"After all, it's too much inferior."

"If it was Genie's Hundred-Step Flying Sword, I might not be able to block it so easily."

"But if it was Wei Zhuang's Hundred-Step Flying Sword, then it would be different."

There was a faint smile on Ying Changge's face.

With his raised right hand, a terrifying gravity repulsion still erupted between the palms of his palm, bursting with powerful shock waves, blocking the shark teeth half a meter away in front of him.

Hardly connect the hundred-step flying sword from the air!

This time, even the blade of the shark tooth didn't touch it.

The last time he took Ga Nie's Hundred-Step Flying Sword with his bare hands, Ying Changge still needed to use his perfect-level armament.

And this time, he didn't even need to use his armed arrogance.

The gravitational repulsion of the gravitational fruit explosion alone is enough to block the hundred-step flying sword contained in the shark teeth from the body.

As the gravity of Ying Changge's explosion became more and more terrifying, the ground soil he stepped on became more and more obvious, and the depth of the depression became deeper and deeper.


The whole piece of land seemed to be sunk by Ying Changge alone.



The many cracks that were cracked and shattered spread farther and turned into ferocious spider webs, which were dense enough to make the scalp numb.

a time.


The smoke and dust rose up, billowing into the air 0.....

And under the terrifying shock wave that erupted from Ying Changge's body, the dust flew to the sky wantonly, as if to completely cover the surrounding environment.

Taking Ying Changge's body as the center point, the half-meter area seemed to form an invisible wall, and the invisible wall forcibly blocked the shark teeth.

The terrifying gravitational energy wrapped Ying Changge's body in all directions to protect it.

Half a meter away, no object can try to get close, and all will be repelled and bounced away!

Including the shark tooth that contains the power of the hundred-step flying sword, it will not be an exception!


Sharktooth kept trying to defeat Ying Changge's gravitational repulsion, but it was never able to do so. The friction between the blade and this gravitational repulsion flickered with dazzling fire.

The black dragon wrapped around the shark-toothed blade gradually seemed to weaken a lot, and its size became very small, no longer as deterrent as before.

"Forcibly connect the hundred-step flying sword in the air?"

"I think……"

"In the world, I am the only one who dares to do this."

"Only I can do it!"

Ying Changge smiled.

Before even touching the blade of the shark tooth, he was pushed out by the terrifying gravity from the air, and blocked it from the front!

Such an amazing feat, who can emulate it?

No one can do it!

There is only one case in the world!

With a thought, Ying Changge's body erupted again with a more terrifying gravitational repulsion.

For a moment...

Gravity is even more terrifying.

next second.


The shocking sword energy and sharp edge contained in the shark teeth were completely dissolved and wiped out by the gravity released by Ying Changge's body.

The black dragon wrapped around the blade was even more smashed on the spot...

Turn into nothing!


The power of the Hundred-Step Flying Sword was completely canceled...

From the hundred-step flying sword released by a martial arts master with all his strength, the power was completely wiped out.


Without the support of this power, Sharktooth became an ordinary demon sword, no longer possessing any destructive power, and was about to fall from the sky.

Just before the shark tooth fell to the ground.


The terrifying gravitational repelling from Ying Changge's body spread out, and the shark teeth were abruptly knocked out dozens of meters away.

A shock wave caused by the overwhelming gravity completely wrapped the blade of the shark tooth.

Just a moment.


With a loud bang.

The shark tooth was hit by dozens of meters on the spot, and it flew upside down and rolled wildly in mid-air.



The shark tooth was blasted nearly 100 meters away by the shock wave, and the sharp blade pierced directly under the crack in the ground.

Under the influence of the terrifying shock wave, when the shark teeth pierced into the ground, the blade was still under the interference of the terrifying shock wave, and the crazy violent humming trembled.

So far.

The hundred-step flying sword was successfully blocked and intercepted.

Being Ying Changge effortlessly, he wiped out all his power in the air.

About half a meter away...

4.9 With a single thought, Ying Changge blocked Wei Zhuang's full-strength flying sword with his bare hands!

The whole process was unscathed!

Do not!

More precisely.

During the whole process, Shark Teeth could not touch the corner of Ying Changge's clothes.

Even the sharp sword energy contained in the shark teeth could not touch a single hair of Ying Changge.

Such an amazing move can be said to be unprecedented!


Ying Changge relaxed and relaxed the terrifying gravity wrapped around her body at will.

In the blink of an eye, he returned to his original indifferent appearance.

The horror gravity all retracted the body...

And from the beginning to the end, he never left the place where he was standing.

In the face of Wei Zhuang's full blast of the hundred-step flying sword, Ying Changge's footsteps didn't even move.


The place that is different from just now is...

The complete ground that Ying Changge stood on just now, now, the depression that had been bombarded by gravity repulsion collapsed into a deep pit that swept across a nearly ten-meter radius.

At this time, Ying Changge stood quietly in the most concave core area of ​​the deep pit.

In a radius of more than ten meters, all of them collapsed.

The extremely broken environment and landforms make Ying Changge's figure very eye-catching and prominent!

A gentle breeze came.

The dust and dust that was originally blown up, after losing the scrolling of the shock wave, gradually began to slowly fall from the sky.

Ying Changge, who was located under the deep pit, was completely unscathed.

His white clothes fluttered in the wind, his long hair was flowing down a shawl, and he had a perfectly handsome face, which set off his unique temperament and was extraordinarily detached, showing his peerless style.

this moment.

The whole place was dead silent!

In all directions, there was an atmosphere of extreme silence!

Silent! .

Chapter 138 Shocking the audience! Juggernaut is also my defeat! 【7/7 for custom order】


The atmosphere is so weird!

A pair of eyes full of shock, shock, and disbelief, at this moment, all gathered on Ying Changge's body.

quite a while.


The wolf king's throat rolled, and he couldn't help swallowing.

He was stunned.

Just now……

What did he see?

Are you not dreaming?

The Blue Wolf King couldn't even dream of imagining the scene that just happened in front of him!

All of this just subverts cognition!

The Cang Wolf King looked at Ying Changge, and then turned to look at the broken traces of the ground where the latter was standing, and he only felt horrified.


In the end what happened?

The whole land seems to be completely destroyed!


so horrible!

The Blue Wolf King couldn't believe it in his entire life.

One day, he will witness such incredible horrors with his own eyes.

The area of ​​more than ten meters in radius was collapsed by the depression that was forcibly impacted by the terrifying force just now.

"This this……"

"what's going on?!"

The Blue Wolf King's throat was dry, and he couldn't help opening his mouth, a burst of horror and speechlessness.

His voice broke the eerie and silent atmosphere of the scene.

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