Because once Cui Dong can't be killed, Cui Dong will definitely go to Ying Changge~ to report and tip off.

Zhao Yiming is bound to win, and he can't wait to kill them all, so that he will succeed.

Rebellion is a big thing, he absolutely can't bluff, but to be sneaky and tiptoe.

As long as the troops in his hands are gathered quickly, then Zhao Yiming must be confident.

The victory was in hand, and he walked quickly. The sword in Zhao Yiming's hand stabbed out with force, and made many sword moves.

The sharp sword moves came in one go, and then stabbed Cui Dong in the chest.

Because it was the middle of the night to rest, it was naturally impossible for Cui Dong to wear armor, and he was even naked.

Without any precaution, Cui Dong was naturally bleeding and scarred when he was stabbed by a sword.

With a ferocious look on his face, he looked down at his chest, "You are such a big dog!"

"I will not give in if I want to rebel!" As a general, Cui Dong must punish the traitors and eliminate the evil.

With a criminal like Zhao Yiming here, Cui Dong continued to come out aggressively, with fierce swordsmanship.

The swordsmanship is cold and severe, and it is so fast that he is very heroic in doing everything he can.

On the contrary, Zhao Yiming, under Cui Dong's blade, fell into a passive state for a while, and was restricted everywhere.

But even so, Zhao Yiming will not back down, what he has to do is very simple, rebel!

Together with Zhao Xingzhi, the two brothers, they are about to raze Ying Changge's army to the ground and wipe out the entire army.

With such ambition, Zhao Yiming was not to be outdone, and continued to fight against his generals in the barracks.

Killing Cui Dong and grabbing military power will leave Zhao Yiming with plenty of troops.

Zhao Yiming was victorious, the rebellion was successful, and he immediately killed his general!

Not only that, but also let the troops go north, Zhao Yiming is going to join Zhao Xingzhi to encircle and suppress Ying Changge.

This is a major event in the Spring and Autumn Period. In order to kill the opponent and eradicate Ying Changge, they are bound to win.

Moving fast, Zhao Yiming's army continued one after another, and Wu Yangyang's army went to suppress Ying Changge.

Ying Changge did not move. These days, he tried his best to attack Zhao Xingzhi, but nothing happened.

At this time, Ying Changge's spies came to report, and he heard a lot of news.

The world is in turmoil, the people are uneasy, and all kinds of rumors have entered Ying Changge's ears.

Soon, Ying Changge knew that Zhao Yiming turned out to be a rebel, and he was too bold.

Such a strong guy came out of nowhere, broke through the army, and led the southern border army to attack quickly.

At first glance, this swift and violent offensive is bound to be won, and it travels quickly, attacking from south to north.

Zhao Yiming's offensive was incomparable, and he directly killed many soldiers one by one, leaving no one behind.

Following Zhao Xingzhi's offensive, Zhao Yiming's army came aggressively and went straight to Ying Changge.

Even a blind man could see that Zhao Yiming's army was coming towards Ying Changge.


This guy who is not to be outdone seems to want to kill him, so that he can be more powerful.

It is also because they know the bravery of the other party that they will send troops in an endless stream to make quick decisions.

Zhao Yiming is not a mediocre guy. He can successfully rebel and lead an army is extraordinary.

Such a guy, since he wanted to fight Ying Changge, Ying Changge started to get serious.

Aggressive attack, unscrupulous walking, this battle is naturally full of signs of anxiety.


It is impossible for Ying Changge to make Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming rebel so unscrupulously, they must be stopped.

Therefore, a group of people moved quickly, and each guy came bravely and formed a battle.

Looking ahead and planning ahead, Ying Changge knows what Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming's army wants to do!

Therefore, they can't wait to take precautions, so that they can be wiped out and wiped out.

Any opponent is worthless in front of him, and to Ying Changge, he is a mob.

Therefore, Ying Changge dispatched some troops from the barracks so that they could be prepared.

Where will Zhao Yiming go! Naturally, he aimed at Ying Changge's barracks and fought without end.

Therefore, before the arrival of Zhao Yiming's army, Ying Changge just waited and waited for good news.

The aggressive Zhao Yiming will lead the army to come directly, and he will definitely surround Ying Changge with Zhao Xing.

Ying Changge is witty, smart and brave, and can guess the other party's intentions and intentions at once.

So many guys came quickly, but they couldn't kill Ying Changge in an instant because he was so powerful.

Chapter 732 Passing the test, coming quickly!

With sufficient troops in front of him, Ying Changge laid an ambush battle early.

Whether Zhao Yiming came to find Zhao Xingzhi or attacked Ying Changge first, he was ready.

According to rumors, Zhao Yiming's troops are very powerful, and he is like a Buddha blocking and killing Buddha along the way.

The invincible and unbridled attack, such a battle, made them all look menacing.

He was bound to win, Zhao Yiming made a comeback, chased after the victory, and came to him in a blink of an eye.

Such a battle is a mighty, fast march, always approaching Ying Changge's army quickly.

The location of Ying Changge's barracks, Zhao Yi "Eight Five Zero" Ming has already groped for a clear, even detailed knowledge.

As long as this kid wants to attack his barracks, Ying Changge can make him go back and forth.

Therefore, he dispersed the troops in his hands, and had many formations.

One big formation followed by another, Ying Changge's troops rose and fell, as weak as a mountain.

