Meng Tian’s expression was flat, and he attacked calmly, and the sword in his hand also had a sharp afterimage and light.
A strike with a sword, followed by an afterimage, Meng Tian’s offensive can always block every blow of Wang Qi indifferently.
The sword edge flaring out, ping pong pong pong, every heavy blow fell on Wang Qi’s vital point.
In order to be able to kill Meng Tian, ​​Wang Qi’s sword edge is always stabbing, majestic and majestic.
In order to kill Wang Qi, the sword in his hand never stopped, and Meng Tian still attacked him willingly.
No one can kill Meng Tian, ​​because he is a man of superb cultivation and invincible.
Among Dongyang County, Zhao Xingzhi is the biggest, and Ying Changge and Wuliu are just clouds to him.
As a general, Wang Qi had to be clear about his position, especially when standing in line.
Wang Qi once dreamed of being a good general, but he knew it was unrealistic.
Especially when he was in the barracks and couldn’t help himself, all of this was beyond Wang Qi’s ability to speak for himself.
Here, he does not do what he wants, but what he needs to do.
For example, now that Wang Qi has received Zhao Xingzhi’s order, he must obey it seriously.
Sending an army to capture Ying Changge and Meng Tian is what Wang Qi wants to do most.
Meng Tian was right in front of him, this was a very good opportunity for Wang Qi, and he fought hard.
With a quick counterattack, Wang Qi fought hard, trying his best to suppress Meng Tian, ​​so as to turn defeat into victory.
Kill chickens to warn monkeys, knock mountains and shake tigers. After taking down Meng Tian, ​​Wang Qi believed that Ying Changge would appear naturally.
This is a chain plan, Wang Qi thinks he is very smart, and he can even take the lead.
Ying Changge had already expected it, that’s why he sent Meng Tian here to try to subdue the army.
But it is a pity that in the Anyang County barracks, Wang Qi, as the chief general, will not be subdued so easily.
He is the one standing on Zhao Xingzhi’s boat.
Wang Qi just came in big strides. In order to take down Meng Tian, ​​he also attacked faster and vigorously.
The forceful fight and the brave attack of the sword’s edge are all to kill Meng Tian, ​​a majestic general.
kingQi did not plead guilty, and even felt that he had no mistakes. He was the general of Anyang County.
It is not necessary to win, but Wang Qi must follow the right person, that is to stand on the side of the Anyang county sheriff.
In Anyang County, Zhao Xingzhi is the sky, how could Wang Qi be so stupid as to go against the will of God!
He attacked quickly, and the sword in his hand stabbed Meng Tian’s chest mercilessly. This is very important.
Especially Wang Qi’s sword thrust, he doesn’t care if he can kill Meng Tian, ​​but he wants to continue.
To capture Meng Tian and capture Ying Changge, what Wang Qi has to do is very simple, but it is also very difficult.
After all, this is something that has been said over and over again, but it is very difficult to do, after all, it is Ying Changge!
This place is not safe, Wang Qi was intimidated by Meng Tian in his barracks and kept giving way.
He retreated steadily, Wang Qi couldn’t stop Meng Tian’s attack for a while, he was in a hurry.
There is no chance to stop here, especially the attacks of Wang Qi and Meng Tian are always in a hurry.
Confronting Meng Tian is a very stupid thing, Wang Qi has already released all his 740 abilities!
The nimble sword edge was full of afterimages, forcing him to have nowhere to escape, and he was always trapped here.
Wang Qi was sweating profusely. He had tried his best, but he couldn’t defeat Meng Tian.
Learning to accept and learn to resist, Wang Qi raised his sword and stabbed Meng Tian recklessly.
As long as Meng Tian is dead, Ying Changge will naturally be helpless, and it will be easy to take him down when the time comes.
For Wang Qi, everything is within reach, because he has many troops.
So many soldiers are under Wang Qi’s arrangement, and in the barracks, every soldier is like a wolf and a tiger.
However, Wang Qi also has his own dignity, because he is the general of Anyang County! He is majestic.
If it wasn’t for Meng Tian’s appearance, then he would have already killed the other party, and he could easily capture him.
If he can’t kill General Meng Tian, ​​how can he capture Ying Changge?
Chapter 629 Anxious Breath!
All this is difficult, but Wang Qi will not back down, he will continue to charge and kill.
The fierce Wang Qi was full of murderous aura, bloodthirsty color and light appeared in his eyes.
The sword in his hand is very unusual, faster and faster, and more and more fierce, in order to kill Meng Tian.
As long as Meng Tian dies in Wang Qi’s hands, he will continue to capture Ying Changge with great fanfare.
This was the order of the governor of Anyang County, otherwise, he would not be able to kill Ying Changge, and only Wang Qi would die.
