in this way.

Even an ordinary person holding a bronze sword is enough to threaten the innate powerhouse.

If you are a little careless, you are very likely to die under the weapons in the hands of ordinary people when the innate powerhouse has no defense.

As for Sheng Qi just now, he almost encountered such a dangerous situation.

"It doesn't matter, I just want to borrow your life."

Ying Changge didn't change his expression much, as always, he seemed very calm and calm.

The sudden attack just now was just a small test for him.

He didn't count on it.

In that instant, he could instantly kill Shengqi, the top powerhouse in the arena!

After the trial just now, Ying Changge is looking forward to the next fight with Shengqi.

"I admit that I have never offended the Seventh Young Master, why would I do such a thing?"

Sheng Qi took a deep breath, his voice getting colder and colder.

His eyes fluctuated with killing intent, staring at Ying Changge like a beast.

If it wasn't for Ying Changge's noble status, he might have been unable to bear the pain.

at the same time.

With the brief confrontation between Ying Changge and Sheng Qi, and then the current confrontation.

Li Si, Meng Ying and other talents, who realized it later, noticed the sudden change of the situation on the scene.

The fight between the two was only for a moment!

The realm of Li Si, Meng Ying and others is very low, so naturally they can't react.

Only Shao Siming could barely keep up with Ying Changge and Sheng Qi.

But only barely!

Although Shao Siming also has the cultivation base and realm of the middle stage of the innate.

But her strength is obviously far inferior to Ying Changge.

It is also impossible to compete with the top powerhouses of Jianghu, who are between the realm of congenital perfection and martial arts master.

Being able to keep up with the fight between Ying Changge and Sheng Qi with the naked eye is already the limit of what Shao Siming can do.

"So strong!"

Shao Si Ming's beautiful eyes flashed, and he made a comment on the two people in front of him at the same time.

Both are strong!

Very strong!

The moment of confrontation just now was enough for Shao Siming to judge the terrifying strength of these two people.

If it was her, it might be far from an opponent!

"Master, son, what happened?"

Meng Ying couldn't help but break the weird atmosphere.

Even Li Si stared at Ying Changge's back with a bewildered expression.

what happened?

Why did the good end start to fight?

The Black Swordsman wins seven, but it was specially used to deal with the Sword Saint Gai Nie before releasing the Tooth Devourer.

Why does Young Master Qi still fight against Sheng Qi?

Li Si can't figure it out.

Even if he wanted to break his head, he couldn't think of a reason.

"Master, don't be impulsive!"

Li Si took a deep breath and hurriedly dissuaded.

The two guards who had been guarding the Teeth-Eating Prison for decades also stared blankly at the changes in the situation on the scene, and then stared blankly at Ying Changge's back.

Seven sons...

Why did you suddenly attack Shengqi?

This makes absolutely no sense!

Pairs of eyes full of incomprehension and confusion couldn't help but gather on Ying Changge's body, almost everyone was puzzled.

"Itchy hands for a while."

"I want to see how strong this black swordsman is."

"In this way, it can also be measured by the way."

"This black swordsman wins seven, can he be able to take on the important task of killing the swordsman Genie?"

"If you're not qualified, then it's better to give up as soon as possible. If you don't get the time, not only did you fail to defeat the Sword Saint Gai Nie, but you also raised tigers!"

Ying Changge spoke slowly and meaningfully.

Sheng Qi, who is doomed to fail, should leave his life here!

free time.

It also caused trouble for the Empire.

What is called the Daze Township Uprising.

Although Zhang Han led the army to wipe out all of them in the end!

But if it can be avoided, Ying Changge doesn't mind killing it in the cradle in advance.

In this way, he can also get rich template fusion by the way!

Best of both worlds!

Why not be happy?

"Black Swordsman wins seven? I've heard that your strength is very strong."

"What I saw today really lives up to its reputation!"

"But, just because of your strength, you want to kill the Sword Saint Genie? I have to say, you are just talking about a dream!"

"Your strength is still too much."

"If not, I have a suggestion for you."

Ying Changge continued with a smile.

"What proposal?"

Sheng Qi clenched the giant tower tightly and stared at Ying Changge, not daring to relax at all.

Although Ying Changge only has the cultivation level and realm of the middle stage of Xiantian, Sheng Qi can feel the strong sense of crisis emanating from Ying Changge all the time.

This made Sheng Qi involuntarily bring twelve points of spirit, and he didn't dare to have the slightest carelessness and contempt.

He's always been a firm believer.

Your own hunch!

He can feel it.

The seventh young master Ying Changge in front of him is very terrifying in strength!

It is by no means an ordinary congenital mid-term that can be compared.

At least.

Ordinary Xiantian mid-term has never given Shengqi any sense of crisis.


The sense of crisis that Ying Changge felt was a top powerhouse far beyond the innate perfection realm, which made Sheng Qi a little unbelievable.

"This seventh son..."

"It's really scary!"

"If it's not a last resort, definitely don't fight with it!"

Sheng Qi had already made up his mind.

To bring him such a strong sense of crisis, he definitely does not think that the other party is an idle person.

"I recommend……"

Ying Changge smiled and said, "Let me kill you right now. Then, I will take your faith to face the swordsman Genie. In this way, I will definitely be able to fulfill your wish of shame. ."

"Kill the Sword Saint Gai Nie with a strong force!"

"So, are you satisfied?"

The words fall.

Sheng Qi snorted coldly, his eyes became colder and colder.

Although he is afraid of Ying Changge, it does not mean that he will take the initiative to retreat or be timid.

No one can make him timid!

Even the number one swordsman in the world, Genie, is the same!

Since the words have been said here, it is naturally impossible for Sheng Qi to clearly see his current situation and situation.

"Li Si, did you arrange this?"

"Why do you need to do this?"

"Since you want to kill me, why do you have to release me from the tooth-devouring prison? Since you released me and gave me a weapon, why do you have to do anything to me?"

"Aren't you shooting yourself in the foot?"

Sheng Qi stared at Li Si closely and couldn't help but ask.

He can't see through.

Is this Li Si's conspiracy?

Or is the seventh young master in front of him improvised?

After thinking about it, Sheng Qi couldn't think of a reason.

"Seventh son, this is you?"

Li Si also looked at Ying Changge blankly.

He was also deeply puzzled and questioned about Ying Changge's sudden action.

Obviously there is no grudge, and Shengqi has never provoked...

But why did the Seventh Young Master still act so swiftly?

As soon as the shot is made, it seems that Shengqi will be killed on the spot!

"Lord Xiangguo, in my opinion."

"It's better to kill him on the spot, so as not to be embarrassed later."

"A person who can't defeat Genie by itself, even if he really goes to fight with Genie, it will only end in failure in the end."

"So, Sheng Qi shouldn't have survived in this world!"

"Today, let me end his so-called black swordsman name."

"If you don't lose to the swordsman Genie, and turn around and bite the empire, it will not be worth the loss."

"Instead of raising tigers, it's better to kill them directly! To avoid future troubles!"

"Sword Saint Genie? I will kill him alone. As for the Black Swordsman Shengqi? He is far from qualified."

Ying Changge's remarks and words did not take into account Sheng Qi's increasingly ugly face at all.

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