Shaoxing thought for a while.

Then, she also resolutely and slowly stepped out.

Step by step towards the field of gravity ahead.

Before stepping into the realm of gravity.

She took the lead in activating the surging innate innate energy in her body, and the innate innate energy that erupted from the cultivation realm in the mid-innate phase instantly swept through the whole body.

Step out.

Shao Siming stood very calmly in the gravity field. Although she was not overwhelmed by gravity, a little insignificant perspiration appeared on her forehead involuntarily.


A heavy sense of oppression pressed her body tightly.

The body seems to weigh thousands of pounds!

In this situation.

Every step requires a huge amount of energy and internal support.

Even if the cultivation realm reaches the mid-innate realm, Shao Siming is still unable to completely offset this terrifying gravity, and can only use the innate qi to maintain his body that has never fallen.

"So strong!"

"Very strong!"

"Extremely powerful!"

Shao Siming's original calm state of mind, followed by an unprecedented huge wave rolling in, rippling wave after wave of rippling waves.

Before that, she obviously underestimated the horror of this power!

Never thought.

Even a strong person who has reached the mid-innate cultivation realm will feel such a surging and terrifying suppression once she sets foot in the field.


Shao Siming felt shocked in his heart.

Under the suppression of this terrifying aura, her originally powerful cultivation realm in the middle stage of the innate was actually suppressed to the early stage of the innate!

Just ask!

What a terrifying and astonishing phenomenon is this? !

Simply unimaginable!

That is to say.

If a battle breaks out here, the overall strength she can exert, at most, can only barely reach the level of the realm of the early innate!

This extremely terrifying discovery made Shao Siming stunned on the spot.

"Seventh son... No."

"It's too scary!".

Chapter 120 Leaving the Empire's Strongest Prison! Go to the killer organization! 【3/7 ask for custom】


With a heavy exhalation, Shao Si Ming eased the heavy burden on his body a little, and every step seemed to be dragging a majestic mountain.

Extremely heavy!

It takes a lot of effort to take a step.

For the first time in his life, Shao Siming experienced such an unbelievable terrifying event.

"In the middle stage of the innate, it was suppressed to the early stage of the innate!"

"This is simply fairy magic!"

"Seventh son is too scary!"

Shao Si Ming's beautiful eyes looked at Ying Changge, the beautiful face hidden under the veil was deeply moved, and deep admiration came from the heart.

Never heard of it.

There are still people who can possess such terrifying abilities!

Even with the calm nature of Shao Siming, he felt a burst of horror and disbelief.

A range of tens of meters in a radius...

All without exception, are affected by this terrifying gravity.

Only Shao Siming can stop it.

Other than that love.

The rest of the people, including Meng Ying, and the two guards who have been guarding the Teeth Devouring Prison for many years, as well as the hundreds of prisoners held in the cage.

They were all suppressed, lying on the ground unable to move.

This scene naturally fell into the coverage of Ying Changge's knowledge and color without reservation.

"Even for the middle stage of the innate, it has a huge restraint effect!"


"Directly let the top powerhouses of the innate realm be in my gravity field, and weaken the overall strength level of a realm."

Aware of Shao Siming's abnormality, Ying Changge couldn't help but think so.

As expected, it is the signature ability of the blind swordsman!

too strong!

Even the top powerhouses in the Innate Realm will inevitably suffer the absolute suppression of gravity if they are in the field of gravity.

In this way, their own cultivation realm will fall uncontrollably to a realm!

This is the 'Hell Brigade' of the Gravity Fruit Exhibition!

"During a battle, even against a powerhouse of the same level, it will still cause a powerful gravity suppression. That is to say, this move can not only be used as a means of large-scale attack in a group."

"I can still use this trick to weaken the strength to a certain extent for the top powerhouses of the same level."

"Under the influence of such terrifying gravity, even a speed-type powerhouse will inevitably be weakened infinitely!"

A smile appeared on Ying Changge's face.

Cultivation and realm are his biggest flaws!

Due to the lack of cultivation and realm, many times, he is helpless to some speed-oriented powerhouses.

If the other party wanted to escape, it would be difficult for Ying Changge to pursue the other party.


Bai Feng from the Quicksand Organization, Pirate Zhi, the leader of the anti-Qin Mo family...

These two are the kings of speed!

Ying Changge's strength is definitely enough to crush the two of them, but if the two of them want to escape, Ying Changge will seem a little helpless.

This is the drawback of insufficient cultivation and realm!

And now.

After mastering the perfect gravity fruit and being able to apply the gravity field at will, these speed-type powerhouses will no longer have any advantages when facing Ying Changge.

In the terrifying gravity field, their speed will be weakened infinitely, and even the speed may be reduced to be far worse than that of ordinary martial arts practitioners.

As such.

Losing their speed advantage, they will naturally become the target of Ying Changge's spike.

"My biggest flaw, after mastering the Gravity Fruit, has been solved."

"Speed ​​is my biggest weakness."


"However, I can use the Gravity Fruit to exert a huge gravitational suppression on the enemy, and make the opponent slow down. As long as the opponent's speed is slower than mine, then my shortcomings will naturally disappear."

Ying Changge thought.


He took back the terrifying power of the Gravity Fruit.

in a moment……

The terrifying gravity that swept across a radius of dozens of meters, all restrained and returned to Ying Changge's body.

The terrifying gravity that had suppressed the audience disappeared in an instant.

In the blink of an eye.

After Ying Changge recovered gravity.

Hundreds of prisoners in the cage were finally able to stand up from the ground as they wished.

But their expressions were full of trepidation and fear.

Obviously, what happened just now caused them an unprecedented psychological shock.

"Just now, what happened?!"

"too horrible!"

"I will never experience something like this again in my life."


"The whole body is completely immobile!"

"It is clear that there is no suppression by any object, but the body seems to be crushed by thousands of pounds of boulders!"


There was chaos in the huge cage.

One after another criminals have lingering fears, constantly talking about the sense of fear just now.

outside the cage.

Ying Changge's perfect sense of sight can naturally penetrate the panic of these people.

He couldn't help laughing and turned around slowly.

After this attempt, he probably had a more familiar cognition and understanding of the Gravity Fruit.

All the previous understandings were just re-engraved and merged from the blind swordsman.

Only by doing it yourself can you get a completely different experience.


Ying Changge didn't care about the chaos in the cage, and walked step by step towards the direction where Li Si and the others were.

Meng Ying, who was lying on the ground unable to move, and the two guards guarding the Tooth Devouring Prison also stood up from the ground in embarrassment as the gravity disappeared.


Meng Ying saw her son walking slowly, and she couldn't help but show a deep respect and admiration on her face.

That kind of method that could be called a fairy method just now really made him remember it deeply!

He experienced it for the first time in his life.

Such unbelievable and terrifying things.

"Son, what was that just now?"

Li Si couldn't help asking subconsciously.

Right now, he still has lingering fears.

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