Anyone who disobeys Zhao Xingzhi’s order will die, no matter how loyal he is to Zhao Xingzhi.
Because of fear and panic, Wang Qi had no choice but to obey Zhao Xingzhi’s order.
This is his principle of protecting himself wisely, so in front of Meng Tian, ​​Wang Qicai will always continue to resist.
He raised his sword, came chattering, and slashed at them aggressively.
This kind of sword is very brave, at least, Wang Qi will not back down in front of Meng Tian, ​​he shows his momentum.
In his barracks, Wang Qi will not let himself get into trouble, he is the general here!
Wang Qi showed his aura, he came continuously, and the sword edge hit down hard!
The sword edge will pierce Meng Tian’s body, but the most important thing is that it must be pierced.
Although the fight between Wang Qi and Meng Tian was so fierce, Wang Qi hadn’t killed Meng Tian yet, so he had nothing to do.
Looking down at the sword in his hand, Wang Qi walked up slowly, out of breath.
Wiping the sweat off his forehead, staring at Meng Tian, ​​Wang Qi asked, “What else do you want~‖!”
“You are just a dog’s leg next to Ying Changge, and you don’t have enough skills to fight me!”
Occupying the barracks in Anyang County, he is very majestic here, and Wang Qi showed his authority.
He just needs to wave his arm, and many soldiers will come to him and surround Meng Tian.
But Wang Qi didn’t do that, he wanted to deal with the great general Meng Tian by himself.
Otherwise, he would not be able to be hostile to Meng Tian, ​​how could Wang Qi still have the capital to continue to lead the battle!
This is about Wang Qi’s own glory, even face, he can’t let Meng Tian win!
Continuously attacking and circling Meng Tian, ​​every sword of Wang Qi pierced Meng Tian’s vital point.
But the sword in Meng Tian’s hand is so vigilant, it always blocks every blow of Wang Qi accurately.
This is Wang Qi’s gesture of going all out, the sword in his hand is still coming in an endless stream, chattering endlessly.
He came in a hurry, but the sword in his hand came in a hurry and slashed at Meng Tian’s neck.
No one helped Wang Qi, because he felt that he could suppress Meng Tian with ease.
The sword in his hand continued to gallop forward, in order to kill Meng Tian, ​​Wang Qi had been in a stalemate for many rounds.
You come and go, fighting, the power of this battle is full of extraordinary explosions, dragons soaring and tigers roaring.
With a quick blow and a swift attack, the sword in his hand had already pierced Meng Tian’s throat.
As a general on the battlefield, Meng Tian is more than enough to deal with such a guy, without any danger.
The sword in his hand struck upwards vigorously, and collided with Wang Qi’s sword edge, making crackling noises.
It is precisely because of the fierceness of the sword’s edge that Meng Tian’s and Wang Qi’s attacks are very dangerous.
Murderous, the moment of life and death, Meng Tian and Wang Qi’s desperate fight was also full of anxiety.
Wang Qi wanted to kill Meng Tian, ​​because he knew that after killing Meng Tian, ​​he would be rewarded heavily.
This is Zhao Xingzhi’s reward, and it is also because Ying Changge is on the most wanted list.He and Meng Tian both occupy the first place.
He didn’t know the reason for all this, but he was willing to sacrifice both Ying Changge and Meng Tian.
Fighting is just meaningless, the most important thing is to get promoted and get rich.
Whether it is framed or against the enemy, Ying Changge will be on Zhao Xingzhi’s most wanted list.
It is also very ridiculous to say that Ying Changge will be chased and killed by the Anyang county guard.
This was something Ying Changge couldn’t tolerate, so he took the first step to subdue the army of Anyang County.
It’s a pity that Wang Qi, as the chief general in the Anyang County barracks, just obeyed Zhao Xingzhi’s orders.
This is very important. This move determines Wang Qi’s official career, and he will work hard for Zhao (Zhao’s).
It’s a very simple choice, the purest path, Wang Qi wants to walk all the way to darkness with his eyes closed.
No matter Ying Changge or Meng Tian, ​​Wang Qi must accept it correctly!
As the chief general of Anyang County, Wang Qi has such a posture, but it is difficult for him to be hostile to Meng Tian.
Meng Tian raised the knife and dropped it, the weapon immediately cut off his head firmly and steadily, in a hurry.
After making him fall and separate, Meng Tian also showed an indifferent smile, “‘ 〃 But that’s all.”
After killing the chief general of Anyang County, Meng Tian stood here, very serious.
“Who else! You are here to obey the command of the Lord, Zhao Xingzhi’s words are nothing but bullshit!”.
Chapter 630 It Takes a Certain Time!
Without blinking, with a serious expression, Meng Tian questioned, “Anyone who resists will surely die!”
After the other soldiers heard Meng Tian’s words, they also looked serious, and they surrendered.

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