Many people went down bravely, showed their own attitude, and were persistently fighting against the enemy.

One soldier fell, but thousands of soldiers stood up and continued to stop Zhao Yiming's conspiracy.

Zhao Yiming cannot be allowed to rebel successfully, otherwise, Cui Dong will know that his strength will be deprived.

Once so many troops fell into Zhao Yiming's hands, then Yingzi would be in danger.

Yingzi also fought in all directions and won great victories, but he was not an invincible existence.

Zhao Yiming naturally wanted to fight for weapons and Zhao Xingzhi to flank Ying Ziyi on both sides, Cui Dong saw everything.

Inside the camp, Zhao Yiming kept approaching, holding a sword, attacked quickly, and stabbed Cui Dong.

The sword edge in his hand flickered faintly, and the general people were simply unable to guard against it.

Attentively, without blinking a glance, Zhao Yiming also resisted the wind and the fire, and did not dare to underestimate the enemy.

Knowing that Zhao Yiming's intentions are sinister, despicable and shameless, Cui Dong will destroy him with justice and awe.

The two were in a stalemate, but they couldn't easily decide the winner. They were originally evenly matched.

Can block Zhao Yiming's straight forward sword, but Cui Dong may not be able to continue to stalemate for several rounds.

Cui Dong was attacked in the middle of the night, and his mind was a little sluggish, and even his physical strength did not recover.

And Zhao Yiming came prepared, gathered a large army, and spread in the barracks at once.

In such a situation, Zhao Yiming has already taken control of the overall situation.

Let the general Cui Dong continue to fight, but it is impossible to turn defeat into victory and kill Zhao Yiming.

Zhao Yiming came in a rush, and the hurricane attack quickly released his abilities.

Seeing that Cui Dong was still fighting unremittingly, Zhao Yiming's eyes were particularly deserted, "Looking for death~"!"

"General Cui Dong! If you catch yourself now, then you can leave a whole corpse behind!"

Zhao Yiming smiled contemptuously, "Otherwise, I will definitely kill you! Not a single one!"

With a mighty blow, the sword edge slammed down, the sword was fast and ruthless, and landed directly on Cui Dong's head.

He raised the blade horizontally and blocked it in front of him.

Only then did Cui Dong easily resolve Zhao Yiming's offensive.

Holding his weapon tightly, he continued to stride up the meteor, and Cui Dong attacked with a backhand, hitting Zhao Yiming.

Ping ping pong pong, sword light sword shadow, under such a battle, both of them are not to be outdone, and the winner is not determined.

Such a battle caused a burst of flying sand and rocks in the camp, and it was chaotic. It was truly unmatched.

None of the surrounding soldiers had a chance to stop it, only Cui Dong and Zhao Yiming were left to fight alone.

Without blinking a glance, with a fierce face, Zhao Yiming scolded contemptuously, "'What chance do you have to win this kid!"

Cui Dong frowned slightly, but he didn't speak. This guy always calls himself a general on weekdays!

Now that my nature is exposed, I start calling myself a kid! Really arrogant and ignorant, arrogant guy.

Gritting his teeth, Cui Dong hit the enemy hard, blocking the sword's edge back, while continuing to chop with the blade's edge.

Ping ping pong pong, swords collided, this sword is no trivial matter, it is unexpectedly powerful (Qian Li's), and it is fast.

The hurricane attack has parried a series of offensives on Zhao Yiming's body, which is bound to be won.

In order to eradicate this traitor, in order to make this rebellious guy die completely, Cui Dong spared no effort.

The mighty attack, the fast-paced fight, the unpredictable change of the knife in Cui Dong's hand, and the subtlety of the ultimate move.

All ears were filled with this intense and crisp sound. Such a stalemate in a battle made Zhao Yiming's clone slack.

He needs to immediately lead his soldiers and Zhao Xingzhi's turn, and then go to encircle and kill Ying Ziyi.

Yingzi will not die, and Zhao Xingzhi's Spring and Autumn career will not be so smooth! Yingzi must be eradicated! .

Chapter 725 The sky is high and the earth is thick, struggling to the death!

As long as Yingzi is also killed, there will be no surprises! We must fight as soon as possible.

The sword's edge ran rampant, the blade slashed, and the sword collided, causing Cui Dong and Zhao Yiming to be continuous.

In order to protect Ying Ziyi, Cui Dong fought a battle to defend his own strength, but Zhao Yiming was different.

He just wanted to join Zhao Xingzhi and use the troops in his hand to quickly destroy Yingzi.

Ying Ziyi is such a guy who always leads the army to attack unremittingly, which is unexpectedly powerful.

With divine help leading the troops, such an army can charge down and knock Zhao Xingzhi's army down.

In order to kill Yingzi, Zhao Yiming had to lead his army and Zhao Xingzhi's turn.

Today, the general who controls the military power is always persistently fighting against Cui Dong.

This general, who had killed countless people, fought in all directions in order to suppress chaotic officials and thieves like Zhao Yiming.

As long as he is taken down, the surrounding troops will be safe, and there is no danger of 850 worrying about it.

Otherwise, let such a boy continue to stalemate, I am afraid that all the wars will continue.

Quickly confronting the enemy, pulling in an endless stream, the blade in Zhao Yiming's hand is horizontal to the sky.

Murderous, a sword rushed down, and the sword stabbed in Cui Dong's chest in an instant, bleeding profusely.

Feeling that he was injured again, Cui Dong felt that he was ashamed of Ying Ziyi, so he could only retreat reluctantly.

Step by step, sitting firmly here, Cui Dong clutched the wound on his chest without blinking.

Staring straight at Zhao Yiming, Cui Dong asked, "Do you have a clear conscience like this! What a disloyalty!"

