The local ruffian is also a vicious guy, he immediately opened his mouth and bit it with ~ force.

Biting Ying Changge's leg, he made Ying Changge's movements slow down and stayed here-.

Looking down, Ying Changge shook his head helplessly as he looked at the ruffian's rogue appearance.

It was a shame that he was so famous and majestic that he had to fight with these guys.

Even if it is to let Ying Changge go into battle to kill the enemy, there is no problem, but he has to fight with the local ruffians.

Isn't this funny! Therefore, he could only come up quickly, chatteringly, and counterattack.

The fist in his hand was very fast, hitting the ruffian by his leg.

Ying Changge hit this ruffian's head all at once, and he dared to bite himself!

Fortunately, Ying Changge's leg had almost no injuries, which showed that the ruffian's teeth were not very good.

His fists were steady and swift, and he suddenly separated the ruffian, making the ruffian dizzy.

After being punched by Ying Changge, the ruffian wasn't very clear, and there were gold stars in his eyes.

Shaking, the ruffian leaned against the corner of the street, but still grabbed Ying Changge's leg with all his strength.

This local ruffian is very rogue, and he rushed up abruptly, just to block Ying Changge and prevent him from attacking.

However, who is Ying Changge, he won't panic, and easily suppressed the local ruffian.

Even though the boy in front of him was pulling himself hard, Ying Changge quickly picked up the knife and dropped it.

The sword hidden in the scabbard slammed down quickly, hitting the ruffian's head abruptly.

This guy who was completely rebellious towards himself lying on the ground couldn't resist such an attack at all.

Ying Changge's moves are very sharp, and the ruffian is unarmed and empty-handed at this moment.

In the face of Ying Changge's sword blow, the local ruffian had no choice but to be at a loss and fainted.

After knocking out the ruffians in front of him, Ying Changge continued to come unimpeded to fight these ruffians.

The dog-legged son of the county governor, several local ruffians are also ambitious and loyal, and capture him for the sake of prosperity and wealth.

Little do they know that Ying Changge's skills are high and strong, and his swordsmanship is excellent, and he will not be eradicated by an easy fight at all.

The sword in his hand continued to strike quickly, fighting hard, in order to eradicate the opponent.

Otherwise, he is just an ordinary boy, it is impossible to intercept Ying Changge's path.

He raised the knife in his hand, and his own sword swiftly hit it, killing a group of people.


Pleasure and revenge, chattering and slaughtering, his sword edge has unexpected effects and is very fast.

Even if the sword was hidden in the scabbard, the local ruffians who were able to frighten them all retreated step by step.

Shaky and unstable, they fell to the ground, making it difficult to continue fighting.

If it weren't for the fact that Ying Changge was here, the local ruffian would have carried him three times and two times to meet the county governor.

A few local ruffians are not fools, they have been watching Ying Changge in the corner of the street for a long time.

Since he was secretly inquiring about the county governor, it means that he must have an intention.


I don't know who Ying Changge is, but the local ruffian is willing to **** him to Zhao Xingzhi.

As long as he is able to make meritorious deeds, it is enough, the intention is simply not worth mentioning, and there is no need to make a fuss.

They were in groups, each of them running up quickly, intending to trap Ying Changge.

But Ying Changge came on a rampage, and his figure was so fast that he could easily defeat them.

Snapped! The scabbard came down, and Ying Changge knocked another guy down to the ground with ease, leaving him in a state of embarrassment.

Standing in front of this local ruffian, Ying Changge asked solemnly, "I ask you, how does the county governor act!"

"In Anyang County, the county governor is arrogant and domineering, selling officials and taking bribes. I ask you if it is true!"

After hearing Ying Changge's questioning, the local ruffian shook his head again and again, "Nonsense! It's just a bunch of nonsense!"

The local ruffian wanted to resist, but was suppressed by Ying Changge, "Don't move! Be careful of your dog's life!"

Several people are so hideous, and there are two local ruffians beside them who are bluffing, turning back and forth.

Chapter 607 The ruffian's sword!

However, there was a local ruffian kidnapped among the Ying Chang singers, and they were all afraid to come up.

After seeing this scene, Ying Changge smiled indifferently, "Be honest! I don't want to do it!"

"I ask you, who is the governor of Anyang County! Tell me honestly! Do you hear me!"

The ruffian was forced to his throat by the scabbard, and for a while, he would not be able to speak at all.

Shaking his head helplessly, the local ruffian quickly begged for mercy, "I said! I said! Just let me go!"

Ying Changge's movements slowed down a bit, and the sword retreated a little, allowing the ruffian to speak.

Cough "Seven-one-zero" coughed, and then the local ruffian said slowly, "Anyang county governor is a talented person, and his sleeves are cool!"

"He cares about the people, he is really a rare good official!" The local ruffian looked serious and sincere.

Frowning slightly, Ying Changge was unhappy, and immediately attacked, giving the ruffian a slap on the face.

Snapped! There was a clearly visible slap print on the side face of the ruffian, which made him grin in pain.

With a fierce look on his face, the local ruffian who was being held hostage by Ying Changge immediately jumped up, "I'll kill you!"

The wind and fire approached quickly, and he clenched his fists, about to hit Ying Changge's eyes.

Hit people without slapping the face, scolding people without scolding the mother. This ruffian is really breaking the rules of the rivers and lakes!

