Something went wrong with Ying Changge’s visit, Zhao Xingzhi exposed his crimes, and he had nowhere to go.
Therefore, gnashing his teeth, Zhao Xingzhi had to fight Ying Changge directly to the end if he didn’t stop at nothing.
In an emergency, Zhao Xingzhi, as the governor of Anyang County, mobilized the troops in his hands.
As long as the army came out in groups, it would be easy to win Ying Changge.
So, Fei Ge sent the letter, and Zhao Xingzhi immediately sent his order to the barracks in Anyang County.In order to kill Ying Changge, it is natural to mobilize the nearest army in order to wipe out the opponent.
The letter came to the barracks in Anyang County, and the general immediately received the letter, “It’s the governor!”
The order of the sheriff, then it is the task of the general! He naturally wanted to complete it with trepidation.
At this moment, a general beside him also came up, “General, someone is visiting.”
“Who is it?” Anyang Princess General Wang Qi had a gloomy expression on his face, but he walked up immediately.
Outside the barracks, Wang Qi saw a figure standing there alone, motionless.
Strange, who is coming!
“I am the chief general of Anyang County, who are you, what do you want me to do!”
The person who came was not Ying Changge, but Meng Tian, ​​who smiled slightly and stood with his hands behind his back, “Come to negotiate a deal with you!”
“You have to know that you are the general of Anyang County now, but Anyang County is involved in every move!”
Meng Tian stared at him intently, “Otherwise, your life will be ruined, and the surrounding blood will flow like a river!”
Wang Qi frowned slightly, “What nonsense are you talking about! What nonsense! I am the general of this place!”
“I don’t obey the orders of the sheriff, so it’s possible that I still obey your orders. What a joke!”
After hearing Wang Qi’s words, Meng Tian shook his head, “You are right, you just listen to me!”
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
“I am Meng Tian! Under the order of Young Master Ying Changge, I ask you to stand still!” Meng Tian was serious!
But after Wang Qi heard it, he laughed loudly, “Impossible! You are so stupid!”
“Even if you are really General Meng Tian, ​​in Anyang County, speaking is not easy!”
Knowing that this trip will not be smooth sailing, Meng Tian was also very angry, “Nonsense!”
“Is it possible that the order of a mere Anyang county sheriff is more important than my order!”
………. 0
“It’s natural!” Wang Qi waved his hand, “Leave! Otherwise, I will kill you!”
This is not what Wang Qi can say! So Meng Tian raised his weapon, “Did you see it!”
“This sword is not an ordinary sword! If you force it, I will kill you! Change the commander.”
After hearing Meng Tian’s words, Wang Qi also burst out laughing, “It’s up to you! What a wishful thinking!”
Therefore, Wang Qi jumped up immediately, stretched out the weapon in his hand, and drew his sword out of its sheath.
“Since your evil intentions are not dead, then I will kill you to avoid future troubles!” He came quickly!
The weapon in Wang Qi’s hand thrust out with all his strength, hitting Meng Tian’s body straight!
This was a very domineering blow, but to Meng Tian, ​​it was nothing more than that, nothing special.
Meng Tian came quickly, and struck hard, blocking Wang Qi’s sword, fast and powerful.
He rushed forward quickly, and the sword in his hand showed unusual killing intent and tricks.
Fighting on the battlefield and doing whatever he wants, Meng Tian’s ability is naturally much stronger than Wang Qi’s Fan.
Chapter 627 Continue to be promoted!
Even for such a kid, under Meng Tian’s sword, he still has to fight for several rounds!
The sooner the better, the quick battle, Meng Tian does not hope that there will be other dangers in Anyang County.
Coming in strides, attacking chatteringly, the sword in his hand quickly stabbed Wang Qi.
Wang Qi was wearing armor, but Meng Tian was in plain clothes, and the fight between them was more disadvantaged.
But Meng Tian is nothing to be afraid of. To deal with a mere kid, he has the chance to win and has a well-thought-out plan.
Therefore, under such a charge, it was difficult for Wang Qi to oppose Meng Tian’s attack for a while, and his sword was sharp.
Ping “740” ping pong pong pong, swords meet, Meng Tian and Wang Qi’s figures are entangled together, inseparable.
Since he wanted to kill the other party, he would not show mercy. Meng Tian’s attack was full of might.
Like a wolf like a tiger, the fierce tiger came down the mountain, Meng Tian’s sword came quickly and cut Wang Qi’s armor.
Even with armor, it could not protect Wang Qi’s life alone.
Meng Tian’s sword was very heavy, and Wang Qi staggered back when he hit it hard.
A look of embarrassment appeared on his face, Wang Qi didn’t rush, and the sword in his hand continued to rush out.
