Especially Meng Tian is still aggressively attacking in front of him, isn’t this a slap in the face of him!
Where is this place! Anyang County! Who is Zhao Xingzhi! But the sheriff of Anyang County! Why is he afraid of it!
As long as he is still in Anyang County, then Zhao Xingzhi is the sky here! He does whatever he wants.
Invincible, wanton and reckless, he continued to attack without sparing any energy in order to kill Meng Tian.
hit hard and fastWith one blow, the sword in his hand was slashed with light, and afterimages fell in all directions.
During Zhao Xingzhi’s attack, Zhao Xingzhi remained motionless, and the sword in his hand fell sharply.
Released quickly, the sword edge was filled with light and slashed at his body, which was different and majestic.
After seeing this fight, they could only attack more bravely.
The wind and fire were in full swing, and the sword in Zhao Xingzhi’s hand had a domineering offensive, approaching Meng Tian.
Even so, Meng Tian did not panic, he counterattacked quickly, using the edge of his sword to block the edge of the sword.
In the bloody attack, Zhao Xingzhi’s sword pierced Meng Tian’s body.
Even so so what! Meng Tian still came in a hurry, and punched bravely with his fist.
boom! The fist hit Zhao Xingzhi’s leg abruptly. Meng Tian was very wise and made him lose his balance.
The leg was attacked, and he couldn’t stand here steadily at all, and directly made Zhao Xingzhi half-kneel on the ground.
At the same time, the sword in Meng Tian’s hand pierced quickly, piercing his chest easily.
Shouting in pain, Zhao Xingzhi endured the pain, clutching his wound and retreating immediately.
Came here quickly, Zhao Xingzhi, who couldn’t be hostile, was very smart, he didn’t intend to attack, and turned around and ran away.
With a whoosh, the figure quickly fled away, clutching the bleeding wound, he disappeared immediately.
It is no longer here, which makes Meng Tian more motivated (Zhao Li Zhao) to attack, “` 〃Come on! Take Zhao Xingzhi~‖!”
Facing this sinner, Meng Tian didn’t need to be merciful, he wanted to let his own army chase him down.
The soldiers obeyed the order and were loyal to Meng Tian, ​​and came to hunt and kill Zhao Xingzhi in groups.
But Zhao Xingzhi was already scared. He was afraid that he would die here. He could see that he would be defeated.
So, he left helplessly, turned around quickly, and quickly disappeared here.
Leading his own army to leave, Zhao Xingzhi didn’t dare to continue to fight against Meng Tian, ​​and he couldn’t win at all.
Since Meng Tian cannot be defeated, it is better to leave first and fight another day, this is very important.
Chapter 640 There is a big difference, there is a distance!
Little life matters, Zhao Xingzhi was out of breath, and escaped sweating profusely, without stopping or delaying at all.
Not to be outdone, Meng Tian led his army to continue to attack, so as to capture Zhao Xingzhi.
Zhao Xingzhi, the prefect of Anyang County, sold his officials and nobles, burned, killed and looted, and bullied others. He deserves to be killed.
Even if the opponent fled, it was the most precious opportunity for Meng Tian, ​​so he must be killed.
The sound of horseshoes was frantic, Ying Changge stayed here, and heard the mighty sound going away.
Ying Changge immediately understood that Zhao Xingzhi was defeated, not only that, he even wanted to run away!
Waiting and watching, Ying Changge hoped that Zhao Xingzhi, who acted recklessly, would die like this, leaving no one behind.
Otherwise, just let him escape safely, maybe he will make a comeback and attack as much as he wants.
Let the tiger go back to the mountain, and there will be endless troubles. Meng Tian led his own soldiers to chase and kill Zhao Xingzhi diligently.
757 For a while, Zhao Xingzhi’s army was in a state of desperation, dead and wounded, it was very tragic.
Under such an attack, they had no other way but to escape in fear.
Those Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers were already scattered in a group, broken into an army, and fled separately.
Meng Tian continued to lead his troops to pursue and kill them, so that they were killed or wounded. This pursuit was timely.
Especially the brave and fearless Meng Tian continued to chase and kill Zhao Xingzhi from behind.
Zhao Xingzhi was even more frightened and trembling, his pale face did not allow himself to be killed like this.
He is the governor of Anyang County! He has the supreme power to control everything around him.
Otherwise, I am afraid that with such a death, everything will become even more desolate and fall directly.
Believe that fate is in his own hands, Zhao Xingzhi will not stop there, he continues to escape.
Riding on the horse and attacking quickly, Meng Tian let his army go to surround Zhao Xingzhi mightily.
Zhao Xingzhi and his party were all hunted down, their strength was greatly reduced, blood flowed like rivers and piled up like mountains on the battlefield.
It was precisely because such an army threatened Zhao Xingzhi that he dared not fight any more.
