"Aren't you going to give me an honest answer! That way, you won't waste time!"

After hearing Ying Changge's words, the local ruffians looked at each other, not to be outdone, they were aggressive.

So the two ruffians joined hands and walked up, just to double-team Ying Changge and let him die.

Since he saw that these two guys couldn't see the coffin and didn't cry, he didn't have any extra moves.

Raising his sword, what Ying Changge has to do now is very simple, that is to meet the enemy.

He raised his sword, and the sword edge hit it hard, just to intercept them.

With a quick shot and an angry blow, Ying Changge easily knocked them back several steps.

In this narrow alley, who can fight against the enemy Ying Changge? Impossible!

He was not in a hurry, he fought the enemy with ease, and defeated the two local ruffians. He was really brave.

Where the sword edge is going, it will only make the local ruffians very flustered, making it difficult to match Ying Changge.

Especially the sword in his hand, throwing out afterimages one by one, just to stun the two ruffians.

In Anyang County, Ying Changge visited the streets and alleys just to test the county governor's reputation.

If the county governor is a sinner, then Ying Changge will personally eradicate him and sweep him away.

If it wasn't for the ruffian's obstruction, Ying Changge would have already entered the final crucial place.

He saw the figure of the local ruffian chattering, but unfortunately, he couldn't get close to Ying Changge.

The sword in his hand was very fast, and with a swoosh, the blade of one of the ruffians was broken.

Empty-handed, the unarmed ruffian immediately scolded angrily, or strode forward.

In the battle with Ying Changge, these two local ruffians 710 spare no effort, they are brutal and ruthless.

The sword in his hand was stabbed mightily, and he exhausted all his strength in order to kill the opponent.

Crackling, the swords came in an endless stream of blows, so that they could kill the opponent and block the danger.

The sword was just an ordinary sword, but the ruffians still refused to give in, and they approached swiftly and dexterously.

One left and one right, the local ruffians joined forces and attacked from both sides, so that they could kill Ying Changge and reverse the situation.

The delusional local ruffian continued to rush up, and the sword in his hand had an unusual posture.

The chattering came, the endless fighting, in the shadow of swords and swords, Ying Changge stood tall.

He quickly took a step forward, and the sword edge also charged straight up, hitting the ruffian's chest.

For Ying Changge, his goal is very simple, that is, for the county governor of Anyang County.

Ying Changge will never let a guilty person go, nor let an innocent person be involved in prison.

This is fairness and justice.

Chapter 609 Hit the ground abruptly!

Therefore, Ying Changge listened to Meng Tian's persuasion, and a group of people were sneaking in here, quietly spying.

As long as Zhi finds out anything about Zhao Xingzhi, Ying Changge can use this as proof.

Continue to collect human and material evidence, in Anyang County, Ying Changge can fight back against the opponent and kill him.

These two ruffians are very stupid. They can't wait to come, and they are still wishful thinking.

Because killing Ying Changge is very difficult. Looking at the world, it is difficult for several martial arts masters to do it.

If it weren't for the fact that Ying Changge likes to play with these ruffians, he would have been able to kill several ruffians long ago.

In Anyang County, there are many dangers, but none of them are as dangerous as Zhao Xing, the governor of the county.

Ying Changge would not be rash and reckless, he had to be careful so that he could grasp all the handles of the county governor.

Everyone seems to have surrendered to the Anyang County Governor, and they are all so loyal.

In the face of Ying Changge's questioning, the people in the city, as well as these local ruffians, all spoke in unison.

They jointly praised the county governor of Anyang County, which made Ying Changge himself very puzzled.

It is enough to find a certain answer from the mouth of the local ruffian, which is intriguing.

If you can't know everything about the Anyang county governor from the mouth of the local ruffian, Ying Changge cannot break the county governor.

Ying Changge is just arresting the guilty person, so is the county governor of Anyang County the guilty person?

He didn't know, that's why he made many guys speak the truth and asked Zhao Xingzhi's reputation.

He saw the silence around him. In this narrow alley, only Ying Changge and two local ruffians were left.

The front is the ruffian, and the back is also, Ying Changge is in the front and back for a while.

At this moment, isn't there a wolf before and a tiger? Ying Changge is not afraid, he is so indifferent.

He raised his sword unhurriedly, Ying Changge strode up to catch up, and at the same time swung the sword's edge.

With a crackle, the sword edge ran rampant, and then it hit several people in a row.

This sword is very fast, and it cuts off traces on the body of the local ruffian, and blood flows.

The pain was splitting, these two ruffians had lost any ability in front of Ying Changge.

They couldn't break through Ying Changge's defenses, and they couldn't get close to Ying Changge's face, which was really embarrassing.

In the repeated blows, the sword in the hands of the ruffian has become more and more embarrassed and weaker.

Even if the two ruffians attacked at the same time, they couldn't kill Ying Changge, and he still remained motionless.

Standing unharmed in this street and alley, Ying Changge held his sword in a menacing manner.

"If you don't do anything, you will be captured! Aren't you afraid of dying under my sword~"!" Ying Changge asked!

But Ying Changge's reprimands and threats had no effect, and the two ruffians couldn't shed tears without seeing the coffin.

With angry expressions on their faces, they approached quickly, ignoring the wounds on their bodies at all.

Even if Ying Changge's sword was pierced with bloodstains, the local ruffian still had to fight to the end.

