Waiting patiently, Meng Tian continued to leave after seeing that there were not many people in front of him.
Chapter 753 Concentrate and Be Careful!
The entrance and exit of the secret passage must be heavily guarded, so he doesn’t need to explore by himself.
Avoiding the secret passage, Meng Tian changed the direction and had to find a way to leave quickly.
After joining Ying Changge and escaping from Beitan City, Ying Changge can attack Beitan City with confidence.
At that time, Ying Changge will definitely be able to wipe out both Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming, and the entire army will be wiped out.
Concentrating on it and carefully dodging, Meng Tian continued to move forward along the road and left this place.
It is impossible for a small group of soldiers to intercept him. Meng Tian is full of confidence and has a certain chance of winning.
Shuttle quickly, and left this place, his eyes were extraordinarily sharp, Meng Tian took precautions.
He didn’t want to be caught by Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers. At that time, he himself would only have a dead end.
An excellent general not only needs to be world-class in martial arts, but also needs to keep a low profile and know how to strategize.
The patrols of the soldiers naturally have a certain reason, they are orderly, and everything is the patrol of the 05 order.
Team after team of soldiers passed by here, and Meng Tian had already figured out the opponent’s pattern.
So he walked quickly, chattering and charging here, speeding up the horse and passing through it in a smooth and flowing manner.
There was no one in the streets and alleys, empty, and there were no soldiers of Zhao Xingzhi patrolling here.
Meng Tian took big strides, and continued to shuttle through several streets and alleys without delay, walking even further.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Meng Tian quickly sprinted and hid in another courtyard.
Having found a suitable hiding place, Meng Tian continued to hide here, tiptoeing around without making a sound.
Incredible! In the city, Zhao Xingzhi had so many soldiers, could it be that the whole army was dispatched?
The mighty people are continuing to chase and kill, wishing to catch Meng Tian and tear him apart!
With Zhao Xingzhi’s order, the soldiers must capture Meng Tian, ​​and it would be best to behead him.
It’s a pity that Meng Tian is hiding in Tibet, and his figure is so fast that he will never be found.
There was an endless stream of soldiers, always coming in a hurry, shuttling through the streets and alleys, full of murderous aura.
The whole city has entered into the hunt, and the soldiers are chasing and killing Meng Tian quickly, dispatched in groups.
A large group of people flashed past in the streets and alleys, and so many guys were not discouraged.
Unable to find Meng Tian, ​​the soldiers were still rushing out to surround the surrounding area.
The streets and alleys are full of Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers, so many guys are murderous, and they look like they can’t wait.
Knowing that these guys would not let it go so easily, Meng Tian was already prepared.
As long as anyone appears in front of him, Meng Tian will kill him with a sword.
Zhao Xingzhi was aggressive, the soldiers were in a hurry, and crowds of people were chasing Meng Tian.
After seeing such a big battle, Meng Tian became more sure that his current situation was very dangerous.
Regarding the encirclement of such a large army, everything was expected by Meng Tian, ​​so he had no fear.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, he continued to walk through the streets, and soon, Ying Changge found another path.
Continuing along this remote road, Meng Tian couldn’t wait to return to Ying Changge’s camp.
Otherwise, Meng Tian will inevitably be in danger if he is chased by so many soldiers and the stalemate continues.
Unable to wait, without delay, Meng Tian avoided the pursuit of Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers and continued to move forward.
Therefore, Meng Tian must protect himself well, not to let himself suffer any damage, let alone die here.
When Meng Tian shuttled through a remote path, he saw a small group of soldiers approaching on tiptoe.
This is really bad luck! Just in such a short while, Meng Tian collided head-on with this small group of soldiers.
Not to be outdone, Meng Tian immediately drew his swordUnsheathed, “Go and die!” He was ready to strike first.
Seizing the opportunity to attack, and proceeding recklessly, Meng Tian’s sword forcibly slashed at several people.
The sword edge is rampant, fighting recklessly, while Meng Tian is brave and fearless, and always takes the offensive bravely.
There was a burst of fierce pursuit, causing several soldiers in front of Meng Tian to fall to the ground in embarrassment.
Staggering, the soldiers fought back one after another, wishing to kill Meng Tian directly!
They are brave, but these soldiers are also very stupid, and they are beyond their control.
They are in groups, so many guys want to kill Meng Tian? How could it be done easily!
So, he ran rampant quickly, and the sword in Meng Tian’s hand slashed at the soldier’s body.
Soldiers came to chase and kill one after another, but the sword was useless.
