He ordered Meng Tian to mobilize a soldier, and the soldiers divided into two groups to face the enemy Beiyan Pass, flanking the enemy from left to right.
At that time, as long as it is soldiers who break through Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi respectively, that will be enough.
Meng Tian took the order, and he began to dispatch his own troops, leading part of the soldiers.
The army dispersed separately, Meng Tian took a step ahead and had already circled Beiyan Pass, ready to attack from behind.
After the order was issued, Ying Changge agreed on a time, and the army has been fully prepared.
Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi didn’t know their danger yet, they were just very angry because of the breakup.
After the quarrel, the relationship cannot be restored to the past, they have become extremely strange, not as good as before.
Putting all his forces on the other side of the city, Zhao Yiming completely ignored Zhao Xingzhi.
Zhao Xingzhi’s life and death don’t matter at all, Zhao Yiming just wants to break through Ying Changge’s army now.
Otherwise, if Zhao Xingzhi and Ying Changge’s army were to merge, it would be even more difficult for Zhao Yiming to fight against.
After estimating the strength of his troops, Zhao Yiming didn’t have enough soldiers to fight the enemy Ying Changge.
He knew his own shortcomings. If he went out from the city gate to charge and fight, maybe 897 Zhao Yiming would die miserably.
The best way for him now is to guard Beiyan Pass and hide all his troops in the city.
In this way, it will be safe and will not be hindered by other factors, and there will be no danger.
Zhao Yiming decided that if he did not cooperate with Zhao Xingzhi again, he could not tolerate Zhao Xingzhi’s betrayal.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, he gathered all his troops together, and took this opportunity to do something.
Taking precautions carefully, Zhao Yiming made one side of Beiyan Pass fully prepared.
Other than that, there is nothing worthy of Zhao Yiming’s concern, he doesn’t care about everything.
Twisting all the troops in his hands into one rope, Zhao Yiming knew that only unity can be safe.
There are not many troops left now, especially food and grass, which are decreasing day and night.
Once so many troops are starved, Zhao Yiming has no ability to fight against Ying Changge’s army.
Chapter 774: The frog in the well is dying!
Unlike Zhao Yiming, Zhao Xingzhi stayed put and didn’t have any problems or worries.
In Beiyan Pass, trying to find out what happened, Zhao Xingzhi didn’t know who the messenger was.
But even if he went deep patiently, Zhao Xingzhi didn’t know the ins and outs of the whole thing.
Under the supervision of his own city, when such a thing happened, it was naturally impossible for Zhao Xingzhi to let it go.
He was not satisfied at all, so he let the troops in his hands continue to stand still.
If the enemy does not move, I will not move. Once there is any danger, Zhao Xingzhi will be defeated like a mountain.
Hiding in Beiyan Pass, Zhao Xingzhi was still patiently taking precautions, taking defense as offense without being nervous.
Neither Zhao Xingzhi nor Zhao Yiming knew that Ying Changge had arrived, otherwise they would be very nervous.
Taking advantage of the victory to pursue and charge quickly, the army is marching forward, ready to go.
A large group of them were leaving without stopping, ready to attack Beiyan Pass directly.
When Zhao Xingzhi heard the news, he was very flustered and trembling, how could it be possible!
Why did Ying Changge’s army appear at this time! It’s amazing! He is careful.
In order to protect the safety of the city, Zhao Xingzhi immediately called on his soldiers to guard against them and garrison the city.
The soldiers of Ying Changge were divided into two groups, and they each dealt with unusual people and performed their duties.
Ying Changge went to attack Zhao Xingzhi, while Zhao Yiming’s life was handed over to Meng Tian, ​​with a clear division of labor.
Can’t wait to lead the army to continue the attack, and soon, they started the attack in a hurry.
The army was rampant, and the soldiers approached the city. Ying Changge had already surrounded the city gate guarded by Zhao Xingzhi.
“Don’t come here without any harm~‖!” Ying Changge began to yell under Zhao Xingzhi’s city gate.
“Quick battle! Or, open the city gate, disarm and not kill.” Ying Changge is sure to win, full of confidence.
“Damn you!” Seeing Ying Changge appearing in front of him, Zhao Xingzhi was naturally not to be outdone.
At this moment, he thought of many things, he suddenly realized, and came back to his senses, “It’s you!”
“It was you who separated our two brothers! The previous letter…” Zhao Xingzhi cursed.
But Ying Changge remained motionless. He rode on the horse and stared straight at Zhao Xingzhi on the city wall.
“You expected well, but it’s too late, your army’s defenses have already gone wrong.”
“With insufficient manpower, how can you defend the city! You are already on the verge of death!” Ying Changge was full of confidence.
