In order to kill him, Ying Changge tried his best, naturally attacking aggressively.
Otherwise, wouldn’t it be ridiculous to let such an ambush beat him to death!
Lifting his sword, he came quickly, with strides, and Ying Changge left an afterimage.
The speed of this afterimage was unexpected, and everyone around saw a cold light coming first, and murderous intent pervaded.
Ying Changge’s figure was unpredictable, especially when the sword edge swept across, only a bright light could be seen.
When Zhu Gang’s ambush soldiers raised their hands to resist, they were killed by a sword. What a fast sword!
Finally getting serious, Ying Changge came quickly, attacking with all the momentum of the sword in his hand.
With a mighty sword, he struck out quickly, and the blade of the sword turned the sword flower, with a menacing aura that impressed Zhu Gang’s soldiers.
They dodged quickly and dodged helplessly, but they still couldn’t escape Ying Changge’s sword.
Going straight, the sword’s edge erupted instantly, and Ying Changge took the lives of several soldiers as soon as he raised his hand.
They were defeated one by one, fell to the ground and died in front of Ying Changge, their throats blocked by blood, and they had no chance to struggle.
Zhu Gang watched Ying Changge finally exert his strength, and he also became very serious, not taking his eyes off it.
With apprehension and uneasiness, Zhu Gang hurriedly urged, “` 〃 Go! All charge up to me and kill them.”
The order is urgent, so that the soldiers will fight cautiously.
So many guys are fighting quickly, surrounded in a hurry, trying to kill Ying Changge.
From Ying Changge’s point of view, they were so arrogant and overconfident that it was impossible for them to kill themselves.
He quickly stabbed out with a sword, came fiercely, and hit several people in an endless stream.
With such a mighty sword edge and quick attack, Ying Changge’s murderous intent spread and penetrated into the heart of the enemy army.
Zhu Gang’s soldiers rushed over, but it was still very difficult to kill Ying Changge.
winChangge personally confronted the enemy, intercepting so many soldiers in front of him, counting one as ten.
However, there are still a lot of soldiers ambushing here, and they can be called an invincible charge.
A large group of people came quickly, intercepted him, and beheaded Ying Changge’s soldiers.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge is not a man with three heads and six arms, otherwise he would definitely be able to fight against the enemy with many weapons.
Chapter 710 The situation is not right, retreat immediately!
However, he only has a pair of arms, and only a knife in his hand, so he really can’t fight against them.
Especially when I saw soldiers coming in groups one by one, looking menacing.
Although the soldiers behind Ying Changge were united, they were unable to stop Zhu Gang’s army.
This series of soldiers were dispatched by Zhu Gang to attack and release quickly.
It is impossible to block such an aggressive posture, because there are not many soldiers brought by Ying Changge.
Dusty and chaotic, the battlefield is ruthless, and the look of fighting is everywhere, full of murderous aura.
Seeing such a situation, Zhu Gang was very satisfied, and felt that he had the chance to win and would kill Ying Changge.
Here today, with heavy responsibilities on his shoulders and Zhao Xingzhi’s order, Zhu Gang will do his best and concentrate on it.
Concentrating on dispatching troops, each soldier went to severely injure Ying Changge’s soldiers and repelled them.
Ying Changge’s figure was still shuttling through the siege of the enemy army, attacking with all his might, and fighting quickly.
Being able to kill one is one, this is his ability, it can be said to be invincible, no one can resist.
With a quick collision, a horizontal direction, the sharp edge of the sword is invincible, and Ying Changge swept away thousands of troops.
But even so, Zhu Gang’s army is still invincible, and it has too many advantages in numbers.
The army was strong, and the ambush was insidious. Ying Changge could only back away chattering in such a siege.
Zhu Gang felt that the time was right, and now was a great opportunity to kill Ying Changge.
So he raised his hand, and then attacked aggressively, coming with a weapon in his hand.
Ready to move, his momentum was unstoppable, and then his figure collided in front of Ying Changge.
Ying Changge quickly raised his sword to resist, but even so, he was knocked back two steps.
The figure staggered, then stabilized, and immediately stood there so that he could not continue to fall.
Staring at Ying Changge without blinking, Zhu Gang asked, “Are you still struggling to die?”
“Funny!” Ying Changge shook his head, “I can win, I can defeat you and Zhao Xingzhi, why do I have to sneak attack!”
“Wishful thinking!” Zhu Gang laughed loudly, “There are not many soldiers behind you, how to fight!”
“You alone want to annihilate my entire army! That’s really ridiculous!” Zhu Gang didn’t believe it.
