"Master Class, is there an intruder from the outside world? Has it broken into the inside of our agency city?"

"No way?"

"How can outsiders intruders destroy the organs of our organization city one after another?"

"This is totally unreasonable!"

"Under the whole world, how can anyone crack the mechanism of our Mo family?"

"This this!"

All the Mohist disciples present showed their astonishment in their hearts.


Don't fall!

Even they can no longer explain all this by coincidence.

It was a coincidence that the organs in the first organ position suffered losses.

But the second organization's position was also severely damaged...

This cannot be explained by coincidence.

There are foreign intruders!

Someone is constantly destroying the organs in their Mojia organ city!

Only in this way can they explain the phenomena they are now witnessing with their own eyes.

Chapter 275 Unless It's God? Master Class doubts life! 【Please customize】

"Someone can actually destroy the organs of our Mojia Organ City?"

"How is this possible?"

"The organs of our Mojia Organ City are supposed to be the best in the world."

"Under the whole world, how can there be an organ master who can crack our Mo family's organ technique?"

"Even if it is a public loser, it is impossible to break through the mechanism of our mechanism city, right?"

"This foreign intruder, who is he holy?"


Several Mohist disciples were deeply moved, with shocked expressions on their faces.

They are terrified!

It was the first time I saw with my own eyes that their Mo Family's impregnable government city would be constantly destroyed by outside intruders.

This naturally makes them feel very apprehensive and apprehensive.

Organ City, this is the greatest pride and confidence in their hearts!

But right now.

Their confidence is being destroyed continuously.

They started to panic.

"Master Class, what should I do?"

A famous Mohist disciple looked at Master Class with fearful eyes.

They can see.

Master Class is also pale and full of horrified faces.


Class Master, like 410, the backbone of their hearts, was also shocked by what happened at this time.

"But it's just two organs that have been broken."

"The difficulty of the later organs will be countless times higher!"

"No matter who this foreign intruder is, he will definitely be brutally strangled by the organs inside our Organ City."

"You don't have to worry."

Master Class forcibly suppressed the shock and panic in his heart.

He can only constantly console himself.

Now the Mojia Organ City has been destroyed, and only two organization positions have been destroyed.

There will be three more difficult positions in the follow-up, which can be used to block foreign powerful enemies!

In the follow-up organization positions, each difficulty will be doubled and increased!


The class teacher has reason to think.

This foreign intruder, no matter how powerful and capable he is, will definitely be directly strangled by the follow-up organs.

"do not forget."

"The two agencies in front of our agency city are just an appetizer."

"The main event is still to come!"

"The first two organs have been cracked, and it still cannot affect our internal security."

(afej) "I don't believe that he can destroy and break down the more difficult mechanisms behind him."

Master Class clenched his fists tightly, his eyes twinkling.

There are a total of five organs in the Mojia Organ City, which are used to resist foreign powerful enemies and prevent foreign intruders from breaking into the core hinterland of the Organ City.

Each of these five organs will be more than ten times more difficult to break than the previous ones!

And now.

It's just that the two organs have been cracked. Although Master Class is deeply shocked and moved, he has not completely lost his mind.

"He will definitely die under the mechanism of the mechanism city!"

"Now it's just two institutions that have been broken, but Erer."

"The most rare agency is still waiting for him behind!"

"If he has not chosen to retreat despite the difficulties, but continues to want to break into the position of our agency city. Then, he will inevitably be shattered and bones will be left in the end."

Master Class gritted his teeth and said angrily.

"What Master Class said is very true."

"Even if this foreign intruder has the ability to reach the sky, he will surely die under the mechanism of our mechanism city."

"There are three organs behind him waiting for him, and he will definitely be wiped out by these organs behind him!"

After receiving the safety of Master Class, the Mohist disciples present were relieved.


It can still be seen that their frowns that have not been completely relieved, revealing their tense mood, are not as relaxed as they seem.

The organization positions of the two organization cities were destroyed by people, no matter how much they comforted themselves, they would still feel tense and uneasy.

Unexplainable sense of crisis...

Cover the audience!

The depressing atmosphere made the Mo family disciples shudder.

There was a pungent smell in the air.

They resisted the pungent smell and stared at the third organ core device in the secret room of the organ.

If you guessed correctly...

The intruder from the outside world has already come to the organization city, the third organization position used to defend against foreign enemies.

"He must die!"

"In this world, no one can break through our Mojia city from the front."

"No one will be an exception!"

"Even if the organ master is terrifying, it is impossible to find the most core organ device from thousands of organs."

"No one can do it!"


"It's not a man, it's a god!"

Master Class also stared at the third mechanism.

His eyes were bloodshot, and his old face was full of tension, anxiety, and horror that could not be concealed.

If it is only by manpower, how can it be possible to find the only correct core mechanism device from thousands of mechanisms?

Humans can't do it!

unless it's God!

Only the ethereal gods...

Only have this terrifying ability to subvert cognition.


Under the eyes of the class master.

As well as a few others around him, at the moment, they are in the eyes of Mo family disciples who are full of anxiety.

Time flies by in a hurry when people are not aware of it.

In the blink of an eye, less than a quarter of an hour passed.

at this time.

in vain!


A flame suddenly rose up without warning, and ignited spontaneously, the third mechanism device located in the secret room.


A puff of gray-black smoke curled up, born from the place where the third mechanism was installed, and began to quickly spread around.

at the same time.

The pungent and rich smell swept the entire secret room in an instant.

Originally, the area of ​​the secret room was very small, and the air inside was difficult to circulate.

resulting in.

The gray-black smoke rising from the huge secret room lingered around, unable to disappear for a long time.


It was so quiet in the secret room!

The atmosphere has also become very strange!

The whole place was silent!

There was no sound at all here.

The nose smelled the pungent odor floating in the air, and saw the clouds of gray-black smoke billowing from the third mechanism...

This scene fell into Master Class's turbid eyes with incomparable clarity.

this moment.

Master Class has completely doubted life.

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