Tell Zhao Yiming all about his situation here, and then Zhao Xingzhi will be able to have one more helper.

With his right-hand man, once Zhao Yiming's army joins him, it must be even more powerful.

With such a large army, Zhao Xingzhi must continue to resist in order to kill Ying Changge and Meng Tian.

Now Ying Changge and Meng Tian's army are coming in one go, trying to kill Zhao Xingzhi.

With the enemy on his back and being isolated and helpless, Zhao Xingzhi could only quickly gather his own people.

Therefore, Zhao Xingzhi did not hesitate to give the envelopes directly to his clan brother Zhao Yiming.

Now, after the First World War, Zhao Xingzhi knew that it was absolutely impossible for him to fight Ying Changge.

In such a head-to-head confrontation, the people in Zhao Xingzhi's hands were killed and wounded, and there was no chance.

His own strength is weak, but Zhao Xingzhi's momentum is the most prosperous force here.

Chapter 729 Have a conspiracy, act now!

He has a very good personal relationship and has many friends in the arena, but those people are all rabble.

Therefore, he summoned all the younger brothers and gathered their army together to add more people.

Zhao Xingzhi's letter was personally presented by Maxima and immediately sent to the place where Zhao Yiming was.

Because they are not in Anyang County, Zhao Xingzhi is here, and Zhao Yiming is in the south, they are different.

Although the distance is far away, Zhao Xingzhi still hopes that Zhao Yiming can support him as soon as possible.

Ying Changge ordered the dark guards around him to follow Zhao Xingzhi's every move in order to catch the opponent's flaws.

When Zhao Xingzhi's letter was sent out, Ying Changge immediately knew the news, and he immediately dispatched troops to condemn the generals.

With many soldiers suppressed here, Ying Changge has already formed a large defensive formation.

At the same time, Zhao Xingzhi sent the letter to Zhao Yiming, who personally received the letter.

Zhao Yiming is in the south, holding military power, more or less a viper lurking and waiting for an opportunity.

After receiving Zhao Xingzhi's letter, Zhao Yiming immediately opened it and read it carefully.

Ten lines at a glance, after reading it carefully, Zhao Yiming knew the situation.

"So it is!" It was time for Ying Changge to suffer a heavy lesson, and Zhao Yiming acted immediately.

He led the soldiers around him, preparing to usurp the throne, so that he could control the army on the border of the southern capital.

Zhao Xingzhi had already planned to start a rebellion, and he was chased by Ying Changge and Meng Tian anyway, so he didn't need to cover up.

What kind of hero is he who continues to hide his head and show his tail! Therefore, Zhao Yiming responded positively to Zhao Xingzhi's rebellion.

Today, the moon is dark and the wind is high, and so many soldiers have come here. In the barracks, he walked quickly.

Taking all his confidants by his side, Zhao Yiming quietly entered the tent.

Zhao Yiming was a lieutenant general, and his power was not so great, so he had to behead the general.

Conquer, seize power!

As long as the general is killed, then there will be many people around him to follow him.

This was an opportunity. Zhao Yiming was impatient to rebel against the army of Ying Changge and Meng Tian.

Taking advantage of the dark and windy moon, he took the first step, preparing to start his rebellion plan tonight.

With a conspiracy in mind, he acted immediately. Zhao Yiming showed his weapons and came to the general.

Zhao Yiming took a quick sword, aimed at the sleeping figure of the general, and stabbed blind with a quick sword, flickering coldly.

Such a faint light traveled quickly and stabbed the general's back, Zhao Yiming's shot was so fierce and vicious.

The blade of the sword came out of the scabbard, and the sword was about to stab the general's back, killing him.

The sleepy general was a very cautious man, and he opened his eyes immediately.

hum! Taking advantage of the sword's edge, the general stood up immediately, and then quickly avoided the sword.

"Who~"!" The general stood up immediately, his eyes widened, and he stared at Zhao Yiming without blinking.

"It's you! Are you going to rebel!" The general shouted angrily, ignoring his own body.

Without getting dressed, General Cui Dong immediately pulled out his nine-ring sword, "You deserve to be killed!"

With an angry shout, Cui Dong immediately walked with the sword in his hand and slashed Li Luo's head.

With such a sword, Zhao Yiming first stabbed a sword and slashed at his body.

Desperate for everything, Cui Dong continued to fight back, slashing the big knife in his hand firmly on the edge of his sword.

Such a battle is very fierce, but in the shadow of swords and lights, Zhao Yiming and Cui Dong are not to be outdone.

Such battles were all brave, and the strange noises in the camp were spread out, and the soldiers heard it.

Cui Dong's forces immediately counterattacked, drew his sword and wanted to rush in to deal with Zhao Yiming and his party.

And Zhao Yiming had a lot of soldiers around him, so he naturally couldn't be sloppy when he seized military power tonight.

In order to help his brother fight against Ying Changge, Zhao Yiming had to strategize and control everything.

Without Zhao Yiming's special instructions, the soldiers around him rushed to attack the opponent and killed him.

Entangled together, the soldiers killed and killed, and immediately set off a **** battle.

Under such a slaughter, there is almost no room for anyone to block this blow.

Zhao Yiming's soldiers were all very brave (Qian Li's), charged quickly, hit hard, and repelled Cui Dong's soldiers.

Although this is Cui Dong's barracks, as long as Cui Dong is under control, everything is safe.

As the saying goes, catch the thief first, catch the king, Zhao Yiming draws his sword, and the sword edge stabs Cui Dong on the body.

There is no need to save Cui Dong's life, the ruthless Zhao Yiming looks like any mercy, and wants to kill with a sword.

As long as Cui Dong is killed, there will be no other problems, and the army will be loose.

