And Bai Feng, who was beside him, gradually thought clearly.

Why did his attacks fail every time he fought Ying Changge.

"I see…"

"I understand."

"Seventh Young Master, he can really penetrate my tricks and movements in an all-round way!"

"This is definitely not something that martial arts can bring."

"It's a kind of ability that is more terrifying than the mind of martial arts!"

"Through the future?"

"What a terrifying ability!"

"It's not an exaggeration to call it the method of an immortal."

Bai Feng's throat was dry, and his mood was violently undulating like waves.

There were still some doubts at the beginning, but all of them were solved at this moment.

"Strange, monster!"

Canglangwang, Chi Lian and the others looked at Ying Changge, as if they were looking at a terrifying monster, and their eyes contained strong emotions such as awe and fear.


they think.

They have truly seen it, a monster through and through!

"Young Master, it's not that the Caomin questioned your words."


"All of what you said is really too unbelievable."

Gong Zuoqiu was shocked, but he couldn't help but speak again.

Can you see through the future?

What is this ability?


Gong Zuoqiu has never heard in his life that there are still people in the rivers and lakes who can control such a terrifying ability and means!


"My son's ability is 10,000 times more terrifying than you think!"

Meng Ying glanced at Gong Zuoqiu and spoke without hesitation.

"All right."

"But it's just a small Doyle, and it's hard to be elegant."

"Everyone, you don't have to go so deeply."

Ying Changge waved his hand and said lightly.

Wei Zhuang: "…"

Gong loses hatred: "..."

Quicksand organizes everyone: "..."

Li Si: "…"


This horse riding is called a trail?

So what is the road?

Those who can penetrate the short-term future of others are actually called trails?

Is it difficult to get into the hall of elegance?

Is this the monster?

Seventh son is really a monster!

A group of people were silent.

Obviously, they were hit hard by Ying Changge's remarks.

"Cough cough."

Gong Shuuqiu coughed dryly, forcibly calmed down his trembling mood, and then tentatively asked, "Young Master, can you take the liberty of letting the grass people see."

"What kind of method did you use to crack the domineering formation of our losers?"

Gong Zuoqiu is still deeply puzzled by this.

"you sure?"

Ying Changge had a weird expression.

"Also ask the young master to make the grass people get their wish."

"Since then, the Caomin will let you send you, son, and there will be no other words."

"If Caomin is sent to deal with the Mo family, Caomin will do everything in his power and will not let down your high expectations, son. No matter what the cost, you will fulfill your command and order, son."

Gong Zuoqiu had a firm look on his face.

In order to see how the hegemonic mechanism technique was cracked, Gong lost revenge can be considered a sacrifice.

"What I said in front of me can never be taken back."

"I'll ask you one more thing."

"Are you sure?"

Ying Changge looked surprised.

Is this the rhythm of dying for yourself?

to be frank.

The energy of the head of the public loser is still very large.

The head of the Gongshu family of this generation, Gongshuoqiu, is also a genuine master of mechanical techniques, much stronger than the class masters of the Mo family.

If you can get the life of such an organ master, this is definitely a **** business.

Blood can't be earned!

Baili and no harm.

With the size of the head of the public loser, it can also bring a lot of help to Ying Changge.


Ying Changge needs to pay very little.

Just let them know.

How to crack it yourself, the domineering mechanism that the public loser is proud of can be done.

This is for Ying Changge.

It just couldn't be easier.

A trivial matter can be exchanged for the allegiance of the contemporary head of the Gongshu family, Gong Zuoqiu.

Isn't this what blood is earned?

Ying Changge had never seen such a good thing before.

Of course he wouldn't be foolish enough to refuse.

The allegiance of an organ master is no small matter.

not to mention.

This grand master of mechanical art is also the head of the Gongshu family, and a master of mechanical art can even be compared to the existence of the grandfather Master Lu Ban!

"Blood earning!"

Ying Changge couldn't help laughing.

In the face of Ying Changge's solemn questioning, Gong Shuoqiu did not hesitate at all: "Caomin absolutely dare not lie in front of you, Seventh Young Master."

Lie in front of Ying Changge?

Gongzuoqiu still does not have the courage and courage.

By the time.

I am afraid that the entire public loser will suffer!


"How do you want me to crack your public loser's mechanism?"

Ying Changge asked with a smile.

"In the simplest way possible."

Gong Shuuqiu took out an organ product.

This is an organ snake, a product of the organ technique created by the domineering organ technique of the public loser. It contains thirty-six types of organs, which are interlinked, very subtle and mysterious.

The mechanism snake is dark red, made of bronze, only about half a meter in length, but there are many internal organs, and its body is very dexterous.

This mechanical snake was created by the head of this generation of Gongshuo family, Gongshuo, who adopted the domineering and overbearing mechanical technique, which was improved.

simply put.

The small organ snake contains the domineering organ technique that Gong Shuqiu has learned all his life.

The mystery is infinite!

Its internal organs are interlocked, and if any one of the organs is touched, it will pull a hair and move the whole body, so that all the organs of the whole snake will be pulled and triggered.

It possesses good attacking and destructive power, and is an organ beast used by Gongzuoqiu to sneak attack secretly.

The crimson snake was wrapped around Gong Shuqiu's arm, and he looked at Ying Changge seriously: "'Young Master, you can try to crack this snake."

The words fall.

Gong Shuuqiu placed the trap snake wrapped around his arm directly on the table next to the wooden table.


The organ snake lay flat on the table, and the internal organ was never triggered.

all around.

Pairs of curious eyes were fixed on Ying Changge's body.

Including everyone from the Quicksand Organization, they were deeply curious.

How to crack Ying Changge?

This is the head of the public loser of this generation, and it is an organ beast created by his life's hard work. It contains the countless core essence of the overbearing organ technique, which is infinitely mysterious.

"Can you do it?"

Bai Feng, Chi Lian and others thought.

On the other hand, Meng Ying and Shao Si Ming had calm expressions on their faces, and there was no change in their expressions at all.

Since they experienced what happened in the Tooth Devourer Prison, they certainly wouldn't be moved by this trivial matter.

"How do you want me to crack?"

"Have you cracked all its internal organs?"

Ying Changge asked again.

"Only need to crack half of it."

"Seventh Young Master, please let the grass people see your magical abilities."

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