However, after hearing Zhu Gang’s words, Ying Changge was silent for a while, he didn’t know how to respond.
On the battlefield, victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists, and it is impossible for Ying Changge to be defeated like this.
Since the situation is wrong, retreat immediately! Ying Changge will not take into account his own face and continue to persevere.
The troops in hand are insufficient, if they continue to fight against the enemy, they will only die one by one.
After seeing how stubborn Ying Changge was, Zhu Gang no longer hesitated, “Charge! No one will be left behind!”
Raising the edge of his sword and striking quickly, Ying Changge charged forward and blocked several people.
After killing a few enemy soldiers, he immediately got up and retreated not far away, “The whole army obeys the order and retreats!”
The troops in Zhu Gang’s hands are very sufficient, dazzling, numerous, and it is not easy to be beheaded.
With such a powerful attack, once it came quickly, it would kill Ying Changge’s army one by one.
This was unpredictable, so they approached quickly, trying to chase and kill Ying Changge.
The situation is not so easy to fight back, so he has to turn around immediately and leave this place completely.
Quickly dodging, under the leadership of Ying Changge, the whole army retreated immediately, avoiding the left and right.
In order to be able to live and for the sake of the soldiers, it is impossible for Ying Changge to insist on fighting.
If the fighting continued, the soldiers among Ying Chang’s singers would be crushed and killed in battle.
Riding on a horse, fleeing quickly, his figure was very fast, walking with his soldiers.
Seeing Ying Changge fleeing, Zhu Gang immediately ordered his soldiers to pursue and severely wound him.
In order to be able to bring back the soldiers in his hands safe and sound, Ying Changge worked really hard!
He couldn’t let all the soldiers in his hands die in battle, so Ying Changge had to retreat for a short while.
These people loyally guarded Ying Changge’s side, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.
After disappearing, Zhu Gang panicked, he couldn’t let the duck with its beak fly away!
He pursued and killed him with all his strength, and all the troops in his hands left in a mighty manner, with a menacing aura.
In order to capture Ying Changge, Zhu Gang spared no effort, and immediately dispatched troops to inform Zhao Xingzhi.
Is Ying Changge afraid? no! He is deliberate, and even more low-key, in order to advance with retreat.
As long as all these guys are eradicated, Ying Changge will not have any obstacles.
When Ying Changge and his army retreated, Zhu Gang must have been in a panic and easily lost his position.
At this time, he only needs to quickly pull away the distance, and Zhu Gang will naturally come to chase and kill without stopping.
Chapter 711 It’s scattered all around!
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ying Changge will further control the situation to make his situation safer.
Even if he was chased by so many people, Ying Changge didn’t rush, everything was under control.
just take the initiative, Ying Changge will dispatch Zhu Gang’s every move, and the other party’s whereabouts are expected by him.
Zhu Gang is eager for success, he must want to kill himself, and he will definitely chase~ behind his ass.
At this time, Ying Changge came up with his own witty strategy to turn Zhu Gang’s army around.
Quickly retreating, not confronting Zhu Gang’s soldiers, Ying Changge retreated again and again, keeping himself away from this place.
Even if Zhu Gang rode his horse galloping, he couldn’t catch up with Ying Changge for a while, and was pulled far away.
He was not to be outdone, Zhu Gang was so able to make Ying Changge escape like this! He wants to keep hunting.
Zhu Gang doesn’t care about the reason why the poor don’t chase after anything.
Zhu Gang lay in ambush, obeyed Zhao Xingzhi’s order, and wanted to capture Ying Changge easily.
As long as he is killed, Zhu Gang will be rewarded with generous rewards, fame and career!
But what I never expected was that Ying Changge escaped, and he fled in a hurry.
Not to be outdone, he immediately pursued and killed him. Zhu Gang continued to intercept a group of soldiers, trying to take him down.
As long as Ying Changge is captured, Zhu Gang can kill him at will and separate his body.
Chasing and killing from behind quickly, coming as usual, they charged very quickly, and they came in groups of black and white.
A large group of people chased after Ying Changge, but Ying Changge’s army disappeared from sight.
Zhu Gang was very disappointed, he snorted coldly, and even raised the sword in his hand and continued to swing.
“Come on! Take him down no matter what!” Zhu Gang ran ahead aggressively.
The soldiers behind him also came in an endless stream, following him forward quickly, directly hitting Huanglong.
It was impossible to catch Ying Changge with Zhu Gang’s pursuit, so he immediately asked for help.
After reporting the situation here to Zhao Xingzhi carefully, Zhu Gang tried to apply for support.

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