With so many troops, fighting began outside the barracks, and both Zhao Yiming and Cui Dong began to fight.

Quickly strangling, the soldiers were all scrambling to kill each other, showing their heroic momentum.

Chapter 730 Chase and kill, the sword has no eyes!

Zhao Yiming had already given orders to go ahead, those who obey me will die, and those who oppose me must be killed.

Especially in the barracks, Zhao Yiming continued to fight, wishing to have Cui Dong beheaded to the public.

His sword edge was stained with blood, but it was not Zhao Yiming's blood, but Cui Dong's blood.

Under such a deal, Cui Dong's arm was left with a wound, and the blood flowed continuously.

With a cold snort, Zhao Yiming held the sword with a gloomy expression, "General, let's capture it!"

"You are already surrounded by my people, you can't escape from my palm no matter what!"

With confidence, Zhao Yiming is in control, "If you continue to resist, you will only be killed by me!"

"So, let me give you a treat! I will definitely not make you feel more pain!"

Facing Zhao Yiming's brashness, Cui Dong's expression was also full of sternness, "Don't even think about it!"

"After many years in the army, I can see at a glance that you are a wolf-hearted thing! Damn it!"

"If I can, I wish I could just slash you with a sword and kill you abruptly!"

After laughing three times, Zhao Yiming shook his head, "Really! General, you know too late, you can't fight back at all."

"Now outside of the barracks are all my confidants, and they are wiping out your army!"

"Today, I don't want to feel annihilated, but to rebel, so that I can lead the troops to besiege Ying Changge!"

After Cui Dong heard about Zhao Yiming's plan, he showed a shocked look, which was appalling.

"What! You want to rebel like this! You really don't know how to live or die!" Cui Dong was angry!

Since it is the other party who wants to seek his own strength, Cui Dong is not to be outdone, and it is absolutely impossible to appease!

With a cold snort, Cui Dong stood up with a staring look on his face, "I'm going to kill you!"

As long as this Zhao Yiming is beheaded, Cui Dong can stop his turmoil. Cui Dong is a chivalrous person.

Facing Zhao Yiming, Cui Dong quickly took out his knife, and the blade immediately fell violently, slashing at Zhao Yiming.

Cui Dong was full of muscles and bones, and he looked like a tiger with a back, and he didn't have any hesitation when facing Zhao Yiming.

With a quick blow, he swayed the sword edge in his hand in front of Cui Dong, Zhao Yiming was very quick.

The swords were rampant, and they were circling around. Both Cui Dong and Zhao Yiming fell into such a situation, and they fought fiercely.

Bravely charging, Zhao Yiming strode forward, and the sword in his hand also slashed at Cui Dong.

As a general, Cui Dong's martial arts are naturally very superb, and it is impossible to defeat it simply.

Especially knowing that Zhao Yiming wanted to deal with Ying Changge, it was even more of a wishful thinking.

Cui Dong is going to confront Zhao Yiming now, and then send all the messengers in his hands to convey Ying Changge.

The name of Ying Changge is so grand that everyone in the world knows that Cui Dong admires Ying Changge for a long time.

Now that he knows that Zhao Yiming (afej) wants to fight Ying Changge, Cui Dong naturally has the responsibility to inform Ying Changge.

Especially in the barracks, fighting with him like this, Cui Dong could not wait to kill Zhao Yiming directly.

The blade slashed down hard, and Cui Dong's blade aimed at Ying Changge's head and slashed hard.

It's a pity that Zhao Yiming's skill is not bad, he dispatched troops quickly, and the sword edge went down bravely.

The blades were fiercely confronted, the swords ran rampant, and Zhao Yiming quickly confronted with his own strength.

Along with the brave charge, swords, lights, swords and shadows quickly attacked the enemy, breaking through Cui Dong's skin.

The scars and bruises all over his body made Cui Dong more and more embarrassed, and he couldn't continue to fight at all.

In such a battle, Zhao Yiming, on the contrary, continued chasing him aggressively, with no eyes on his sword.

Cui Dong and Zhao Yiming are both fast enemies. You come and go, and you do your best to fight.

Hearing such a melodious voice, Zhao Yiming felt the deadlocked battle outside the barracks.

The swords collided, the sound of ping ping pong pong was incessant, and it was always so fierce that they continued to fight.

Zhao Yiming's troops were all very strong, and they came violently, and they continued to attack outside the barracks.

A gang of men was aggressive, intercepting Cui Dong's forces, and wanting to annihilate them all, and directly fight.

Following Zhao Yiming's order, the soldiers came out in groups and formed positions outside the barracks.

Aggressive, Zhao Yiming continued to attack, and the assault barracks formed in groups with his own soldiers.

In a big fight in the barracks, Zhao Yiming's sword was very fast and stabbed in Cui Dong's chest in an instant.

On the night of the moon black and the wind killing people, inside the tent, Zhao Yiming and Cui Dong fought because the city gate caught fire and Chi Yu was affected.

Not only Zhao Yiming and Cui Dong, but even their soldiers, are all entangled with each other.

Under such a confrontation, Zhao Yiming's troops had the advantage instead, beheading them all.

Although Cui Dong's troops were so serious, he was naturally unprepared after being attacked.

Zhao Yiming's soldiers were all ruthless guys, and they all approached quickly.

Chapter 731 Victory at the start, success in rebellion!

With a quick shot and reckless suppression, Zhao Yiming beheaded many of Cui Dong's soldiers.

Especially knowing that Cui Dong is loyal, Zhao Yiming understands that there is absolutely no possibility of persuading him.

As soon as he shoots tonight, Zhao Yiming will kill him, and it is absolutely impossible for him to have any chance to refute.

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