Everyone's eyes were the same, fixed on Ying Changge's figure, unable to move any longer.

no doubt.

What they are seeing now has a serious impact on their worldview, making all of them express their disbelief.

Including Wei Zhuang, his face was full of shock, sluggishness, and astonishment.

"Me, my God!"

"Is this a hallucination?"

Chi Lian's pink lips moved slightly, only to feel a cold air rising from the soles of his feet to the sky.

She was stunned.

Is the Hundred Steps Flying Sword really blocked?

Was intercepted from the front!


The whole process was effortless and ultimately unscathed!

The scariest part is...

That monster turned out to be a hundred-step flying sword intercepted by empty hands!

What is this concept?

05 That is to say.

Lord Wei Zhuang's shark teeth could not touch a single hair of the monster from beginning to end, so it was blocked by the air, and it was completely intercepted and resolved.

Thinking of this, Chi Lian's mind became a mess.

No way?

real or fake?

How could someone be so powerful?

Chi Lian was shocked.

I thought.

This one hundred-step flying sword will inevitably take the opponent's life.

But did not expect.

Dissolved by the opponent from the front empty-handed!

All of this has seriously overturned Chi Lian's cognition.

All that happened, all impacted Chi Lian's mind.

She couldn't help but doubt her life.

"Lord Wei Zhuang's hundred-step flying sword..."

"Really blocked by that monster from the front!"

"What's even more terrifying is that with his bare hands, he intercepted the hundred-step flying sword from the air!"



Chi Lian has hair all over his body, and his back is cold.

She looked at Ying Changge's eyes, full of fear.

The fear in his heart has been magnified infinitely.

For this result, everyone on the scene seemed unexpected.

Bai Feng was also dumbfounded.

Uncontrollably swallowed, Bai Feng observed Ying Changge's unscathed mental appearance, and then looked at the shark teeth that were bounced off not far away.

"Be good..."

"Just relying on internal strength to dissolve Lord Wei Zhuang's hundred-step flying sword?"

"This is the ultimate technique of Guigu Longitudinal Swordsmanship that the Martial Dao Grandmaster uses with all his strength!"

"Is it so easily blocked by someone?"

"Am I not awake?"

Bai Feng was very shocked.

Recalling the scenes he saw just now, his mood was as if he had endured the mad rushing and beating of the monstrous waves, which made him unable to calm down for a long time.

What I witnessed with my own eyes has seriously subverted Bai Feng's worldview.

He didn't even dare to dream.

If someone can do it, they will forcibly block and intercept the hundred-step flying sword with their bare hands!

And even today, he saw it with his own eyes.

"and also……"

"Not only was the Hundred Step Flying Sword intercepted by forcible airspace!"

"Even where he is, it has suffered the impact of extremely terrifying forces, causing the surface to collapse and rupture. The entire land seems to be completely destroyed."

"What terrifying power is this?"

"What a terrible trick to do this?"

"It's incredible!"

Bai Feng was beginning to be a little incoherent.

He was obviously shocked.

This result overturned his previous expectations.

I thought I was going to die...


That monster really did it, a world-shattering move that they could not even dream of.

Intercept the hundred-step flying sword empty-handed!

Forcibly defuse the power of the hundred-step flying sword from half a meter away!

Flying Demon Sword Shark Teeth on the spot!

The sword that contained Wei Zhuang, the head of their quicksand organization, a dignified martial arts master, was so easily deciphered.

This naturally made Bai Feng and the others unacceptable.

As the master, Wei Zhuang was also in an extremely shocking mood.

"Block, block..."


Wei Zhuang lost his temper for the first time.

He has always been calm and ruthless, when he saw the scene that happened just now, he couldn't help but be deeply moved by it, and he completely lost his calm attitude in his heart.

Although the Hundred-Step Flying Sword was not his strongest stunt, it was definitely not something that an ordinary person could block head-on.

It is very difficult for even a master of the martial arts master realm to intercept the hundred-step flying sword from the front!


At this moment.

Not only did he come across such an example of a monster.

The opponent even relied on the cultivation of the late Xiantian, and with his bare hands, he intercepted and blocked his proud hundred-step flying sword from the air!

Wei Zhuang's mentality was about to collapse.

Can anyone explain.

what is happening? !

"It comes from the hundred-step flying sword that a martial arts master uses with all his strength..."

"Is it blocked like that?"

"The whole process was effortless? The whole body was unscathed?"

"Even, the shark tooth couldn't even touch a single hair on his body, and was forcibly blocked?"

Wei Zhuang has never experienced such a shocking thing right now.

Even in the fight against Genie, he would rarely be so gaffe.

this moment.

Gradually he began to understand.

How terrifying is this monster that Chi Lian and Bai Feng described before!


Wei Zhuang took a deep breath, constantly adjusted his state of mind, forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart, and stared at Ying Changge with dignified eyes.

He already knew.

How strong is the seventh son in front of him!

Outrageously strong!

Simply unfathomable!

Even if he is a martial arts master, he is completely unable to detect the depth and depth of the opponent.

"What kind of martial arts is this?"

"How can it cause such terrifying power and influence?"

"Not only did it block the hundred-step flying sword from the air..."

"Even the surroundings of the place where it is, can't withstand the impact of this force and collapsed."

Wei Zhuang observed with lingering fears the surrounding environment that Ying Changge was in.

This broken and broken surface made Wei Zhuang feel heavier and heavier.

What an astonishing burst of power can create this ruined mess?

Rao is Wei Zhuang himself, and he can't even imagine it.

the other side.

Along with the hundred-step flying sword, it was intercepted by Ying Changge from the air.

Li Si, Meng Ying and others were also amazed.

in particular……

When they saw the ruins of the soil collapsed on the ground, the sense of awe on their faces grew stronger and stronger.

"So strong!"

"The Hundred-step Flying Sword was resolved with no effort!"

"Is this the strength of the Seventh Young Master? Terribly strong!"

Li Si said with a look of admiration.

"Lord Xiangguo, I have already told you."

"My son, he..."

"It's invincible!"

Meng Ying smiled confidently.

Shao Si Ming's beautiful eyes flickered, his pink lips moved slightly, and he whispered to himself: "A very terrifying move! The shock wave generated by the explosive force can even forcibly intercept the hundred-step flying sword from the air!"

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