The sharp edge of the sword fell down quickly, hitting Meng Tian’s chest, causing him to almost fall to the ground, but he stood still.
Standing firmly and standing here, Meng Tian’s face is full of seriousness, and he is not in a hurry.
The edge of the sword is fierce, and the impact of a sword is also extremely violent, making Wang Qi unable to bear it.
He quickly dodged and retreated in a hurry, but he still couldn’t stop Wang Qi’s sword from rushing towards him.
Ping-pong, swords smashed together, Wang Qi and Meng Tian were inseparable, always entangled with each other.
The edge of the sword fell and turned around to attack, Meng Tian’s series of sword moves were all so swift and fierce.
After such a sparring, Wang Qi already understood that he could not easily defeat Meng Tian.
In particular, they are far apart, and Wang Qi’s ability is only that of a general in Anyang County.
But for Meng Tian, ​​it is impossible for the general in such a remote place to kill himself.
Especially the surrounding soldiers, they all stood here calmly, watching with nothing to do.
Because there is no order from Wang Qi, the soldiers are not allowed to act casually, this is a military order.
The military order is like a mountain, and the soldiers of Anyang County are in the barracks, so naturally they cannot send out the army, but stand still.
Wang Qi is the chief general here, he has his own abilities, he is even arrogant and arrogant.The attack continued, the sword in his hand never stopped, and he rushed continuously, causing serious injuries.
This is just a series of attacks by Wang Qi, but to Meng Tian, ​​it is just an ordinary fight.
The power of a sword is useless, under such entanglement, Meng Tian and Wang Qi continued to fight against each other.
Accompanied by Jian Feng’s rampage, Wang Qi tried his best, but he couldn’t kill Meng Tian.
Because Meng Tian’s attack was too fierce and powerful, he always blocked Wang Qi’s sword.
The two of you come and go, swords and swords, always with a murderous attitude, which can be called a unique skill.
Coming quickly, the figure fell, and the sword in Wang Qi’s hand struck Meng Tian’s head forcefully.
Once the attack is smooth and smooth, then Wang Qi will be able to take Meng Tian’s head and separate his corpse for 0…
In a battle on the battlefield, the most common thing is to fight and kill. Once the sword comes, the avoidance will form an explosion.
This kind of sword is very brave, it can’t even break through Meng Tian’s defense, his defense is impenetrable.
With both offensive and defensive capabilities, Meng Tian rushed forward, and the sword in his hand neatly drew afterimages.
Accompanied by the collision of swords, Meng Tian and Wang Qi’s attacks were also fierce enough, and the menacing aura was inseparable.
Intent to kill Meng Tian, ​​so the attack in Wang Qi’s hands has never stopped, so it can be continuous.
A sword has a posture, full of murderous intent, this is Meng Tian’s killing intent on the battlefield.
On the battlefield, Meng Tian’s eyes were full of unusual sharpness, and Meng Tian stared at Wang Qi’s every move.
This is a despicable villain, and he is on the same level as Zhao Xingzhi, even working for a tiger.
The current situation is useless, especially the battle between Meng Tian and Wang Qi, it is easy to see the outcome.
Meng Tian wants to punish evil and promote good, especially Wang Qi actually obeyed Zhao Xingzhi’s order, which shows that 4.9 is very despicable.
There is no need to show mercy, Wang Qi came quickly, he wanted to take Meng Tian’s head to receive the reward.
Especially now that Zhao Xingzhi has issued a warrant for Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​he must be furious.
In order to please the governor of Anyang County, Wang Qi wanted to hand over both Ying Changge and Meng Tian.
This is a good opportunity for Wang Qi, in this way, he can continue to be promoted from the main general.
Prosperity and wealth, pursuit of fame and fortune, these are very important things for Wang Qi!
Because Wang Qi is not blind, he can see that Zhao Xingzhi now hates Ying Changge to the bone.
Chapter 628 Can’t beat Meng Tian!
Thinking of this, Wang Qi raised his hand without hesitation and opened his letter. This is an order.
In Zhao Xingzhi’s letter, there is only a very short sentence, capture Ying Changge!
Naturally, this must be a very serious matter. It is impossible for Wang Qi to sit idly by. He has to arrange everything.
The order of the sheriff of Anyang County was to let Wang Qi lead the army to capture Ying Changge, how could Wang Qi not obey.
Therefore, Wang Qi felt relieved, whether it was Ying Changge or Meng Tian, ​​they would all be caught in one go.
Holding his own sword and walking up quickly, he immediately came in front of Meng Tian, ​​”Looking for death!”
He walked up quickly, and the sword edge stabbed Meng Tian’s chest one after another, full of murderous aura.
This sword is brave, Wang Qi’s attack is also strong, he must kill Meng Tian, ​​and he will not give up.

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