Zhao Xingzhi ordered the army in his hand to diligently block Meng Tian's army's pursuit, which is useless.

Chapter 722 A cold snort and a contemptuous smile!

For Ying Changge's order and for Ying Changge's safety, Meng Tian will continue to hunt down.

If you kill a group of people and let them die completely, then there is no danger.

It's a pity that Ying Changge and Zhao Xingzhi are far apart, not a distance that can be killed with a single sword.

Even so, Ying Changge persevered and continued to chase and kill, as fast as the wind and lightning.

The army was on a rampage, hitting the troops that Zhao Xingzhi was guarding against, and galloping towards Zhao Xingzhi.

With so many troops, Meng Tian couldn't continue to hunt down Zhao Xingzhi. There were many troops between them.

"Eight Three Three"

The crowd was crowded, and many soldiers continued to block, isolating them in front of Meng Tian's army.

If you need to charge and continue to kill Zhao Xingzhi, you must sweep away so many troops.

Otherwise, the soldiers' continued entanglement and fighting will give Zhao Xingzhi a chance to escape!

No way! A group of people from Wuyangyang rushed forward, and the army in their hands continued to chase and kill aggressively.

Meng Tian personally led the army and showed his courageous aura to destroy them one by one, corpses everywhere.

After beheading all the soldiers like this, he was so stable and didn't stop.

Not being hindered by so many soldiers, he continued to charge, always chattering and attacking.

The soldiers around them did their part, they persistently pursued and killed Zhao Xingzhi and showed their momentum.

A large group of people were chasing after Zhao Xingzhi's ass, which made him a little panic.

He spit angrily, and then he walked quickly, continuing to avoid Meng Tian's army.

The soldiers on both sides are involved, and it is not so easy to be separated.

But the soldiers were entangled, but Zhao Xingzhi was safe and sound. He was at the forefront of the army, and there was no threat.

Even Meng Tian's army continued to come, but it was still hundreds of steps away from Zhao Xingzhi.

Without any danger, Zhao Xingzhi continued to support his army, and Zhao Xingzhi went on a rampage.

Continuing to gallop on the field, a group of people left quickly, and they were getting farther and farther away.

As he continued to chase on his horse, Meng Tian saw Zhao Xingzhi's army was several miles away from him.

If Zhao Xingzhi continued to escape like this, Meng Tian would not be able to hand him over to Ying Changge.

The army moved quickly, and Zhao Xingzhi, who was chased by the back, shrouded his army here.

Charged quickly and left without stopping, Meng Tian stared at Zhao Xingzhi without blinking, very worried.

It was impossible for him to leave unharmed, Meng Tian immediately raised his arm and put on a bow and arrow.

The bow and arrow aimed at Zhao Xingzhi's back, and then shot an arrow quickly, and the sword was domineering.

Whoosh! The arrows went away bravely, and immediately stabbed Zhao Xingzhi, who hurriedly dodged.

In a hurry, he hurriedly avoided this place, Zhao Xingzhi passed the arrow, and there was no danger.

With a cold snort and a contemptuous smile, Zhao Xingzhi turned back and sneered at Meng Tian, ​​"Is that so much effort!"

"You want to kill me! It's still a long way off!" Zhao Xingzhi kept running, holding the reins and fleeing. Unconcerned, his eyes were cold and stern, Meng Tian led his army to persevere and came in full force.

In order to be able to break through the opponent, Meng Tian's troops were also surrounded continuously.

Ying Changge had an order, and Meng Tian also fulfilled his duties. In order to be able to kill them, there was a lot of wind and fire.

Groups of soldiers came one after another, and they immediately intercepted Zhao Xingzhi's army.

Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers were still blocking Meng Tian, ​​but Meng Tian's soldiers couldn't resist Meng Tian's impact. Meng Tian and the army were rampant as always, coming quickly and severely hurting these soldiers.

Meng Tian's army, which was like a wolf like a tiger, continued to march, and intercepted Zhao Xingzhi's army unscrupulously.

The blood flowed into the river and continued to charge, Meng Tian trampled on many soldiers and corpses.

The army continued to walk, chasing and killing Zhao Xingzhi behind, Meng Tian was bound to win for him.

Zhao Xingzhi must be intercepted, because this game is already tired enough and must be stopped.

Otherwise, the war will continue to stalemate, the people will not be able to live, and this chaotic scene will be everywhere.

This battle is very fierce, and it always comes in a mighty way, and I can't wait to kill him directly.

However, Meng Tian was very far away from Zhao Xingzhi at 4.9, and there were many soldiers blocking the battle between the two armies.

In the isolation of so many soldiers, Meng Tian couldn't jump up directly, approaching Zhao Xingzhi in a volley!

Riding on the horse, he continued to collide, but so many guys stopped Meng Tian in front of him.

The soldiers were dazzling, and so many guys moved quickly, eager to stop Meng Tian.

Trapped under the siege of Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers, Meng Tian took the lead and continued to charge.

The sword in his hand was quickly swung, and several of them were beheaded to the ground.

Chapter 723 It is no trivial matter, and the murderous intention is soaring!

The bleeding continued, such a death, Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers suffered heavy losses, and their strength was even weaker.

How could the crippled army be against Meng Tian! Zhao Xingzhi's troops were becoming increasingly scarce.

Unable to confront Meng Tian head on, Zhao Xingzhi wanted to go first, so he left quickly.

Letting his soldiers continue to fight against Meng Tian's army, Zhao Xingzhi himself sneaked away.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhao Xingzhi quickly left and walked in a hurry, without a trace.

