“It’s normal that it’s difficult to kill him for a while.” Ying Changge was not discouraged.
He asked Meng Tian to get up, and then Ying Changge continued to make plans, not in a hurry, and continued to fight Zhao Xingzhi.
Ying Changge asked Meng Tian and several counselors to come to her side and continue to discuss countermeasures.
The sheriff of Anyang County must be taken down. If Zhao Xingzhi does not die, there will be another disaster in the local area, and the people will live in dire straits.
Therefore, as long as he is killed, there will be no other problems, and everything will be peaceful.
Therefore, Ying Changge and the others discussed countermeasures overnight, and at the same time continued to track down Zhao Xingxia’s whereabouts.
He was seriously injured by Meng Tian’s arrow. If Zhao Xingzhi didn’t recover well, he would easily die directly.As Ying Changge expected, the injured Zhao Xingzhi had already lay down, sweating from pain.
Sweating profusely, the wound was in pain, Zhao Xingzhi’s forehead was covered with bean-sized sweat, and his face was pale.
An angry look of resentment appeared on his bloodless face, and Zhao Xingzhi asked, “How about the strength of the troops!”
A lieutenant beside him answered immediately, and Zhao Xingzhi was even more shocked when he heard about it.
Because he never expected that he brought out so many soldiers, and he did not expect to suffer heavy losses in the blink of an eye.
Many soldiers died because of this, and the battle with Ying Changge was really laborious and costly.
After knowing that his troops were not sufficient, Zhao Xingzhi fell into deep thought, absolutely not!
Can I just fall into a dead end like this, so I must recruit my own troops.
After thinking about it, Zhao Xingzhi asked, “My brother, where is he now!”
The person Zhao Xingzhi was talking about was his younger brother Zhao Yiming, who was a blockbuster guy.
Moreover, the family brother has a very good personal relationship with himself, and he obeys Zhao Xingzhi’s words very much, and the two have a deep relationship.
Therefore, the helper that Zhao Xingzhi thought of immediately was his brother, he was very important.
So, with an idea, Zhao Xingzhi immediately sent a message to Zhao Yiming with the army in his hand to 850, without delay.
Tell Zhao Yiming all about your situation here, and then Zhao Xingzhi will have one more helper.
With his right arm and right arm, once Zhao Yiming’s army joins him, it will definitely be like a tiger with wings added.
With such a large army, Zhao Xingzhi must continue to resist in order to kill Ying Changge and Meng Tian.
Now Ying Changge and Meng Tian’s army came all at once, trying to kill Zhao Xingzhi.
Suffering from the enemy, Zhao Xingzhi could only gather his own people quickly.
Therefore, without hesitation, Zhao Xingzhi directly gave the envelopes to his brother Zhao Yiming.
Now, after the first battle, Zhao Xingzhi knew that it was absolutely impossible for him to fight Ying Changge.
Such a head-on confrontation made the people in Zhao Xingzhi’s hands dead, injured, and had no chance.
His army is weak, but Zhao Xingzhi’s momentum is the most prosperous force in this place.
Chapter 729 Conspiracy in mind, act immediately!
He has a very good personal relationship and has many friends in the rivers and lakes, but those people are all mobs.
That’s why he wanted to summon all his clan brothers to gather their army and add more people.
Zhao Xingzhi’s letter was presented by Qian Lima himself, and it was immediately sent to where Zhao Yiming was.
Because they are not in Anyang County, Zhao Xingzhi is here, and Zhao Yiming is in the south, they are different.
Although the distance is far away, Zhao Xingzhi still hopes that Zhao Yiming can come to support him as soon as possible.
Ying Changge ordered the dark guards around him to follow Zhao Xingzhi’s every move, so as to catch the opponent’s flaws.
After Zhao Xingzhi’s letter was sent out, Ying Changge knew the news immediately, and he immediately dispatched troops to punish the generals.
With many soldiers suppressing this place, Ying Changge has already formed a large defensive formation.
At the same time, Zhao Xingzhi sent the letter to Zhao Yiming, who received the letter himself.
Zhao Yiming is in the south, holding the military power, and is more or less a poisonous snake lurking and waiting for an opportunity.
After receiving Zhao Xingzhi’s letter, Zhao Yiming immediately opened it and read it carefully.
Ten lines at a glance, after reading carefully, Zhao Yiming knew the situation.
“So that’s how it is!” It was time for Ying Changge to learn a terrible lesson, and Zhao Yiming acted immediately.
He led the soldiers around him, preparing to seek power and usurp the throne, so that he could control the army on the border of the southern capital.
Zhao Xingzhi was already planning to start a rebellion. Anyway, he was hunted down by Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​so there was no need to cover up.
What kind of a hero is he who continues to hide his head and show his tail? Therefore, Zhao Yiming actively responded to Zhao Xingzhi’s rebellion.
