Being told face-to-face was useless, and naturally Sheng Qi, who was already very short-tempered, was deeply angry.

The eyes he looked at Ying Changge became colder and colder, and the killing intent became stronger and stronger.

"What do you mean, Mr. Zhao Qi..."

"You can kill the Sword Saint Gai Nie? Why? Just rely on your cultivation base and realm in the mid-Xiantian middle stage? You don't know how high the sky is!"

"Juggernaut Gai Nie is a master of martial arts, how can you be compared to someone with a mere mid-innate cultivation base? It's too arrogant!"

"Seventh Young Master, you will pay a painful price for your arrogance and arrogance!"

"A person like you, Qi Gongzi, who only has a mid-innate cultivation base, I killed no one hundred or eighty people in my early years. How did you have the courage to stand in front of me and say this?"

Sheng Qi clenched the giant tower tightly, his eyebrows filled with anger.

"Sheng Qi, you are presumptuous!"

"Who do you think you're talking to?"

"Too presumptuous!"

The two guards scolded Shengqi in anger one after another.


Li Si stared at Ying Changge in a daze, with the former's remarks lingering in his ears.

Although Li Si does have some recognition.

With the strength of the Black Swordsman to win the seventh, it is indeed very difficult to kill the Sword Saint Genie, and there is almost no possibility.

But he didn't think about it in the first place.

Let Sheng Qi kill Gai Nie.

All he wanted was for Sheng Qi to cause trouble for Genie.

But now after listening to Ying Changge's words, Li Si couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

Although he couldn't understand Ying Changge's approach, he didn't dare to block too much.

He believed.

Since Seventh Young Master chose to do this, there must be a reason for the other party.

Li Si didn't dare to stop him, and he didn't want 210 to stop him.

The only thing he's worried about is...

Seventh Young Master, can you really win the Black Swordsman Victory Seven?

Thinking of this, Li Si looked at Ying Changge worriedly.

"Young Master, do you want to kill the Black Swordsman Shengqi?"

Meng Ying's eyes flickered.

He didn't go too far, worrying about his son's safety.

No one on the scene knew it better than him.

Ying Changge, his son, is such a terrifying existence!

Even the Sword Saint Gai Nie was severely injured by his own son, and the mere black swordsman won seven, but he was only a prodigal dog under the sword of Sword Saint Gai Nie.

Want to threaten your son's life?


It's a big joke!

"Although I don't know the reason for the son's actions, everything the son does must have his own considerations. As a minister, I must obey and follow unconditionally!"

Meng Ying, who has always trusted and blindly worshipped Ying Changge, immediately stood by her son.

No matter what Ying Changge does, in Meng Ying's eyes, it is worthy of his blind following and trust.


Shao Si Ming's beautiful eyes looked at Ying Changge quietly, the beautiful face hidden under the veil did not have too many emotional ups and downs, and remained flat as always.

The atmosphere has become a little weird!


A chilling aura emerged spontaneously.

"It seems that this is your own intention, Seventh Young Master."

"You want to kill me?"


"Seventh Young Master, do you think you can really do it by yourself?"

Seeing Li Si's stunned expression, Sheng Qi immediately understood.


He lifted the heavy sword Juque in his hand, slowly grabbed the iron chain next to the hilt of the Juque with his left hand, and wrapped the chain around the arm of his right hand.

After doing all this, Sheng Qi just stared at Ying Changge with a serious face.

Right now, he is truly in a state of battle!

Using the iron chain on the hilt of Juque's sword and wrapping it around his right arm, he can better utilize the power of Juque and use it to attack the enemy.

under a depressing atmosphere.

Opposite to Shengqi.

There was a smile on Ying Changge's face, and she maintained a calm and indifferent attitude as always.

"Why do you ask me to kill you?"

"Of course it is..."

"With the strength I can powerfully injure Sword Saint Genie!"

"I heard in the early years that you, as a famous black swordsman in the arena, were defeated by Yuanhong in the hands of Sword Saint Gai Nie. As a result, you were imprisoned in the tooth-devouring prison."

"In that battle, you were extremely embarrassed!"

"I was pressed and beaten by the Sword Saint Gai Nie all the way! There is almost no power to fight back!"

"But, you don't know."

"It was the Sword Saint Gai Nie who made you such a miserable defeat. He was defeated by me just a few days ago."

"If he hadn't been careless at the time and let him escape from under his nose by chance. In this world, there may have been no so-called number one swordsman in the world!"

"There's no such thing as the so-called Sword Saint Genie!"

"The name of the Sword Saint will also cease to exist! Completely disappear into the rivers and lakes!"

"In this way..."

"You said, why should I kill you?".

Chapter 109 Fighting Chen Sheng with bare hands! Chen Sheng's shock! 【6/7 ask for custom】

"Cultivation in the middle stage of the innate?"

"Can you only see my cultivation base and realm in the mid-innate period?"

"Looks like..."

"Your eyesight isn't very good."

Ying Changge said with great interest.

The sound just fell.

Sheng Qi was instantly shocked.

Sheng Qi's pupils shrank, and he stared at Ying Changge, his hideous face covered with tattoos, with a look of surprise and disbelief.

What's the meaning?

Sword Saint Genie defeated?

Lost to the seventh son in front of him?

Lost to a young master with a mere mid-innate cultivation base?

The seventh young master in front of him is obviously only in his weak years, not yet twenty years old!

How could the Sword Saint Genie possibly lose to such a young man? !


Sword Saint Genie, was almost killed by this young man on the spot?

So that Juggernaut is completely removed from the rivers and lakes?

is it possible?


Sheng Qi immediately rejected and questioned.

He was once defeated by the swordsman Genie.

Therefore, he spent his whole life pursuing a strength stronger than Genie.

However, no matter how deep his obsession is, he still retains his reason.

He knew it.

Sword Saint Gai Nie is such a terrifying powerhouse!

It is for this reason that Sheng Qi expressed deep doubts about what Ying Changge said just now.

Of course he couldn't believe the truth of what he said!

after all.

Even he was defeated by the Sword Saint Genie, how could such a powerful Sword Saint lose to a young man in his weak crown? What's more, this young man only has the cultivation base of the middle stage of the innate.

This is even more unrealistic!

"Seventh Young Master, lying should be based on the actual situation."

"Everything you said is simply unrealistic!"

"Just you? Defeat the Sword Saint Genie? Almost expel the Sword Saint from Jianghu?"

"That's ridiculous!"

"Is it just based on your cultivation realm in the middle stage of innate?"

"Seventh Young Master, I can't see that you are not only arrogant, but also a guy full of lies."

Sheng Qi sneered, unmoved.

He knew very well.

What level of terrifying powerhouse is Sword Saint Genie!


He can directly veto Ying Changge's remarks.


Must be fake!

You don't need to think with your head to come to this conclusion.

"You think I'm lying?"

"The frog at the bottom of the well! It's really the frog at the bottom of the well!"

"Sheng Qi, Sheng Qi, what's the benefit of lying to you and me?"

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