Chapter 833 Strategize and control the overall situation!
Otherwise, Guo Hong would be very annoyed and regretful if so many people killed him.
With the sword in hand, Guo Hong charged quickly. Amid all the siege, Guo Hong counterattacked vigorously.
It can be seen that Guo Hong is also a man of the rivers and lakes, he is full of depression and murderous.
I don’t know how many people’s blood was stained on Guo Hong’s hands, but he is definitely a vicious person.
Just because of the hundreds of slaves among Ying Chang singers, Guo Hong would take the risk, it’s really not a thing.
He continued to fight patiently, counterattacking with his men and horses, fighting quickly.
Otherwise, how could Guo Hong retreat completely, how could he escape from such a predicament!
With a ferocious smile on his face, Guo Hong held his sword forward and continued 05’s slashing.
The ping-ping-pong-pong of weapons came continuously, wishing to kill them all.
Killing people without blinking an eye, Guo Hong’s hands and feet are nimble, and he is displaying all his excellent skills to his heart’s content.
No matter how many people trapped him, Guo Hong would continue to move forward, trampling over the corpses.
No one was left behind, and he fought back as much as he wanted. The sword edge in Guo Hong’s hand was stained with a lot of blood.
Ying Changge rushed out from another corner, and he led a group of people from another direction.
Fighting against Meng Tian’s soldiers and horses on both sides, Ying Changge walked like flying, holding his own sword and swinging it vigorously.
Throwing his head and blood, Ying Changge was aggressive.
The sword edge ran rampant, piercing down, beheading them one by one, spraying blood.
Ying Changge, who did his part, continued his onslaught and assassinated many of Guo Hong’s people to his heart’s content.
During the sneak attack in the middle of the night, Ying Changge had already made preparations, strategized, and controlled the overall situation.
So when Guo Hong and his group rushed up, he was not in any danger, and he was not even in a hurry.
The situation was very calm, but Guo Hong continued to sprint, just to kill them.
He is a strong man with a calm expression, but he is always dealing with so many people.
Ying Changge’s men and horses are all tough, well-trained, with unique qualities and abilities.
On the contrary, Guo Hong, his people are just a mob, and it is impossible to simply kill them.
In the middle of the night, they allStill fighting quickly, you come and go, fierce struggle.
In order to win Changge’s hundreds of slaves, Guo Hong risked his life just to make a fortune.
Otherwise, if he couldn’t survive, how would he continue to expand his business! Guo Hong is selfish.
Fighting back with all his strength, Guo Hong’s sword was already stained with blood.
The sword edge kept waving, always coming in a steady stream, and many soldiers surrounded Guo Hong.
It is impossible for Guo Hong’s men to fight against them, but Guo Hong is not willing to die like this.
He must continue to fight and let his group of people get what they deserve.
As the so-called three great pleasures in life, Guo Hong is working hard to implement them.
He is not an ordinary official, he is just an ordinary businessman.
But even if he is a businessman, Guo Hong can use all his people to make money for him.
It has to be said that Guo Hongcong was very embarrassed in the battle with Ying Changge due to the strong army.
He couldn’t easily suppress all this, and he couldn’t even get close to the woodshed to capture slaves.
Ying Changge bought a lot of slaves, which shows that he must be a rich guy.
It is natural to seek wealth and kill, but Guo Hong just wants to keep a low profile and plunder slaves.
He didn’t want to provoke Ying Changge, he could see that Ying Changge’s soldiers were strong and strong, and it was not easy to convince him.
He didn’t want to take risks, but just wanted to snatch the slaves, but Guo Hong still failed, even a crushing defeat.
Ying Changge’s more and more troops surrounded him continuously, and Guo Hong was captured in one fell swoop.
In the continuous struggle among so many people, Guo Hong hopes to make a quick decision so that everything can end early.
Every slave is able to earn money, and Guo Hong 973 hopes to make a fortune from it.
Now, Guo Hong was surrounded by Ying Changge’s men, and he fell into an anxious fight, trying to escape from death.
He should retreat in time, as long as he leaves this place, Guo Hong can live with his people.
Otherwise, he will be surrounded by many people, and Ying Changge’s people will continue to charge forward.
Seeing the crowds and the shadows of swords and swords, Guo Hong became a little flustered and terrified.
However, this is not something that can be stopped casually, Guo Hong showed his housekeeping skills.
