The guard’s eyes widened, and then he restrained Ying Changge’s arms abruptly, “Go to hell!”
The bold and reckless, he also wanted to attack Ying Changge, and even released his sword continuously.
Picking up the sword on the ground again, the guard quickly knocked away Ying Changge’s figure.
The sword was rampant, and the guards attacked in an endless stream, just to kill Ying Changge, even by unscrupulous means.
But even so, Ying Changge was not in a hurry, he always counterattacked and continued to attack.
The sword in his hand was very fast, entangled with Ying Changge, and the guards were still alive and well.
Not dying, not crying when seeing the coffin, the guards also tried their best to attack Ying Changge in order to kill Ying Changge.
During the entanglement with the guards, his gaze was so calm that he even turned back quickly.
But for Ying Changge, his sword edge is as far as it can go, and it will not seriously injure the guards at all.
Because Ying Changge still needs to save the life of the guard, so that he can ask Zhao Xingzhi about his crimes.
Ping-pong, in the study room, the fierce fighting between you and me continues to be publicized, and he always has a posture.
Accompanied by the fierce offensive, the guard’s sword moves failed, and were blocked one by one by Ying Changge.
The sword edge came straight, no matter how he slashed or counterattacked, the guards couldn’t seriously injure Ying Changge.
On the contrary, Ying Changge remained motionless, even standing in front of the guards unharmed.
Smiling contemptuously, the guard raised his sword and panted, “How about it, you can’t kill me!”
“Instead of fighting like this, why don’t you grow old?”It would be better to honestly compromise! ”
“You don’t need to pay the price for this, otherwise, you will die under my sword!”
Don’t worry, don’t panic, the guard is holding his sword, still majestic and ready to move.
It seems that the guard will not shed tears when he sees the coffin, this is really helpless.
Chapter 621 Heroic Sharpness!
So shaking his head, he raised his sword, and Ying Changge was about to directly subdue the guard in front of him.
As long as the guards were surrendered, Ying Changge would be in no danger and could ask Zhao Xingzhi about his crimes.
Walking up in stride, Ying Chang Singer’s sword was very fast, stabbing him directly, killing him.
But any attack is ineffective, especially the sword~ move in the guard’s hand, which is ordinary.
Steadily raising his sword, attacking persistently, he quickly fought and came up.
The impatient attack was used to kill Ying Changge. The guards looked gloomy, even murderous.
As they approached one after another, the guard’s sword edge was close to Ying Changge’s body, aiming at his vitals.
Throats and eyes are everywhere where you can strike, and the guards are very vicious and ruthless.
Once it is a shot, it is aggressive, just to kill Ying Changge, so that it can be killed.
However, Ying Changge’s swordsmanship was still superior. He attacked continuously and continued to swing and kill.
The sword in his hand left an afterimage, which was as fast as a gust of wind and lightning, and it was impossible for the guards to block it.
With a ping-pong sound, the blades collided together, and the guard staggered and fell down, almost falling.
Fortunately, he is not an ordinary person, he grabbed his sword all at once, and barely got a foothold here.
Not to be outdone, Ying Changge held the sword around the guard’s neck again.
As long as the sword in Ying Chang Singer moves a little, the guard’s throat can be easily cut.
But any confrontation with Ying Changge like this shows that he is just useless of his full strength.
While continuing to play with the guards, Ying Changge still unmoved and released his sword edge.
There was a distance from the sword’s edge, from far to near, and it came to the guard in an instant.
The guard was covered with light by Ying Changge’s sword, and the afterimage flickered and approached the body of the guard.
hum! The guard’s arm was cut, and Ying Changge stood there calmly, raising his sword.
All the blood on it fell to the ground, but the blade still kept its heroic sharpness.
Grinning his teeth in pain, the guard quickly backed away, already standing on the ground, not daring to move.
An ordinary guy, Ying Changge is very confident, he will not continue to attack, and he will take it easy.
He won’t let the guard die, Ying Changge still has many questions to ask this guy.
The existence of the guards is not worth mentioning. It is impossible for him to have the chance to kill Ying Changge. This is his strength.
In the disparity in swordsmanship, Ying Changge can only control the situation, while the guards are getting more and more embarrassed, and it is difficult to escape.
Standing in front of Ying Changge, the guard was covering his wound with a look of unwillingness on his face.