Unity, in groups, the local ruffians shot at the same time, and immediately fought bravely.

For a while, Ying Changge was caught up in a deal with the local ruffian, and he was completely disappointed.

I originally thought that I could easily find out about Zhao Xingzhi, but now it seems very difficult.

In front of Ying Changge, it was impossible for a few ruffians to approach him, and the sword in his hand was very fast.

Ping-ping-pong-pong came, and the swords were full of swords, and a few local ruffians still had to kill Ying Changge before letting it go.

It is a pity that Ying Changge is not an ordinary person, and the sword in his hand is also so swift and domineering.

Such a swift sword swept across, just to smash several people to the ground.

This is an invincible power, even Ying Changge cannot easily display it, shocking several people.

The rapid blows came, and the fierce swords stabbed several Ying Changge's bodies, blood flowing.

Under such a valiant offensive, everything was unstoppable, and the two local ruffians were powerless to resist.

In the attack of you and me, everything is so embarrassing and full of tatters.

With a swoosh, the swords moved forward, coming in an endless stream, hitting his body with a mighty blow.

It is precisely because of such a sword that the local ruffians (Zhao De's) are in a hurry and in a hurry.

It was difficult to match such an offensive, so they fell, fell into the streets, and staggered.

Only Ying Changge was still standing, his face was so indifferent, "'Who else is there!'"

With a loud shout, the invincible Ying Changge didn't show any panic, and was just about to move.

A bunch of over-the-top guys beat and kicked themselves for the sake of a county governor of Anyang County.

In this way, it is just digging one's own grave and using the man's arm as a car, which is not worth mentioning at all.

Holding the sword in his hand, Ying Changge walked up slowly, with such an indifferent face, "I ask you!" Leng.

Chapter 610 Avoid letting the tiger return to the mountain!

"Not honest! Guys are chattering in front of me, **** it!"

"Hurry up and tell me what Zhao Xingzhi's character is like! I came here to make an unannounced visit!"

Ying Changge still wanted to know the reputation of the governor of Anyang County from the mouth of the local ruffian, so that he could capture the evidence of the crime.

However, to the local ruffians, they are all very dishonest, and they don't plan to tell the truth at all.

Standing here, after seeing Ying Changge's righteous and awe-inspiring appearance, they even snorted contemptuously.

"It's really courting death! It's absolutely impossible for me to tell you! Go to hell!" They were so quick.

He got up quickly and shot immediately, the sword in his hand pierced the cheek of the ruffian, and blood flowed.

The local ruffian immediately backed away in pain, but still stood here vigilantly, not daring to go against Ying Changge at all.

Ying Changge didn't change her face, "I'm not telling the truth! What are you guys planning? Hurry up and speak!"

"It's life or death, you are in your own hands, that's all 710!" Ying Changge's eyes were fixed.

The flamboyant attitude, the aggressive appearance, and the demeanor of Ying Changge are so indifferent and very calm.

Especially after seeing the fierceness in Ying Changge's eyes, they didn't dare to refuse, they could only nod their heads.

"Okay! Let's talk!" The ruffians looked at each other, their faces were very vigilant and very careful.

Taking this opportunity, a few of them came up immediately, then raised their hands and hid their knives in their sleeves.

These insidious and shameless guys are very despicable, and they deserve to be people from the market.

They immediately approached while they were talking to Ying Changge, so they could flank and try to kill Ying Changge.

But Ying Changge was not panicking, he had already expected a few people to pull like this, and it was extremely obscene.

Since he wanted to be detrimental to himself, then Ying Changge would use a knife to kill them easily!

Whoosh! The sword edge struck quickly, and he knocked the dagger in the hands of the local ruffian to the ground.

Stunned, the two ruffians didn't expect Ying Changge's reaction to be so quick, and they missed the shot.

This dagger fell to the ground, making the ruffian empty-handed and defenseless, very dangerous.

They quickly followed, and then chased after chattering endlessly, so that they could kill Ying Changge and attacked back and forth.

Don't look at Ying Changge's majestic appearance, he is actually vulnerable and can't stop him at all.

The sword in his hand quickly suppressed the two people's necks, making them unable to move.

Standing here steadily, the local ruffian had a very panicked look on his face, "We were wrong!"

"Give me another chance!" The two ruffians were very timely, and immediately knelt down in front of Ying Changge.

Ying Changge looked at them without changing her expression, and the sword in her hand was stabbed swiftly and placed on their necks.

"Forget it! You are not honest guys! Even if you say it, it will be useless!"

Since it is a local ruffian in the market, it is useless, "Go away! Get out of here!"

His goal was only the afej of Anyang County, but not the local ruffians who were roaming the market, so he let go.

It can be regarded as accumulating virtues and doing good deeds, and after releasing their lives, Ying Changge waved his hands and let them escape directly.

He put his sword into his sheath, and then Ying Changge turned around and left this remote place.

All the guys are so brave, but killing Ying Changge is beyond their own power and wishful thinking.

After driving these ruffians away, Ying Changge was very disappointed. He had nothing to gain and nothing to do.

Because in Anyang County, everyone keeps praising the county governor, which is really ridiculous.

With so many guys, no one speaks ill of the sheriff? How could Ying Changge be so unbelievable!

So he shook his head decisively, thought about other things very seriously, and started from the side.

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