In front of Meng Tian was the flame, which burned broadly, and it disappeared for a moment – no other traces could be found.
This is not an ordinary fire. Burning the food and grass will only make the fire hotter and full of danger.
Anyone who shuttles into this fire will be burned to death alive, and the situation is difficult!
A group of soldiers watched the fire burning helplessly, they had no choice but to keep running.
From far to near, the figures are staggered, the soldiers can no longer continue to chase and kill Meng Tian, ​​they are isolated from each other.
The distance is neither far nor close, the enemy advances and we retreat, and the soldiers’ offensives are only approaching one after another.
But so what! For him, what he has to do is very simple.
It is enough to burn the food and grass! Therefore, the torches in his hands were quickly discarded, and they were thrown not far away.
The fire burned immediately, and as the food and grass were scorched, the light of the flames became even brighter.
A series of fires continued to prevail, but the light released continued to burn the soldiers.
Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers panicked and broke into an army. Under Meng Tian’s killing, they were gradually defeated.
Concentrated and concentrated, Meng Tian stared at the few soldiers in front of him, still fearless.
“Aren’t you going to catch them without a fight? In such a battle, your entire army will be wiped out!”
Meng Tian’s purpose is very simple, to kill them, and then set fire to the granary here.
As long as the granary is burned to its heart’s content, the grain and grass inside will also be wiped out.
When Zhao Xingzhi’s army has no food and grass, how can they face the enemy Ying Changge? But nothing!
Meng Tian must carry out Ying Changge’s orders, so they must be broken.
There are not many soldiers in the granary, and these few guys can’t continue to fight against Meng Tian.
Meng Tian is very strong, his ability is very superb, he beheaded a group of people to his heart’s content, and the flames flew.
Huo still has such a posture. In the end, the dust has settled and he is allowed to control the situation.
Sticking to his belief, Meng Tian felt that his task was about to be completed, and he wanted to make a quick decision.
All the torches thrown fell on the grain and grass, and the whole grain and grass caught fire, and the granary kept burning.
Standing in the scorching flames, the faces of the soldiers were extremely frightened, and each of them was full of sincerity and fear.
If he died like this, the granary and they would all be razed to the ground and turned into nothingness!
This is a very helpless situation, so they must break through theMonty.
Turned out to be born out of nowhere, killing a lot, Meng Tian alone set off a storm in this place.
There was blood and blood everywhere, and Meng Tian, ​​who was fighting bloody battle, caused the soldiers in the granary to flow into rivers of blood, and the corpses piled up.
Once so many soldiers die, there is no chance of winning, so they have to work hard.
Persistence, in groups, the remaining soldiers gathered together, and then encircled and suppressed Meng Tian.
The scene was chaotic enough to be a mess.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Meng Tian was full of vigor, opening and closing, he directly beheaded several people, and fell to the ground bleeding profusely.
None of the soldiers in charge of guarding the granary moved, because they were all beheaded and there was not one left.
The rest of the guys are still moving, and there are a few who are dying and want to attack with a backhand immediately.
It’s a pity that this battle is not so easy to quell, Meng Tian is bound to win, and he has Ying Changge’s orders.
Since Ying Changge asked him to do it, Meng Tian must do his best to complete it.
………. ………. 0
Otherwise, letting so many people come quickly will only make Meng Tian overwhelmed and unable to do his best.
Holding the torch in his hand, Meng Tian successfully set the granary on fire, and what burned was a mess.
Standing here, with a very expectant smile, Meng Tian became more tolerant in an instant when he saw such a big flame.
Crackling fires spread out, falling continuously, scattered around, and the fire light suddenly struck.
The granary no longer had the function of guarding the grain and grass, so the place was burned to a disfigured shape.
This place was destroyed once, and then Meng Tian escaped smoothly, and disappeared here in the blink of an eye.
When Zhao Yiming heard the news, he reported it to Zhao Xingzhi, and both of them were very angry.
Burning with rage, they became angry from embarrassment, so they wanted to arrest Meng Tian immediately, and they must find Meng Tian upside down.
Although they don’t know who sneaked into the granary and burned the grain and grass, they have some scruples.
who is it! Maybe it was Meng Tian! Because only Meng Tian would be so bold.
Dare to enter his own food and grass to fight like this, so that Zhao Yiming’s army has no good fruit to eat.
Chapter 752 Back and forth, in groups!
Therefore, they immediately closed the city gate and guarded it strictly, and they immediately sent so many people to search for Meng Tian.
The army was all on the rampage, setting off a fierce and serious upsurge in the city gate, with murderous intent.
