreement.

Some giants are also hesitant: Will doing this raise Harley Quinn's status too much? Why not create a Justice League, omnipotent setting. Well, it should be a setting of Earth heroes, omnipotent?

You said there is a second problem with the mutual consumption plan? Wonder Woman asked.

Well, twilight is the first problem, and the second problem is debt transfer.

Harley said somewhat depressedly: The Sun-Eating Beast is the prelude to the Twilight of the Gods. To put it bluntly, this crisis is actually the disaster of the gods.

Now the gods have made no move, but we mortals, who have nothing to do with the debt, have taken on their responsibilities.

If we can kill Hecate, Heaven will probably set off fireworks for a hundred years to celebrate this event.

But they will never be grateful to us.

Those selfish and greedy bastards must not be jealous of our ability to deal with Hecate, compete with them, and threaten their supremacy.

After losing their debt burden, they are more likely to set their sights again on the earth-their birthplace and their former kingdom.

Is this possible? Dachao frowned.

That would be too bad. Neptune struggled.

The gods aren't that bad, are they? Wonder Woman hesitated.

Harley looked around, the hero was doubtful.

She sighed: “Although they are all called ‘god’, you must not confuse the gods with God.

What God wants is often not what we care about; what the gods want is mostly something we cannot let go of.

It's like a dog encountering a steaming pile of fresh cakes. It will turn its head and look around, worried that other dogs will come to snatch it, but it will not care about the people next to it.

It cannot be said that people are not greedy and do not need to grab food.

But if people don’t eat daddy, they have no competition with dogs who eat shit.

To us, the gods are nothing more than a strong dog, not quite human.

This statement is very vivid and you can understand it as soon as you hear it, but it is actually a bit strong and makes many heroes feel uncomfortable.

This can only be regarded as a side effect. What does it have to do with 'debt transfer'? Bateman asked.

Alas, this side effect is only for you. To me, the gods are just strong dogs, but I am a human with a stick in my hand. I am not afraid of eating shit. It doesn't matter whether I will be targeted by them. Are they now? Don’t you want to kill me?”

The heroes felt more and more uncomfortable because they dared not take themselves into consideration when she compared people to shit-eating dogs.

But her words are generally irrefutable. The gods have indeed hated her to their core.

First, a large number of clones of the God King and the Demon King were trapped on the Origin Wall, and then during the process of restarting the universe during the Crisis on Infinite Earths, they swept through all the gods through The Legend of the God of War.

During the zero-hour crisis some time ago, she not only did not turn back, but took the opportunity to correct the history of the Martial God King. Instead, she strengthened the historical facts - keeping the current timeline unchanged.

If there was a chance to kill him, the gods would have done it long ago.

Harley continued: If the gods turn their attention to the human world, they will definitely change your destiny, but it will not affect me. They have long pinned their eyes full of hatred and malice to me.

If I kill Hecate, it doesn't mean the magic debt is completely over.

There is someone behind him, or Hecate is not completely dead. He and the person behind him will hate me to the core.

In this way, the 'person Hecate hates the most' and the 'biggest enemy of the source of magic' were all replaced by me from the gods.

Doesn’t this mean that the debt crisis is passed on to me?

If the gods knew about this, it wouldn't be surprising to have continuously set off fireworks in the sky to celebrate for ten thousand years.

They will die happily.

This everyone was stunned. Her worries were likely to happen. If it did happen, it would be really frustrating.

So, we wait for the alien civilization to ask for help, sit back and watch the sun-devouring beast disappear in the material universe after eating and drinking, instead of taking the initiative to attack with Dusk?

In the future, when Hecate breaks through the seal, she will seek out the gods as soon as possible.

Only after defeating the gods can He target us.

After the Stranger’s enlightenment, I wonder if Hecate will no longer regard the world and us as targets of revenge. Baitman said slowly.

The heroes had complicated expressions on their faces, but no one spoke up to object.

Doing so will doom many civilizations whose names they don't even know to disappear into the winter night.

But they and the planet will be safest.

Harley herself won't be Hecate's arch nemesis.

Hal's expression changed, and when he was about to speak, he saw Harley wave her hand and said: You have misunderstood, I can accept both options, the key is up to you.

I'm not afraid of being targeted by Hecate.

Adding up all my enemies, at least seven or eight Darkseids are as strong as each other. Adding one more Darkseid would only increase the power factor of Harley's enemies by about ten percentage points. It's just a drizzle!

The heroes were speechless.

Neptune couldn't help it anymore, You are so arrogant, be careful your enemies can't help it anymore and join forces to deal with you.

What are you afraid of? You can't run away if you can't beat me? Going to Silver City to kill me is as difficult as rushing to the spring to grab someone's head in the game 'Injustice.' Harley said with a proud smile.

Injustice was made into a 5V5 battle game in Dota mode by her a few years ago.

Not to mention, I often use 'Superman' to activate the 'Man of Steel' skill and chase the opponent's heroes to the depths of the spring. Dachao said seriously.

The Flash also said: If you activate the 'Flash's' 'Speed' skill, you can also enter the spring to grab people's heads.

Bateman said: Batman's batarangs also have a chance.

Wonder Woman said: Wonder Woman's lasso can pull out the hero by the spring.

Martian Manhunter said slowly: 'Mars Manhunter' can use 'Phase State' and 'Charm' to deal with the enemy heroes by the spring.

Harley sneered: That's because there is no Harley Quinn character in 'Injustice', otherwise it would be too buggy and no one would be able to play it!

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