I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1086 The traffic password of the universe name

You may not believe it, but the camera and video functions of the Paradise Mountain mobile phone can compete with those of alien mobile phones.

Perry seemed to be back in the day when he was facing a crowd of shouting and worshiping machine kings. He was high-spirited and talked freely.

You said that the signal and encryption are better than those of alien mobile phones. I believe it, but the technical gap in hardware such as taking pictures can be made up for by software? Jimmy asked doubtfully.

Perry shook his head and said: It's not a technical problem, it's just that the aliens don't pay attention to the camera function at all.

Their mobile phones are all kinds of weird, and some even have a biochip the size of a fingernail, embedded in the body, and powered by bioelectricity for unlimited power.

How do you take pictures with that kind of phone?

Unlike us, who compress the functions of many electronic devices into mobile phones, their mobile phones are mainly used for making calls, and other things are not important.

Therefore, after giving my Tianshan XR to them for testing, I got the reputation of ‘the best machine king in the universe’.

Shortcomings such as insufficient battery, slow chip operation, small memory, and large size are all unimportant in the face of security, confidentiality, and super connectivity.

Therefore, we don’t need to envy aliens’ mobile phones. People on earth are using the best mobile phones now.

In fact, it's the aliens who envy us.

At that time, there were quite a few machine kings who wanted to buy my XR at a huge price, and some even directly offered 30,000 fluorescent coins.

Have you sold it?

Perry shook his head, I was worried about aliens cracking the encryption and signal technology of Paradise Mountain Technology Company, so I declined those people.

After returning to the State Guesthouse and asking Miss Quinn, she was also unwilling to sell the Paradise Mountain mobile phone to aliens.

There are also many aliens on our planet, and they can buy mobile phones from Paradise Mountain at will. Kate worried.

Perry looked strange and said: I told her too, and she said it doesn't matter. The reason why we don't sell alien phones is not because we are afraid of technology leaks, but because Paradise Mountain phones are only sold to earth people and Christians.

Unless the alien converts to God, once he leaves the earth with his mobile phone, he will not be able to use the guardian dog, and the encryption of parts will become invalid.

Uh, this everyone was shocked and confused.

“Does the Tianshan mobile phone have this function?”

Perry nodded, Yes, but the information has not been made public.

Why do you have to be a Christian? Business is just business, not to mention that it has become interstellar now. Kate puzzled.

She said that the name 'Paradise Mountain Technology Company' is not a decoration. It has its own philosophy and persistence. If you are not happy, you can wait for Lex Technology Company's 'Shield of Light' next year.

Concepts and persistence are naturally nonsense.

The reason why Christians are needed is because when Christians recite the name of God, they will provide faith power to heaven, and the faith power forms a channel of information and energy between him and heaven.

Through this passage, the voice of heaven could answer his prayers.

Because the host of Watchdog is in Heaven Mountain, the faith channel between Christian mobile phone users and heaven can also be used by Watchdog.

When Ritchie used quantum magic, his soul mistakenly entered the Golden Hall of Silver City, he was taking the Channel of Faith. In fact, transmitting information with the help of the already formed ‘God Belief Channel’ is also the working principle of the household dog.

Even people on earth who do not believe in God at least know God, believe in His existence, and understand His basic teachings. Belief is also faith, and it can also form a fragile faith channel.

It is impossible for Harley to explain quantum magic and belief channels to users. She can only make it clear that she will not sell mobile phones to alien pagan figures.

There is news that the first Limbo satellite launch failed, resulting in a surge in costs. The usage fee of the 'Shield of Light' exceeds 500 US dollars, and the traffic is calculated separately. I can't afford it. Kate shook her head.

Luther and the military have always wanted to create their own guardian dog. The first Limbo satellite was launched two years ago, and Hank Shaw became a robot superman.

The main reason why Luther ran for president was to gain access to the alien technology that the US government has obtained in recent years.

Well, in order to prevent one company from becoming dominant and forming a monopoly, the White House and the Pentagon deliberately handed over captured alien technology to dozens of different technology companies and technology laboratories for research.

Luther wants to bring all the technology together as president.

Another reason is to use his status as president to persuade the military to allow Lex Technology to gain higher control over the Limbo Communications Satellite project.

After giving the alien power bank and small souvenirs to his colleagues, Perry returned to his office with peace of mind, carefully watched the video material taken during this period, and then carefully recalled his feelings and mood on the alien planet.

Soon, he started writing like a genius, and the prose My Dream of Master Yoda was typed out within an hour.

This is his true feeling. When he was a boy, he dreamed about interstellar travel, Master Yoda, and the Jedi Knight. The dream died in middle age. Now, when he is over fifty, the boy's dream suddenly came true.

Because it was his own random thoughts, he wrote it more casually. He did not publish it in the Daily Planet the next day, but uploaded it to the Internet American Headlines - Daily Planet Special Issue before noon.

He also writes some editorials in his column on weekdays. He has many regular readers, but he is not very popular.

After uploading the short prose, he focused all his energy on tomorrow's headlines.

He called Louise and Lana Long into his office to discuss which of their articles would be placed on the front page.

Bang bang bang! At 11:30, there was a fierce knock on the door, accompanied by Kate's sharp scream. Even the soundproof wall could not block it. Perry, you are angry. Perry, open the door quickly. You are on fire!

I'm busy with tomorrow's headlines, what are you yelling about? Perry opened the door and yelled angrily.

Don't worry about tomorrow's headlines. You have already become today's headlines. Kate hurriedly handed over a note, This is the personal phone number of the editor-in-chief of Galaxy Reader. Please call back immediately when you are free.

