Ying Changge’s army scolded here, and they continued to provoke Zhao Yiming, trying to provoke him.
He was already hiding in the city, but Zhao Yiming was unwilling to be abused like Ying Changge.
In particular, Ying Changge’s soldiers all had loud voices, like the sound of a bell, and they kept yelling at themselves.
How could Zhao Yiming be willing! So he immediately yelled and counterattacked, “A bunch of mobs!”
Standing on the city wall, refusing to sit idly by, Zhao Yiming continued to curse and curse.
Leaning on this highest point, looking down at the enemies below, he is always chattering without wasting any effort!
Continue to reprimand and yell together with his soldiers, so that Zhao Yiming can refute Ying Changge’s army’s remarks.
Inside and outside Beitan City, a group of people were aggressive and drooling, and no one would back down.
This scolding battle lasted for a long time, Ying Changge was calm and calm, while Zhao Yiming was furious.
He scolded so many words continuously, Zhao Yiming wished he could kill Ying Changge directly.
But he knew that he was just a provocateur, and the witty and intelligent Zhao Yiming would not fall into the trap of 867.
Annoyed, angry, but standing on the city wall, he would not impulsively send soldiers to charge.
He just stayed here, leaning on the city wall, and yelling at Ying Changge’s army to vent his anger.
It is impossible for Zhao Yiming to dispatch a single soldier! Zhao Yiming will not fall into Ying Changge’s trap.
Waiting patiently, Ying Changge stood still, he was waiting for Meng Tian’s plan, hoping that he could enter the secret passage.
Under such a complicated situation, almost no one can understand the situation and control the battle situation.
Zhao Yiming and Zhao XingzhiThey were all blinded, they had no idea what Ying Changge was doing.
On the contrary, Zhao Yiming is still sitting here firmly, he just has a panoramic view of everything.
In the face of any movement of Ying Changge’s army, Zhao Yiming was able to control it immediately to avoid being attacked.
Sitting among his own army, Ying Changge took his time and drank his tea in a leisurely manner.
Chapter 744 Sword skills upgrade, new skills!
“Continue! You can curse whatever words you can come up with! Today, let’s make Beitan City lively!”
After hearing Ying Changge’s order, they cursed even more, and the whole group was aggressive.
The soldiers worked very hard, shouting continuously outside the gate of Beitan City, very rampant.
Seeing Ying Changge’s army so confident, Zhao Yiming was so angry that he felt his chest tight.
So with a cold snort, he clenched his fists and shouted, “You coward, you dare to fight me!”
“I will wipe you all out, and let you all die under my sword! There will be no bones left!”
Faced with the scolding of these people, Ying Changge still turned a blind eye to it, didn’t hear it, and didn’t care about anything.
It’s all just a scheming plan, now he just wants to let Meng Tian concentrate on entering the secret passage.
Meng Tian led a lot of soldiers to the secret passage, as long as he sneaked into Beitan City, he would be more than half successful.
When the time comes, let Meng Tian go on a killing spree and cooperate with Ying Changge inside and outside the city, wouldn’t it be invincible.
This was a very timely battle, so the aura he displayed was also very serene and indifferent.
Without taking his eyes off, without blinking, such an offensive is really powerful and unexpected.
It’s too easy for such a few guys to want to kill themselves!
Ying Changge was not in a hurry, and he was well integrated with his own army, exactly the same.
Faced with the chaotic situation, he was not afraid of danger, and he waited patiently, hoping to hear good news from Meng Tian.
While Ying Changge and Zhao Yiming were abusing each other and stalling for time, Meng Tian was also working hard.
Following Ying Changge’s order, he must sneak into the enemy’s rear. Meng Tian led the soldiers to approach quietly.
Entering from the entrance of the secret passage in Beitan City, everyone is busy and tiptoeing along the way.
There are a large number of troops, but they still move quickly, in order to enter the secret passage and start killing.
After a while, Ying Changge waited for Meng Tian’s messenger, and he heard Meng Tian’s report.
In the secret passage, the more you go, the narrower it is. If you lead an army to go there, it may be easy to scare the snake.
Therefore, Meng Tian wanted to go alone, just to harass Zhao Yiming’s army.
With so many soldiers, it is impossible and unrealistic to enter the city and start a massacre.
With Meng Tian’s return, Ying Changge thought for a while, and felt that Meng Tian’s trip was too risky.
But since Meng Tian spoke up, the chances of winning were within his grasp, and Ying Changge felt that he still had to trust him.
Since he has such a guarantee, Ying Changge might as well trust him once, which is very important.
Anyway, Meng Tian has sneaked into the secret passage, there is no turning back, this is very important.
