A mass of flames suddenly burned in the core device of an organ, and the flaming flames continued to rise and linger, emitting a gray-black smoke.

The pungent smell then spread and filled the huge secret room.


Gray-black smoke enveloped the entire secret room.

A strong and choking smell wafts from every corner of the secret room.

"how can that be?!"

When he saw this gray-black smoke rising up, Master Class immediately widened his eyes, and his eyes were full of shock, horror and other emotional colors.

This is the second mechanism device that has been damaged!

Just ask.

What exactly does this mean? !

Of course, the Master Class is well aware of this.

Inside the Organ City, there is a second Organ position dedicated to blocking outside intruders...

Was it also destroyed? !



The same thing happens twice in a row.

Could this be called a coincidence? !

Do not!

It's no accident!

Not a coincidence!

It's a must! .

Chapter 274 Unacceptable! Incredible class master! 【Please customize】

This is the second time!


This is not the first time!

The first mechanism device was suddenly damaged and failed, which can also be explained by coincidence.

Think of it as a random event!


The second time the same thing happened.

Can this be explained by coincidence and chance?

What a joke!

This is no coincidence!

It is inevitable!

It is an inevitable phenomenon that the organs and devices have been damaged and failed twice in a row!


That is to say.

The internal organs of Mojia Organ City are now being destroyed by foreign intruders!

Thinking of this, Master Class widened his eyes involuntarily, and his eyes were filled with emotions such as shock, shock, gaffe, and disbelief.

He was stunned.

Alien intruder? !

Are you trying to destroy the organs in the Mojia Organ City?

More precisely.

Has the other party succeeded in destroying the two Mohist Organization City's organization positions one after another?

how can that be? !

"I must be dreaming, right?"

"This this!"

"What's the situation? What happened in the city?"

"Two consecutive agencies have suffered serious damage and failed together. This must be someone trying to destroy the agencies in the agency city."

"He, who is holy?!"

Master Class opened his mouth, his lips trembled slightly, and he was deeply moved.

His wrinkled old face at this time involuntarily showed an unparalleled shock.

At first he thought.

It was just a coincidence that the first mechanism device was damaged and malfunctioned.


At that moment, the second mechanism device was also destroyed.

this moment.

He suddenly woke up.

This is not a coincidence, but someone is really destroying the organs inside the Mojia Organ City.

There are already two positions of the agency, which were tragically destroyed by this intruder.

All of this has seriously subverted the cognitive view of Master Class.

He couldn't even dream of it.

The Mojia Organ City will be attacked from the front by foreign intruders one day!

more unexpected...

The organs of the internal organ city will actually be forcibly destroyed by outsiders!

What is this concept?

all in all.

With all this happening right now, Master Class can't help but doubt his life.

"It's impossible~"!"

"The organs in the Mo family's government city were created with the efforts of the Mo family for hundreds of years. How could they be destroyed by outsiders?"

"It must be fake!"

"I do not believe!"

Master Class's head went blank, shaking his head constantly trying to veto this astonishing fact.

As the Mo family's organ master, his greatest pride in his life is the Mo family's organ city, a solid defensive fortress!

This is the pride of all Mohist disciples!


At this moment.

The greatest pride in his heart was being trampled and rubbed under his feet.

How can the class master accept this?

The Mo family's most proud of the city, the two institutions were forcibly destroyed by outsiders one after another?

is it possible?

The class master is unbelievable.

The Mojia government organs in the city should be impeccable!

Otherwise, it is impossible for the city to stand for hundreds of years without falling.

It is impossible for anyone to break through the organs in the Mojia Organ City.

Even the mortal enemy of the Mo family, the loser, could not do this.

It is for this reason that Master Class is so gaffe about what is happening now.

What no loser can do...

Today, it was actually done by an unknown outsider? !

"no, I can not."

"How can the organs in the city be destroyed so easily?"

"And it was destroyed from the front!"

"There are hundreds of mechanisms there, each of which is very subtle and mysterious, and they are interlinked with each other."

"As long as any organ is touched, it will cause the operation and response of other organs."

"In this case."

"It's as hard as the sky to break through the organs there!"

"Even the old man is not sure to destroy the organs there head-on."

"How can a mere outsider do something that even the old man can't do?"

It is precisely because it is too clear how subtle and mysterious the institutions in the city are that makes Master Class act so crazy at the moment.

He knows the city too well.


When seeing this moment, the tragic destruction of the institutions in the city, one after another, makes Master Class's mentality face the fate of collapse.

Gray-black smoke rose up, filling the huge secret room.

The pungent smell wafted away.

The few Mo family disciples present naturally quickly sensed the movement here. They all looked at Master Ban in shock and blurted out subconsciously.

"`〃Master Class..."

"The second organ position seems to have suffered serious damage and has failed!"

A famous Mo family disciple was shocked.

"I know."

The shocked mood of Master Class was unable to calm down for a long time.

His eyes were full of horror, and he stared at the mechanism device that was constantly emitting gray-black smoke.

What I'm witnessing right now has made Master Class's mentality collapse.

He never thought about it.


The city that he was most proud of in his heart was tragically destroyed and disintegrated.

This is amazing!

Until now, the class master is still hard to believe.

The incomparably subtle and mysterious mechanism in the city of the mechanism will be broken by outsiders!

Everything severely impacted Master Ban's mind, making his face a little pale, and he began to tremble violently uncontrollably.

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