I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1100 Hal’s Enlightenment

The Sun-Eating Beast doesn't exist? What do you mean? Harley asked strangely.

It means literally, there is no sun-devouring beast in the world. Stranger said.

Harry was surprised: Is this your non-subjective feeling or a rational inference based on facts?

The stranger said with a serious expression: It's not my personal sense. It doesn't exist. It's a fact.

Then what was the darkness I saw? The biting cold I felt, the loss of energy in my body, all of us heard its voice, and I also extracted a large amount of magic power from it. You said it doesn't exist, don't you? Are these all hallucinations? Harley asked.

Let me ask you, when you first heard its cry, did you recognize it as a wolf's howl? Stranger asked.

It's not a 100 percent wolf howl, but it's more like a wolf howl.

The stranger sighed: If I told you that what I heard was not the howling of animals, but the resentful roar of a woman, would you believe it?

Isn't this impossible? Harley said in confusion: I have a god coming down to earth, no one can hide it from me, and everyone can hear that it is a wolf howling.

Stranger shook his head and said: You are too smart! When you meet the Sun-Eating Beast on the Fluorescent Star, and hear that the star spirits of the Fluorescent Star are extinguished, you vaguely think of 'Twilight of the Gods', magic debt, and many other things.

Also because you know the legend of Ragnarok - the demon wolf swallowed the sun and the moon, which almost confirms what the sun-eating beast did. In your subconscious, you have already regarded it as a demon wolf.

Therefore, you will hear the howl of the wolf when you feel the soul-shaking sound of the galaxy.

Moreover, the more certain you are that it is a demon wolf, the more you hear the howl later and the more it sounds like a demon wolf.

So does everyone else.

They may not think it looks like a wolf at first, but they will believe it after hearing your analysis.

Whatever you believe, it looks like something. The more you believe in it, the more it resembles you. In the end, you can’t tell whether it really transformed from the invisible to the tangible son of Fenrir.

Although his words sounded unreasonable and ridiculous, Harley did not immediately refute him.

At least Stranger's guess about them was not wrong.

At first, she was the only one who thought it sounded like a wolf. Once she said it roared like a wolf, all the heroes of Zhenglian who had only thought it was the roar of a strange beast began to think it sounded like a wolf.

If Suneater doesn't exist, what is it?

It is the embodiment of the laws of the universe and a process.

The first law of magic is that all miraculous powers have a price.

Similarly, as long as you have certain magic skills, you can make rewards inevitable after paying the price.

This is the principle of cost magic.

Hecate is the mother of magic. Even you can use cost magic. She will only be more familiar with it and her skills will be better.

Remember what I said before?

The world owes her!

She is passionate and selfless about the world. This sentence is not an adjective. She brings the magic of the multiverse.

Magic is just a type of miraculous power, and miraculous power is not equal to magic.

The power of God, the energy of green light, the power of faith, the power of new gods, are all the power of miracles.

But before Hecate, magic did not exist in our universe.

She paid the price for the world and now she demands miracles from the world in return.

My dear, you mean that the Sun-Eating Beast is Hecate's magic, a kind of price magic?! Harley's pupils shrank.

The Stranger nodded first, then shook his head, and said: The Sun-Eating Beast is not Hecate's cost magic, but the appearance of Hecate's cost magic.

Just like Yebi's Condensed Fireball Technique, the nearby fire elements converge towards him, forming streamers that look like flaming clouds. Those streamers are the 'sun-eating beast' in your eyes.

Harley thought for a while and said: Even if the Sun-Eating Beast is just a cost of magic, the magic source I extracted from its 'body' is real.

As long as I continue to steal, no matter whether her price magic is 'dead' or invalidated, at least her plan to collect the magic debt and break her own seal will not be realized.

You are indeed the biggest weirdo in the multiverse. The Stranger said with a serious expression and a solemn tone, The Sun-Eating Beast is just a manifestation of cost magic, and there is almost no possibility of stealing magic power from it.

That is the ‘Price Magic’ of the Mother of Magic!

Just like no one can steal the power of the fire element from the fireball of the contemporary Son of the 'Elemental Balancer'.

But you did it, how did you do it?

With a solemn expression, Harley looked up in the direction of Silver City and made the sign of the cross on her chest with her right hand.

Stranger did not have the same sudden realization as the others, he only looked at her deeply and said: Although you are strange, if you want to stop Hecate by stealing the magic source of the 'Sun-Eating Beast', you are making the wrong decision. .

It's just as illogical as if you use a magic spell to deal damage at a cost to an enemy who attacks you, but your enemy steals the 'miracle power' you used to deal damage.

Even if your enemy is as weird as you and can steal the power of the anti-injury magic that is about to fall on you, stealing the anti-injury magic itself will hurt you again, and the cost magic will still be activated.

Hecate's cost magic targets the multiverse.

She was 'injured' by the multiverse, so she was able to injure the multiverse back through cost magic.

Aren't you part of the multiverse?

Your act of stealing the magic power of the Sun-Eating Beast is equivalent to making her pay the price again and making her activate the price magic again.

