Zhao Xingzhi is really arrogant and domineering, even here,Just kill innocent people indiscriminately and throw their bodies in the dark room.
It’s really presumptuous, Ying Changge walked around in the dark room, and there were corpses in all directions.
why is that! Zhao Xingzhi wants to kill people, or even hide here? Ying Changge groped around.
All of these people were soldiers, even wearing armor on their bodies, he instantly understood.
723 Could it be that this is inextricably related to those soldiers who fell into bandits! They are a gang!
However, those soldiers were killed, and now dead bodies are also found in Zhao Xingzhi’s place!
This is not killing relatives righteously, but killing people! Destroy corpses and wipe out traces! What is Zhao Xingzhi hiding!
In such a situation, Ying Changge immediately understood that he had killed many people!
Kill them one by one, so that everyone who knows Zhao Xingzhi will die here.
Zhao Xingzhi was really cruel, with a knife in his hand, he was ruthless and unjust, and killed many guys.
He killed all the insiders, so that they could not continue to reveal Zhao Xingzhi’s crimes.
Ying Changge was very angry about this, Zhao Xingzhi, who disregarded human life, really deserves to die! There is no forgiveness.
Patiently continuing to grope, Ying Changge tried to find the answer from the corpses of these soldiers.
Dead people will not speak, but Ying Changge still has a way to let them tell him some useful information.
Chapter 619 Hidden Secret!
Although they are dead, they will live forever, and Zhao Xingzhi’s crimes cannot be covered up.
Ying Changge rested his hands on several soldiers and searched for a while, wanting to see what there was.
He wasn’t robbing money, he was just looking for a favorable evidence, but it was a pity that there was nothing.
It is impossible for one of Zhao Xing to carry the corpse here, that is, someone else carried it.
a! First of all, it must not be Ying Changge, then Zhao Xingzhi’s servants and guards must be among them.
No trace or evidence could be found on these corpses, so Ying Changge left the hidden dark room again.
Because there was nothing new to discover in the darkroom, this made Ying Changge somewhat disappointed.
However, Ying Changge was not in a hurry, it was just a few corpses, and it was more useful to stay there.
Walking out slowly, Ying Changge continued to wander in the study, wanting to explore.
However, before Ying Changge could continue searching, he heard footsteps coming up quickly.
who! Could it be Zhao Xingzhi, Ying Changge took his time and immediately hid behind the table.
This nasty Zhao Xingzhi doesn’t sleep at night, what kind of thing is walking around here!
Just after Ying Changge hid, sure enough, the door was broken open, and a person walked in.
It’s not Zhao Xingzhi, but a nursing home dressed as a guard, who is also the guard beside Zhao Xingzhi.
He was holding a stack of letters in his hand, and then put them on the table. The guard was here to deliver the letters.
All urgent letters in the middle of the night will be here for Zhao Xingzhi to browse and read the next day.
After the guard put down the letter, he was about to leave directly, but Ying Changge was unwilling.
This is a good opportunity, Ying Changge should carefully ask the guard about the secret room.
So, he immediately stepped up, quietly appeared behind the guard, and held his throat.
“Stop! You bastard, answer me honestly, or I will kill you~‖!”
Ying Changge scolded in a low voice, and the guard nodded quickly, “Okay! I know everything I can say.”
“You are the nursing home here, aren’t you!” Ying Changge had to question carefully.
The guard nodded immediately, “I’m just protecting the safety of the Sheriff, so I can be considered as a guardian.”
“I have an old mother and a young child, you must not kill me casually!” The guard begged for mercy.
Unhurriedly speaking, Ying Changge asked, “What mistake did Zhao Xingzhi make? Tell me.”
Hearing what Ying Changge said, the guard immediately shook his head, “The county guard works hard, what’s the crime!”
“I’m just a servant, so don’t embarrass me!” The guard’s body trembled.
Ying Changge remained motionless, “You are here day and night, following Zhao Xingzhi, you will know nothing!”
“If you don’t tell the truth, I’ll break your neck!” Ying Changge strangled the guard’s throat forcefully.
Being threatened like this, the guard was also flustered, “It’s unreasonable, you’re really embarrassing!”
So, the guard immediately counterattacked, and the weapon in his hand hit him hard, killing and killing!
Whoosh! The sword’s edge came with a strong swing, breaking through Ying Changge’s shackles abruptly, and the guards were very fast!
Turning around with a sword, the weapon at his waist was drawn out of its sheath, and stabbed at Ying Changge’s chest in a hurry.