Once the battle continues, there will be many dangers coming, and it is easy for Zhao Xingzhi to die in battle.
He didn’t want his head to fall to the ground, so he charged quickly and led his army away.
Leaving this place, avoiding the surroundings, and his last army, Zhao Xingzhi, fled away with all his might.
As long as he left here, there would be no danger and he could get rid of Meng Tian.
In this battle, after several intense rounds, Zhao Xingzhi knew that he could not kill Meng Tian.
The skills of the two were so different that Zhao Xingzhi’s army was chased and fled quickly.
In order to solve Zhao Xingzhi, Meng Tian is also urgent, and all the soldiers in his hands left quickly.
Meng Tian would feel very guilty if he could not catch Zhao Xingzhi, so he took the lead.
He came non-stop, riding on (afej) horse, charging quickly, and he quickly chased and killed him.
Rushing into Zhao Xingzhi’s army, Meng Tian went on a killing spree, beheading all the enemy troops one by one.
Such a large army is also undead, and after seeing Zhao Xingzhi, they want to come forward to chase and kill them.
But Meng Tian’s skills are very superb, it is impossible for a few of them to stop Meng Tian.
The fight continued, chattering and charging down, every blow was full of murderous intent.
The menacing and murderous Zhao Xingzhi beheaded several people here, and let themdie.
At the same time, Meng Tian will continue to chase up, just to kill Zhao Xingzhi.
Zhao Xingzhi didn’t need to look back, but he heard the rushing figure of the enemy army behind him, which was very dangerous.
His face was pale and bloodless, and then Zhao Xingzhi continued to flee while clutching the injury on his shoulder.
Even if Meng Tian tried his best to chase after him, he was still far away from Zhao Xingzhi’s army.
Unable to catch up with Zhao Xingzhi, Meng Tian let them escape directly, and the enemy army left directly from the wide land.
The relentless attack and the embarrassing escape, all these changes were all because of Zhao Xingzhi.
After leaving with a terrified expression, he no longer dared to continue, but stayed in his barracks.
Anyang County didn’t dare to go back, Zhao Xingzhi felt that this barracks was safe, at least with a large number of people.
Once there is any danger, then Zhao Xingzhi can mobilize manpower to resist Meng Tian’s attack.
Day and night, non-stop, so they came to this place, and finally found a good way.
After entering the barracks, Zhao Xingzhi felt relieved that there would no longer be any pursuers to kill him.
Meng Tian obeyed Ying Changge’s order and did not continue to chase after him. As the saying goes, the poor should not chase after him!
Even Zhao Xingzhi escaped without a trace, but Ying Changge was not in a hurry, he was ready to go and made some preparations.
So Ying Changge asked Meng Tian’s army to come back so that he could personally lead the army to attack Zhao Xingzhi.
Zhao Xingzhi, who is greedy for life and afraid of death, has already fled and disappeared completely.
Chapter 641 All the escape routes of the barracks!
Ying Changge immediately sent his soldiers to find out Zhao Xingzhi’s whereabouts, and at the same time asked the soldiers to prepare.
Zhao Xingzhi can’t escape with so many troops, and Ying Changge is not in a hurry.
Calm and calm, he immediately let his men continue to track down the Quartet and chase Zhao Xingzhi.
Sure enough, it didn’t take long for Ying Changge to hear the news and know~ Zhao Xingzhi’s whereabouts.
After leading the army to leave the battlefield, Zhao Xingzhi returned to the barracks, making them all – united.
It’s just waiting to die! After Ying Changge knew Zhao Xingzhi’s whereabouts – he was very confident.
As long as he personally leads the army, it will be easy to take down the Anyang County Sheriff.
Therefore, Meng Tian took the order and handed over all the army in his hands to Ying Changge, and let him take full responsibility.
Ying Changge personally became the leading general, which allowed the soldiers to rest for a while and take their time.
Sooner or later, Zhao Xingzhi must be dealt with. A mere Anyang county sheriff has no intention of escaping.
Ying Changge wiped the edge of his sword indifferently, and moved his horse.
Everything is ready, only Dongfeng is owed, as long as Zhao Xingzhi can be killed, then Ying Changge will conquer Anyang County.
Because of the existence of this guy, Zhao Xingzhi, the people are mourning, and the people are living in dire straits.
Many people endured humiliation, especially those garrisoned in Anyang County, who could not make a living.
They were all forced to become bandits. This is the most exaggerated thing, which made Ying Changge unhappy.
Therefore, in order to take down Zhao Xingzhi, they must attack quickly and not let Zhao Xingzhi do anything.
Morale is low, Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers must have difficulty resisting the conquest of Ying Changge’s army.
Especially after being repelled by Meng Tian just now, Zhao Xingzhi is very bitter and exhausted physically and mentally at this moment.
Seizing the opportunity, Ying Changge united his army and then went to Zhao Xingzhi’s barracks.

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