Zhao Xingzhi is very distressed now. He feels that the misfortune must be caused by Zhao Yiming, which is really too much.
Why do soldiers burn down their own granaries in the city! There must be an unusual situation.
If there is no food in Beitan City, then Zhao Xingzhi’s army will be defeated.
Ying Changge’s army was staring at them, and Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers had no food, so naturally they couldn’t fight for a long time.
It was impossible to let himself fall into the “880” dilemma, so Zhao Xingzhi immediately summoned the messenger urgently.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Meng Tian continued to hide inside the city gate, and he kept covering his whereabouts.
Once caught, Meng Tian can fight out completely to repel these enemy soldiers.
However, because of the large number of people, so many guys came to him.
So many guys are always acting recklessly, a series of people are searching for Meng Tian’s figure.
Zhao Xingzhi was furious, so the consequences were very serious, so many soldiers were investigating one by one.
Furious and furious, Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers were running through the streets and alleys, searching hard.
As long as the exit can be found, it will be very simple to easily kill a bloody path.
What’s more, Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers didn’t catch Meng Tian at all, which allowed him to dodge more quickly.
Knowing that Zhao Xingzhi was furious, Meng Tian became more calm. He has already found a small courtyard.
Hiding in the courtyard, it is impossible for Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers to find Meng Tian for a while. This is a good opportunity.
Unhurried, indifferent and quiet, Meng Tian hid in this courtyard, waiting patiently.
There was a series of running sounds in the streets and alleys outside, and soldiers came and went, patrolling in groups.
Meng Tian continued to go along the gaps and aisles in the courtyard, he wanted to leave this dangerous place.
With Ying Changge’s order, Meng Tian did his duty conscientiously, and even completed it single-handedly, which is a great thing.
Especially knowing that Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers were chasing and killing him, it was even more impossible for him to show his face.
In such a situation, always moving forward quickly, Zhao Xingzhi couldn’t even sit still, he came in person!
Leading a group of soldiers, rampaging through the streets and alleys of the city, he is still looking for the trace of Meng Tian.
Eighty-nine are inseparable, Zhao Xingzhi reckoned in his heart that with such abilities, the one who burned down the granary could only be Meng Tian!
A Meng Tian, ​​who dares to chase after him fiercely to embarrass himself, is really a dead end! He moves swiftly.
With so many soldiers behind him, Zhao Xingzhi showed off his might and was always chasing aggressively.
It’s just that he never expected that Meng Tian could hide so easily that Zhao Xingzhi couldn’t find him for a while.
The soldiers tried every means, and they were in a hurry. A series of people were chasing and exploring quickly.
Beitan City is neither big nor small, it looks like looking for a needle in a haystack, but it is not!
Because Zhao Xingzhi has many troops in his hands, many soldiers are chasing and killing Meng Tian at the same time.
Meng Tian is low-key and introverted, he doesn’t speak nonsense, and he can’t challenge so many people recklessly.
Leaving quickly, continuing along the road, Meng Tian was looking for a suitable exit to break out.
Alarmed so many soldiers, presumably Zhao Xingzhi is also very resentful,I can’t wait to kill Meng Tian 0…..
Everything was expected by Meng Tian, ​​but Meng Tian only came to light the granary, not to fight.
If you fight Zhao Xingzhi to the death, it will only make the soldiers in the city more time to encircle and suppress.
Meng Tian kept Ying Changge’s order in mind, at least in such a state, it was impossible to squander it all.
He waited patiently, and quickly groped for a sufficient path amidst the turbulent crowd.
Today, Meng Tian burned Zhao Xingzhi’s food and grass, which made him extremely resentful and impatient.
Groups of soldiers were chasing and killing Meng Tian quickly, but Meng Tian was not in a hurry and always left calmly.
Without being noticed, Meng Tian still wanted to sneak out of the city from the secret passage.
But Meng Tian felt that there must be a lot of troops guarding the secret passage.
With so many guys chasing and killing them quickly, Meng Tian saw many people leaving before his eyes.
Sure enough, there were huge crowds of people, and Zhao Xingzhi’s 4.9 soldiers were all running rampant quickly, flooding the streets and alleys.
Meng Tian didn’t need to go to the secret passage to take a look, because he knew that there must be heavy guards.
This is a very difficult situation to control, so we must break out of the encirclement quickly.
Calm and calm, Meng Tian looked at all directions and listened to all directions, and quickly avoided the soldiers’ wanted and killed.
When the time is ripe, Meng Tian will naturally have a way to leave here, this is an excellent time.
Everyone is so stupid, it is impossible to discover Meng Tian’s location.

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