Shaking and unsteady, Cui Dong still gritted his teeth and endured the pain of the wound.
Under such an opportunity, what he has to do is very simple, that is to continue fighting.
With a quick blow and a strong attack, his fist hit Zhao Yiming’s face.
Zhao Yiming cannot be allowed to lead the army to attack Ying Ziyi, Cui Dong must stick to the last line of defense of his army.
Therefore, seeing such stubborn guys walking quickly, Cui Dong also cheered up.
Rapidly attacking, chattering and slashing his own sword, Zhao Yiming’s momentum was like a rainbow, full of murderous intent.
Reluctantly raised his knife, Cui Dong blocked the sword’s edge, but was hit back.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Staggering and staggering, the sword moved quickly, and it had already hit Cui Dong in front of him.
The sharp sword was close at hand, easily broke through, and continued to attack fiercely as always, which was unexpected.
The big sword was heavy and the attack was brave. Every sword of Zhao Yiming cut a wound on Cui Dong’s body.
Accompanied by the charging posture of each sword, more and more attacks are impossible to start, making it difficult for Cui Dong to defend.
Thousands of sword moves are densely packed, but Zhao Yiming only needs to know one sword move to kill and that is enough.
………. .. 0
The sword edge moved quickly, stabbing him in the blink of an eye, causing him to fall staggeringly.
Resignedly raising his fist, Cui Dong stared at the other party intently, “A wolf with ambition!”
“Thank you for the compliment!” Zhao Yiming was not ashamed but proud, and continued to step forward.
Walking in front of him, he shot quickly, and the sword fell on Cui Dong’s head.
Cui Dong bent down to dodge, and at the same time continued to draw the knife, the blade hit Zhao Yiming’s sword, making a bang.
But Zhao Yiming was murderous, and he had made up his mind that he must be killed.
So, he stabbed out a sword quickly, and the edge of the sword was rampant, and it fell on Cui Dong’s body with a crackling sound.
It has already resisted him, so that he has no chance to kill himself!
Every move of Zhao Yiming was so fierce that he had already slashed down in the blink of an eye, creating an offensive.
The more and more swift sword edge flickered afterimages, and no one could block it for a while.
This attack was ferocious, and it went down quickly, directly chopping Cui Dong’s flesh and blood body, which was covered with bloodstains.
Chapter 727 Everything will be fine, there is no danger!
Showing an angry look, Cui Dong shouted, and immediately grabbed Zhao Yiming, trying to fight back.
But this offensive is useless, at least, Zhao Yiming kicked it out easily.
Let him stand here, and then Zhao Yiming continued to swing his sword, slashing vigorously.
Wow! Seeing the blood seal the throat, Zhao Yiming’s sword cut off Cui Dong’s head, and you’re done!
With a bright smile on his face, Zhao Yiming quickly raised his sword and attacked bravely.
The destruction of Cui Dong’s body was uneven, riddled with holes, and he was almost satisfied with dismantling it.
Holding Cui “Eight Five Zero” Dong’s head on his neck, Zhao Yiming got up and walked outside the tent at this moment.
“Cui Dong is dead! I advise you to catch him without a fight! Don’t continue to struggle needlessly!”
Zhao Yiming stepped on Cui Dong’s head, wishing he could send troops to attack Ying Ziyi now.
A mere Ying Ziyi turned out to be the one who forced Zhao Xingzhi into a mess, and he was extremely embarrassed.
In any case, Zhao Yiming wanted to stand up for his elder brother, and this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Quickly gathered all the troops in his hands, and soon, Zhao Yiming took control of the troops here.
Because Cui Dong was killed, now Zhao Yiming is the only leader, which is very important.
This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He immediately prepared his troops and headed north.
Under Zhao Yiming’s mobilization, everything was done without any hesitation, and Zhao Yiming went to meet Zhao Xingzhi.
“Today’s battle is about becoming famous. It is absolutely impossible to retreat! There is no way out.”
Zhao Yiming yelled, he successfully rebelled, and led the army to set off to the north immediately.
Under Zhao Yiming’s command, hordes of soldiers spread out like locusts, disturbing people.
Zhao Xingzhi continued to flee, but Meng Tian persisted in chasing and killing him in a hurry.
A group of people came quickly, and the soldiers surrounded Meng Tian’s army immediately.
Under such a fight, almost no one can stop the pursuit of Meng Tian’s army.
The soldiers stepped forward one after another, and they were so aggressive that they damaged the troops behind Zhao Xingzhi to a certain extent.
Morale was low, and Zhao Xingzhi led his army only to flee, not to knowother things.
No need to fight back, no need to fight Meng Tian, ​​the people behind Zhao Xingzhi are always retreating quickly.