Even though he was being continuously slaughtered by a group of people, Guo Hong still fought side by side with his own people, speeding up his horse.
Many, many people fought together in one go, and they fought each other, bleeding endlessly.
Fearless in the face of danger, he continued to charge. Guo Hong yelled loudly among the crowd, “Come on!”
“Don’t worry about those slaves for now, we won’t have to worry about no firewood if we keep the green hills! Let’s retreat first!”.
Chapter 834 Fighting side by side, persevere!
“At this moment, the most important thing is to kill a bloody path, and then we can be safe and sound!”
Following Guo Hong’s orders one by one, his men and horses were also trying their best to escape.
Fighting side by side, all of them retreated quickly to avoid the sharp edge of Ying Changge’s army.
However, with Ying Changge’s well-trained army here, it is impossible for Guo Hong to escape easily.
Guo Hong, who had fled before the battle, at least had to be able to escape with reason. This was the key battle.
Otherwise, even if they wanted to retreat, Guo Hong and his gang would be powerless and unable to leave this place.
All they can do is to keep fighting, to keep chattering and fighting.
Coming quickly, a sword broke their defenses, and Guo Hong’s people were still approaching quickly.
Their figures were very flustered, and they were even more panicked under the confrontation with Ying Changge.
Ying Changge, who was not in a hurry, caught up from behind, then swung his sword, and fought back vigorously.
Crackling, sword strikes, Ying Changge easily killed several people to the ground.
Blood sprayed, but he continued to move forward fearlessly, Ying Changge’s figure never stopped.
The striding meteor approached, and soon many people died because of it, and they had no power to fight back.
In particular, they were unprepared, and they couldn’t see the sudden appearance of Ying Changge behind them.
Holding his own weapon and stabbing out quickly, Ying Changge and his sword merged into one, majestic and unstoppable!
Any offensive is useless, at least Guo Hong’s people can’t block Ying Changge’s sword.
A sword continued to rush out, Ying Changge swept over, defeated them all, and fell one by one.
Watching them die under Ying Changge’s sword, Guo Hong was very angry, which is unreasonable.
He came forward without hesitation, and with his weapon in hand, he went in front of Ying Changge and fought quickly.
From far to near, Guo Hong quickly came to Ying Changge, and then stabbed his own sword.
Jianfeng was about to pierce Ying Changge soon, but it was impossible for him to stop because of this.
Guo Hong’s people were defenseless, even vulnerable, and it was impossible to be hostile to Ying Changge’s army.
When Ying Changge came to Guo Hong, he beheaded many people, killing them one by one.
After being injured, many soldiers and horses died because of it. Guo Hong saw that many of his brothers fell to the ground and died.
The battle was still going on, and Guo Hong couldn’t stand it anymore, he was surrounded by many people.
In particular, Ying Changge’s army was always chattering, charging forward in groups, full of murderous aura.
The surprise attack tonight, Guo Hong originally thought that he was the hunting party and everything was prey.
But now that the situation is reversed, everyone has undergone earth-shaking changes, and it is no longer so smooth.
Watching helplessly as his own people were continuously injured, they all died one by one, all sacrificed.
This is an irreparable situation, Guo Hong understands that he willEscape to death!
Since it is a desperate battle, it must be carried through to the end, and Guo Hong must do his best.
Panting and sweating on the attack, he continued to fight them.
But Ying Changge’s army can’t kill them cleanly, they are always fighting against them, fighting back heartily.
Having seen many people continue to charge out, Guo Hong continued to fight with his own troops.
Fighting side by side and persevering, Guo Hong continued to fight against Ying Changge’s men, he was very powerful.
At this time, Ying Changge’s figure also moved from far to near, quickly approaching, and came to the depths of the army.
The number of Guo Hong’s troops is also quite large, they are numerous and powerful, and they are all fighting back heartily, with swords and swords.
Under this series of fights, few people are his opponents, this battle is very humble.
As the resistance continued, Guo Hong provoked trouble, and now facing the siege of Ying Changge, he is reaping the fruit of himself.
He is proud of his age and great cause, because Guo Hong has become bigger and stronger by himself.
After a lot of hard work in buying and selling, Guo Hong resold them over and over again, which made him even richer.
In order to continue to expand his business, Guo Hong must snatch hundreds of slaves from Ying Changge.
With so many slaves, it is enough for Guo Hong to make a fortune without losing everything.
However, at this moment, Guo Hong is surrounded by so many troops, which is even more frightening.

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