To catch them all.
Since Zhao Xingzhi is hiding in the barracks, it also means that he has no way out, it is a dead end!
Ying Changge personally led the army, and asked a group of people to follow behind him, fighting at full speed.
From far to near, Ying Changge’s army directly surrounded Zhao Xingzhi’s barracks, making them stay behind closed doors.
Before he could rest, Zhao Xingzhi heard the news that Ying Changge’s army was coming, and he was very frightened.
“It’s unreasonable! Ying Changge is going to kill them all! Is this insulting me that I have no one in my hands!”
As the sheriff of Anyang County, when did Zhao Xingzhi suffer such grievances! He is very depressed.
Not to be outdone, the army of Ying Chang Singers first blocked all the retreat routes of the barracks.
It is to make Zhao Xingzhi die without a burial place, so Ying Changge will prevent them from leaving this place.
Riding on the horse calmly, Ying Changge raised his sword, drew it out of its sheath, “Get ready!”
“Charge!” Ying Changge ordered the soldiers around him to attack Zhao Xingzhi’s barracks in one go.
Zhao Xingzhi already knew the whereabouts of Ying Changge’s army when he was here, and he was very panicked.
But so what! Zhao Xingzhi huddled in his barracks, refusing to fight.
Is it possible to die like this! He is unwilling, Zhao Xingzhi knows that soldiers are already approaching the city.
Ying Changge led so many troops to surround Zhao Xingzhi’s barracks, making him unable to fight.
That being the case, it is enough to fight back by any means to kill the opponent.
In one go, gnashing his teeth, Zhao Xingzhi ordered his soldiers to cheer up and fight.
Without giving Zhao Xingzhi any chance to react, Ying Changge’s army attacked and fought endlessly.
There was a bang, the barracks were broken and there was a noise, and the soldiers attacked with great fanfare.
Ying Changge personally led the army to attack. Naturally, he was confident and sure of winning, so he was not afraid of anything!
Soldiers charge, so manyThe mighty coming here is to take down Zhao Xingzhi.
………. . . . . . . .
Zhao Xingzhi knew that he had no chance to retreat today, so let’s start the battle!
After a big battle and killing Ying Changge, this is Zhao Xingzhi’s only chance to fight back!
He snorted coldly, so he let so many of his soldiers come to his side, all in one go.
With a vigorous attack and a loud roar, the war is coming soon, and Zhao Xingzhi began to deal with the counterattack.
It is useless to rush up quickly, Zhao Xingzhi stayed at the end of the team in order to survive.
He was greedy for life and afraid of death, and he didn’t want to die at all, so he could only let the soldiers charge first.
Seeing that the soldiers in front rushed up one by one, Zhao Xingzhi was very safe.
He thinks this is a good opportunity, as long as they continue to fight and fight.
Otherwise, just let Zhao Xingzhi stay here, maybe there will be too many dangers!
In the barracks, there is no suitable opportunity, only this road leads to darkness.
Ying Changge and other soldiers blocked the door, leaving him nowhere to go.
Chapter 642 Neat and fast attack!
Very flustered, he had no choice but to leave along the back row of his soldiers.
After sneaking around and leaving quietly, maybe there won’t be any danger coming.
After making up his mind, Zhao Xingzhi immediately brought a horse, turned on the horse, and headed for the barracks.
He already knew the strength of Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​so Zhao Xingzhi didn’t dare to underestimate the enemy.
He could only walk quickly in the barracks, so as to find a place to leave completely.
Otherwise, if they are allowed to come up like this, it may be easier to eradicate them.
Staying in his own barracks, “Seven Five Seven” Zhao Xingzhi will only have a dead end, he might as well fight directly!
It is indifferent to Zhao Xingzhi to hear that Ying Changge’s parents and children are leading the army.
He was not afraid at all, so he rushed up even more fiercely, riding a war horse, and attacked in a hurry.
He came quickly and tried his best to lead his army to fight. He has an invincible posture.
Zhao Xingzhi took the lead, causing many troops to come in front of him and start killing them.
Only with the presence of Ying Changge’s soldiers, they couldn’t easily block the attack.
Once he came with a wave, his figure would take the lead, and Ying Changge was a brave and fearless person.
Fearless, fearless, the soldiers dispatched in groups, and immediately came to him, fighting violently.
The group of people moved so quickly, but even so, they still couldn’t enter the barracks smoothly.
With Zhao Xingzhi’s resistance, naturally many soldiers stood here, and they shot quickly.
