I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1085: Earthlings on alien planets

Harley did not see Dusk.

She chatted with the alien reporter in the live broadcast room for two hours. The conflict occurred in the middle period, that is, an hour ago. Louise heard the news from Little Witch Cassandra.

Even after becoming Harley's third apprentice, Cassandra still didn't give up her lucrative career as an up-and-comer. After coming to Fluorescent Star, she never stopped shooting materials everywhere.

When the parliamentary elders wanted to burn the night, she would take pictures with her mobile phone and send a message to everyone in the chat group.

Later, there was a conflict between Dachao and the senior group, but she was still filming videos and posting them on WeChat Moments.

Well, she purchased the watch dog service. Even if she leaves the earth, she can still have signals and send messages.

If Zhenglian can't solve the small matter of sacrifice a living person in one hour, it will be in vain for them to work hard for fluorescent civilization.

After Emperor Alex found out, he persuaded those imperial elders to go back, and Bo Mu regained his freedom. He also sent Princess Mia as a representative to apologize to Bo Mu and us.

Dachao sighed: You can't blame those elders. They lost their home and the 'God' they believed in for tens of millions of years, and they did such crazy things only when their emotions collapsed.

Where's Dusk, I want to see her. Harley said.


Where are you going?

I don't know. She was not in a good mood when she left because the people from the fluorescent star wanted to burn her to death, so she didn't communicate with us much and just drove the spaceship away from the fluorescent star. I guess she went back to her hometown.

Harley's eyes widened, What are you doing?

Dachao was confused, What's wrong with me?

That woman in the evening is so suspicious. You have no problem rescuing her. But if you let her go and she's still missing, isn't it crazy?

What suspicion? Dachao asked confused.

Have you figured out her identity? Why can she predict the movements of the Sun-Eating Beast? The key is to arrive at the Fluorescent Star one step earlier than the Sun-Eating Beast?

Have you ever thought about what if the elders of the Imperial Council were not crazy, but a blind cat met a dead mouse, and really caught the real culprit behind the scenes? Harley said.

You are overthinking. Dachao laughed, There is no problem with Bo Mu's identity. She comes from the Pluto civilization in the vast river system. She is a good person and a pitiful and respectable hero.

He sighed and explained: The Fluorescent Galaxy is not the first victim to encounter the Sun-devouring Beast. Dusk's civilization was also destroyed, so she has been looking for it and tracking it.

The Sun-Eating Beast has no hidden tracks in the first place. We have seen it before. It is a dark mass that is very conspicuous. The temperature of the place it passes by drops and all the energy is absorbed, and the instrument can detect it.

Therefore, she was able to arrive at the fluorescent star half a day early and notify the fluorescent star to prepare early.

If Dusk is an accomplice of the Suneater, or is controlling it, is it necessary for her to personally go inside the planet to spy?

What information does she need to find out?

The Sun-Eating Beast was an hour or two away behind her, what news could she get?

Even if she didn't come to the fluorescent star, the sun-devouring beast had already set its sights on the fluorescent star and had reached the outskirts of the galaxy.

The Fluorescent Stars are not fools. They have already suspected all your suspicions and checked them out. They must have found no problems, so they treated her as a distinguished guest and benefactor and settled in the State Guesthouse with us. Wonder Woman also said .

Harley looked at Martian Manhunter, Jon, have you scanned her memory telepathically?

Isn't it necessary? Jon frowned and said, I have lived for hundreds of years. Even without peeking into the memory, I can judge whether a person is lying through powerful spiritual power. Dusk is obviously a good person.

Harley pointed at herself, Look at me with your eyes that read countless people. Am I a good person?

This, Martian Manhunter said after considering, most of the time, you are a trustworthy and good person.

Look, you've known me for so long and you won't use 'obvious' to affirm me. Why do you trust someone you just met so much? Harley said.

Well, if you asked me if Diana was a good person, I would definitely say, 'She is a good person.' But you are different. Your character is unpredictable and too complicated.

Simply being a good person or a bad person cannot describe you. Jon struggled.

Where is Kyle? Harley didn't want to talk nonsense with this group of people.

He is recuperating in the hospital bed, what's wrong? Dachao asked.

Cyborg, Kyle can't get out of bed, so I have to rely on you. Let's set off now and go to the vast river system to find the Pluto civilization. If there is no star map, ask the civilization that we have dealt with.

If anyone is still alive on Pluto, ask them directly.

If Pluto is completely destroyed, go to nearby galaxies and inquire.

I want information about Dusk and Pluto, the more detailed the better.

If Bo Mu really goes back to her hometown, there is no chance that she will be able to meet her there, so it would be best to invite her to come to Earth.

As for that? Everything she said and did was very logical. Cyborg asked doubtfully.

I asked you to track the Sun-Eating Beast earlier, did you catch it? Harley asked.

Cyborg was stunned and said: I borrowed the communication channel of the fluorescent star and sent a message to the nearby civilization a thousand light years away, but there is no reply yet.

You didn't follow it along the 'ice trail'? Harley asked again.

After chasing it, the trail began to fade and disappear before it left the star system.

You can't catch up, so why can Twilight catch up? Moreover, at this time, on this fluorescent star in the eternal winter night, the name 'Twilight' sounds eerie and scary, but don't you feel it? Harley said .

Why is it eerie? I don't think so. Cyborg said.

After twilight comes a dark night. After twilight arrives, the fluorescent stars fall into icy darkness. Harley said.

It's just a coincidence, right? Dachao was a little unsure.

If we don't run into her again, it's just a coincidence.

A week later, Daily Planet headquarters.

Perry, how does it feel to travel to another planet?