They want to kill Meng Tian, ​​but Meng Tian is very capable and always fights with them.
Meng Tian preemptively slashed the sword, with a murderous chattering aura, menacing.
How could these soldiers of Zhao Xingzhi do anything to Meng Tian! Meng Tian is a majestic general! .
Chapter 754 Fight and run amok!
With a quick charge and a slash with his sword, Meng Tian’s attack hit the depths of the soldier, invincible.
A few mediocre soldiers tried their best to resist Meng Tian, ​​but it was still not satisfactory.
They came persistently, but they were always resisted by Meng Tian’s sword, which resolved many murderous intentions.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Meng Tian stepped onto the heads of several people, and swept away with his sword! Murder revealed.
Several of them were beheaded, blood flowed all over the ground, and their bodies fell to the ground one by one.
In this remote and narrow alley, without the presence of other people, Meng Tian can fight with confidence.
Charged quickly, a group of people attacked bravely, and a few soldiers were not to be outdone.
They are always running rampant quickly, and in a fast-paced battle, they have shown extraordinary strength.
In order to be able to kill them all, Meng Tian must make a quick decision, and it is absolutely impossible to stop.
A sword approached and stabbed several of them. The blade was stained with blood, which was extremely bloody.
The violence of this sword was unexpected, the soldier never expected that he would not be able to block Meng Tian.
When Meng Tian came here to fight with all his heart and strength, it meant that he had become serious and would not leave anyone behind.
The few soldiers who blocked him were aggressive, but their offensive was very weak.
With just a constant charge, Meng Tian’s sword pierced the soldier’s chest, causing them to be completely defeated.
In this narrow alley, the soldiers attacked unimpeded and continued to fight.
The sword edge was rampant and unscrupulous, every attack of Meng Tian came to the surroundings chattering endlessly.
The cold light flickered in the streets and alleys, and he was full of murderous aura, possessing an unimaginable offensive and explosion.
A single-handed, rapid rampage, Meng Tian and so many guys are fighting quickly.
In order to be able to win a battle with them, Meng Tian will not leave any room and continue to fight quickly.
The sword edge exploded, rampant and domineering, and this series of offensives came down bravely, unstoppable.
Meng Tian must return to Ying Changge’s side as soon as possible, so as not to delay his plan to attack the city.
Especially a few soldiers were still fighting recklessly, and the soldiers continued to surround Meng Tian aggressively.
As long as Meng Tian can be intercepted, the soldiers will definitely be able to kill him.
In this remote and uninhabited street, they immediately started their own battle, fierce and brave.
Only Meng Tian was still fighting unremittingly, and quickly got entangled with them.
Fighting violently and rampaging recklessly, Meng Tian’s figure and so many soldiers tried their best to fight.
And Zhao Xingzhi is not idle, he does not hope that there will be no food in his city.
Once the granary is empty, the soldiers will soon be hungry and fall into difficulty.
It is impossible to defeat Ying Changge in a desperate battle, because now Zhao Xingzhi’s food and grass are all broken!
How should this be done! So Zhao Xingzhi sent a messenger to dispatch food and grass to the southern capital in the distance.
Otherwise, once there is no food and grass in the city, how will the soldiers work together to fight!
This is not a good thing! When Zhao Xingzhi dispatched a messenger, he had to move supplies without delay.
The granary was burned down, and Zhao Xingzhi was very angry, so he was a chattering messenger of orders.
The messengers were all heading to the city quickly, quickly shuttled through the city gate, and prepared to go all the way to Nandu City.
Following Zhao Xingzhi’s order, the messenger rode away quickly, passing by the street where Meng Tian was.
After a fierce fight, none of them could defeat Meng Tian, ​​and they were directly beheaded by him with a single sword.
Seeing that the throat was sealed with blood and the corpses were in different places, Meng Tian beheaded all these soldiers and made them all sacrifice.
Seeing the enemy fell in front of him, Meng Tian was very satisfied, he was no longer in any danger.
Meng Tian didn’t want to delay his whereabouts, so he had to escape quickly and disappeared from Beitan City.
Soon he saw the messenger coming on horseback. Ying Changge looked at the clothes of the other party, not like ordinary people.
What is that? Meng Tian watched the messenger pass by quickly, galloping in front of him on horseback.
Without hesitation, Meng Tian came directly with his clone, quickly leaped into the air, and kicked up.
Snapped! Meng Tian kicked him seriously, causing the messenger to be thrown off the horse immediately.
He staggered and fell to the ground (for money), the messenger immediately got up with an angry look on his face.

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