Clutching his head, the soldier scolded angrily, and then quickly grabbed Meng Tian’s arm.
“Damn you! I’m going to kill you!” The soldier immediately drew his sword out of its sheath, ready to stab Meng Tian to death.
However, Meng Tian was very calm, he did not rush, he had already grabbed the sword in his hand.
He snatched the soldier’s sword edge into his own hands, and the soldier broke through the opponent’s defense at once.
Holding his own sword, Meng Tian smiled slightly, staring at the soldier intently, “Overestimating one’s abilities!”
“Don’t say that! Think twice before acting!” Meng Tian asked in a low voice, “Where is the granary!”
“Who are you!” The soldier was terrified, struggling impatiently and resisting vigorously.
However, Meng Tian shook his head impatiently, and immediately stabbed the soldier’s chest with his sword.
Blood flowed, and the soldier yelled in pain, but Meng Tian immediately covered his mouth.
Unable to make a sound, the soldier did not have any chance to break free in front of Meng Tian, ​​and he was defeated.
Shaking his head helplessly, Meng Tian continued to suggest, “Keep your voice down! I don’t want to be noticed!”
Meng Tian couldn’t take his eyes off, and continued to ask, “It’s still the same question! Where is the granary!”
“You! How dare you do such a rebellious thing! I must report to the general!”
The soldiers couldn’t listen to Meng Tian’s words at all, he was still resisting fiercely, trying to escape from here.
However, Meng Tian made another sword strike, drawing another bloodstain on his body with the soldier’s sword.
The bleeding continued, the pain twitched, and the soldier gritted his teeth, fearing that he would die! He gave up.
“Okay! Let me tell you! Anyway, you can’t break into the granary by yourself!”
The helpless soldiers could only compromise, not daring to be careless in front of Meng Tian, ​​”I’ll say it! I’ll say it all!”
“The location of the granary is very remote, just on the south street, you need to go straight and then turn right!”
After some instructions, the soldiers reported the exact location of the granary to Meng Tian, ​​knowing everything.
After figuring out the location of the granary, Meng Tian was very satisfied, “Okay! Thank you for your honesty!”
Standing up slowly, Meng Tian slapped the soldier’s face, “You’ve turned your back on the dark!”
The soldier stared wide-eyed, “Who are you! You are so unscrupulous! Aren’t you afraid of death!”
After hearing the soldier’s question, Meng Tian nodded calmly, “Of course, I have nothing to fear!”
“I am Ying Changge…” The soldier widened his eyes in surprise, “What! You are Ying Changge!”.
Chapter 746 Start to attack, catch the unprepared!
Naturally, Meng Tian didn’t finish his sentence, “I am Meng Tian, ​​the general under Ying Chang’s singer! I am here under orders!”
After finishing speaking, Meng Tian raised his knife and slashed at the soldier’s neck, blood spattered for five steps.
The soldier fell to the ground and died. Meng Tian stripped him naked and left him aside. Naturally, no one cares about the body.
And Meng Tian immediately changed into the soldier’s attire, turning himself into a soldier of Beitan City.
After changing the disguise, Meng Tian pretended to be a soldier and headed towards the granary.
Now that he has figured out the location of the granary, he must burn the granary down.
Cut off the enemy’s food,It would be great if so many soldiers could starve to death.
So, Meng Tian fished in troubled waters, made a fool of himself, and soon entered the depths of the streets and alleys.
He continued to search in this intricate street, and soon, he saw ~ heavily guarded place.
Food and grass are the top priority, so naturally a special part of soldiers guards here to avoid leakage.
With so many soldiers on guard, trying to leave the granary to the guards remained motionless and impenetrable.
Seeing that he had to face so many soldiers, Meng Tian remained calm and calm.
He was wearing a soldier’s armor, and then he walked up calmly, “It’s not good! It’s flooded!”
Meng Tian’s performance was superb, but these soldiers didn’t notice his artificial expression at all.
The slightly flamboyant Meng Tian came in front of the soldiers at once, panting and sweating profusely.
“Three streets away, there is a house on fire! It seems that someone set the fire on purpose!” Meng Tian was serious.
After hearing Meng Tian’s words, several soldiers immediately went to visit the place where the fire broke out.
Some of the soldiers were attracted away, but many remaining soldiers were still guarding the granary without moving.
With all the noise, Meng Tian tried to divert the trouble to the east, so that they could all leave the granary and give up their guards.
The ability is not trivial, Meng Tian quickly entered the gate of the granary, but was stopped.
