"Seventh son, let's talk about it."

"Since what you have mastered is not the mind of martial arts. Then dare to ask, what kind of ability do you master?"

"I'm very curious, what is the ability that surpasses the mind of martial arts? What kind of terrifying power does it possess? Please don't hide your clumsiness, Seventh Young Master, and explain to me."

Wei Zhuang took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart.

He stared at Ying Changge, his eyes full of curiosity and anticipation.

Including Bai Feng, Chi Lian and others beside him also showed a bit of curiosity.

well known.

The mind of martial arts, known as a million martial arts practitioners, can only be mastered by one person.

So here comes the question.

How rare and insignificant is the ability to surpass the mind of martial arts?


Pairs of eyes full of shock, awe, and fear all gathered on Ying Changge's body.

in the eyes of the crowd.

Ying Changge still seemed very calm and indifferent, and said bluntly: "This ability has not been named yet. However, the ability it gave me is..."

Having said this, he paused.

Wei Zhuang and the others were deeply curious.

They couldn't wait, wanting to wait for Ying Changge's next answer.

What is the ability?

How is it compared to the mind of martial arts?

Countless thoughts were entangled in the minds of Wei Zhuang and the others, which made them subconsciously lift their moods, quietly waiting for Ying Changge's answer.

I see.

Ying Changge slowly opened a pair of gray-white pupils, the corners of his mouth curved slightly, and Lian Sang's expression was even more meaningful.

"Everyone, if I say."

"With this ability, I can briefly see your future..."

"Do you believe it?"

The sound fell.


The whole place became dead silent!



It was so silent that you could hear the faint sound of the heartbeat of everyone present.

Chapter 149 Immortal magic? Is this the monster? Long experience! 【5/6 ask for custom】


The wolf king's throat rolled, and he couldn't help swallowing.

He widened his eyes and stared at Ying Changge dumbfounded.


Wei Zhuang, Chi Lian, Bai Feng and others were all stunned.

There was also Gong Shuqiu, the contemporary head of the Gongshu family, who did not unexpectedly show a shocked expression. His old and wrinkled face was full of horror.

The atmosphere here was once so quiet that it was like a calm lake.


next second.


The whole place was boiling.

After a short silence, a full-scale shocking explosion occurred!


A sensation!

All the shocking eyes gathered on Ying Changge's body, as if they were all waiting for the latter's next sentence.

They just couldn't imagine it.

What did they hear just now?

Isn't this a hallucination?

Are you dreaming?

Everything has subverted their cognition.

The only people at the scene kept calm thinking, and only Meng Ying and Shao Si Ming were left, one left and one right beside Ying Changge unmoved.

Even Li Si's eyes widened in shock.


what's going on?

What did the seventh son just say?

real or fake?

Can you see the future?

Meng Ying, who was Ying Changge's personal bodyguard, felt disdain and disapproval of the excitement and sensation at the scene: "Quicksand Organization? The head of the Gonglu Family? That's it?"

A group of frogs at the bottom of the well...

Sure enough, I was still shocked by my son!

The so-called quicksand organization, which is famous in the arena, seems to be nothing more than that.

This is not.

Still stunned by my son-in-law.

Including Wei Zhuang, the leader of the Quicksand Organization, was frightened and confused.

"Seven, seventh son, what you just said."


Gong Shuqiu's throat was dry, and he couldn't help but ask tentatively.

His mood was terrifying, and he couldn't suppress the horrified feeling in his heart in a short period of time.

He was so shocked.

I can't even imagine dreaming...

Such things that subvert cognition will actually happen in front of you.

Can you see the future?

What amazing and terrifying ability is this?

Simply unimaginable!

The ability mastered by the seventh son is actually so terrifying?

This is too outrageous!

"Then what do you think, the head of Gongzuo?"

Ying Changge asked back with a smile.

At this time.

Wei Zhuang and other quicksand organizations also woke up one after another.

They were still staring at Ying Changge in amazement.


The Blue Wolf King couldn't hide that gaffe, and the faces of vicissitudes hidden under the mask were already full of shock.

"This this!"

Chi Lian pink lips trembled slightly, unable to speak for a while.

She could never accept it.

Such a terrible thing as Ying Changge said just now.

The same is true for Bai Feng, Hidden Bat, Wushuanggui and others.

Even Wei Zhuang was no exception, as if he wanted to question it instinctively.

only because……

The words and remarks I heard this time are too incredible!

With Wei Zhuang's calm demeanor, he was deeply moved by his complacency and gaffe.

As you can imagine.

What an incredible event this is.

Can you see the future?

What means is this?

martial arts?

Do not!

This is simply magic!

this moment.

Wei Zhuang couldn't help but recall.

Previously, when playing against Ying Changge.

Every time the opponent happened to be able to evade his full-strength attack.


The other party did such a terrifying act by virtue of this ability that was comparable to an immortal method.

Thinking of this, Wei Zhuang suddenly shared many of the previous confusions and questions.

"This is simply the method of an immortal~"!"

"finally, I understand."

"Why did I feel a deep sense of powerlessness from the bottom of my heart when I fought against the seventh son before, as if all the tricks had been penetrated."


"It's not an illusion!"

"My tricks and movements were indeed penetrated in advance!"


"Seventh son, he has such a terrifying ability! It can be called a terrifying method like a fairy!"

Wei Zhuang lost his temper again.

He was shocked and couldn't calm down for a long time.

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