865: The free country panicked!

If you let the world know about this, how big a chain reaction will it cause?

The intelligence officer of cii didn’t dare to neglect, and immediately reported the news to their superiors. After analysis by specialized personnel and combined with other information, everyone came up with such an argument:

Judging from the distance between the Strait of Hormuz and the Said tribe, and the time this fighter launched its attack, it is very likely that this fighter was the fighter that lost its track shortly after take off from the Enterprise aircraft carrier!

However, there is still an unsolved mystery: According to the rescued pilot’s report, the fighter had lost control at the time, as if it had gone mad. Later, he had to parachute and escape.

This news was corroborated by another pilot, so this fighter should be in an unmanned state.

So how did it run thousands of kilometers in such a situation and kill the leader of the Said tribe?

Intelligence people generally have ideas, so some people came up with such an idea shortly afterwards; could this be the work of KGB?

They used some unknown technology to do this by manipulating the fighter plane without anyone!

Because the Northern Bear Nation and the Kogan Nation have an antagonism, they can kill two birds with one stone by doing this.

This is the consistent mode of thinking of the people of the free country, and it will never be wrong to push any bad things to the people of the north, because in this world only the people of the north bear country have the courage to challenge the authority of freedom, and only they can have this kind of technology!

This argument quickly won the support of most people and caused panic among the staff.Is the technology owned by the Northern Bear country mature?

How far have they reached? If they can use this technology on a large scale, aren’t all the fighters of the free country’s army under the threat of loss of control?

The free nations can’t sit still. This is an extremely important event that threatens national security. With the authorization of the president, the free nation’s army immediately launched a classified operation code-named “Eye of Reality”!

On an unknown island, dozens of members of the sturdy Free State Army Navy SEALs are undergoing special training.

Just as the soldiers were running on the beach with load, the squad commander Slode came to the crowd.

He just listened to his serious face and said: “Everyone, we are going to perform a very important task. Everyone has fifteen minutes to sort out their equipment.”

When the soldiers heard this, they immediately threw away the sandbags they were carrying and ran towards the camp. Within fifteen minutes, all forty-eight soldiers had finished their outfits. They lined up and waited for the commander’s next instructions.

Slode stood in front of the crowd and said in a deep voice: “Female, this operation is set at the highest level. Without prior planning, I hope everyone will be mentally prepared, now-board the plane and set off!”

Forty-eight soldiers were divided into six teams and boarded a transport plane of the Free State Army (Nord’s) Corps. After leaving the island, the transport plane carried them to Pakistan.

At this moment, it is less than an hour before the intelligence of the missile attack was fed back to CII. It has to be said that the speed of action of the free country’s army is really fast and abnormal.

Early the next morning.

After breakfast, Su Ming and others sat under the fighter plane and waited for the news of Silver Fox. In order to pass the time, Su Ming talked to Scorpion and Fury about some of the transaction.

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