So Ying Changge was immediately furious, he raised his hand, and then grabbed the opponent's arm abruptly.

Facing this little guy, Ying Changge immediately raised his knees and rammed it hard.

Faced with being surrounded by a few local ruffians, Ying Changge didn't need to take it seriously, he just played with them.

Therefore, attack quickly, collide with the knees, and directly give the ruffians a bruised nose and a swollen face.

The pain was unbearable, and he showed an embarrassed look. The local ruffian wanted to fight back, but he raised his arms.

But Ying Changge was still one step ahead. He grabbed the ruffian's arm and pressed him to the ground.

The ruffian ate a mouthful of dust and was very embarrassed. Naturally, there was a lot of dirt in his mouth.

The dirt was stuffed in his mouth, and the ruffian couldn't wait to spit it out, not wanting to eat it into his stomach.

And at this moment, the local ruffian immediately approached, trying to continue seriously injuring Ying Changge.

The sword in his hand was very fast, and the ruffian took the sword and slashed at Ying Changge's arm, wanting to cut it off.

It's just a mediocre guy, and it's ridiculous to play an axe in front of him.

With Ying Changge's swordsmanship, he was able to suppress everything and would not be frightened by a few local ruffians.

So he quickly counterattacked, and with a wave of his hand, he was already hitting the blade of the ruffian, "Don't worry."

Ying Changge's eyes were so indifferent, "Come one by one, I will interrogate you one by one!"

He walked up quickly, and shot incessantly, how could the local ruffian pay any attention to what Ying Changge said!

His actions were so swift, and he came with quick steps, just to cut Ying Changge into eight pieces.

It is a pity that he will not be killed, the sword in his hand has a swift offensive, shaking left and right.

Snapped! The swords came in an endless stream, and hit the ruffian's sword abruptly.

It was Ying Changge's swordsmanship that was more powerful, and he easily pulled the other side, which didn't look like it.

The swords are constantly descending and falling quickly, just to break them, one does not leave 0.....

Standing beside Ying Changge are several local ruffians, but this is also an ordinary guy.

A few Ying Changge from the market just want to kill himself, isn't this a very stupid thing!

So he quickly counterattacked and attacked one after another, just to kill him.

Who makes these ruffians keep their eyes open, but they want to run up and offend themselves! How funny.

The sword in his hand was very fast, blocking the ruffian's sword edge and repelling it.

The other party staggered back, Ying Changge grabbed the local ruffian beside him and continued to question, "Speak!"

"If you don't answer honestly, the sword in my hand will cut your neck!" Ying Changge was very serious.

However, this local ruffian is also not to be outdone, his eyes widened, "How dare you do this!"

"I just need a quick blow to kill you easily!" He snarled in shock.

This ruffian trembled, with a look of fear, staring at Ying Changge, "You dare!"

"4.9 here is Anyang County, how dare you kill people casually!" The local ruffian began to struggle.

If he had known this, he would not have rushed up, and a few people would go to catch Ying Changge in a hurry.

Because they couldn't break through Ying Changge at all, Ying Changge's ability overwhelmed the heroes and hurt them.

Standing here unmoved, Ying Changge pulled the ruffian and made him kneel in front of him.

Condescendingly, his eyes were cold and stern, he raised his hand, grabbed the opponent's neck, and the sword was rampant.

The sharp sword fell on the neck of the ruffian, Ying Changge had always targeted Zhao Xingzhi from beginning to end.

Chapter 608 The last key place!

He came here all the way to investigate the truth of the Anyang County Governor, and the others didn't care.

"Speak!" Ying Changge knew urgently, and wanted to know who the other party was.

Besides, nothing can stop Ying Changge from killing each other, because this is Anyang County.

As a county governor, dereliction of duty, neglecting the garrison, and selling off officials are extremely sinful things!

Once he got the truth from this spy, Ying Changge would first capture Zhao Xingzhi and put him in prison.

Now, being held and questioned by Ying Changge, a lot of sweat dripped down the face of the local ruffian.

He was very panicked, for fear that under such a deal, he would be killed and the local ruffians panicked.

Precarious, with two trembling strands, the local ruffian gritted his teeth, "You want me to say that! Do you speak ill of the county governor!"

"But I don't have a very close relationship with the county governor. I only know that he is hospitable and generous!"

After hearing the ruffian's words, Ying Changge was still not satisfied, "You are talking nonsense!"

"Just a county governor, you don't know! There is no airtight wall! Naturally, you don't know much about it!"

Among the common people, isn't the common people's pastime after dinner just gossiping and gossip! Anyone can discuss.

Especially a few local ruffians, although they are people in the market, they are most likely to receive any news.

Therefore, it is the most correct thing for Ying Changge to ask them, and it is easy to get the result of the interrogation.

It's a pity that these guys are unwilling to beg for mercy.

The very disappointed Ying Changge could only shake his head, "If that's the case, then you're useless."

Ying Changge raised his sword and hit him on the neck hard, "Stop it a little bit!"

Jian Feng slapped this local ruffian full of gold stars, he fainted immediately, and then fell in front of Ying Changge.

Snapped! A ruffian passed out again, leaving only two ruffians left in front of Ying Changge.

These two ruffians looked majestic, but in fact they were just bluffing.

Ying Changge's ability is so strong that he can break through the attack of two local ruffians by himself.

Not in a hurry, he walked up indifferently, he raised the sword in his hand, "Who else is there!"

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