He is Zhao Xingzhi’s guard, especially about the secrets in the study, the guard knows very well.
“Get caught!” Ying Changge gave an ultimatum, not allowing the guards to confront him jealously.
“Otherwise, you will die here, and there will be another corpse in the study.”
Ying Changge put the sword in his hand on the guard’s neck, “Or you can explain the secret room!”
“Behind the secret door, there are many corpses. Who are they!” Ying Changge was very serious.
However, standing in front of Ying Changge, the guard’s eyes were so righteous, “I won’t say it!”
“But I will not do anything that betrays the Sheriff! This is my duty!”
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Hearing what the guard said, Ying Changge nodded in admiration, “Very good! You are really amazing!”
“However, you are only helping the evildoers, or even assisting the tigers. You can’t kill me!”
His movements are fast, he attacks quickly, he is like a fish in water in the study, and he even moves freely.
“Since you can’t kill me, why not tell me all of Zhao Xingzhi’s crimes honestly!”
Even in the face of Ying Changge’s threat, the guard was still very stubborn, “No! I won’t say it! I swear to the death!”
………. 0
Ying Changge was not in a hurry, he raised his sword and cut off one of the guard’s fingers.
Blood sprayed, and the guard bent down in pain and covered his hands.
The guard had no ability in front of Ying Changge, so he killed him easily.
But Ying Changge was not in a hurry to make a move, he just held his sword and stood in front of the guards.
It’s just a dog leg next to Zhao Xingzhi, so it’s useless to Ying Changge.
He raised the knife and dropped it, his own weapons stabbed him one after another, his body was already riddled with holes.
If the guard wanted to live, he could only kneel down in front of Ying Changge and beg for mercy, that’s all.
With a calm face and a quiet face, Ying Changge waited for the guard to speak, “Hurry up!”
“Who is the corpse in the dark room!” Ying Changge scolded solemnly, very seriously.
After hearing Ying Changge’s questioning, the guard could only speak in a panic, “I say!”
“Those are people who know a lot about the sheriff. Because they know too much, they were killed and silenced.” Fan.
Chapter 622: Streets without people!
The guard’s words were all very correct, and they were very sincere and serious.
Ying Changge is very satisfiedNodded, “I see! It seems that you are very cruel.”
“Kill people to kill them, kill them, you carelessly kill innocent people, it’s too much.”
Trembling and terrified, the guard knelt down in front of Ying Changge, begging for mercy.
“I was wrong, I was wrong! But these are the orders of the sheriff, and have nothing to do with me!”
“I’m just an ordinary, very humble servant, that’s all!” The guard was very serious. “Seven Forty”
Since the guards were already scared, Ying Changge didn’t need to say anything, he looked calm.
“Okay! You are right, if you have a debt, I will go to Zhao Xingzhi and let you go!”
“But you boy, are you willing to turn against each other, surrender to me, and accuse Zhao Xingzhi of crimes together!”
After a little hesitation, the guard still nodded sincerely, “Okay! Zhao Xingzhi and I are at odds!”
Ying Changge doesn’t care about the guard’s every move, you know, the heart is sinister.
Especially the guards around Zhao Xingzhi are very cunning and despicable.
They never take their words seriously, so the guards’ sincere words are worthless.
So he turned around and left, Ying Changge left the guards behind and ignored him, there was no need for him to continue questioning.
After knowing Zhao Xingzhi’s viciousness, he will kill him directly, leaving no one behind.
If it weren’t for Zhao Xingzhi’s arrest, Ying Changge would not have come all the way to Anyang County to check.
It is not easy to catch the crime of the Anyang county sheriff through open and unannounced visits, so he will continue to investigate.
It is impossible to make nothing disappear without a trace, as long as it is something that has been done, there must be flaws.
As long as Ying Changge continues to search carefully in Zhao Xingzhi’s mansion, there will be results.
Killing is nothing more than a nod, but if Ying Changge wants to send Zhao Xing to prison, he needs more evidence.
He will not kill innocent people indiscriminately, but Ying Changge will not wrong any bad person, this is the most natural thing.
After leaving Zhao Xingzhi’s study, he strode away, and then continued to the next place.
Stealthily getting up, the guards in the study looked very gloomy, looking at Ying Changge full of anger.

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