Ying Changge replied immediately, and Meng Tian was very relieved after seeing the messenger, and he asked the army to retreat immediately.
At the same time, Meng Tian continued to move forward alone, and quickly went to the depths of the secret passage.
Without leading too many soldiers, Meng Tian was afraid of arousing the enemy, and it was easier to act alone.
After dissuading the subordinates behind him, he continued to enter through the secret passage alone, and came to Beitan City.
In Beitan City, the soldiers were doing nothing and bustling with each other, without any sense of tension.
Even if Meng Tian entered the city, he would not be discovered by anyone. This is really a good way.
Showing a satisfied smile, Meng Tian changed into a serious one, dressed like a commoner.
Meng Tian went deep into the enemy’s rear and sneaked into the city without any worries, he was fearless.
Continue to walk, go quickly, how can Meng Tian set off a bloody storm in the city by himself?
It’s easy! That is to burn the opponent’s food and grass, Meng Tian is a veteran general!
He naturally understands that food and supplies are the most important in marching and fighting. Therefore, Meng Tian acted immediately.
Continuing to walk in this spacious city, he soon saw many soldiers training.
Zhao Yiming’s soldiers looked very undisciplined, and had no intention of concentrating on the battle at all.
They continued to walk one by one, playing and playing while wandering in the street.
It really doesn’t look like a soldier at all! Meng Tian smiled contemptuously, feeling that they were really helpless.
A gang of mobs can easily be defeated. Meng Tian already knows Zhao Yiming’s strength.
These soldiers looked really (Qian Wangzhao) humble, and it was impossible for them to be hostile to Ying Changge’s army.
As long as the opponent’s food and grass are destroyed, it is impossible for Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi to continue fighting for a long time.
Meng Tian walked quickly by himself, passing through the crowds in the streets and alleys, he continued to go to the toilet.
Deliberately avoiding Zhao Yiming’s soldiers, Meng Tian himself is skilled and bold, and is not afraid of anything.
Meng Tian deliberately handed over all his weapons to his soldiers, they came unarmed and empty-handed.
Because it is too conspicuous for a civilian to carry a weapon on the street, Meng Tian must be careful.
He went there calmly, without changing his expression, and disappeared at the corner of the street in the blink of an eye.
Chapter 745 Follow orders, don’t be careless!
Leaving quickly and running in strides, Meng Tian was constantly looking for Zhao Yiming’s food.
The supplies, food and grass are plentiful, otherwise, Zhao Xingzhi would not have allowed Zhao Yiming to meet in the city.
OnlyIf there are so many people eating and drinking in the city, it means that there is plenty of food and grass.
Meng Tian came this time to burn food and grass, so that they would all be hungry and starve to their heart’s content.
As long as Zhao Yiming’s army is unable to hold on, it will be very easy for Ying Changge and Meng Tian to break through the city.
A group of people are still patrolling, but they don’t pay attention to any risks in the city.
Both Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi are very proud. They feel that their city is very safe.
No questions could harass them, so Zhao Yiming arrogantly abused them on the city wall.
Constantly yelling at, constantly cursing at Ying Changge’s army 867, Zhao Yiming couldn’t wait, and was in a hurry.
Even if he scolded Zhao Yiming, Ying Changge didn’t say a word, he was very indifferent.
Everyone is drunk and I am sober, Ying Changge stood by and took control of these guys’ emotions in his own hands.
The current situation can only be resolved by relying on Meng Tian! Ying Changge was patiently waiting for his good news.
Otherwise, Ying Changge was not willing to delay the trip just because of Zhao Yiming.
While Ying Changge’s army and Zhao Yiming continued to stalemate, Meng Tian was also walking quickly.
Walking out of the secret passage and continuing to rampage in the city, Meng Tian avoided the eyes and ears of so many soldiers.
With so many people, Meng Tian was afraid that the walls would have ears, so he continued to operate silently.
Avoiding a big stick of soldiers, Meng Tian found a guy who was alone (afej), who looked like he was slacking off.
The soldier was leaning against the wall of the alley to rest. He was sitting lazily with his eyes closed.
On the contrary, it was Meng Tian who came up quietly and came up behind the soldier, tiptoeing.
Immediately grabbing the other person’s shoulder, Meng Tian said, “Little brother, ask about something!”
The soldier turned his head, with an impatient look on his face, “Go away! Didn’t you see that the young master is resting!”
After hearing what the soldier said, Meng Tian smiled calmly, “Sorry, sorry.”
Immediately, Meng Tian grabbed the soldier’s head and immediately knocked him against the wall.
Snapped! The soldiers were bruised all of a sudden, and a steady stream of blood flowed out.

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