“Of course I know it’s not your handwriting, but you must have someone else write it for you!”
“Otherwise, your messenger wouldn’t have panicked and ran out in a hurry!”
Yelling, Zhao Yiming was very resentful, and even more annoyed, “I wish I could kill you!”
“You guys have such a city, tossing and turning, duplicity, it’s chilling!”
Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi didn’t know that this was Ying Changge’s plan to divorce them, they were already noisy!
“You are wrong! I did not surrender! This is not my letter of surrender, nor did I send a messenger.”
One person does things and one person is responsible. Zhao Xingzhi naturally shakes his head and denies things that he has not done.
“Don’t talk nonsense! Otherwise, I’ll show you!” Zhao Xingzhi pushed Zhao Yiming.
However, he was dissatisfied in his heart, but Zhao Yiming still scolded coldly, “What! You still don’t admit it!”
“I thought you were an upright man, but I didn’t expect to surrender to Ying Changge!”
“Now that I’ve caught you doing something wrong, but you still don’t admit it, you’re really as cowardly as a mouse.”
“I don’t have a cowardly brother like you!” Zhao Yiming scolded, and slapped the letter directly on the ground.
“If you are afraid of Ying Changge, then go ahead and surrender! I am against Ying Changge alone!”
“At that time, the soldiers will come to cover the water and soil, as long as they are soldiers of Ying Changge, I will kill them all!”
Zhao Yiming, who was bound to win, was in a hurry and refused to give in to Zhao Xingzhi at all, and he was very angry.
After hearing Zhao Yiming’s words, Zhao Xingzhi still had a calm expression, “I am a man.”
Chapter 772 In troubled times, as a rebel!
“What I haven’t done, I just won’t admit it! I’m not someone who would sneak up on Ying Changge!”
Shaking his head, feeling depressed, Zhao Yiming continued, “I used to think you were not!”
“But looking at it now, you are not a responsible person, you are just a coward!”
“Not only because you are afraid of Ying Changge, but also because you have a conspiracy against me. You are really underestimated!”
Turning around without hesitation, Zhao Yiming was ready to go out of the city to fight, “I want to lead the army to kill Ying Changge!”
Before Zhao Xingzhi surrendered to Ying Changge, he would quickly attack Ying Changge and kill him.
However, all these “897” things were reckless and hasty. Zhao Yiming was too impulsive, and he was furious.
Therefore, walking up quickly, Zhao Xingzhi immediately stopped Zhao Yiming, “Don’t be so reckless!”
“Once you fall into Ying Changge’s trap, you will die without a doubt!”
“So what!” Zhao Yiming now completely distrusts Zhao Xingzhi.
My own brother, who has no loyalty, actually wants to secretly surrender to Ying Changge and submit to him.
This is not a good thing! Zhao Yiming could no longer trust him and fought side by side with him!
Taking two steps back, Zhao Yiming’s gaze was extraordinarily cold, “I don’t need you to pretend to worry about it.”
“From today onwards, my soldiers will be my soldiers, and I will no longer guard Beiyan Pass with you!”
“What nonsense are you talking about!” Zhao Xingzhi felt bad, this was beyond his control.
“Our brothers are united, and our strength can cut through gold. Once we are separated, Beiyan Pass will easily fall.”
The big and small things in the city were originally at the disposal of Zhao Xingzhi, and Beiyan Pass was as solid as gold.
However, Zhao Yiming still shook his head persistently, he had made up his mind, “Don’t even think about it!”
“You are just a guy who sells friends and seeks glory, you can’t wait to surrender to Ying Changge immediately!”
“What a ridiculous thing!” Zhao Yiming scolded mercilessly and spat.
“Now, I have to do my best to kill Ying Changge and guard Beiyan Pass.”
Zhao Yiming doesn’t trust Zhao Xingzhi, once he is made to submit to Ying Changge, how will he defend the city then!
So, he concentrated on it and couldn’t wait to do it, just to mobilize his own troops.
Seeing the menacing Zhao Yiming, Zhao Xingzhi immediately stopped him, “Don’t be like this!”
“You bastard, you are so unscrupulous, I’m afraid that Beiyan Pass will not be lost!”
Hating iron but not steel, Zhao Xingzhi scolded angrily, “I must let you know my innocence!”
“I will guard the city with you, eat and live with you, so you won’t doubt me!”
“Impossible!” Zhao Yiming shook his head without hesitation, “Stop being hypocritical!”
“As long as you dare to offend me, then I can’t wait to kill you directly!” Zhao Yiming shouted angrily!
He already believed in Zhao Xingzhi’s surrender to Ying Changge, and their friendship was completely broken.
