The people in the yard were disturbed immediately, an old man came out, he was Zhang Zijun’s father.
“It turns out that General Zhang is here, please come in and have some tea!” The old man immediately invited Zhao Yiming.
And Zhao Yiming smiled indifferently, “Yes! Long time no see, old man! Let me greet you!”
He raised the knife in his hand and cut off the old man’s head immediately, causing his body to fall to the ground separately.
Without even looking at the old man, Zhao Yiming entered the house, where many people were resting.
Pulling out his knife, he slammed open the door, and Zhao Yiming barged in, “Who else!”
The soldiers behind him spread rapidly at 960 and surrounded the large courtyard.
It was because of Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue’s cooperation that Zhao Yiming’s city was broken by Ying Changge’s army.
The inside should cooperate with the outside, the enemy invaded, many people died because of this, and Zhao Yiming had nothing left.
They all died in battle. This is not an optimistic gesture. Zhao Yiming is narrow-minded about it.
With resentment in his heart, he scolded angrily, and Zhao Yiming entered Zhang Zijun’s hometown.
So many people surrounded the house in one go, and Zhao Yiming broke in alone.
Raising the weapon, Zhao Yiming swung it vigorously, “Get out!”
A woman who didn’t know why hurried out tremblingly, looked at Zhao Yiming, very surprised.
Before she could say anything, the woman was beheaded by Zhao Yiming with a sword, and it was another bloody scene.
The blood was bloody and the woman was beheaded, Zhao Yiming continued to walk up without hesitation.
Chapter 824 The world is going down, the situation has changed!
Walking in the house, he couldn’t wait to charge. Zhao Yiming personally killed them and killed them.
With Zhao Yiming’s order, they were all going to kill Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue’s clansmen.
But anyone who is in the city deserves what they deserve, and they must be beheaded and eradicated together.
Both Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue were so resentful that they took out their own posture and fought hard.
If these people cannot be killed, Zhao Yiming will have trouble sleeping and eating, and will not be able to eat and drink spicy food.
This is Zhang Zijun’s hometown, a family of eight, but all of them died in the hands of Zhao Yiming.
He brandished his sword and charged impatiently, killing everyone who was powerless.
When they all died because of this, Zhao Yiming would be extra happy and joyful.
There is no need for other strategies, what Zhao Yiming has to do is very simple, that is to calculate them with the abacus.
In the city, both Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue launched a rebellion, allowing Ying Changge’s army to enter here successfully.
The merits of persevering and fighting were ruined once, and Zhao Yiming was drawing water from a bamboo basket in vain, wasting his efforts in vain.
This is not an interesting thing, but it will only make Zhao Yiming complain about Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue even more.
Seeing Ying Changge’s army approaching the city with his own eyes, Zhao Yiming had no chance except to dodge.
He has no troops, and Zhao Yiming has no protection from the city wall. He is like a bereaved dog.
With resentment in their hearts, together with their own army, they shot quickly and killed them all one by one.
Fighting side by side, Zhao Yiming and his soldiers started the investigation, and it was a fierce battle.
A simple massacre, easily beheaded a lot of people, leaving none of them behind.
This is Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue’s punishment for betraying him, Zhao Yiming will not let them look so good.
Violating his order and breaking open the city gate, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue have already made Zhao Yiming furious.
He is bound to win, so he wants to pay in blood, behead any of them, and fill the city with blood.
The clansmen of Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue were all wailing in horror, they began to struggle and try to escape.
But Zhao Yiming’s team is really too many, so many people, all of them are strong and strong.
They quickly went to this place, broke through the city, beheaded them all, blood spattered five steps.
The corpses fell to the ground one by one, and Zhao Yiming slaughtered them all with his own hands, in a cruel way.
Both Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue are traitors.
It is impossible for Zhao Yiming to be soft-hearted in the face of traitors, he hates evil like a vengeful.
The mere two rebels actually joined forces with Ying Changge to break through their own city.
Stopping his steps, Zhao Yiming looked at the corpses in the courtyard, and he was very satisfied.
This is the fate of traitors. Not only will traitors die themselves, but their clansmen will also be implicated in it.
After wiping the blood on his face, Zhao Yiming continued on to the next house.
When Zhao Yiming saw the shadowy figure of Ying Changge’s army approaching, he knew it was very dangerous.
Fortunately, what Zhao Yiming slaughtered were unarmed ordinary people, and it was very simple for him to kill.