Neatly and quickly attacking, a group of people came in a mighty way, fighting fiercely.
Swords and swords, bloody battles, in such a struggle, no one is willing to back down, they are in a hurry.
Coming one after another, with a quick blow, the swords in their hands also had an unusual posture.
The soldiers charged, and Ying Changge also rode on a horse, and rushed directly to the barracks.
Fighting hard, counterattacking quickly, once the sword in his hand ripples down, it is also a different posture.
They showed their sharpness and murderous intent, under such a fight, it was impossible for them to block Ying Changge.
Ying Changge, who took the lead, took the lead in the charge. Facing the enemy, he had a toughness and explosiveness that could not be ignored.
In Zhao Xingzhi’s barracks, it is impossible for several people to stop him from fighting like this, which is really embarrassing.
Just retreating like this, and continuing to entangle, the soldiers all made a mess and attacked with great fanfare.
Even Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers couldn’t stop Ying Changge’s army with heavy blows and rapid charges.
Under such a fight, Ying Changge’s army immediately gained the upper hand, becoming even more mighty and domineering.
Charged quickly and made a big show, Ying Changge’s soldiers were extraordinarily brave and invincible.
They came in an endless stream, and the soldiers came quickly, surrounding Zhao Xingzhi’s army.
Coming from all directions and attacking continuously, they immediately blocked the way of Zhao Xingzhi’s army.
The barracks are not big or small. It is also very easy to intercept Zhao Xingzhi in this place.
Ying Changge’s soldiers came non-stop, entangled the enemy in a hurry.
Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers were all in a panic, but they still stubbornly guarded the place and continued to counterattack 0…..
The soldiers came in an endless stream, and hurriedly used their skills to kill Ying Changge’s army.
Taking the lead and approaching without stopping, the sword in Ying Chang’s singer also swung down with might and domineering power.
He came in a hurry, and quickly smashed on the bodies of several people, causing them to fight back in embarrassment.
Shaking and falling down in pain, Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers were defeated and difficult to fight.
Especially Ying Changge, who killed a lot in the barracks, his strength can be said to be invincible.
Under such fierce fighting, he still approached quickly and penetrated into Zhao Xingzhi’s barracks.
There are so many enemy troops resisting, but to him, it is just an ordinary gesture.
Leading a lot of troops personally, Ying Changge blocked the entrance of the barracks to prevent them from escaping.
Ying Changge’s goal is not these soldiers, but to kill Zhao Xingzhi, who is the most important thing.
Charged in quickly, stepped into the depths of the barracks, and the 4.9 soldiers beside Ying Changge also attacked quickly.
An endless stream of fights, swift battles in all directions, theseThe soldiers were all brave and shocked them to death.
On the horse, it was not conducive to Ying Changge’s performance, so he jumped off the horse immediately.
This foot hit an enemy soldier’s shoulder and directly pressed him to the ground.
Raising the knife in his hand and dropping it, the sword in Ying Chang Singer also fell steadily and directly, slashing and killing the opponent.
“Where is Zhao Xingzhi!” Ying Changge shouted, his only purpose was to find Zhao Xingzhi.
Zhao Xingzhi, the magistrate of Anyang County, has no law in his eyes and acts recklessly. He really deserves to be imprisoned for questioning and beheaded.
Chapter 643 Complete defeat!
Otherwise, if such a kid falls here, he will continue to be arrogant and domineering.
In Anyang County, there is already an unhealthy trend, which is entirely because of the existence of Zhao Xingzhi.
Facing this culprit, he didn’t worry at all, in order to kill him abruptly.
As long as Zhao Xingzhi is killed, Anyang County will be more stable and peaceful without the sheriff.
Ying Changge led his troops to attack quickly, killing a lot in Zhao Xingzhi’s barracks.
In the shadow of swords and swords, Ying Changge’s whereabouts were so fast that it was impossible for ordinary people to stop him.
With a strong counterattack and a quick step, Ying Changge killed several soldiers.
The sharpness of a 05 sword is fierce, but in the struggle between you and me, how could Ying Changge lose.
He laughed out loud, with a ferocious face, so he came even more fiercely, and handed out his sword edge.
Wherever the sword edge went, Ying Changge would set off a bloody storm, causing the enemy soldiers to be seriously injured and die.
Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers are vulnerable, especially the governor of Anyang County, who is acting as a turtle at this time.
They didn’t dare to stay here, they just stalemate, trying to protect the last piece of stability in the barracks.

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