He saw through all this matter, all the divorce schemes were successful, two peaches killed three warriors, easily.
“Impossible! Our army is invincible!” Zhao Xingzhi refused to give up, shouted, “Shooting arrows!”
On the city wall, quite a few archers stood in a row full of people, and then shot arrows immediately.
Arrows shot out densely, like a rain of arrows, and shot directly at Ying Changge’s army.
The frog in the well is dying! Ying Changge looked contemptuous, and at the same time planned to kill him!
Zhao Xingzhi has escaped from Ying Changge and Meng Tian too many times, which makes Ying Changge very concerned!
such aIt is absolutely impossible for a rebellious minister and traitor to still be alive and sound after the rebellion!
Now, Ying Changge has led many soldiers out to kill Zhao Xingzhi!
“Charge!” The time had come, and both Ying Changge and Meng Tian started to attack from different directions.
They were aggressive and non-stop, and a swarm of people quickly rushed under the city gate and began to attack.
The speed of a series of people is very masculine and murderous, and the morale of Ying Changge’s army is even higher.
With so many people coming in front of him, Zhao Xingzhi would not let it go, he immediately resisted.
Let the army in his hand be on guard, and take this opportunity, he can delay the time, “‘ 〃 go!”
Zhao Xingzhi shouted out of embarrassment, “Summon Zhao Yiming, we need to fight together!”
Continuing to fight under the city, they were already in harmony with fire and water, and they were beating like crazy.
At this moment, facing the enemy, Zhao Xingzhi tried to ask Zhao Yiming’s soldiers to help him and ask for support.
But it is a pity that all this cannot be changed so easily, because the army is approaching the city and going down to the country.
When Zhao Xingzhi went to ask Zhao Yimingzhi (Qian Nuozhao) for help, he heard a shocking thing.
It turned out that on the other side of the city gate, Meng Tian led an army to attack endlessly.
Now that Beiyan Pass has been lost on both sides, there are not many troops left to deal with Ying Changge’s army.
Both Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming were killed by the army, which was a very difficult balance.
So, he had no choice but to continue, and he dispatched a lot of troops by his side.
Let the soldiers gather together and charge forward in mighty strength, trying their best to fight against Ying Changge.
Taking the command personally, Ying Changge, who took the lead, charged up first, causing the army to charge into the city.
Chapter 775 There are so many troops, let’s go all out!
A large group of people with high morale is bound to win under Ying Changge’s call.
The conscientious charge made the army rush forward one after another quickly, like a tiger out of a cage.
Ying Changge made all the soldiers in his hands attack the city gate, climb the city wall, and fight quickly.
Aware of the bravery of Ying Changge’s army, Zhao Xingzhi had to fight the enemy with all his energy.
Among the enemies he encountered, Zhao Xingzhi had to admit that Ying Changge was the most tenacious one.
The two armies fought, blood flowed into rivers, and the soldiers’ corpses were scattered, thrown on the ground, and the corpses were scattered all over the field.
A lot of soldiers quickly piled up under the city gate, Zhao Xingzhi stood on the city wall, a little terrified.
Under the pursuit of Ying Changge, he ran away repeatedly, and finally left the pursuit of Ying Changge and Meng Tian.
913 just never expected that Ying Changge continued to chase and kill him, and the army surrounded him.
There was a large group of people, all of them were murderous, screaming loudly, how fierce.
Unabated, Ying Changge’s troops are really strong, which makes Zhao Xingzhi dare not confront him.
If it’s just hiding under the city gate, that’s a good way, but that’s not the case for Ying Changge!
Ying Changge’s army didn’t stop at all, they were always attacking quickly, rushing into the city gate.
So many troops are well-trained, and they tacitly and unitedly fight against Zhao Xingzhi.
Although Zhao Xingzhi put many troops under the city gate, he didn’t take any precautions.
The impenetrable city gates are now crumbling, and it is easy to destroy them, and it is easy to break a big hole.
Without the order of Ying Changge (afej), these soldiers continued to charge, trying to break open the city gate.
The troops of Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming were separated, and they were no longer so united, full of embarrassment.
With Ying Changge’s strategy and the confrontation and fighting of the army, Ying Changge has the chance to win and is bound to win.
bang bang bang! Zhao Xingzhi heard the sound of his city gate shaking, and it seemed that he couldn’t hold on for long.
In particular, Ying Changge fought against Zhao Xingzhi in person, which made him unable to stick to his own city, and he was terrified.
The army continued to charge and rampage impatiently, leaving the surroundings in a mess and laying dead bodies on the ground.
Gritting his teeth and continuing to defend, Zhao Xingzhi yelled, telling his soldiers to stand up.
As long as Zhao Xingzhi’s attack is resisted, there will be no other hidden dangers.

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