This made Ying Changge very busy. He and Meng Tian came here only to buy food and grass.
But a lot of money was spent, but they were not able to buy some food and grass, but bought a lot of slaves.
If the slave fell into the hands of Ying Changge, it was tantamount to regaining freedom, and Ying Changge let them go.
Those who stay, those who go, many slaves have been reborn from Ying Changge’s hands, and they will not be oppressed.
After walking around the streets and alleys a lot, Ying Changge gained a lot and bought a lot of slaves.
This is a great thing to do good deeds, each of their slaves are so grateful, very gratefulVery excited.
At this time, the sun was setting and it was already dusk. Naturally, Ying Changge couldn’t find anyone selling grain.
It can only be rested for a while, and it will not be too late to buy food and grass with Meng Tian the next day.
They immediately found a place to rest, and a group of people were ready to rest, after all, they had been traveling for a long time.
Going back and forth, continuing to buy and sell many slaves, Ying Changge did a great deed.
Ying Changge only thinks that he is very complete, but other people don’t agree with it.
Especially experts who specialize in trading slaves feel that Ying Changge has violated his taboo.
Although Guo Hong, who sold his slaves, got the money, he was still unhappy and even hated it to the bone.
Knowing Ying Changge’s address a long time ago, no one would have thought that there would be a murderous look tonight.
The sneaky General Guo Hong led many of his own people to try to snatch the slaves.
This was bought by Ying Changge, but Ying Changge broke the rules, which made Guo Hong very angry.
He quickly publicized his manpower and kept many people by his side to attack Ying Changge.
Not only because of the slave matter, but also because of Ying Changge’s breaking of the rules, which is very important.
It was inevitable, so the aggressive Guo Hong sneaked up on Ying Changge and started to fight back.
But he knew that these people were not his backing, especially since they were all generals.
It’s okay to bully the common people on weekdays, but it’s not enough to fight against Ying Changge’s men.
But even so, Guo Hong will not swallow his breath, he must run rampant together.
Just because Ying Changge bought his own slave, Guo Hong and his Liang Zi were married.
Guo Hong will not let his efforts go to waste like this, he must fight against it.
Gathering all his men together, Guo Hong approached quietly.
After finding out where Ying Changge was, Guo Hong knew that the hundreds of slaves lived in the woodshed.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
A group of people came in groups in a threatening manner, just to be able to take away all the slaves.
“Remember, you must be silent and tiptoeing, and you must not be discovered by them!”
Guo Hong, who took the lead, immediately found a good place, and then he went in immediately.
After finding the place, Guo Hong let his men rush forward and took all the slaves away.
It’s a pity that this is where Ying Changge lives, and he is always on guard!
Quite a few people were on such alert. When Guo Hong entered, he immediately searched for their whereabouts.
Ever since, a soldier reported immediately, and the report was sent to Ying Changge without any omissions, and he woke up from his dream.
Immediately sat up, and then Ying Changge grabbed his weapon and stood up immediately, everything was as expected.
Ying Changge knew for a long time that he was being followed when he bought slaves, and he was already being followed.
So who can stare at themselves! Ying Changge has always been very curious.
So he put people on guard in the middle of the night to prevent his army from being attacked.
Everyone was conscientious, and the soldiers immediately noticed the traces of Guo Hong and his party.
The soldiers reported that Ying Changge and the others were immediately on guard, and they began preparations for a counterattack.
Guo Hong didn’t know that he was the turtle who invited you into the urn.
When Guo Hong tried to snatch back his slaves, many soldiers started to guard.
Ying Changge stood up, stood calmly in the dark, and waited patiently for a moment.
Soon, Meng Tian also rushed to Ying Changge’s side, all of them were serious and ordinary.
Chapter 832 Take the lead and join the battle!
Showing a look of vigilance, a group of people gathered quickly, taking precautions in the dark.
And Guo Hong, who was still leading his brothers, didn’t know that he was already greedy.
Snatch so many slaves together, and let them sell for a good price by your side when the time comes.
Guo Hong, who specializes in reselling slaves, is best at doing such things! He is very happy.
Still waiting patiently, Ying Changge and Meng Tian are both invincible, so that they can close the door and beat the dog.
As long as you can get the turtle in the urn smoothly, there will be no danger, and everything is worth it.
Now that he has controlled the movement of the “973” army, Guo Hong fully understands who Guo Hong is!
