Inside the western restaurant.

Feng Wanting was a little restless.

Because the restaurant that Qin Tianming brought her to is a couple-themed Western restaurant.

The people who come here to eat are either couples, godfathers and daughters.

And Feng Wanting and Qin Tianming are not lovers.

[Hey, you also have times when you are uncomfortable?] 【

I brought you to this couple restaurant on purpose.】

Qin Tianming looked at the blush on Feng Wanting's face, and he was very happy in his heart.

Suddenly, the soles of Qin Tianming's feet shivered.

A tender little foot stepped on the instep of his foot, and he almost cried out in pain.

[I wipe, you murdered your husband... No, it's a murder villain! 】

Feng Wanting's strength is not small, in the police force, every time in various competitions, she won the first place.

"Tianming, what's wrong with your face? Why is it so ugly?

Feng Wanting's two big eyes were full of smiles.

Hmph, that's the price of messing with your aunt!

[Okay, let's see which of the two of us is shameless enough! ] The

lights in the restaurant are dim, and there are only two candles on each table.

And the table here is very far away, and it is almost impossible to see what the people around you are doing.

Well? What do you want to do?

A sense of foreboding appeared in Feng Wanting's heart.

Qin Tianming took off his other shoe.

There is no taste of sauerkraut, after all, I just washed my feet yesterday.

Feng Wanting's body froze, and a trace of killing intent condensed in her eyes.

Qin Tianming's feet gently rubbed on Feng Wanting's calves.

[This is far from the last service at the massage parlor.] 】

【Weren't you very bold at that time?】 【

Now I only touched your calf with my foot, and you can't do it?】 【

That's it?】 That's it? The

private parts cannot be touched, but the other parts of the heroine, he, the villain, can still be touched.

"Qin Tianming!"

Feng Wanting lowered her voice and roared lowly.

"What's wrong? Wanting? Qin Tianming asked with a smile.

"Take away your smelly feet!"

"You take it away first!"

"I'm giving you a massage."

"I'm giving you a massage too."

[Anyway, it's not me who suffers.] In

the end, Feng Wanting was defeated.

When the two collected their feet, the waiter just came over to serve.

"By the way, when will your party end?"

Qin Tianming said, "I can't go home too late. "

Che, it's like you're a good baby.

Feng Wanting gave Qin Tianming a blank look: "Just leave for a while, and I won't stay until the end of the party."

"That'll do." Qin Tianming nodded.

[Let's spend the night at Du Meng's tonight, and I'll send a message to my sister later.] [

Just say that Feng Wanting pestered me and refused to let me leave. 】


The fork and porcelain plate collide, making a crisp sound.

Qin Tianming was taken aback and looked up at Feng Wanting: "Won't you use a fork?"

"Say it early, I'll teach you."

"No need." Feng Wanting glanced at Qin Tianming fiercely.

[What the hell is this woman, I didn't mess with her.] [

Inexplicable. You

go out to wave and make me carry the black pot, isn't this still provoking me?!

After eating, Qin Tianming and Feng Wanting left the restaurant.

This scene was seen by Ye Fan, who came out of the casino to find food.

This pair of dog men and women!

Ye Fan's eyes were full of resentment.

When he saw Feng Wanting, he had already listed Feng Wanting as his bag.

Now, seeing Feng Wanting and Qin Tianming coming out of the couple's restaurant together, how could he not be angry?

Suddenly, Ye Fan's spirit moved, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and there was a sneer.

"Aren't you a servant of the people? I'll send you the location of the casino in a moment.

"Let's use this little casino first and take down you slut!"

Qin Tianming, who got into the car, suddenly felt a chill.

He turned his head to look at Feng Wanting and found that the other party did not show any gritted teeth expression.

"Send me home, I'll change my clothes first."

"Okay, do you need my help?"

"Then you can try to see if your head is hard or my fists are hard."

"Don't be so ruthless, last time you helped me..."


When she sent Feng Wanting to the door of the villa, her mobile phone suddenly rang.

Feng Wanting took it out and took a look, and found that it was a message from an unknown number.

"There is a casino on the second basement floor of Orchard Mall."

Seeing the content of the text message, Feng Wanting's eyes froze.

Who sent this text message? How did the other party know their mobile phone number?

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Feng Wanting's expression that looked like a ghost, Qin Tianming looked over.

[I wipe? Underground casino? 】

【The plot is ahead again?】 I remember that this is the casino that Ye Fan will only accept later! [

And he accepted the casino, and did not tell Feng Wanting, but revealed it to Fu Mengru. 】

【Fu Mengru Zhongji, at the time of crisis, it was Ye Fan who pretended to be a hero and rescued Fu Mengru. [

Now Ye Fan, this bastard, has actually changed his target! ] 】

【No, you definitely can't let Feng Wanting have an accident.

"This must be fooling you." Qin Tianming said.

You're fooling me.

I have heard all the words in your heart!

Feng Wanting gave Qin Tianming a blank look: "Less nonsense, let's go directly."

"Are you sure?" Qin Tianming was suspicious: "Otherwise, let's call the police."

"Call a fart policeman! I'm the policeman! Feng Wanting was angry and laughing.

"Isn't it with you? What can there be. "

[To put it easily, I'm just an ordinary person who doesn't know anything!] Oh

, I believe you are a ghost!

Everyone in the Women's Federation knows that Qin Tianming is deeply hidden.

Alas, it seems that it is time to exchange the exercises again.

To be on the safe side, directly exchange 500 years of skill.

Coming to the Orchard Mall, Qin Tianming asked the bodyguard to wait in the car, and he and Feng Wanting went down alone.

On the second basement floor, only by elevator.

Before going down, in order not to expose themselves, the two put on masks and hats.

However, all this was seen by Ye Fan from within the monitoring.

"Hehe, Qin Tianming is also here?"

"If I take this opportunity to kill you, and the Qin family traces it down, I may also think that Fu Mengru did it!"

"Hahahaha! God help me today! The

smile on Ye Fan's face became more and more hideous, and Mo Long on the side shivered.

"Ask your men to pay attention to the two of them, and when the two of them come to the middle of the casino, take them down!"

"Don't hurt the woman, the man will be killed directly."

"Yes." Moron took a picture and immediately sent it to his subordinates.

Inside the elevator, Qin Tianming looked at Feng Wanting: "Officer Feng, you are really the head iron!"

Feng Wanting gave Qin Tianming a blank look: "Why, are you afraid?"

"It's a little."

"I'm afraid you can't go, follow me."

If I hadn't known that you were a master, I would have almost believed your nonsense!

Being held by Feng Wanting like this, Qin Tianming was a little distracted.

【When will I be able to enjoy the treatment in the massage parlor again?】 】

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