Ying Changge used his troops to form a net, and now Zhao Yiming's army is that rabbit.

All the way to the north, the troops went north, and so many troops continued to charge under the leadership.

After passing the test, they came swiftly and violently, and the force was so mighty that it had come from far and near.

The mighty army did not hesitate at all, and it was a thousand miles away.

The dust was flying, the army was rampant, and so many army came to the place where Zhao Xingzhi was in a blink of an eye.

He has always been in touch with his brother, so Zhao Yiming also knows Ying Changge's every move.

It is impossible for Ying Changge's things to hide from his eyes, and Zhao Xingzhi is also paying close attention to each other's whereabouts.

Because he lost the battle under Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​he had special news and was afraid of any danger.

Once it was hit, Zhao Xingzhi's army began to entangle with each other, and it was easy to entangle.

I don't want my army to be defeated like this, now is the time when Zhao Xingzhi must retain his strength.

Therefore, the matter of such a charge was handed over to Zhao Yiming first, and he trusted Zhao Yiming very much.

It was not necessary to join his army, so Zhao Xingzhi sent a letter to his clan brother.

Ask Zhao Yiming to attack Ying Changge first, so that Ying Changge's army can be defeated and rub the opponent's spirit.

This is a very important matter, so it must be discussed carefully.

The correspondence between Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi was also very close, which was unexpected by ordinary people.

Fast charge, fast approach, many of them already know the enemy invasion.

Ying Changge's soldiers immediately reported this important news to him, and Ying Changge remained calm.

"Don't worry, play with him!" Ying Changge scattered all the troops in his hands.

The most important thing is to protect the strength of the barracks. Zhao Yiming's army is rampant, and it is naturally approaching.

Therefore, it must be frustrated, this is a very important thing, can not be vague.

With both offense and defense, Ying Changge made his army have no worries and was flat.

With a clear mind and the victory in hand, Zhao Yiming has already led the army to the front of Ying Changge.

Knowing the location of Ying Changge's barracks, he didn't need any hesitation, he went straight to attack.

In response to Zhao Xingzhi's call, Zhao Yiming's troops immediately approached Ying Changge's barracks...

Aggressive, turbulent, the army was in an endless stream, and in a blink of an eye, they came to Ying Changge.

This is a serious confrontation, Zhao Yiming must let Ying Changge taste his power.

Following the news of his spies, Ying Changge heard the news that Zhao Yiming's army was approaching.

This is really a stupid thing, so he must let the other party know his skills.

Under the inquiries of the spies, Ying Changge had already found out a lot of information and explored Zhao Yiming.

Knowing that Zhao Yiming is Zhao Xingzhi's younger brother, Ying Changge guessed that the other party must have two swords.

The army marched forward and backward, attacking from left to right. Only in this way could Ying Changge be captured in one sweep.

Zhao Xingzhi is a despicable and shameless guy, so Zhao Yiming is naturally about the same.

Without any hesitation, in a blink of an eye, he will go to ambush Zhao Yiming's road with a certain force.

Who knows if the insidious and cunning Zhao Xingzhi will take advantage of this! Therefore, Ying Changge has to stay behind.

Not all the soldiers in 4.9 were used to fight against Zhao Yiming, Ying Changge put some of the troops behind.

If so many troops left quickly, there would be a major omission in Ying Changge's defenses.

Zhao Yiming still didn't know that Ying Changge already regarded himself as a mustard, and he was still charging quickly.

From far to near, the army was buzzing with excitement, and a series of large armies were chaotic and formed in groups.

The army was very brave and quickly confronted the enemy. Under the leadership of Zhao Yiming, they went directly to Ying Changge's barracks.

Everything was expected by Ying Changge, this Zhao Xingzhi's younger brother is really impatient! Funny.

Chapter 733 Like a tiger with wings, like a duck in water!

Under such a confrontation, Ying Changge had already taken the lead and stood by with ease.

All Zhao Yiming's movements are under his own eyes, which is a stupid thing.

It is impossible to move at will, Zhao Yiming's army cannot move an inch, and it is impossible to approach Ying Changge.

Because Ying Changge was on the top of the road, he had already set up a series of ambush, which severely injured Zhao Yiming.

A group of people always came swept up in dust, Zhao Yiming's low growl followed one after another, approaching Ying Changge.

Not in a hurry, calm and calm, under such a battle, Ying Changge has made all the preparations.

By quietly arranging all the people in his hands, Ying Changge is invincible and condescending.

On the contrary, it was Zhao Yiming, who came recklessly and hastily, and the army came one after another, coming directly to the road.

The terrain here is ups and downs, and although it is not a ravine, it is not easy for cavalry to pass.

So, Zhao Yiming sent a small team of cavalry to inquire about the news and see how the battle of 05 ahead was.

Although he wanted to join Zhao Xingzhi, but now is not a good opportunity, he discussed with Zhao Xingzhi.

Let Zhao Xingzhi stand still, then Zhao Yiming will charge first, disrupting Ying Changge's position.

Ying Changge's army looked menacing, but Zhao Xingzhi felt that it was a mob and was not worth mentioning.

This is the most interesting thing! Zhao Xingzhi felt that he was not losing to himself.

Zhao Xingzhi only lost because his troops were not strong enough. If there were too many troops, it would naturally hurt Ying Changge.

It is a pity that under the slaughter with Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​many of these troops have already been defeated.

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