This bastard!

It's all this time, and he still has these things in his head.

Feng Wanting gave Qin Tianming a fierce look.

"What are you staring at me for? You took the initiative to pull me. Qin Tianming was a little aggrieved.

"Then you are not allowed to think blindly!" Feng Wanting gritted her teeth.

[I'm a normal man! You hold my arm like this, how can I not think blindly. 】

【If I don't think blindly, it is disrespectful to your appearance and figure! 】

When the two were fighting, the elevator went down to the second basement floor.

Inside the casino, it was crowded and smoky with smoke.

Even if Feng Wanting wore a mask, she could smell the pungent choking.

"Are you all right?" Qin Tianming patted her back.

"It's okay, gather evidence first."

Feng Wanting used Qin Tianming's body as a cover and took out her mobile phone to record quietly.

When the two of them came down, the thugs in the casino were already eyeing the two of them.

Halfway there, a security guard came over.

"Miss, hand over your phone."

A trace of panic flashed in Feng Wanting's eyes: "I already handed it over when I came in just now!"

"Hehe, you'd better be obedient, otherwise..." the security guard sneered.

"Or your mother!"

Qin Tianming punched the other party in the face.

[Let's have a direct showdown, anyway, all this is Ye Fan's conspiracy. ]

Feng Wanting wanted to pretend not to know, and she looked at Qin Tianming with wide eyes.

At this time, other thugs in the casino also rushed over.

"Don't hurt the woman, the man will be hacked to death!"

[I wipe? Hack me directly? What about gender equality? [

No, didn't Ye Fan dare to kill me?

Qin Tianming's mind turned, and he instantly figured it out.

[Oh, if I die here, even if my parents trace it, they will think that Fu Mengru did it, and they can't find Ye Fan's body, let alone Zhao Yanran's body. ] [

Okay, kill three birds with one stone, you have also learned to be smart.

Now, a world-class problem was placed in front of Qin Tianming.

[This is the best time for me to finish. [

When I solve these things, Ye Fan will inevitably appear.

【When the time comes, I will die in his hands, and everything will be over.】 [

However, once I die, what will Feng Wanting do?] The plot of the search officer is bound to be staged! Search


Feng Wanting is not a simple girl who does not understand anything.

Some of the videos she has also seen online.

Just as Qin Tianming was thinking, the gangsters of the casino had already rushed over.

"Get out!" Qin Tianming kicked out, and a strong wind rush directly swept the five or six gangsters in front of him.

Feng Wanting's mouth opened wide, and she was stunned in place.

This is more than a master! Simply not human!

The other gangsters were also shocked by Qin Tianming's strength.

"Don't be stunned, call the police quickly!" Qin Tianming patted Feng Wanting's head.

[You call the police, I will hold on to the police, and then die in Ye Fan's hands, everything is happy. ] [

Gee, I'm such a clever ghost.] "

No signal!" Feng Wanting dodged her eyes.

"Don't you have a special launch distress watch?" Qin Tianming raised his eyebrows lightly.

This was given by Feng Wanting and her father, in order to ensure Feng Wanting's safety.

As long as the watch is launched, within ten minutes, someone will come to support.

"It's broken." Feng Wanting lied.

She won't let people come to the rescue.

If someone is called, then Qin Tianming will definitely die.

[Lying groove, you drop the chain when it is critical? ] 】

【Such a good chance to finish, just let you ruin me! 】 】

【Feng Wanting, Feng Wanting, even if you give me ten massages, I don't think it's too much! 】 Qin

Tianming's angry slap hit Feng Wanting's peach buttocks.

"What are you hitting me for?" Feng Wanting was angry and shy, and her pretty face was red.

Qin Tianming glared at her: "You are such a tiger!" "

[Forget it, I can only find another chance to finish.]

Qin Tianming's figure shook and rushed towards the pile of gangsters.

When Qin Tianming left, Feng Wanting immediately sent out a distress signal.

In the room, Ye Fan looked at Qin Tianming, who was like a god of war, through monitoring, and the whole person froze.

Is this still the guy he knows?

For a moment, Ye Fan didn't even feel like Qin Tianming's opponent.

Qin Tianming: Be confident, don't say it's you now, even if it's your master, I can pinch it to death with one hand.

Five hundred years of skill is already the peak existence of this world.

Even the martial artists who appear later in the novel are not Qin Tianming's opponents.

"Ah hit!"

"Ah guide!"

Qin Tianming became more and more addicted to fighting, and even those gangsters who wanted to escape.

In one day, these gangsters were beaten twice.

Follow Ye Fan and get beaten twice a day.

"That's it? That's it?

Qin Tianming clapped his hands and stretched out his index finger to shake it left and right.

"Go, there must be someone there." Feng Wanting looked at the deepest room.

"Don't go, someone has run away, do you think they will have no emergency escape measures?" Qin Tianming shook his head.

Thinking about it, Feng Wanting nodded.

[Of course not! ] 】

【I wondered, why doesn't the villain dig a secret passage in the house?】 [

If there is a secret passage, it will not be served by the police later.]

Feng Wanting's eyes were cold, and she pulled Qin Tianming and rushed towards the innermost house.

"Didn't I say there was no one inside?"

"Just look at it." Feng Wanting laughed proudly.

As a result, before the two reached the door, the door was opened.

Ye Fan and Mo Long stood at the door.

"Ye Fan!" Feng Wanting's eyes were cold.

"Officer Feng, you really came." Ye Fan smiled.

"Is that the text you sent me?"

"That's right, actually, I only learned in the afternoon that there is an underground casino."

"So I'll text you right away and ask you to bring someone to remove this cancer." Ye Fan smiled.

Feng Wanting said angrily: "Fart! You are clearly the owner of this casino! "

If it weren't for Qin Tianming's presence today, she would definitely be planted in Ye Fan's hands.

Feng Wanting couldn't wait to peel his skin now.

"This is, I'm just here to be an undercover agent." Ye Fan said with a smile.

"Huh, do you think I'll believe it?" Feng Wanting sneered.

"Don't believe you asked him."

Mo Long trembled with fear, he obviously didn't expect Ye Fan to sell himself.

"Miss Feng, he is the owner of the casino, and I am just one of his working boys!"

Ye Fan was also not flustered, and chuckled: "Whether I am a boss or not, just check the flow of funds."

Feng Wanting looked cold.

Ye Fan dared to say this, which showed that he definitely hadn't received money here.

This is difficult, I originally thought that I could take Ye Fan down and send him to prison!

[Leave him alone, I'll take this opportunity to repair him and pull some hatred.]

Qin Tianming didn't say anything, and directly rushed to Ye Fan's front and smashed into his face.

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