864: Shocking information!

Taurus’s tone was very calm. Scorpion smiled slightly after hearing it, “Ghost, your existence is simply an anomaly. I really don’t know why you listen to the boss like this.

Taurus heard the words and smiled: “Scorpion, do you think I am amazing? If you really think so, then you are wrong. The boss is really amazing, as long as he wants to kill someone.

Then there is no one in this world who can escape! Said Abdul is the best example. Compared with our killing methods, who do you think is more powerful?

Scorpion was stunned when she heard this. She almost forgot what happened just now. Looking back at this moment, she couldn’t help but sigh: “It is indeed the boss that is more powerful. Involved in 30 risks, much better than us.”

Su Ming laughed and said: “Killing people with missiles is just the most boring way. I have many other ways to kill people. If you have a chance, you might be able to see it.

Scorpion heard the words and immediately lost his words. She looked at Su Ming, who was covering her face, and thought to herself: I’m afraid this thin man is a real alien.

At 10:30 in the evening, a pickup truck came back in a violent drive. The pickup truck was covered with camouflage cloth. Several people worked together to cover up the fighter plane before taking a break.

At this moment, in a valley only more than sixty kilometers away from the Said tribe, a dark figure was hiding behind a rock with a satellite phone and whispering: “Vulture. I am a nighthawk. I just received the news, Said. The leader of the Yide tribe was killed by a missile attack.

Vulture: “Oh? Is the situation true?”

Nighthawk: “The situation is true. According to the information provided by the informant, English letters are printed on the wreckage of the missile. I feel that this type of missile should belong to us. May I ask if we have sent a fighter plane over to perform the mission?”

Vulture: “Is there anything like this? Wait a moment. I’ll ask–”

After a while, the vulture replied: “We didn’t send any fighter planes to perform any missions, but one of our fighter planes disappeared not long ago. Nighthawk, can you get the missile fragments?”

Nighthawk: “I’m afraid that the situation is not good for us. I have asked the informant to hide the fragments with letters. Vulture, do you suspect this incident was caused by this missing fighter?

Xiurong: “You go to confirm what the letters on the fragment are, and then report it to me, so you don’t need to ask more about the others.”

Nighthawk: “Received, I will set off immediately.

The phone immediately hangs up. In the moonlight, I saw a man in local clothes stepping out of the rock, and then he boarded a dilapidated jeep. Drive to Said tribe.

At 11:30 in the evening, the jeep left the road and drove into a fork in the road. Not long after 910, the car stopped beside a pile of rocks. As soon as the car stopped, a dark shadow walked from the pile of rocks. Came out.

He was holding a package in his hand, and neither of them spoke. So Sombra put the package in the co-driver’s cab, then turned around and quickly disappeared behind the rock.

Nighthawk opened the package and looked at the fragmented objects inside. After a while, his complexion changed drastically, and then he took out the satellite phone and dialed a number.

Fifteen minutes later, CI received this piece of information: The leader of the Said tribe was killed by an American missile attack!

This piece of information is truly shocking!

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