As soon as Perry White entered the office with his duffel bag, a group of colleagues gathered around him.

He looked around, Where are Louise and Lana?

You haven't come yet, we are asking you. Cat Grant said.

It's an eye-opener and will never be forgotten. It's a life worth living. I'm a little disappointed! Perry said with emotion.

This life has been wasted, why are you still disappointed? Jimmy Olsen wondered.

“Extraterrestrial travel is great, but this time it’s not about tourism, remember? I’m going to examine the journalism of higher civilizations.

The result made me a little disappointed. Fluorescent Star is a relatively traditional interstellar empire, and the journalism industry is underdeveloped.

Because it is an imperial system with a strong religious culture and very strict news control, the development model of their news industry does not have much reference value.

Perry opened his duffel bag as he spoke and smiled: The Galactic Admiral and the Justice League saved the fluorescent planet, and their emperor was very generous and let us choose any gifts.

I shamelessly chose a big package to ensure that everyone in this office has a share!

Wow, long live the editor-in-chief!

Perry, I love you!

Don't! Perry said with a straight face, pushing Kate away who was leaning towards her with a pout, My grandson is about to be born.

What is this? Jimmy took out a plain leather metal box the size of a mobile phone from his bag. It looks a bit like a power bank?

Hey, that's good. I guessed it right right away. Perry praised.

Well, it's not easy to go to an alien planet, and it's still a high civilization. Other emperors let you choose gifts, but you chose a power bank? What kind of taste is this?

Seeing that most of the bags were filled with power banks of various colors, the reporters couldn't hold their nerve.

The heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance choose worthless little souvenirs. I can't embarrass the people of the earth and look too country bumpkin and too greedy.

Moreover, don’t underestimate this power bank. It has a capacity of 500,000 wh. Do you know what this is? Use it to charge the 5000mah Paradise Mountain XR, and it can be charged at least 20,000 times!

Perry's dark face trembled with excitement, Twenty thousand times! You won't have to worry about charging your phone for the rest of your life.

“It is better to give us a mobile phone with this kind of battery than to give us a power bank. It is more convenient, more fashionable and cooler.

It also saves money. The mobile phones of advanced civilizations will not be able to catch up with the earth in two hundred years. There is no need to replace mobile phones in two hundred years. Dom from the sports column said disapprovingly.

Perry glanced at him, with an expression on his face that ranged from contempt to pride, I can tell you clearly that the best mobile phone in the universe today is the Paradise Mountain mobile phone for us people on earth!

Kate shouted in a high voice: Have your brain been eaten by alien bugs? Why do you say such mindless words?

The Tianshan mobile phone cannot even compete with the Lexnote series of the Criminal President. Recently, it has been beaten by the Chinese flower petal mobile phone, and its sales volume has dropped to the 9th place on earth.

Is it possible that the technology tree of fluorescent civilization is crooked, heavy industry is extremely developed, and electronic products are a piece of shit?

What do you know? Perry did not hide his pride in Yourong Yan, These words are not what I said, but the comments of the 'King of Machine Makers' at the Fluorescent North China Stall.

Well, North China Street is located in the capital city of Fluorescent Star, a high-tech, fashionable and cultural area. It specializes in selling, repairing and modifying mobile phones. Well, they are called personal information exchange terminals, most of which are watches and chip modules embedded in the body.

I didn't want to buy a second-hand mobile phone at the time, I just used my own mobile phone to shoot news materials - life at night.

Halfway through the photo shoot, the phone ran out of battery.

Alas, everything about the Tiantianshan mobile phone is good, except for the poor battery, which is only 5,000 mAh.

And you're going to buy a second-hand mobile phone? Jimmy asked.

No, I'm going to buy a second-hand charger.

Well, you're already in the second-hand mobile phone market, why don't you take the opportunity to try something new? Everyone was puzzled.

First of all, the emperor didn't let us choose gifts at that time, and I didn't have enough money.

When I went to Fluorescent Star, I only had two kilograms of gold in my bag, but I could only exchange it for 30 Fluorescent Coins. The purchasing power in Fluorescent Star is roughly equivalent to 300 US dollars.

Didn't the White House economic expert say that gold on alien planets is also a hard currency? Kate asked doubtfully.

It is indeed very hard. 30 fluorescent coins can be exchanged for more than 30,000 US dollars. After conversion, the price of gold in the fluorescent star is equivalent to one-tenth of that in the United States. Considering the cost of gold mining for advanced civilizations, it is already very hard.

Perry explained, and then continued: Aside from lack of money, the guardian dog is also the reason why I didn't buy a second-hand alien mobile phone.

When I went to the stall owner to buy a second-hand power bank, he was very enthusiastic. After asking me about the battery level of my phone, he suggested that I just replace it with a new battery.

Tianshan mobile phone cannot replace external parts, otherwise I would have replaced the 20,000 mAh battery of Lexnote 2. Dom said.

Aliens have high technology, so why can't they crack the parts encryption technology of Paradise Mountain Technology Company? Kate said disapprovingly.

Perry clapped his hands and shouted excitedly: It really can't be cracked! At that time, half of the street was alarmed. The machine kings were so shocked that they tried one by one. They tried all their methods and were helpless.

But this was just the beginning. After they heard about the household dogs, they all expressed disbelief and could not even understand.

Then I asked them to test it. No matter what they did, they couldn't block my mobile phone signal and couldn't steal the data in my mobile phone.

When I told them that if I turned on Guardian Dog’s $50,000 1MB data “interstellar roaming”, I could use my mobile phone to make calls to the Earth 145 million light-years away, all the phone kings knelt down, hahaha!

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