In such a large-scale collision, a group of people continued to scramble and fight vigorously.
The stronger the team, the easier it is to hunt down Zhao Xingzhi and catch him all in one go.
Meng Tian is such a general, he led his own soldiers, always charging endlessly.
I can’t wait to win it quickly and dedicate Meng Tian to Ying Ziyi, then everything will be fine and there will be no more danger.
It’s a pity that Zhao Xingzhi always runs away in spite of such entanglement and formation.
Moreover, he ran away very quickly, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, completely disappeared.
Even Meng Tian led the army to continue the pursuit, but was blocked by the human wall of Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers.
So many soldiers came bravely, but they couldn’t stop him, Meng Tian also became anxious.
In any case, it is impossible for Zhao Xingzhi to escape, so he must stop it and shoot 0…
Raising his own bow and arrow, Meng Tian rode on the horse, then quickly released the arrow and pulled his own bowstring.
Whoosh! The arrows all flew away, shooting through the air, trying to shoot Zhao Xingzhi off the horse.
However, Zhao Xingzhi is also a cunning guy. He is insidious and cunning, and he swings from side to side on his horse.
Can’t wait, hurriedly avoided these arrows, which made him not damaged in any way.
Always counterattack quickly, pull quickly, and the arrow just passed Zhao Xingzhi’s side.
After avoiding such a sharp edge, he still landed on this place firmly, and there was no danger riding on the horse.
He let out a long breath, laughed three times for the rest of his life, and then Zhao Xingzhi continued to ride away.
Pulling the reins, Zhao Xingzhi charged quickly. Now there is only one thing in his mind, and that is to escape!
Escape quickly, leave this place, and you won’t be hunted down by Meng Tian again! This is Zhao Xingzhi’s only chance.
He will not let Meng Tian kill him, because Zhao Xingzhi is ambitious and unwilling to give up his glory and wealth.
Chased by Meng Tian’s wolf-like soldiers, now 4.9 is the most important thing for Zhao Xingzhi to escape.
Quickly dodging and trying their best to avoid, Zhao Xingzhi and Meng Tian’s army became more and more involved.
Showing a satisfied smile, Zhao Xingzhi knew that if he continued to avoid, he would be able to get rid of Meng Tian.
When such an army as Meng Tian was gradually unable to approach Zhao Xingzhi, he cared very much.
With a cold snort, he raised his arm quickly, and then shot another arrow, killing him like lightning!
Whoosh, piercing through the air, the arrow broke through the barriers of the surrounding soldiers at once, and shot at Zhao Xing’s back.
Chapter 728 A lot of trouble and effort, a lot of damage!
After all the calculations, he never expected that Zhao Xingzhi would still be shot by an arrow at the last moment, which is really abominable.
Gritting his teeth and snorting coldly, Zhao Xingzhi looked down and found that his arrow hadn’t penetrated him.
Fortunately, if the arrow pierced through his body, Zhao Xingzhi would die.
This is a mortal situation! His back was injured, and an arrow was broken. Such an arrow actually made him dizzy.
With a cold snort, he staggered, and then his figure turned around quickly, wishing to leave this place immediately.
Riding on the horse, supporting the spread of the wound, Zhao Xingzhi left quickly, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.
Meng Tian hit with one arrow, but he didn’t have a second chance to shoot the arrow. Zhao Xingzhi is a very chicken thief. 05
He made many soldiers hide behind him, so that Zhao Xingzhi was not in danger of being exposed.
Forcibly enduring his injuries, Zhao Xingzhi continued to flee, and fled away on horseback.
Even if Meng Tian led thousands of troops and came here, he was blocked and could not continue.
Zhao Xingzhi’s victory lies in his abundant troops, so many soldiers are willing to block Zhao Xingzhi’s arrows.
Chasing and killing all the way, the bow and arrow in Meng Tian’s hand are constantly being pulled, arrows one after another.
Unfortunately, these arrows were all blocked by Zhao Xingzhi’s sword, without any lethality.
He pursued vigorously and went away quickly, but he was still blocked by these guys and had no chance.
Watching Zhao Xingzhi leave, such an army is already useless, and it is not useful at all.
Riding on the horse, Meng Tian had a look of unwillingness, never expecting to let him escape.
It was precisely because of this that Meng Tian was ashamed of facing Ying Changge, and he returned to Ying Changge with a guilty expression on his face.
“Let that kid Zhao Xingzhi escape again! Please punish him!” Meng Tian looked excited.
However, Ying Changge’s expression was flat, “This is expected, Zhao Xingzhi is not easy to deal with!”
“Zhao Xingzhi has been planning for a long time. For his own strategy, how many years have he spent in front of Anyang County.”

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