On the contrary, Meng Tian, ​​because he was still listening to Ying Changge's orders, must take down Zhao Xingzhi.

Calm enough, without changing his face, Meng Tian dispatched his vanguard troops to confront Zhao Xingzhi.

With the bow and arrow in hand, Meng Tian had to complete his orders in order to repay the Ying Chang 05 song.

With Ying Changge's army behind, Meng Tian's soldiers took the first step, just to catch Zhao Xingzhi by surprise.

Therefore, it was impossible for Meng Tian to let Zhao Xingzhi escape. He was aggressive and shot his arrows!

Whoosh! Another arrow was shot, and it stabbed Zhao Xingzhi to the left with precision. He avoided it again.

This cunning guy, under the shooting of Meng Tian's arrows, he always dodged and avoided as much as he could.

Even if he was shot like this, under Meng Tian's pursuit, Zhao Xingzhi fled in a hurry.

Such a battle was very hard. Zhao Xingzhi struggled with others, and the fierce battle with Meng Tian had not stopped.

Continue to collide with each other, and the two gangs continue to entangle, and you come and go.

There were back and forth, swords, lights, swords, shadows, and Zhao Xingzhi continued to avoid Meng Tian's pursuit and wanted to escape.

It is impossible for any sinner to be blocked, especially today so many guys are against the enemy.

Yingzi also joined Meng Tian's army in groups, united, swept the thousands of troops, and beheaded the enemy.

The enemies were beheaded here, but Zhao Xingzhi still escaped from Ying Ziyi's hands.

Zhao Xingzhi refused to accept his fate, and even continued to chase and kill him, and stopped him here.

No one could stop him from fighting. As long as Yingzi also found Zhao Xingzhi, he would continue to attack.

But Zhao Xingzhi did not move now, and he patiently waited for Zhao Yiming's changes and rebellion.

As long as Zhao Yiming has seized the military power and has a round with Zhao Xing, they will be even more powerful, like a fish in water.

In the barracks, Zhao Yiming fought hard with General Cui Dong in order to seize military power.

The sword edge in his hand ran rampant, stabbing the opponent's body continuously, aggressively.

Such a mighty sword has unstoppable power, it looks no small matter, and it is murderous.

Zhao Yiming attacked calmly, and General Cui Dong also tried his best to protect his military power.

The barracks was already a mess, and a large number of people came out quickly everywhere, fighting endlessly.

Cui Dong's soldiers were resisting, while Zhao Yiming's soldiers were attacking, and the camp was in chaos and chaos.

It is precisely because of this that they continued to stalemate in their studies, and quickly showed their posture.

Persevering and aggressively attacking, Zhao Yiming's soldiers formed in groups, trying to attack from the outside to the inside.

Are you afraid that you won't be able to kill an isolated general with so many troops?

Zhao Yiming was bound to win, and in order to gain strength, he took the lead and quickly fought against the enemy.

The incessant attacks approached aggressively, this sword had a bloodthirsty light, and Zhao Yiming was fierce.

Opponents Zhao Yiming and Cui Dong showed off all his martial arts, as fast as a gust of wind and lightning.

Punching and kicking, swords and swords, the battle between the two has become more and more violent, and they will not stop.

Walking quickly, Zhao Yiming's sword stabbed straight into Cui Dong's chest, trying to kill him.

But Cui Dong continued to fight, facing Zhao Yiming's sword, he still held on firmly.

It was only today that Cui Dong knew that Zhao Yiming's rebellion was truly remorseful.

In order to block Zhao Yiming's offensive, Cui Dong had to counterattack to take him down and notify Yingzi 850 at the same time.

As a general who cares about the country and society, Cui Dong must ensure the safety of those around him.

Not only because of Zhao Yiming, but also because of Ying Ziyi's safety, Cui Dong had to tip off.

However, the barracks are now caught in such a fierce struggle that it is hard to guard against.

So many guys came aggressively, making Cui Dong trapped in heavy siege and unable to escape.

No reason! Cui Dong is serious, he must break out of the encirclement and leave this place as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if you really want so many guys to flatten themselves, then things won't turn around.

With a cold snort, he raised the blade and ran rampantly. The knife in Cui Dong's hand quickly came out and looked at Zhao Yiming.

"You traitor! Unfaithful and unrighteous, I must kill you to ensure the peace of the army."

Hearing what he said, Zhao Yiming smiled indifferently, "Really! But that's it!"

"You're making amends, it's too late!".

Chapter 724 Fighting, soldiers charge!

Zhao Yiming has the winning ticket in his hands, "My soldiers are aggressive today! I'm fully prepared."

So many soldiers followed Zhao Yiming and rebelled. It was really hard for Cui Dong to guard against it!

Therefore, he had no power to fight back, and he saw so many people coming in full force, so he could only avoid it.

Dodging quickly and leaving quickly, the momentum of the two groups of soldiers in the army was completely unusual.

Some are fleeing, some are fighting, and in the chaotic barracks, it is really cautious.

You have to cheer up, otherwise you will easily die in such a situation.

The death of death, the injury of injury, the more such an attack, the higher the odds of Zhao Yiming's victory.

The aggressive charge attacked, and a swarm of people came quickly, surrounded in all directions.

So many troops seem to be unparalleled, but in fact it means nothing.

There are a lot of soldiers, but they are not Cui Dong's soldiers. This is the key.

So many soldiers came in an orderly manner, rushed into the barracks, and charged unscrupulously.

Seeing one kill another, Zhao Yiming's offensive has an irresistible force, and soldiers emerge one after another.

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