Seeing such a sword, Ying Changge didn’t panic, and immediately took two steps back to avoid the sword.
With a ping-pong sound, the sword edge struck down hard, but it missed Ying Changge’s body instead of hitting it.
The sword in the guard’s hand was very fierce, and it hit the table fiercely.
The tables and desks were cut off, and the guards continued to rush up without any hesitation, wanting to take down Ying Changge.
Responsible for the security of the mansion, if any thief appears, the guards are sure to capture him directly.
So, he rushed forward with strides, and the sword in the guard’s hand was fast, attacking vigorously.
In order to kill Ying Changge, the uninvited guest, the guard’s sword edge also shone with rays of light.
The cold light came first and stabbed at his chest. The sword had a fierce offensive, trying to pierce Ying Changge’s heart.
It directly broke through Ying Changge’s defense, and the guards were unblocked for a while.Block, swift attack.
His fighting is very (Zhao Liaohao) intense, even with a force that makes people defenseless, it looks very strong.
It’s just that Ying Changge has been letting him go directly, he doesn’t need such an opponent.
Especially when he saw the guards quickly following up, the sword in his hand was firmly on guard.
With a sound of ping-pong, Ying Changgezai blocked it carefully, without any soul-stirring look of a fight.
For Ying Changge, the guard is just a clown, what he has to do is to ask the guard about his secret.
As for any secrets hidden by the guards, Ying Changge must go all out to make it clear to brother Chu who presses him.
In this way, Ying Changge can be sure to know what happened to Zhao Xingzhi and what evil things he did.
Chapter 620 Inquiring about Zhao Xingzhi’s crime!
Otherwise, it would be unfair to other soldiers, because Zhao Xingzhi is still alive.
At large and free, the sheriff of Anyang County like Zhao Xingzhi has no one to judge.
This allowed Zhao Xingzhi to be so arrogant and domineering here that anyone would bow down and bow down.
Therefore, in the battle with the guards, Ying Changge wanted to deliberately ensure his survival, and he kept it useful.
Following Zhao Xingzhi’s body day and night, the guards must be very clear about it.
Any crime is unavoidable for him, Ying Changge wants to catch the criminals and wipe them out.
Especially in the confrontation with Ying Changge, it is impossible for the guard to be killed like this.
That’s why he raised his sword, thinking that he was at the edge of his sword and superior to others.
After having such an illusion, the guards continued to press forward aggressively, and even started killing.
The sword in his hand 740 stabbed Ying Changge’s body with precision, trying to seriously injure him and wipe out the roots.
The unhurried Ying Changge continued to counterattack with the sword in hand, and then attacked and counterattacked steadily.
boom! The blade hit the ground, and the guard’s sword missed again, not killing Ying Changge.
Ying Changge continued to pursue him, and fought the guards in this spacious study.
Continuously handing out his own sword, Ying Changge’s sword moves are fast, hard to guard against, and unavoidable.
With a sound of ping-pong, the blades staggered and fell abruptly. Ying Changge strode up and caught up with a punch.
boom! The fist hit the guard’s head, causing the guard to back away staggeringly.
Reluctantly standing on the ground, his gaze was very gloomy, and the guards were not to be outdone.
Not knowing who Ying Changge was, the guard had an illusion in his heart that he thought he was invincible.
In fact, the guard’s skills and swordsmanship are nothing to mention in front of Ying Changge, and they pose no threat.
You come and go, continue to fight, and the nimble Ying Changge continues to release his sword to suppress.
After attacking again and again, Ying Changge used his own ability to suppress the guard, making it difficult for him to dodge.
In the study room, with a quick charge, his sword was hit far away and fell to the ground.
All of a sudden, the guards became empty-handed, and there was no room for them to fight back against Ying Changge.
He is very embarrassed.
The guard was very flustered, and quickly stood there, then stared wide-eyed, looking at Ying Changge helplessly.
Ying Changge was sure of winning, with such a calm face, he raised his sword and put it on the guard’s neck.
“Stop! Let me ask you, the last chance, what conspiracy and crime did Zhao Xingzhi commit!”
“Boldly say it, otherwise, you will die directly and be beheaded by me!”
After hearing Ying Changge’s words, the guard also showed a bright smile, “That’s great!”
“I’ve always been looking forward to a worthy opponent, and you are one of them (afej)!” The guard would not panic.
He will die too, even if he dies, he will die in Ying Changge’s hands, or in other words, he will die together.

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