Facing the resistance of the common people, Zhao Yiming raised his sword and beheaded many clansmen.
Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue are accused of betrayal, and the rebels must die! This is Zhao Yiming’s rule.
He saw many people kneeling in front of him begging for mercy. This was Zhang Zijun’s uncle.
And Zhang Zijun’s wife and children were among them, Zhao Yiming smiled brightly, very happy.
“Don’t cry, don’t beg for mercy! Do you know what Zhang Zijun did?~‖! ”
He yelled loudly, and then Zhao Yiming put Jianfeng on his neck, “Do you think so!”
Zhao Yiming remembered this guy, he was Zhang Zijun’s second brother, and he once invited him to dinner!
It’s just that the situation has changed, and Zhao Yiming has become an executioner.
With a sharp weapon in hand, Zhao Yiming asked condescendingly, “You criminals have always been like this!”
“Go to hell!” Zhao Yiming waved his arm, and Jian Feng easily killed Zhang Zijun’s second brother.
Died because of this, vomited blood, Zhang Zijun’s clansman had no room to fight back.
They are just mediocre people who want to survive, but (King Nuo’s) can continue to fight and kill.
Otherwise, if they died in the hands of Zhao Yiming, these common people would become lonely ghosts and lonely people.
Zhao Yiming and his party are all elite soldiers, and it is impossible for them to have any intention of being soft-hearted.
In particular, both Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue have committed numerous crimes, and Zhao Yiming wants them to pay with their blood.
He didn’t want them to live under his nose, so Zhao Yiming wanted to kill them all in the city.
Originally harassed by Ying Changge’s army, he could only continue to retaliate as he had no way out.
Killing them all one by one, the sword in his hand stabbed quickly, and Zhao Yiming was stained with blood.
Chapter 825 Soldiers and civilians are all abandoned!
Like a human slaughter, Zhao Yiming had a bright smile on his face, and he was very happy.
Continuing to go out confidently, Zhao Yiming commanded his army, “Continue to the next house!”
There are many people in Zhang Zijun’s clan, no matter how many, Zhao Yiming will kill them all.
Ying Changge’s soldiers were repelling Zhao Yiming’s army, but Zhao Yiming was still busy slaughtering civilians.
This is the difference between Ying Changge and Zhao Yiming. They are very different, and there are many differences.
Being able to lead your own soldiers to march and fight, but which one is stronger and weaker is a key issue.
Maybe Ying Changge will kill Zhao Yiming, but Zhao Yiming has no chance to kill Ying Changge at all.
The armies recuperate separately, they are well-trained, and the strength and weakness of the soldiers have unusual endings.
From far to near, Ying Changge’s army was still marching mightily, covering the city.
960 At this moment, Zhao Yiming was still fighting Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue’s clansmen, and they were non-stop.
No matter men, women, old or young, old or weak, sick or disabled, as long as they are caught, they must be killed.
Rebellion is a bad thing, and he will not let these people live in peace.
For his own great cause and his own safety, Zhao Yiming will never stop.
Leading his own army to continue, Zhao Yiming asked some soldiers to continue to block Ying Changge.
Letting Ying Changge’s army advance will only make it more difficult for their troops to leave this place, Zhao Yiming predicted.
Knowing that the army behind him would come chattering endlessly, Zhao Yiming rented their road first.
Let them all retreat in spite of the difficulties. At this time, Zhao Yiming continued to go to Wu Yue’s house to slaughter them.
They all killed Zhang Zijun’s (afej) tribe almost, and now it’s time to punish Wu Yue’s tribe.
He and his own soldiers flocked here, and many people rummaged through their homes and slaughtered to their heart’s content.
This was a brutal and inhumane fight, and Zhao Yiming would not let any of their clansmen survive.
He was still searching patiently, killing many innocent people, staining a lot of blood on his hands.
Showing a complacent expression, Zhao Yiming set off a bloody storm in the city.
Even if they can resist, they are not opponents of soldiers at all. Soldiers have armor and weapons.
So many people were killed overnight, and many people died in the hands of Zhao Yiming’s army.
After killing Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue’s clansmen, Zhao Yiming left satisfied and disappeared.
Because he knew that if the stalemate continued, many armies would surround him.
Ying Changge was bound to win, and there were so many soldiers, it was simply overwhelming.
A series of large armies came rushing from afar, always covering a small part unscrupulously.

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