These soldiers all had stern expressions on their faces, and they showed their weapons, blocking Meng Tian’s progress, “Stop!”
“Who are you! The granary is very important, you are not allowed to enter!” The soldiers did not allow Meng Tian to approach.
Meng Tian quickly waved his hand, “Don’t get me wrong! I want to get some buckets from here to fight the fire!”
The soldiers looked at each other, then turned around and asked, “Is there a bucket here! Lend him one!”
He quietly approached the soldier, and then Meng Tian started to attack him by surprise.
These soldiers didn’t have any defense at all, they never thought that Meng Tian was not a member of their own army.
Not to be outdone, the soldiers immediately united and tried to fight back against Meng Tian, ​​killing him.
But Meng Tian raised the sword edge and charged quickly, and he came to attack non-stop, in a hurry.
The sword’s edge struck and moved quickly. The sword was controlled on the soldiers’ bodies, causing them to stagger in this direction.
Many people were harmed because of this, after all, Meng Tian’s martial arts were very superb and could be called powerful.
Snapped! The sharp impact of the sword pierced through a soldier’s chest, and blood sprayed for five steps.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, he came quickly and continuously attacked with his mighty posture.
Meng Tian was as fast as a gust of wind and lightning, the blade of his sword swept across the air, repelling every soldier.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
His purpose is very simple, that is to break into the granary and kill the soldiers as much as he wants.
As long as so many guys die because of this, Meng Tian will be able to enter the granary unimpeded.
There are many soldiers guarding the granary. They are so powerful that they face the enemy in numbers.
With only Meng Tian’s figure, the soldier still has the chance to win and feels that he can fight the enemy.
Rapid attack, continuous fighting, the soldiers are fighting hard to protect the granary!
….. … … … …
It’s a pity that Meng Tian is fearless, he charged quickly and continuously showed his strength.
Holding the sword in his hand, he slammed down bravely, and the sword quickly landed on the soldier’s chest, seriously injuring him.
All the soldiers fell because of this, they bled profusely, and were completely defeated in front of Meng Tian.
Knowing that there are so many of them, Meng Tian shouldn’t rush in recklessly.
Meng Tian fell into the siege, surrounded by so many soldiers, he really had nowhere to hide.
But even so, the soldier was still unhurried, he raised his sword steadily and walked forward.
Whoosh! A sword stabbed out quickly, and this mighty sword quickly killed all the soldiers.
In the granary, Meng Tian’s figure was rampant, always quickly defeating these enemy troops.
Zhao Xingzhi seems to have learned his lesson! The granaries are guarded very airtight and watertight.
Therefore, as long as the soldiers’ defenses are broken, Meng Tian can burn this place unimpeded.
The fire was rampant, flying left and right, Meng Tian quickly answered, holding a torch, flying left and right.
Chapter 747 Mess up and down!
The two-pronged Meng Tian quickly discarded the burning torches here, burning the fire.
A single spark can start a prairie fire, not to mention that Meng Tian wants to burn such a granary to pieces.
As long as this place is destroyed, at that time, the soldiers in the granary will only be left with remnants and defeated soldiers, not worth mentioning.
The majestic Meng Tian continued to attack, and the torch in his hand was enough to wipe out the place.
Seeing Meng Tian’s figure always approaching swiftly and bravely, the group of people were naturally very angry.
They became angry from embarrassment, being suppressed and killed by Meng Tian in such a way, they didn’t even have a foothold for a while.
So many “867” gangs came out in groups, and the soldiers immediately surrounded Meng Tian in a hurry.
Fighting alone, with his own sword in hand, Meng Tian was still speeding up under the attack of so many people.
With the mighty blow, Meng Tian showed his killing intent aggressively, which can be said to be invincible.
Anyone’s battle is useless, no one can stop Meng Tian’s pace.
He was like a tiger coming out of the cage, and he ran rampant quickly, showing his fierce side.
to entangleIncessantly fighting, Meng Tian’s offensive has unexpected strength.
Even though the soldier was fighting patiently, it was a pity that his sword always attacked unexpectedly, making it difficult to fight.
The might of this sword is powerful, full of unusual gestures, Meng Tian broke into the granary.
There are many heavy soldiers guarding the gate of the granary. Today, there are still many soldiers inside to fight against Meng Tian.
They are soldiers, obeying the general’s order, in order to give this important food to the guards.
Otherwise, once the food and grass are discarded, the end of waiting for the soldiers is to be accused and beheaded! very serious.
In order to keep himself alive, the soldiers don’t want to question themselves, and must beheaded to their heart’s content.

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