Which Galaxy Reader? Perry asked blankly.

There is only one Galaxy Reader in the galaxy.

Omagia is the largest circulation magazine of essays and poetry in the galaxy? Why? Are they interested in Louise's news? Perry shouted.

Louise's eyes lit up behind the door, showing a look of anticipation.

No, it's you. Your Master Yoda is a hit, popular all over the world, and even attracted the attention of an alien editor. Kate said with envy.

How is this possible? I just write whatever I want. Perry couldn't believe it.

But no matter how shocked he was, when he turned on his computer and looked at the number of reads, forwards, and comments of the article, he could only accept the reality—his little prose had deeply touched at least 50 million people on the earth.

The top comment has 50 million likes: 'It turns out that Master Yoda is by my side, and he is a beautiful woman.' Omg, when I saw this sentence, I almost cried with excitement. I was so moved.

What's so touching about this? Louise asked doubtfully.

Kate said: Look at the comments below, there is an explanation. They are all the same as Perry. They have experienced the popular years of Star Wars, and they all have the same dreams as him. They all smoothed their dreams in reality, and then suddenly, Dreams come true in another way.”

Louise and Perry both read down, and sure enough, most of the older people expressed exactly the same feelings as the author, and young people also said that the article was full of pure emotion, and at least it was interesting.

The emotion is pure and touching.

This was the reply Perry got after dialing the phone number of the editor-in-chief of Galaxy Reader.

Well, in recent years, more than a dozen alien media have sent permanent personnel to Earth, and they all like to place their Earth branches on Gotham's Arkham Island.

Perry, you also hope to become a galactic legend. Oh, no, a galactic poet! Kate said sourly.

Even Louise looked envious.

Perry was so excited that in the next few days, he kept up his efforts and published seven or eight sincere Old Boy's Dreams Come True essays.

Everything fell into the sea without a splash.

Not to mention the alien editors, not even a few readers on Earth were impressed.

It lacks a little flavor and cannot touch people's hearts. The editor-in-chief of Galaxy Reader said euphemistically.

Perry became anxious, stayed up late, had insomnia, and lost hair.

Not to mention his own job, he didn't even care about the latest trends of the Sun-Eating Beast.

After suffering for less than half a month, he finally despaired: he really did not have the talent to become a galactic poet.

He sighed bitterly, planning to change his mind and mood, and write an interesting story about his experience of killing the alien electronics market with a piece of Paradise Mountain XR.

Finally, I wrote down my conversation with the Galaxy Admiral at the end to tell the people on earth that it is actually a small blessing that everyone can use the Tianshan Mountain mobile phone.

After giving up his obsession, he no longer had insomnia and could sleep until Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!

Early the next morning, he was woken up by his cell phone ringing.

Before he burst into anger, he suddenly glanced at the caller ID: Corleone Editor-in-Chief.

Earth-based editor of Galaxy Reader.

Perry, your My Paradise Mountain Mobile is very good. I plan to send it to the headquarters and you will refine it again. Hey, I was planning to call you last night because I was worried about disturbing your rest.

Perry was stunned.

I turned on my computer and saw, shit, the number of views has exceeded 200 million, and there are many words like moved and crying in the comment area.

How is this going?

No one reads the prose he writes with care, but the short stories he writes casually become hits.

In terms of fine-tuning, the conversation between me and Admiral Galaxy at the end of the story seems unnecessary and should be deleted, right?

No, no, no! Editor-in-Chief Corleone looked very anxious, This is the finishing touch, a passage that goes deep into people's hearts and touches their souls.

——Touch the soul? I just used the name of Admiral of the Galaxy to show off.

Perry frowned and hung up the phone, printed out all the dozen or so articles he had written these days, hung them on the wall, and read them back and forth more than ten times.

And compare Louise and Lana Lang's Universe Famous Stories

Gradually, he had a vague idea in his mind.

After going to the newspaper office, he locked himself in the office and wrote an essay about the greatness of the hero's light, based on the two private interviews before and after the Galaxy Admiral saved the fluorescent star.

Emphasize Admiral Galaxy, write out in detail what she did and said, and then sublimate the theme at the end.

Prose is on fire.

The editor-in-chief of Galaxy Times said that the article was very touching and could be included in the supplement.

The next day, he wrote an essay praising the hero's fearless and sacrificial spirit, with the theme of Kyle Rayner and Superman pushing a fluorescent star to avoid the supernova shock wave.

In Little Fire on Earth, no alien editor came to him.

On the third day, the same supernova broke out, but the protagonist was replaced by the Galaxy Admiral, who also praised her fearless spirit of sacrifice.

In the fire on Earth, no alien editor came to find him.

But Perry noticed that half a month ago, Louise's news was reproduced by many alien media.

The object of her description was not Kyle Rayner or Rip Man, but the Galactic Admiral!

So that's it. To become a Galaxy legend, you need traffic, and the traffic password is Galaxy Admiral, and it's just Galaxy Admiral. Other heroes are not applicable. Perry suddenly realized, his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

It was not that he didn't know that the Galactic Admiral was the most popular subject before, but he thought that aliens had a higher level of civilization and advanced journalism, which would lead to higher quality readers, and they would pay more attention to the connotation of news and prose.

I was wrong. He sighed with emotion, In the same play, only famous actors can sing well!

When you go to an alien planet, you have to pretend to be competitive. It would be too low for Halle to pretend. This time, he was replaced by the editor-in-chief of Little People Planet Daily, Louise and Karak’s old boss. I originally planned to write a simple short story, but I didn’t expect to write it. So much, let’s get it free.

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