Standing beside Ying Changge, Meng Tian reminded, “It’s the seller who met those slaves during the day.”
“So that’s it. It seems that he doesn’t intend to sell anymore.” Ying Changge snorted coldly.
“This guy changed his mind, did he want to grab it!” Facing the villain, Ying Changge would not hold back.
After hearing Ying Changge’s words, Meng Tian knew what to do, and he immediately went to lead a team.
Manipulating the soldiers and horses to their heart’s content, they couldn’t wait to surround and attack Guo Hong.
Guo Hong, who was overwhelmed by his own strength, still led so many people to try to snatch the slaves by force.
In Guo Hong’s eyes, these Guo Hongs are no different from livestock, and they have to do as he pleases.
Ying Changge broke the rules, so he can’t be regarded as a buyer! Guo Hong wants to kill chickens and monkeys.
Taking advantage of the dark moon and high wind, a group of people are still approaching quickly, preparing to sneak into the woodshed.
After capturing all the slaves in the woodshed, Guo Hong drove them to the next city and sold them for a good price.
With his own wishful thinking, Guo Hong has already arrived in front of the firewood room and is about to enter.
With so many people, it is probably an easy thing to plunder hundreds of slaves.
whenWhen Guo Hong was about to implement his plan, he saw a different scene.
Meng Tian led a group of people to intercept, suddenly appeared and surrounded him, which made him pale with fright.
Guo Hong was overwhelmed, he straightened his back quickly, and prepared for his father to back away.
Otherwise, if he was killed by Meng Tian, ​​Guo Hong would lose more than he gained, and choose another soldier after losing his wife.
“You came here uninvited, what’s the matter?” Meng Tian was very indifferent, with a sure chance of winning, “Irreverent!”
“I’m rude?” Guo Hong smiled contemptuously, “I’m the one who robbed you! Brothers, give it to me!”
Accompanied by Guo Hong’s scolding, many people rushed towards Ying Changge, ready to explode.
The situation was tense and full of majesty, many people came to Meng Tian in one go.
It’s really a mantis’ arm! Without hesitation, Meng Tian immediately led his soldiers to fight back.
These are slaves bought by Ying Changge, so they are all free and cannot be bullied any longer.
Otherwise, if Guo Hong is allowed to snatch these slaves, it will only make them worse.
Moving forward without thinking about his own safety, and swiftly striking his sword, Meng Tian’s sword edge shone with a different kind of light.
Leng Mang came in an instant, easily broke through Guo Hong and the others, and Meng Tian killed a bloody path.
Guo Hong’s men were also numerous, many people came quickly and surrounded the place.
Ying Changge will not let his soldiers fight alone, he also wants to take the lead and join the battle 0…
So, raising his sword, Ying Changge came quickly and rushed out from the other corner.
His skills are superb, and his swordsmanship is even more superb, with unexpected skills, overwhelming the crowd.
Everyone died because of this, and they were caught off guard by Ying Changge’s attack and could not guard against it.
Going on a rampage and continuing to enter, Guo Hong killed many guys, leaving no one behind.
With such a sword point stabbing down, Ying Changge came out of the cage fiercely, freeing up a large space for himself.
Guo Hong heard the distressed cries of his own hands behind him, and he looked back.
It turned out that before he knew it, he was surrounded by many people and had nowhere to go.
He himself is trapped to death here, Guo Hong just hopes that he can snatch the slaves as soon as possible.
But who would have thought that Ying Changge had already prepared a perfect plan to guard against Guo Hong and his party.
Now that the door is closed and the dog is beaten, Guo Hong has become a fish among Ying Chang’s singers.
People are knives and I am fish. Guo Hong understands that his own life and death are no longer within his control.
In desperation, Guo Hong could only continue to fight, he wanted to solve these troubles.
Otherwise, Ying Changge’s life has been coming in a steady stream, and Guo Hong is caught in a siege.
Kill Ying Changge and snatch hundreds of slaves from him, and Guo Hong will be able to make a fortune.
This is his favorite thing, so he rushed over quickly, trying to kill Ying Changge by surprise.
His people are still fighting bravely, fighting bloody battles, vowing not to give up until they rob slaves, they are very stubborn.
During this chaotic battle, Guo Hong did not sit idle. He understood that it is only right and proper for people to make money and kill birds for food.

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