Now that he hasn’t completely broken his face with Zhao Xingzhi, it’s also because Zhao Yiming is deeply patient.
Once there is any problem, he will shoot directly and kill Zhao Xingzhi, leaving no one behind.
Otherwise, Zhao Yiming, as a rebel, would have no chance of surviving in troubled times.
Hearing Zhao Yiming’s words, Zhao Xingzhi was extremely disheartened, “How dare you offend me like this!”
“Do you still remember your last name! You are my brother!” Zhao Xingzhi cursed 0  …
He punched Zhao Yiming hard in the face, and Zhao Xingzhi said aggressively, “I will not give in!”
“Surrender to Ying Changge? You also believe in such a non-existent thing! It’s really pissing me off!”
Zhao Xingzhi wished to personally prove his innocence, so as to gain Zhao Yiming’s trust.
But because of Ying Changge’s estrangement, because of a letter, both Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi broke up.
They no longer trust each other, there is already a gap between them, and they cannot continue to work together to guard the city.
There is a large army stationed at Beiyan Pass, so many people can keep this place completely still.
However, Ying Changge was resourceful and resourceful. He just used a trick to split Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi.
Unable to wait patiently, Ying Changge knew that if Meng Tian came out, he would definitely succeed immediately and achieve both.
Therefore, taking this opportunity, leading his troops, Ying Changge went patiently to Beiyan Pass.
Non-stop, 4.9 marching fast, many people have already arrived halfway, in groups.
These are all soldiers that Ying Changge is proud of. The soldiers are all well-trained and elite warriors.
When Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi were still arguing, Ying Changge pressed them step by step.
Because of this letter of surrender written by Meng Tian, ​​they are no longer working together.
After a heated quarrel, Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi still didn’t take it for granted.
So they could only separate each other, and immediately dispatched all the troops to their own hands.
Chapter 773 All previous efforts are wasted and water is fetched from a bamboo basket!
His own soldiers are under his own control, and Zhao Yiming immediately separated at Beiyanguan and no longer continued to guard this place.
Putting many of his troops on the south side, Zhao Yiming surrounded himself with soldiers.
In the safest place, Zhao Yiming will ensure that he will not be attacked by Zhao Xingzhi.
This is a matter of course, so we must take precautions in advance and plan ahead.
Losing trust in Zhao Xingzhi, at Beiyan Pass, the soldiers immediately dispersed and their morale was low.
After the quarrel, the soldiers of the two armies hated each other even more, wishing to kill them both.
In Beiyan Pass, the soldiers were scattered enough to form a very weak defense with some flaws.
Because of this, Ying 05 Changge’s strategy was successful enough to drive them apart.
It is certain to win, knowing that there are no accidents in his plan, Ying Changge’s itinerary is predictable.
Walking quickly, the army came in a mighty way, and they went halfway up in a swarm.
After the divorce plan, it is necessary to attack by surprise, so Ying Changge will come up with a sneak attack tactic!
Let your own army attack Beiyan Pass quickly, so that the enemy can be caught off guard and unable to stop.
The army shuttled one after another, and soon approached Beiyan Pass, waiting for Meng Tian.
Coming out of the city, Meng Tian single-handedly joined Ying Changge’s army.
After traveling thousands of miles away, Meng Tian immediately got off his horse and saw Ying Changge.
Meng Tian didn’t need to say anything, Ying Changge already knew that Meng Tian’s task was completed, and implemented the strategy.
Divorce is not difficult, but it is difficult to control people’s hearts, that’s why Ying Changge asked Meng Tian to perform the task.
With Ying Changge’s strategy and Meng Tian’s bravery, they were able to separate the Zhao family brothers so smoothly.
“Go and send a scout to inquire about the situation at Beiyan Pass.” Ying Changge instructed Meng Tian.
“As long as the two of them successfully turn against each other, then they will directly invade and attack the city.”
“Yes!” Meng Tian took the order, turned around immediately, and dispatched a soldier to Beiyan Pass to inquire about information.
It would take a day for scouting, and during this time, Ying Changge ordered the army in his hands to wait patiently.
Otherwise, if you fight recklessly, you will just let your plan go to waste, and the bamboo basket will be in vain.
Patiently asked the soldiers to wait here, and soon, Ying Changge saw the scouts coming back from the investigation.
Meng Tian led the scouts to Ying Changge’s side, and told all the things he found out one by one.
“The army is scattered, and their soldiers are not guarding together. The defense of the city is full of flaws!”
Ying Changge nodded slowly, “This is a good thing, it seems that our plan succeededup! ”
“Just let the army attack and charge as much as you want!” Ying Changge had a plan in mind, and he already had a solution.

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