Today, the moon is dark and the wind is high, so many soldiers have come here, in the barracks, he walked quickly.
Bringing his confidants by his side, Zhao Yiming quietly entered the camp.
Zhao Yiming is a lieutenant general, but his power is not so great, the general must be beheaded.
Take by force, seize military power!
As long as the general is killed, there will be many people around him who will follow him.
This is an opportunity, and Zhao Yiming is impatient to rebel against Ying Changge and Meng Tian’s army.
Taking advantage of the dark moon and high winds, he took the first step and prepared to start his own rebellion plan tonight.
With a conspiracy in his heart, he went immediately. Zhao Yiming showed his weapon and came to the general in front of the general.
Zhao Yiming made a quick sword strike, aiming at the general’s sleeping figure, and stabbed him blind with a quick sword, flashing a cold light.
Such a faint light moved quickly and stabbed the general in the back. Zhao Yiming shot so viciously.
The blade came out of the sheath, and the sword was about to stab the general’s back and kill him.
The drowsy general was a very cautious person, and he opened his eyes immediately.
hum! Taking advantage of the sharp edge of the sword, the general stood up immediately, and then quickly avoided the sword.
“Who~‖!” The general stood up immediately, his eyes widened, and he stared at Zhao Yiming without blinking.
“It’s you! Are you going to rebel!” the general shouted angrily, regardless of his own body.
Without going to put on his clothes, General Cui Dong immediately pulled out his Jiuhuan Saber, “You deserve to be killed!”
With a yell, Cui Dong immediately moved the sword in his hand and slashed at Li Luo’s head.
Accompanied by such a sword, Zhao Yiming thrust out a sword first and slashed at his body.
Cui Dong was desperate, and continued to fight back, throwing himselfThe big knife in his hand slashed firmly on the edge of his sword.
Such a battle is very fierce, but in the shadow of swords and swords, Zhao Yiming and Cui Dong are not to be outdone.
Such battles are all brave, and the strange noises in the camp spread out, and the soldiers heard them all.
Cui Dong’s troops immediately counterattacked, drew his sword out of its sheath, and wanted to rush in to deal with Zhao Yiming and his party.
And there are many soldiers around Zhao Yiming, so to seize the military power tonight, he will naturally be sloppy.
In order to help his elder brother fight against Ying Changge, Zhao Yiming must strategize and control everything.
Without Zhao Yiming’s special instructions, the soldiers around him rushed to attack the opponent and beheaded him.
Entangled together, the soldiers killed and killed, and immediately set off a bloody battle.
Under such a fight, there is almost no room for anyone to block this blow.
Zhao Yiming’s soldiers are all very (Qian Li’s) very brave, charging quickly, fighting and repelling Cui Dong’s soldiers.
Although this is Cui Dong’s barracks, as long as Cui Dong is under control, everything will be safe.
As the saying goes, capture the thief first, capture the king, Zhao Yiming drew out the sword, and the sword edge stabbed Cui Dong’s body.
There is no need to save Cui Dong’s life, the ruthless Zhao Yiming seems to show no mercy, and wants to kill him with a single sword.
As long as Cui Dong is killed, there will be no other problems, and the troops can be loosely controlled.
With so many troops, a fight started outside the barracks, and both Zhao Yiming and Cui Dong started fighting.
Quick strangulation, the soldiers are scrambling to kill each other, showing their heroic momentum.
Chapter 730 Chase up, the sword has no eyes!
Zhao Yiming had already ordered that those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish, and those who resist must be killed.
Especially in the barracks, Zhao Yiming continued to fight, wishing to behead Cui Dong in public.
His sword edge was stained with blood, but it wasn’t Zhao Yiming’s blood, but Cui Dong’s blood.
Under such dealings, Cui Dong left a wound on his arm, which was bleeding continuously.
With a cold snort, Zhao Yiming raised his sword, with a sullen expression on his face, “General, let’s capture him without a fight!”
“You are already surrounded by my people, no matter what you can’t escape from my palm!”
With confidence in mind, Zhao Yiming has the chance to win, “If you continue to resist, you will only be beheaded by me!”
“Therefore, why don’t you let me give you a good time! I will definitely not let you feel any more pain!”
Facing Zhao Yiming’s brashness, Cui Dong’s expression was also full of coldness and sternness, “Don’t even think about it!”
“Being in the army for many years, I can tell at a glance that you are a wolf-hearted thing! Damn it!”
“If it’s possible, I can’t wait to slash you with a sword, and kill you abruptly!”
Laughing three times, Zhao Yiming shook his head, “Really! General, you knew it too late, and you have no power to fight back.”
“Now outside the barracks are my confidants, and they are killing all your army!”
“Today, I don’t want to feel exterminated, but to rebel so that I can lead my troops to besiege Ying Changge!”
After Cui Dong heard about Zhao Yiming’s plan, he always showed a shocked expression, which was appalling.

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