“Ying Changge! Today is the time for you to die! I’m here to take your head!”
He came quickly, and led the soldiers to Ying Changge, full of murderous spirit and ambition…
safe and sound on a horseOn the way, Ying Changge’s gaze was very calm, “Is it just you guys!”
“You crooked melons, how can you kill me! How fantastic!” Ying Changge shot.
Pulling the reins and riding fast, Ying Changge went straight to Zhu Gang, capturing the thief first.
Among the ambushes, Zhu Gang saw that he was the leader, if he was killed, it would be done once and for all.
Zhu Gang also had a contemptuous smile on his face when he saw Ying Changge running towards him quickly.
“I’ll meet you!” Zhu Gang yelled, and quickly threw out the sword in his hand.
The sword’s edge was very fast, so fierce, it slashed on his head in the blink of an eye, Zhu Gang’s sword moves were cold and harsh.
On the contrary, Zhu Gang’s sword moves did not have an advantage in front of Ying Changge, who was outstanding in swordsmanship.
He came on horseback, ran wildly, and then charged quickly, slashing at Zhu Gang with his sword.
Avoiding Zhu Gang’s sword edge, Ying Changge’s strike was dexterous and unpredictable, making it difficult to track down.
With a single strike, the sword edge stabbed Zhu Gang’s arm quickly, and the blood flowed.
Feeling his own pain, Zhu Gang grinned, but stared at Ying Changge without blinking.
With a wave of his big hand, the sword in his hand moved horizontally, came quickly, and hit the midair forcefully.
The impact of the sword’s edge, ping-pong-pong, was so fierce, even unexpectedly powerful.
After seeing this blow, Zhu Gang felt that he had the chance to win, and he would definitely be able to kill Ying Changge.
However, Ying Changge’s ability is more than that, he easily avoided the blow in an instant.
Chapter 708 One as ten, do your best!
Whoosh! The figure turned around, Ying Changge brushed past Zhu Gang’s sword, and then stabilized his figure.
With a quick blow, the sword edge continued to swim, rippling on Zhu Gang’s body, shaking his arms.
Zhu Gang’s figure was unstable. During the ambush battle, the soldiers behind him also filed out.
Many soldiers followed closely behind Zhu Gang and stretched out their hands.
This is how he easily hugged Zhu Gang, and he didn’t look like a dog eating shit when he was thrown off the horse.
Reluctantly standing still, Zhu Gang turned his head angrily, and saw Ying Changge continuing to come.
From far to near, condescending, Ying Changge’s sword quickly pierced Zhu Gang’s shoulder.
hum! The sword edge cut through 05, stained with blood, Zhu Gang quickly retreated while clutching his wound.
Surrounded by soldiers, Zhu Gang looked annoyed, “Go for it! Kill them all!”
Coming recklessly, after a fierce battle with Ying Changge, Zhu Gang knew that he was difficult to be hostile.
If it’s just a one-on-one fight, I’m afraid he won’t have such an opportunity, and he will be very embarrassed.
That’s why he backed away to avoid being beheaded and killed by Ying Changge all at once, and died in a hasty battle.
With a cold snort, he stayed here resentfully, just now Zhu would let his soldiers continue to charge out.
A group of people charged out quickly and surrounded Ying Changge one after another, making him unable to get through.
Standing here indifferently and calmly, Ying Changge held his sword and let the surrounding turnover continue.
The soldiers fought against each other, and they showed their momentum, so boiling and violent.
On the contrary, it was Ying Changge’s soldiers, not to be outdone, they were surrounded, but they continued as before.
In the sea of ​​people, fighting bloody battles, the soldiers fought with all their might.
In this unknown ambush, Ying Changge regretted that the troops he led were a little sparse.
He just came to meet Meng Tian, ​​not to start a war, so naturally he didn’t lead many sufficient men.
On the contrary, Zhao Xingzhi, because he wanted to ambush Ying Changge, asked Zhu Gang to bring a lot of troops.
With so many sufficient troops ambushing Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi didn’t believe that he could still live on.
In Zhu Gang’s ambush, Ying Changge’s soldiers all moved forward bravely, fighting the enemy with momentum.
In the face of obstacles and enemies, the soldiers are one against ten, trying their best to deal with the enemy.
Seeing the bravery of Ying Changge’s soldiers, Zhu Gang was somewhat apprehensive, but he didn’t panic.
Because Zhu Gang has a lot of soldiers in his hands, so many soldiers seem to be surging waves, continuous.
Even a mouthful of saliva from one person can drown Ying Changge’s army! So Zhu Gang took his time.
He sat here indifferently, expressionless, and even stood by, watching Ying Changge’s movements.
