Although he didn't experience it personally, the shock in his heart was no less than Mengying's.

"A little trick I just learned."

Ying Changge smiled.


Li Si's eyes widened.

good guy!

This can be called a terrifying method like fairy magic...

It was called a trick by the son? !

Is this the monster's world?

Long experience!

Can't be bothered, can't be bothered!

Cowardly cowardly!

Therefore, Li Si did not speak too much.

He was afraid that if he continued to speak, he would suffer more intense psychological trauma and blows.

"How did you feel just now?"

Ying Changge asked Shao Siming.

The only one on the scene is Shao Siming, who can maintain a certain mobility in the field of gravity.

Hearing this, Shao Si Ming pondered for a moment and replied, "Once I set foot in it, the overall level of strength I can display. It will drop from the middle stage of the innate to the early stage of the innate."

The words fall.

Li Si, Meng Ying and others were even more shocked.

Forcibly reduce the cultivation base and realm of others? !

be nice...

What kind of terrifying means is this?

Simply unimaginable!

He really deserves to be the first enchanting Seventh Young Master of the ages!

This method is simply the method of an immortal!

"Sure enough."

For Shao Siming's answer, Ying Changge had expected it long ago, and it did not surprise him.

The power of Gravity Fruit has a more intuitive understanding.

Even the powerhouses of the innate realm, once they are suppressed within the gravity domain, will greatly weaken their overall strength.


"My overall strength will also be improved by several grades!"

"Even if you encounter the leader of the Yin-Yang family, Dong Huang Taiyi, or the Taoist Tianzong's Bei Mingzi, etc., relying on the gravitational field of the gravitational fruit, they can still form a huge suppression."

Ying Changge thought.

After a while.

Li Si asked tentatively, "Master, shall we go?"


Ying Changge nodded.

This time, he did not refuse to leave the tooth-devouring prison.

This trip can be described as recovering quite a lot!

After killing Chen Sheng, the degree of template fusion has been greatly improved.

at the same time.

Also unlocked the blind swordsman's signature ability, Gravity Fruit!

It's still a perfect gravity fruit!

Thinking of this, Ying Changge showed a satisfied smile.

It is worthwhile to travel thousands of miles from Xianyang City to the tooth-devouring prison.


As long as the Gravity Fruit is unlocked, it is worthwhile.

As for Shengqi's death?

Ying Changge didn't take it too seriously at all.

The Black Swordsman Shengqi died as well.


At most, it will affect the Daze Township Uprising in later generations.

Now, Ying Changge may have greatly curbed the probability of the Daze Township Uprising.

Without Shengqi, there is only Wu Guang left, and he must not be able to lead the peasant disciples to rise up completely.

"Let's go."

Ying Changge took Li Si and the others and left the tooth-devouring prison the same way.

Sheng Qi's body had already been cleaned up.

On the way back, Ying Changge did not see Sheng Qi's body on the ground, and even the blood on the ground had been cleaned up.

The fragments of the giant tower were naturally cleaned up.

The way to leave the Tooth Devouring Prison is still led by two guards who guard the Tooth Devouring Prison.

Ying Changge led Shao Siming and Meng Ying and followed behind.

Li Si is in the position beside him.


Under the leadership of the two guards, Ying Changge and the others successfully walked out of the tooth-devouring prison.

When he completely walked out of the entrance of Tooth Devouring Prison, a cool sea breeze blew on Ying Changge's hair and clothes.

The air is fresh, refreshing and refreshing.


The sound of the waves crashing and rolling over each other spread out in all directions.

After walking out of the entrance of the tooth-devouring prison, he returned to the edge of this huge coast.

A gust of sea breeze blows, making this hot air temperature a bit cool and refreshing.

When Ying Changge stepped on the edge of the coast with one foot.

It is also officially announced.

He, left the tooth-devouring prison!

Leaving the most powerful prison in the empire!

Known as the terrifying prison under the world, no one can break it!


This so-called unbreakable. When it comes to Ying Changge, it will instantly become a joke, and it will be easy to crack it by his perfect knowledge and domineering.

If it wasn't for their perfect knowledge, Ying Changge and the others would have been trapped in the Teeth Devouring Prison for three days and three nights. Whether they could survive until that time was still unknown.

Stepping on the soft coastal soil under his feet, Ying Changge could feel the golden halo scattered from the sky, and the warmth flowed through his heart.

"Respectfully send the seventh son!"

"Congratulations to send off Lord Xiangguo!"

At the rear, the two guards looked at Ying Changge's back with respect and awe.

What happened in Teeth Devouring Prison, they must never forget in this life, it will make them remember deeply!

Step out.

Ying Changge and Li Si walked side by side, staying away from the tooth-devouring prison step by step.


Ying Changge asked, "Master Xiangguo, where should we go next?"

Tooth Devouring Prison is only the first stop of this trip, and it is far from the last stop!

The Black Swordsman wins seven, and is only a part of Li Si's plan.

And it's the smallest part.


This trip left the tooth-devouring prison, and it was impossible to return to Xianyang City immediately.

"Go to the Quicksand Organization!"

In the face of Ying Changge's inquiry, Li Si solemnly informed him.

"Quicksand Organization?"

"Do you want to invite the Quicksand Organization to deal with the Sword Saint Genie and the anti-Qin elements?"

Ying Changge was thoughtful.

He began to wonder in his heart.

If the group destroys the quicksand organization, how much template fusion can I get?

Think carefully.

he thinks.

The degree of integration that you can get from it may not be too high.

Not worth the loss.


Let the Quicksand Organization first target the Sword Sage Gai Nie, the anti-Qin Mo family, the remnants of the remnants of the Chu State, and others.

When both sides are injured, it is the best time to take out the Quicksand Organization and the anti-Qin elements in one go!

This is the best way to go!

"Mantises catch cicadas..."

"The oriole is behind!"

The smile on Ying Changge's face was very playful.

After leaving the tooth-devouring prison with Li Si, and returning to the edge of the coast, the two thousand elite iron cavalry of the empire came forward, waiting here for a long time.

"Seventh son!"

"Master Xiangguo!"

It was less than an hour before Ying Changge, Li Si and the others entered the Tooth Devouring Prison.

It is now approaching evening.

on the edge of the coast.

You can clearly see the endless sea, and under the afterglow of the setting sun, bursts of gold-like colors flicker on the sea.


Ying Changge couldn't see this scene.

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