The arm holding the sword was still twitching, Chen Ke was sweating profusely, and he didn’t dare to deal with it.
The cultivation base is seriously underestimated, so Ying Changge’s sword edge can continue to fight unimpeded.
Many people have already been beheaded, it is impossible for Ying Changge to be lenient in the face of the enemy, so as to avoid future troubles.
He and his own soldiers are all gathered here, and behind Chen Ke is his last remaining force.
If such an army is destroyed, Chen Ke understands that he will be wiped out by Ying Changge’s invasion.
Chen Ke gritted his teeth, stared at Ying Changge with gloomy eyes, not knowing what to do.
Ying Changge waved his sword, walked up patiently, and came to Chen Ke, “How is it!”
“Now that things are going on, you still have to continue the stalemate, are you going to fight me!” Ying Changge questioned.
After hearing Ying Changge’s words, Chen Ke was silent, he felt tired.
Nodding patiently, Chen Ke smiled, “If I don’t kill you, I will never give up!”
Chapter 822 Give it a heavy blow and knock it open with a sword!
Feeling Chen Ke’s determination, Ying Changge had nothing to say, and he nodded patiently.
“Okay! Since you are so sure, there is no need to say more, I will let you have no pain!”
He raised the sword quickly, and stabbed Chen Ke’s chest in a blink of an eye.
The fierce battle between the two still did not tell the winner, and it was always rippling rapidly, with the sword’s edge flickering.
A little cold light came first, and then Ying Changge broke a hole in Chen Ke’s armor.
Feeling the pain, Chen Ke snorted coldly, and quickly moved around with his sword, trying to cut off Ying Changge’s arm.
Ying Changge always fought close to Chen Ke, and every sword he swung with “Nine Six Zero” was extraordinarily sharp and murderous.
Facing the enemy head-on with Ying Changge, Chen Ke’s sword was extremely weak, and he had almost no backhand power.
Being forced back again and again, he was sweating profusely, but Chen Ke still had to decide the winner with Ying Changge.
Today, it’s a decisive battle, and it’s life and death! Chen Ke must know what he wants to do and what he wants!
When Ying Changge’s army approached the city and entered it, he knew that all thoughts were lost.
It’s death anyway, so why does Chen Ke continue to fight! Because he is going to die bravely.
Now a persistent battle with Ying Changge can make Chen Ke complete enough to protect himself for the rest of his life.
Already defeated, Chen Ke and his men had no chance to deal with Ying Changge’s invasion.
Zhao Yiming escaped, and only Chen Ke, the lieutenant general, was left struggling to fight, which was really ridiculous.
But fortunately, his ability is strong enough, even if he is fighting Ying Changge, he can still stalemate for several rounds.
The dust has settled, Ying Changge’s army will kill all the rebels in the city, this is a matter of course.
Unswervingly holding his sword, Chen Ke has no way to retreat, and he doesn’t know how to deal with it.
Ying Changge’s moves are really powerful, the sword technique always strikes up frequently, breaking through Chen Ke’s defense.
You know, this is not a very favorable battle, and Chen Ke is still holding on patiently.
Not many skills left, Chen Ke raised his fist and shouted aggressively, “Come on!”
“Continue to fight and see how we will win!” Chen Ke is sure to win.
He has already raised the sword in his hand, carefully protecting it in front of him.
“Don’t cry until you see the coffin!” Ying Changge was helpless, he had never seen such a persistent guy.
Around, Ying Changge’s army continued to invade, and surrounded the city in one go.
cityThere are not many soldiers left in the pool, including Chen Ke’s own soldiers, all of them were defeated and perished.
I don’t know why Chen Ke did this, but Ying Changge didn’t pay attention to the enemy, especially Chen Ke.
Both Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue have surrendered to Ying Changge, but Chen Ke has not, he is still resisting to the death.
Raising his own sword, Ying Changge lay across Chen Ke’s neck, “Rein in the precipice, turn around and be on the shore.”
Facing Ying Changge, Chen Ke didn’t answer at all, but immediately hit him hard, knocking it open with a sword.
Without losing his way, Chen Ke still knew that he was Zhao Yiming’s soldier and Ying Changge’s enemy.
Even if Ying Changge’s army occupied this place in an uproar, Chen Ke still had to fight unremittingly.
The rebels in the city continued to attack, and Chen Ke could no longer control it to such an extent.
The situation was chaotic, the soldiers suffered a complete defeat, they could no longer follow Chen Ke to fight 0…..
Facing Chen Ke, their situation was very embarrassing, many people died because of this, and they were completely defeated.
There were countless corpses of soldiers, but most of them died and were trampled underfoot by Ying Changge.