Harley said irritably: So, the damage I did to the Sun-Eating Beast before was equivalent to a useless effort? Hecate is destined to get enough magic power to let her break through the seal?

If Ragnarok is so easy to end, God King Mantian will not regard it as the greatest disaster.

The Stranger paused and then said hesitantly: But it can't be said that your actions are useless. If it were useless, we wouldn't hear the 'wolf howl'.

The wolf howl was Hecate's curse, and she didn't need to curse since she wasn't mortally injured.

Harley frowned and said, What's the use?

The stranger's eyes flashed with silver, and he had an aura similar to that of the peak ghost - the power of God was present.

You have caused some kind of trauma to 'Dark Hecate'. Hecate is destined to break through the seal, and Ragnarok is destined to break out.

So, do you think there is a big difference between facing a 100% Dark Hecate and facing a Hecate with residual health?

Harley thought about it carefully. If she turned on the elemental magic defense specialty and reached level nine, there would really be little difference between Hecate and her remaining HP.

You deceived Dusk, hoping that Hecate's kindness could offset part of the dark Hecate and leave her with residual health?

I didn't fool anyone. Stranger said seriously: It was the ancient gods who deceived and betrayed her. The modern 'gods on earth' are all heroes of justice, light, and kindness.

I just hope Hecate can take revenge rationally and not affect innocent people.

The old gods no longer reside in the human world now, but in Hecate's time, the gods originated from the earth, and the human world was their kingdom.

Therefore, the perfect revenge in her heart must at least destroy the 'kingdom and hometown of the gods'.

Harley admitted that the conversation with the stranger helped her learn a lot of secrets.

But now, when the subject came to God's plan for Hecate, she could no longer tell the truth from what he said.

To be sure, Stranger will not be 100% honest with himself.

Since it was difficult to tell the truth from the false, she was not interested in continuing the conversation on this topic.

What are you going to do with Dusk? Next, should I track the Sun-Eating Beast?

The stranger shook his head and said: You decide for yourself, I have done what I can do.

Yes, you have done everything you can do, and left the rest of the bad things to me.

Harley didn't want to take on these troubles alone, so she called the heroes to come for a meeting.

It’s not just the Zhenglian “8+1” giant.

Well, the eight giants of Zhenglian, plus a former Zhenglian giant Hal Jordan who is a bit out of tune with everyone.

Giants from heroic organizations such as the Justice Society, the Millennium Society, the Freedom Fighters, and the Young Watchmen all participated.

Harley was very straightforward and told all the bad things related to Hecate.

Tell me what to do.

After saying that, she leaned back in her chair and looked at the heroes with their eyes and eyebrows knitted together, feeling relieved.

Unbelievable, but reasonable, Uncle Sam murmured.

The Sun Devourer is just a cost magic, or a cost magic for the entire multiverse system, Hera on top, it's too fantasy. Wonder Woman exclaimed in disbelief.

Let me take it easy. Dachao frowned and pressed his temples.

After all the heroes finished expressing their shock, Bateman said with a solemn expression: Stranger didn't want to publicize this before, but now you have told all of us. What are the side effects?

Harry glanced at him in surprise. At this time, he could still find such small details after hearing such secrets.

There are indeed two huge prices to pay. First, if Bo Mu knows about this, she will most likely collapse and then completely degenerate, making the three-phase goddess even more powerful; second, belief is power, and this power can turn fantasy into reality. become reality.

It is certain that Hecate's power is skyrocketing now, and the seal placed on her by the old gods is cracking faster.

My dear, this is bad news again.

The Flash slapped his forehead hard, whining repeatedly.

You don't seem worried? Neptune asked in surprise when he saw her calm expression.

It's Darkseid who's standing up to the sky. What's there to be afraid of? Harley said calmly.

The heroes were speechless, Darkseid was already terrifying.

How come the most formidable Dark Lord in the multiverse turns into a unit of measurement to measure the size of the crisis when it comes to your mouth? Neptune complained directly.

I'm used to it. Harry sat lazily on the armchair and counted on his fingers: When I was 14 years old, I offended Satan to death, and at the same time, I also made the 'Owl Evil God' of the same level hate me to the bone. .

At the beginning of the year when I was 15, I killed the son of a Trinac who was at the same level as Darkseid.

A few months later, he faced another giant beast that was destroying hell.

After that, enemies at the level of demon kings and god kings appeared in an endless stream, and they were too numerous to count.

If I met a 'Darkseid', I would have trouble sleeping and eating, would have a sad look on my face, would not think about food and drink, and would be on tenterhooks. I would have gone crazy.

All the heroes wanted to give a thumbs up and say, This guy is so good at pretending, he scared us all.

But thinking about it carefully, they were really fooled, shit, she was telling the truth!

Perhaps Ganser is right. In the silence, a voice suddenly sighed in a low voice.

Hal, you- Kyle was shocked.

The few giants who knew about the Gunther Prophecy, including Superboy and Aquaman, looked at Hal Jordan standing alone in the corner in shock.

Is it weird? Hal looked up at them and said in a complex tone: I am a time demon standing at the end of the river of time! What can you hide from me?

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