After hearing Cui Dong's words, Zhao Yiming looked proud, "You don't understand!"

"Qianqiu domineering, roaming the country! Such ambition, how can it be said in a few words!"

(afej) Zhao Yiming looked complacent, "The bird bird knows the ambition of Honghu!" He thought he was right.

For the sake of the country and the ambition in his heart, Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi sent troops together to rebel together.

As long as he can kill Ying Ziyi and Meng Tian, ​​then on the way forward, no one will stop him!

This is the simplest thing, Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi have a common enemy, so naturally they have to get rid of them by themselves.

Otherwise, if such a kid continues to delay himself, Zhao Yiming will not easily gain military power.

Being meticulous, looking at Cui Dong fighting in front of him, Zhao Yiming had a stern look on his face.

"You kid, you really don't know how high the sky is, and you are struggling to the death! It's a waste of time!"

Hearing his question, Cui Dong's weapon hit him hard and landed on him.

Not moving at all and blocking it carefully, Zhao Yiming immediately hovered the sword in his hand.

With a contemptuous smile, Zhao Yiming questioned, "Look! Isn't this what it is! It's really laughable!"

Cui Dong didn't refute, he didn't need to say much, but was attacking quickly and facing the enemy.

Looking annoyed, he quickly shot, the sword stabbed him in the blink of an eye, and Zhao Yiming grabbed the lead.

Continuing to attack with Cui Dong, the sword in his hand is always chattering, breaking through aggressively.

In order to be able to seize the military power, Zhao Yiming's every move is very fast, quick and hateful.

The sword's edge is continuous and unpredictable, and each move has a different posture and strength.

If the stalemate continues like this, it is better to directly pull up the barracks and destroy them together!

Killing each other in one go, this kind of offensive is very ferocious, and it also has a fierce attitude.

Walking quickly, the sword flew, and the sword edge instantly hit Cui Dong's shoulder and was injured again.

The blood was sprayed and the blood flowed continuously. The direction of the sword's edge was really unpredictable.

Seeing Jianfeng coming, Cui Dong reluctantly raised the knife, but Zhao Yiming immediately turned around and backhanded.

The sword's edge shook and moved dexterously, and then stabbed into Cui Dong's abdomen, splattering blood for five steps.

Cui Donghu's body continued to stand here, but he was already covered with bruises.

Sitting here full of scars, his face is very stiff, and it is impossible to continue confrontation.

Ying Zi is also famous all over the world, Cui Dong must continue to fight unremittingly for Ying Zi.

Regardless of his injury, he stood up quickly, but the knife in his hand was still tightly held in his hand.

With a quick blow, Cui Dong was not to be outdone, strode forward, and the sword edge slammed down.

When Jian Hengkong was born, Zhao Yiming knew for a long time that Cui Dong would not give up, and he would continue to fight.

A sword rushed out, wind and fire, fell bravely, and stabbed his body, the sword was very fast.

But even faster was Cui Dong's figure, his broad body dashed over and hit Zhao Yiming.

He slammed Zhao Yiming out, and then he fell to the ground with a grim look.

A mere boy who continues to fight in front of him is unwilling to breathe.

So, he rushed over quickly, but his hands grabbed Cui Dong's body instead, and the two hugged each other tightly.

Chapter 726 Stagger, stagger!

At this moment, Zhao Yiming kicked hard and kicked Cui Dong's abdomen, hitting the wound in the middle.

Cui Dong's wound was always bleeding, and the pain was unbearable.

But at this moment, he continued to attack, quickly kicking Cui Dong's abdominal injury.

With a series of blows, Zhao Yiming's offensive directly surprised people. He was as shameless as Zhao Xingzhi.

But facing Zhao Yiming's offensive, Cui Dong did not have the sharpness and wisdom of Ying Ziyi.

Ying Zi was also able to chase and beat Zhao Xingzhi's army, which showed that he was a unique talent.

Among the people, among the people, who does not know the name of Ying Ziyi! Cui Dong also admired him very much.

It's a pity that Zhao Yiming is still not in a hurry, he is sitting here and is not afraid of anything, not afraid of anything.

If you miss a hit, you will shoot again, and every time you attack, you will hit the opponent's body.

Zhao Yiming is not blind, he can see Cui Dong's injury, so he is accurate every time he attacks.

Specially attacking Cui Dong's injury, his attack is so sharp and very fast.

Bang bang bang! Punching and kicking, punching to the flesh, such a confrontation made Cui Dong unable to support it.

His body was weak, and he fell softly to the ground, kneeling on one knee, with a cold and stern look on Cui Dong's face.

On the contrary, Zhao Yiming, with a triumphant smile, stood up quickly and came to him immediately.

Raising his own hand, tightly holding the opponent's arm, Zhao Yiming smashed it down with another fist!

"You general, it's not a good outcome to stand still! You should die soon!"

"As long as you are dead, then I can lead the army smoothly and attack Ying Ziyi with my brother."

Can't wait, Zhao Yiming's face is full of smiles, "How! Give me the military power!"

Hearing what Zhao Yiming said, Cui Dong was still not to be outdone, with an indifferent expression, "Impossible!"

"You scoundrel, don't even think about beheading me! I haven't lost yet, and I can continue to fight!"

Cui Dong insisted that he would also stand with Yingzi, he was a loyal minister with both wisdom and courage.

Continue to attack and fight fast, the sword in his hand is already slashing down quickly!

hum! Zhao Yiming didn't have any hesitation, the sword in his hand slashed on Cui Dong's shoulder, and the sword was cold and sharp.

Being attacked so suddenly, he retreated in embarrassment, and it was impossible to block the entanglement of swords.

But even so, Cui Dong was not afraid, he got up immediately and hit him again.

boom! Directly knocked him into the air, galloped hard, and hit him into the distance at once.

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