“I will prove that I am right, because I will kill you!” Chen Ke scolded Ying Changge intently.
With a loud sound, Chen Ke galloped in front of Ying Changge, and then quickly stabbed out the sword.
The sharp sword edge almost pierced Ying Changge’s throat, but he dodged it accurately.
hum! Avoiding the edge of the sword, showing a contemptuous smile, Ying Changge counterattacked with a sword.
The blades crisscrossed and struck hard, Ying Changge knocked Chen Kedu back three steps.
His arm was sore, but Chen Ke still held his sword persistently, refusing to let go of the weapon.
This is the only weapon, if the sword is cut off, I am afraid that Chen Ke will die in Ying Changge’s hands.
“I will also prove to you that you are wrong, and it is a big mistake!” Ying Changge was sure of winning.
4.9 The weapons in Ying Chang’s singers are rapidly being deployed, and Chen Ke’s army is struggling to advance, with difficulties and obstacles.
Many people died because of this, Chen Ke turned around and found that he was the only one left under the south gate.
He continued to fight in spite of himself, but he had no other chances, he was alone.
Other people were still coming continuously, swarming and surrounding Chen Ke.
Chen Ke had no chance of escape, his soldiers were all killed in battle, not a single one was left.
Seeing Ying Changge continue to catch up with the sword, Chen Ke’s eyes were cold and stern, and he continued to fight.
Chapter 823 Open the door and enter, generously!
He punched desperately, followed by his sword, Chen Ke used both hands and feet.
Under this fierce battle, there was almost no chance to fight back, and Chen Ke was completely defeated.
When Ying Changge attacked aggressively, all he could show was his determination.
In addition, Chen Ke has no ability to kill the opponent, and Ying Changge is invincible.
Such a mighty person was still chattering over, hitting Ying Changge’s body vigorously.
Ying Changge, who was not in a hurry, continued to sweep with his sword, cutting off Chen Ke’s sword edge in one fell swoop.
With a crisp sound, Chen Ke quickly grabbed the hilt of his sword with both hands.
But the sword was still broken, and there was only one broken sword left in Chen Ke’s hand, and he was powerless to fight back.
Seeing that Ying Changge continued to approach, Chen Ke showed his aggressive determination.
Even with a broken sword in his hand, Chen Ke rushed forward without hesitation in order to kill Ying Changge.
With superb martial arts and outstanding swordsmanship, it is impossible for Ying Changge to be merciful to any enemy.
When Chen Ke charged forward with the broken sword in his hand, Ying Changge raised his sword and dropped it without hesitation.
hum! After cutting off Chen Ke’s sword and killing him, Ying Changge hurried forward.
Chen Ke was beheaded, and he and his guards all died here, not one of them remained, it was really embarrassing.
So many of Zhao Yiming’s army were killed, Ying Changge let his soldiers continue to charge forward.
The army is still rampant, and many soldiers have died in battle. Zhao Yiming’s defense is weak enough.
Unable to let Zhao Yiming escape like this, Ying Changge and his cavalry charged first and continued to chase the enemy.
Inside the city is an impenetrable formation, and taking down Zhao Yiming is even easier.
“The whole army goes out, keep chasing!” Ying Changge gave an order for them all to go together.
Ying Changge’s army is very brave and fearless, they are all courageous soldiers who have experienced many battles.
They continued to chase and kill Zhao Yiming in the city, and their men were still persistently chasing and killing Zhao Yiming.
Many soldiers died because of this, and Zhao Yiming knew that his city would be completely destroyed.
Many soldiers were still fighting in the city, but Zhao Yiming had already fled.
Zhao Yiming, who disappeared, was still running for his life in a serious manner. He wanted to stay away from this place and avoid Ying Changge’s pursuit.
But after seeing the people walking back and forth in the streets and alleys, Zhao Yiming remembered one thing.
“It was Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue’s men who rebelled in the city, right!” Zhao Yiming gritted his teeth.
“Yes, General!” The soldier immediately echoed, “It was their men who attacked us!”
“Then what are we waiting for!” Zhao Yiming didn’t intend to leave the city like this, he stopped under the city gate.
“Pull Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue to the nine clans!” Zhao Yiming knew that they were all in his own city.
The population of Zhao Yiming’s family members is under his nose, and Zhao Yiming must make them pay with blood!
“Kill them all, and leave none behind!” Zhao Yiming was determined to win this, and he was ruthless.
Ever since, Zhao Yiming’sThe soldiers spread out immediately, and their hands were eagerly searching.
There are many people from Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue, Zhao Yiming will kill them personally, leaving no one behind.
Riding on the horse, Zhao Yiming soon came to a courtyard, he pushed the door open and entered, generously.

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