Afraid of confronting Ying Changge, Zhu Gang wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight without joining it at all.
It is enough to have soldiers charging and attacking, and he is very safe as a hands-off shopkeeper.
Caught in the midst of a great battle, Ying Changge was agile as he continued to slash the sword in his hand.
With a dexterous maneuver, he fell into the enemy’s siege, but he still looked calm.
He stabbed out the sword edge in his hand quickly, and where the sword edge went, there was a lot of blood.
Cutting down the enemy soldiers one by one, Ying Changge’s movements were fast, and the sword was sharp and domineering.
Ordinary soldiers couldn’t stop Ying Changge’s attack, they could only be hurt in the eyes.
The edge of the sword is rampant, killing people with one sword, Ying Changge only needs his own sword to deal with these soldiers.
Any soldier is just a marionette in front of Ying Changge, and his target is Zhu Gang.
In other words, Ying Changge behind Zhu Gang was the most important target and must be killed.
The magistrate of Anyang County has been struggling until now, which has already made Ying Changge very annoyed.
In order to kill him, the sword in his hand stabbed out quickly, trying to kill the enemy Saul.
It was 820’s stupidity that the daring enemy army came up to Ying Changge and tried to ambush him.
in order toAfter being beheaded, the sword in his hand ran across, stabbing down quickly, showing his aura.
Vigorous and swift as the wind, Jianfeng will soon annihilate the entire enemy army and separate the corpses.
Seeing his soldier’s posture like this, Zhu Gang’s eyes were very surprised.
It was obvious that his own troops had the upper hand, so how could he be almost attacked and defeated by Ying Changge’s army!
impossible! Knowing that there was no way out at this moment, Zhu Gang could only grit his teeth and rush out quickly.
“What are you doing in a daze! Kill me!” Zhu Gang, who personally led the team and took the lead, took the lead.
Dealing with so many people to their heart’s content, Zhu Gang killed several soldiers of Ying Changge.
The war is still going on, and the stalemate will not end. It is not easy to end the suppression!
With Zhao Xingzhi’s order, Zhu Gang led many elite soldiers to fight in front of him.
Chapter 709 Come quickly, take big strides!
If it weren’t for these people’s perseverance, Ying Changge would have already come to Zhu Gang’s side.
Because of the resistance of Zhu Gang’s soldiers, they blocked Ying Changge one by one and fought back vigorously.
Coming here in a hurry and attacking incessantly, they scrambled to kill Ying Changge first.
But, could Ying Changge be beheaded so easily? His ability is the limit of martial arts.
Above the peak, the master is lonely, and it is difficult for Ying Changge to meet an opponent who can seriously fight with him.
Even Zhu Gang’s group of soldiers, in his eyes, are just street rats.
Therefore, Ying Changge swung his sword edge and came crackling, and the sword edge seriously injured him.
Everyone was staggering, unable to block Ying Changge’s sword of justice, they fought back.
The soldiers fell to the ground, bleeding to death. They didn’t even have a chance to struggle in front of Ying Changge.
Even if it was Ying Changge’s fighting like this, it has to be said that Zhu Gang’s troops are still very sufficient.
So many guys came quickly, abruptly surrounding Ying Changge’s soldiers.
Under such a tight siege, it is very difficult for Ying Changge to kill them, he is the enemy alone.
However, the other soldiers around them also suffered heavy casualties under Zhu Gang’s army.
After all, this was Zhao Xingzhi’s ambush. With such a pursuit, Ying Changge’s soldiers were caught off guard.
There was too much disparity in the strength of the troops, and Zhu Gang’s soldiers came one after another, and the wave came to attack again before it subsided.
Ying Changge was on his own, fighting unscrupulously, wiping out the edge of the sword in his hands to the limit.
In a flash, he killed all the soldiers one by one, beheading them without a trace.
However, Zhu Gang’s soldiers will not stop, they will continue to come and surround Ying Changge.
Not only Ying Changge, but also the soldiers behind him were trapped here, making it difficult to retreat.
Seeing this, Zhu Gang also smiled triumphantly. Ying Changge will die in this battle, and no one can save him.
He rushed forward happily, Zhu Gang looked at Ying Changge, and asked without blinking, “How is it~‖!”
“Catch it now! Otherwise, I will make you suffer a lot!” Zhu Gang was unscrupulous.
Threatening Ying Changge with big words will only make Ying Changge laugh.
“Really! You are so brave, why don’t I know! I will kill you all one by one.”
Ying Changge swung the blade of the sword, and poured all the bright blood on the ground.
Responding calmly and being upright, Ying Changge was full of masculinity and indomitable spirit.

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